The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
Book three revelation! It’s called Shadow!
That’s exciting! What is book 2 called?
Also, I’ve been wondering about the format of this series. If we have 6 books in a series, but there are only 5 clans, who is the POV of the last book? (I’m assuming that each book has a specific clan.)
Sky, and the 6th book will most likely be Star
Book 2 is titled Sky.
Most people assume that Star will the the name of the last book.
And I don’t think there will be POV switching per book. Probably just gonna stick with Sunbeam, Nightheart/Flamepaw, and Frostpaw.
Frostpaw was replaced with Fidgetflake in Sky!
What are you talking about? Why would you think that Fidgetflake is replacing frostpaw? There is a good chance he will be the prologue guy, but he isn’t a protagonist just because he is on the cover.
Whoops my baddddd
I got a new stuffed animal kitty today and named it Mistpaw! 😀 It looks a lot like her description!
That sounds cute
I was one of the only people before River’s release rooting for Nightheart. I thought his storyline was interesting, unlike many others, and I just thought it was cool that Firestar has now become a legend in ThunderClan
Oh how my opinions changed.
What I wish is that this plot point was explored about 3-5 arcs later, where no cat who met Firestar personally is alive, and there was a cat who receives the name Flameheart, and looks exactly like Firestar. Then, they’re compared to this big idol within the Clans, who’s done things impossible by living cat, and could summon StarClan as he pleased (or as the legends said), and this cat is just kind of insignificant, but others turned to them in times of trouble, even though they couldn’t do anything 😛
So in other words, Nightheart couldn’t be a protag
Frostpaw IS related to Mistystar.
Mistystar and Blackclaw had Reedwhisker and his littermates,
then Reedwhisker and Swallowtail had Rainstorm and Mintfur,
then Mintfur and Icewing had Petalfur and her littermates,
Mallownose and Petalfur had Jayclaw and his littermates,
then Curlfeather and Jayclaw had FROSTPAW, MISTPAW, AND GRAYPAW!!!
This IS basically Canon because, “In Su Susann’s “Missing Kits” on Vicky’s Facebook, Reedwhisker and Swallowtail were mates and Rainstorm and Mintfur were their sons.[29]” and I read the Facebook page, and it said that when Su wrote it, Vicky agreed, so since she agreed, it makes SENSE that the person who FIRST had the idea of Warriors AGREED on it, making Reedwhisker’s mate canon.
(PS, u can find this on Reedwhisker’s Wiki page, IN THE REFRENCES. I’m not saying I’m dumb and Believe EVERYTHING I read on the wiki, because of course no. I’m trying to emphasize that to ME it seems to be canon because VICKY AGREED WITH SU.)
I will note that Vicky has since rescinded almost if not all of Su Susann’s “Missing Kits” headcanons, hence why they’re now considered non-canon ^^
Sorry, still not canon.
What does ‘canon’ mean. I know what a ‘cannon’ is but..
Canon is something that is proven to be in the narritive. An example could be that Firestar is canonically a ThunderClan cat, or that Greystripe had two mates.
It’s basically just a fact in a narrative
I connected the dots from when Sunbeam heard Some strange noises to when they found Reedwhisker’s body in the ravine and I was able to plot where the ravine was and the location of Sunbeam and Lightleap I am almost certain that Lightleap had something to do with Reedwhisker and especially because Frostpaw noted claw marks on Reedwhisker. Then I noted that Lightleap’s location was almost exactly the same as the ravine and Sunbeam was next to the twoleg nest and so yeah I think Lightleap killed Reedwhisker
Dang, look who’s paying attention. It could just be a total coincidence, but your idea has merit.
hmm. It just seems too obvious, unless they’re going for a darker story with Sunbeam either being manipulated into believing Lightleap’s innocence or else agreeing with/helping her. She seems like she’s got a good head on her shoulders, so I can’t see her being oblivious. Or maybe it’ll play out less as a murder mystery and more as a “Lightleap is evil but no one believes me when I tell them!” thing.
ASC theory: so you know how Nightheart says he feels out of place in Thunderclan, and Sunbeam (who is my favorite ASC character by the way) gets rejected by her soon to be mate, and that cats can switch clans for love, and around the end of river Sunbeam and Nightheart meet at a gathering and TOTALLY relate I think that Nightheart will eventually leave Thunderclan and join Shadowclan to be with Sunbeam because they are definitely going to fall in love. if this all actually happens ima be real happy. partially because I want it to happen, and also if it does that means I predicted a whole big part of the series.
I would hate that. Most of the fandom hates the ship. It would be exactly like bristlefrost and rootspring, and their whole personality would be how much they love each other. This arc is already starting to look copy pasted from the previous arc. If Sunbeam and Nightheart get together, leaving frostpaw to have only one personality trait, witnessing bad things happen. Sunbeam has way more chemistry with Shadowsight. Why can’t Nightheart and Sunbeam just stay friends???
ooh but I LOVED the Bristlespring ship and I almost cried when Bistlefrost died. and i disagree sunbeam does NOT have more chemistry with shadowsight.
So? They shouldn’t copy Bristleroot, no matter how much you love that ship.
And yes, she does have a lot of nice interactions with Shadowsight.
yes they shouldn’t copy the Bristlespring ship but it doesnt HAVE to be copying the Bristlespring ship cause like a lot is different now. they can switch clans now and Nightheart feels out of place in Thunderclan anyway. also like Shadowsight is a medicine cat so that ship would be cursed. and Sunbeam and Nightheart definitely had a connection at the gathering.
What? Medicine cat ships are cursed?
also happy pride month!
That be really cute! While I wouldn’t mind them staying friends I also wouldn’t mind them becoming mates. They’re cute together.
It’s quite obvious but why?
River (Riverclan)
Sky (Skyclan)
Shadow (Shadowclan
I’m predicting Thunder (Thunderclan)
Wind (Windclan)
Star (Starclan)
What does it even have to do with the story. I’ve read River, but it only has been related that Riverclan is in trouble. What about Nightheart and Sunbeam?
Im not sure on Nightheart but I’m pretty sure ShadowClan’s gonna be dealing with Berryheart and her horrible cat group
I feel its gonna be SunXNight
BIG SPOILER: Mistystar dies and Reedwhisker goes missing and dies. And Curlfeatherwas supposed to be leader but she died too.
Since Blazefire and Sunbeam aren’t together, I think it’s gonna be NightheartXSunbeam. Great book!!!!!!!!
YES i agree SO much about the Sunheart ship!
I think so too, unfortunately 🙁
Nightbeam/Nightsun is such a cute ship^^
Curious to here everyone’s opinion:
What name for the Nightheart x Sunbeam ship sounds the best?
A) Nightsun
B) Sunnight
C) Nightbeam
D) Sunheart
E) Other(Specify):
Nightsun, it’s doesn’t sound like a real warrior cat name, all the others do. (Also it shows how they aren’t meant to be together 😈)
Oh wow, that’s funny xD. It’s my favorite name for the ship and I’m the captain of it lol
I actually think Sunnight would be the unusual Warriors name, but I guess it’s just a matter of opinion
Just felt like putting this here
Hopefully Berryheart and the ShadowClan HOA aren’t too mean to Fringewhisker 😛
Night x Sun makes me feel icky… they should stay friends. If it happens it’ll probably just be a carbon copy of Bristleroot which also made me feel icky… idk why but these recent ships the authors have been pushing just do not vibe with me
Yeah, I really hope they don’t get together
Yeah, if NightSun happens I will be very annoyed
Mistpaw has literally 4-5 appearances in the entire book and only speaks two times (kinda disappointing when I was hoping I’d see more of her..) BUT throughout her five minutes of scarce screentime she was nothing but sweet and supportive which more than makes up for anything 🥺 This precious girl earned her spot in my faves just like that. <3
Oh i’m not the only one who loves her for no reason?Mistpaw is great
Yay, another Mistpaw fan! 😀
Thought I was alone.. 😛