River Spoiler Page

The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.

❄️🐍Viper Inc: Arson & Tax Fraud🐍❄️



  • Music idea’s for Nightheart x Sunbeam (Most of these are more fanficy because only one book’s come out so far lol)

    1. Mother Knowns Best (Reprised) – Berryheart learns of Nightsun and is trying to manipulate Sunbeam into joining her side again, but Sunbeam refuses.

    2. Love is an open door – Nightheart and Sunbeam just kind of get each other and feel freer when the other cat is around.

    3. I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) – Sunbeam trying to deny her feelings for Nightheart

    4. Love will find a Way

    Anyways, has anyone else got some suggestions for this ship?

    Up next are my Berryheart songs:

    1. Danger Danger – Berryheart overthrows Tigerstar2 and tries to manipulate ShadowClan by using fear

    2. Mother knows best – Berryheart is being a manipulative mother towards Sunbeam

    Lastly are songs for my Frecklewish DF AU:

    1. My Lullaby – Frecklewish hates StC for placing her in the DF and is trying to manipulate Frostpaw into doing her bidding in getting rid of StarClan. Frostpaw in this AU is angry with StC because she believes they sent her false signs that ended up killing her mother. Frostpaw in this AU becomes a villain.

    2. Open up your eyes – Same as before

    Any music choices you all want to share?👀

  • My hopes for Sunbeam:

    1. She does NOT become a villain
    2. Sunbeam learns to accept and love herself for who she is and breaks ties with Lightleap. She learns not to change for cats to like her. It would just be nice
    3. The manipulative dynamic between Sunbeam and her mother is explored
    4. Her entire story arc isn’t focused around love (but I still would like for Nightsun to become canon)
    5. Sunbeam’s arc is more on how to overcome toxic people(or cats lol) in your life and her finding better friends. (Nightheart, Frostpaw, Finchlight, idk ect.)

    I honestly love Sunbeam so much. I love the character she was given and that her plot is slowly introduced. I can’t wait for her relationships and character to be explored even more in the upcoming books.

      • That be interesting, and I wouldn’t be as upset with her having a villain arc IF she is redeemed.

        I’d more so want an arc like that for Frostpaw due to the fact that she’s a medic and we’ve never had one before. Plus I think she’d make an interesting one. My theory is that she’d hate StarClan for sending that sign that killed her mother.

        • I could see a villain direction possibility for any of the protags, I wouldn’t mind if Frostpaw had a villain arc.

  • What’s everyone’s opinion on Lightleap, and her friendship with Blazefire and Sunbeam?

      • Sorry, what I was asking was an opinion on her character and how you feel about her. (More so her story and character traits), as well as how she treats her friends(Maybe I should’ve been more clear) . Those are nice headcanons though

          • Yeah. I’m glad we have a character like her, even though I do dislike her due to her treatment of my girl Sunbeam(Whom I love dearly).
            I really hope she’s explored further since she’s unique for a background character.
            and sorry for the confusion lol

      • Awesome head canons! =D

        Raise a glass to freedom

      • I’d highly doubt that she’d be the same after the DF incident, but I hope she changes for the better. I can’t stand how she treats Sunbeam.

      • My thoughts exactly! Like, I still /kinda/ like her, but… she’s not the same anymore, is she? :/

        Raise a glass to freedom

  • Sunbeam is literally my new favorite cat throughout the whole series. She is a complete and utter mood, and I absolutely love her

    • SAME, she is the best! I love her characterization and the build-up to her main story

  • Was it just me or did anyone else think Frostpaw was somewhat lacking in personality in River? I really like her story, but to be honest Frostpaw herself is somewhat of a mystery to me. In her first chapter she seems to be enthusiastic and rather critical of her mentor Mothwing because she can’t speak to StarClan. After her first chapter, I noticed that side of her fading more and more tho.

    Maybe that’s just me tho lol, well anyway, I hope it’s fixed in Sky

    • A lot of cats in the series have this problem. They either have no personality or one personality trait

      • Yeah, I see it mainly happens with medics tbh. I was really excited for her in her first chapter released on the Warriors website as she seemed more like cinderpelt as an apprentice(which is a rare personality type for app.), and then she was just like any other generic apprentice.

  • My hopes for every POV 🙂

    He gets his act together
    He stops whining
    He does something important
    Interesting stuff happens to him
    He becomes super nice and helps Sunbeam out
    He does not become mates with Sunbeam
    He still is distant from Finchpaw and Sparkpelt, but they are friendly


    He does not get his act together
    He becomes salty
    He becomes friends with Berryheart
    He becomes mates with Sunbeam just to get into ShadowClan to help Berryheart with her certainly evil Berryheart plans

    Nothing in between

    She is not Bristlefrost clone
    She does not fall in love with Blazefire or Nightheart (unless prediction 2 of Nightheart’s story happens)
    She honestly does not care about what her mother is doing, kind of ignores her, and does not realise what’s happening until too late
    If she needs a mate, it better be Shadowsight
    She does not make up with Lightleap for a while
    She and Fringewhisker are frens 🙂
    Anything interesting would be nice

    Mothwing dies
    She’s the only medicine cat
    StarClan is continuing to tell her Curlfeather should be leader, and that was RiverClan’s last hope, and no one else can lead
    There’s nothing she can do
    She tries to brush together a disintegrating Clan to no avail
    Greypaw, Mistpaw and Frostpaw are sibling goals
    Her siblings try to help her, but kinda just get in the way
    No other Clans try to help her
    When she tries to climb up the Great Oak because she’s the temporary leader, she can’t because’s she’s too small and can’t make some of the jumps 😛

  • My headcanons/hopes for the RiverClan triplets! 😀

    -Graypaw is the first-born. I’m still not sure which of the sisters I picture as youngest, but Gray seems to act the most serious.
    -They’d play Power of Three as kits! 😀 Gray would be Lionblaze, Frost would be Jayfeather(she’d always choose him because he’s a medicine cat), and Mist would be Dovewing.
    -Frost was disturbed by weird dreams for as long as she can remember and when she was still in the nursery her siblings would comfort her by cuddling her back to sleep.
    -When Frostpaw decided to become a medicine cat her siblings were a bit saddened that they wouldn’t be able to train together, but they still supported her and were happy for her.
    -They all have the same teal eyes.
    -Graypaw thinks it would be really cool to become leader one day. Those fantasies fade away after he witnesses how traumatic huge responsibility can be, particularly as Frost is going through it before his eyes.
    -Gray is very protective of both his sisters.
    -The quietest of the three, Mist is the soft, gentle one who rarely speaks up but will still do anything to provide emotional support. She’s a shy and sensitive baby.
    -Mistpaw is named after Mistystar.
    -Their full names will be Frostpool, Mistmorning, and Graystone.
    -The virtues mentioned at their ceremonies will be Dedication and Faith for Frost, Empathy and Hope for Mist, and Loyalty and Perseverance for Gray.

  • Headcanon that Blazefire and Lightleaps (PLATONIC) relationship is litterally just the song “Anything you can do I can do better”

  • My hopes for Mistpaw:

    1. She continues with the nice, sweet personality she seems to have so far because I’m really enjoying her gentleness.
    2. We get to see more of her than the 4-5 appearances she had in the first book- I need more.
    3. She becomes somewhat relevant, but not a role that would take away from her innocence/gentleness.
    4. She’s an emotional support figure for Frostpaw; always comforting her.
    5. We get to see at least a tiny bit of lighthearted interactions between her and her siblings because these poor babies have had it rough and I’ve almost never seen them feel at ease.
    6. Mistmorning would be the perfect warrior name for her!
    7. We learn a bit about her relationship with her mentor Icewing.
    8. If Frostpaw ends up befriending the other protags she gets to know them a bit too, probably not really close but just acquaintances who are friendly with each other.
    9. Frostpaw confides in her about some of the stuff that’s been weighing on her.
    10. She doesn’t die!! I really hope my baby doesn’t die..

    • Those all sound great! 🙂
      Mistpaw is sweet. ♥️

      Raise a glass to freedom

  • What’s your opinion on Nightheart? just curious :3
    He’s my favorite out of the protags so far, and even though he has some small issues, that just adds to his character development stage! I also kind of find him a little tiny bit like Jayfeather, and it’s kind of weird, but they were both a tiny bit whiny as apprentices (no offense to my babies Jay and Night <3), and they both struggled with feeling belonging in their Clan for a little while!

  • I hope there are some scenes of Finchlight and Sunbeam interacting in the next book because I think Finchlight x Sunbeam would be so cute.

    Finchlight could maybe help with Sunbeam’s self-worth issues and be a positive influence on her/and her mental health.

    To be honest I just want Sunbeam to get some better friends, but also Sunbeam x Finchlight would be cute

    Ship name question:

    A) Finchsun
    B) Sunfinch
    C) Finchbeam
    D) Sunlight
    E) Other(Specify)

    I personally like D the best

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