Defending Appledusk by Rockpelt

Art by Fernyfeline

Rockpelt defends Appledusk!

Hello, good people of the world! I’m here to discuss one of the most hated characters in the Warriors series. This is a new series I’ll be doing. Who knows if you guys will like it. Out of all the cats that I’ll be reviewing in this series this is probably the one I am most passionate about. That cat is (bum bum bum) Appledusk.
Quite honestly I never really understood the burning hate that most people have for Appledusk. Sure I feel for Mapleshade, but that doesn’t make her any less evil. IN my opinion, the best villains are the ones you can understand.
Here are why many people hate Appledusk:
-He didn’t care for his kits.
-He only used Reedshine to prove his loyalty to Riverclan.
-He blamed the death of the kits on Mapleshade
-He killed Birchface and Flowerpaw (indirectly.)
-He betrayed the warrior code.
Today I’m going to disprove every one of these and defend Appledusk.

He didn’t care for his kits:
This is absolutely 100% not true. When Appledusk first meets the kits he says “They’re wonderful. Strong and brave as any Riverclan cat in the water. I’m proud of you.” (Reference: page: 33 Mapleshade’s Vengeance) That sounds like a loving father. When they drown Appledusk shows real concern. I’m sorry. Under no circumstance do I believe that Appledusk didn’t care for his kits!
He only used Reedshine to prove his loyalty to Riverclan:
Nope. No way. N.O.
When he confesses it is stated that he looks at Reedshine in a way that would mean that they are more than friends. She also is seen with him before anyone even knew about him and Mapleshade. (Pg: 50-51) If he only wanted to prove loyalty to Riverclan he would have literally had to see into the future. (I guess that’s possible in Warriors, but my point still stands!)
He blamed the death of the kits on Mapleshade.
He did no such thing. He simply explained that he fathered the kits and that they drowned. Mapleshade, who was filled with hatred and malice at the time, says in her head that he’s making it seem like her fault. Even if he was it is her fault. She swam across a river during a flood with kits. Don’t blame Appledusk for something he had no control over. If there’s anyone to blame it should be the whole of Thunderclan for forcing her out on the day of a flood.
He killed Thunderclan warriors.
Why is this even a question? He was literally defending his clan. Lionblaze did the exact same thing to Russetfur directly. So umm… yeah!
He betrayed the warrior code.
To that, I will list many fan-favorite cats who betrayed the code.:
Literally the list just keeps going.

I would just like to put in Appledusk because he was grieving. We can see him rapidly move through the five phases of grief.
Denial: He says to Mapleshade “I’ll find them I promise.” He said this even as he knew it was helpless. He was in denial. (Pg. 47)
Anger: This is what most people are quick to point out. He yelled at Mapleshade for taking the Kits through the flood. (Pg. 48)
Bargaining: He pleaded to be kept in Riverclan. (50-51)
Depression: He becomes exceedingly depressed in the scenes. (Pg. 5q)
Acceptance: We finally see him happy with his life when Mapleshade kills him. Up until that point, everyone distrusted him. He finally found peace.
Well. That’s My article. I really wish you all a good day. I’m sorry if this offended you in any way. We simply have different opinions. Bye!

Fan Articles


    • (possible spoilers for Mapleshade’s Vengeance are ahead)

      In case you’re wondering who Appledusk is, he’s a major character in the infamous novella (short story) Mapleshade’s Vengeance. He is Mapleshade’s mate and the father of her three kits: Patchkit, Petalkit and Larchkit.

      (spoilers end here)

  • While cheating was wrong, very wrong, I hate that Mapleshade stans immediately pin the blame on Appledusk. Appledusk has done only one wrong, cheating.

  • Mapleshade IS loved by a lot of people, and a lot of people DO hate Appledusk including me. You sort of changed by opinion, though. Appledusk was probably scared that he would be exiled because of Mapleshade, and he didn’t deserve to die. PAWsome article!

    • I’m in the mood for a *civil* debate,so would you like to explain your thoughts on Appledusk? Like reason what you didn’t agree with in the article? It’s fine if you don’t want to,just asking <3

  • With the cheating allegation, fans rarely mention Mapleshade posing as Birchface’s mates moons BEFOREHAND. It may be talked about with Frecklewish’s actions, but never Appledusk. First, Mapleshade choice to raise her kits separately from Appledusk, without even considering moving to Riverclan. She lies about being another’s mate, without his input. When it’s unnecessary; it’s a Queen’s right not to name the father.

    Worst, it’s his accidental victim, who he’s guilt-ridden over. His kits hate him as their “father’s killer” and may want to murder him in revenge. I’d consider that far worse than what Appledusk did with Reedshine, especially since he was doing in response to Mapleshade’s actions.

    What Appledusk did is no different than what most Forbidden mate do – Manipulate a cat for protection: Dovewing lied that she loved Bumblestipe, Bluestar lied that Thrushpelt’s kits were dead, Greystripe expected Fireheart to keep his secret and once attacked him, Oakheart dumped his secrets/kits onto Greypool without warning, Leafpool lied to Crowfeather/Bramblestar, Yellowfang guilt-tripped Lizardstripe into raising her kit, Raggedstar allowed false rumours to spread about Foxheart around Brokenkit.

    All those lies are often pitied by fans – So why isn’t Appledusk given the benefit of the doubt? He got the short end of the stick in his family’s set-up. Mapleshade gets to raise three healthy kits with the support of her clanmates. Meanwhile, Appledusk has to painstakingly cover up his forbidden relationship with none of the rewards – He’s barred from seeing his mate or kits, or he risks being murdered for a genuine accident. Additionally, his kits are being raised into killing him.

    For sake of his family’s safety and his own happiness, isn’t it better to move on and have a legal family he can physically be with? Especially, when his old mate has proven her disregard for him, with the previous examples I showed.

  • An Additional point: Their sudden exile threw a wrench into Appledusk’s plans with Reedshine. How can the worst or best be assumed of him, if he never got the chance to fully go through with his plans?

    There wasn’t a chance to privately speak to Mapleshade and explain he wants to move on from his forbidden relationship. Especially if there was a higher risk of being exposed: Which could lead to anything from being exiled, to being murdered. It could literally be a matter of life and death, If the mates didn’t stop seeing each other.

  • Great article! I definitely agree. Most forbidden couples did a lot of questionable things,and I use TigerXDove and LeafXCrow the most as examples. Tigerheart left his clan while he knew there was an active crisis going on,Dovewing abandoned ThunderClan with a lot of stressful things were happening there as well. Then they returned and a few cats didn’t like it but generally they were accepted,and no one that I’m aware of says either should be in the Dark Forest.

    Crowfeather denied being the father of Lion,Jay,and Holly,was outright rude towards them and Leafpool,and got a new mate and had new kits soon after returning to WindClan,similar to Apple and Reedshine. From Appledusk and Crow’s perspective,they thought they were both doing the right thing by mating again and denying their previous mate and kids. Not saying either of their actions were very good or moral,but most cats in Warriors aren’t perfect angels that never break the code and always make the right decisions.

    Appledusk is a complex character,you can’t take his actions as face value,because then he will seem evil,but in my opinion Mapleshade is still a lot worse.

  • This is very well written. The part about breaking the code really makes you wonder why people use it to demonize cats for smaller penalties, such as in The Broken Code, when real issues (such as Bramblestar’s abuse of Squirrelflight) aren’t pointed out as much because that’s not breaking the code. I liked your article very much :).

  • I disagree with this article.

    Cheating is bad, yes. And it happened many times in Warriors. But the problem is, romance was forbidden. Forbidden Romance comes with a lot of consequences, including the possibility of getting exiled. In a forbidden romance, both partners need to love and respect each other since they are risking their lives to meet together. When Mapleshade was exiled, there was no choice for her to go to Riverclan. Yes, it was flooding but she had to depend on Appledusk. There is nowhere else to go. Then the infamous flooding accident happened. What did Appledusk respond to? Saying Mapleshade is a traitor and letting her exiled. He was so scared of ruining his reputation that he disowned his forbidden mate. What a coward! There is a difference between taking a mate for loyalty and a mate for love. Reedshine was pregnant so soon, so I predicted they were mates before Mapleshade was exiled. That is cheating. Yes, let’s assume that what Erins said was right. However, his response to the accident isn’t justified.He does nothing to ease her pain and nothing to help her only throw her in the yesterday trash. He is still a hypocrite, saying that FLowerpaw and Birchface (?)’s death was an accident and turning around saying Mapleshade murdered his kits. Mapleshade’s actions are not justified, but his actions weren’t as well. He doesn’t deserve to be in Dark Forest, but he is not innocent.

    • Cheating didn’t happen many times in Warriors, actually.

      Anyways, no, Mapleshade didn’t have to go to RiverClan. She could’ve gone to the Fourtrees.
      Appledusk, I believe, is like any other human. Yes, he’s wrong, but I think I’ll do the same in his position. It’s definitely wrong, but it takes a lot of courage to do the opposite of what really happened.

      Flowerpaw and Birchface’s deaths really were accidents. I think Birchface slipped or whatever? Anyway, it was a battle. In battles there are situations where you have to die.

      But Mapleshade has two, sturdy bridges to go and no, she chooses to swim (She cannot swim) in a flooding river. Appledusk rather naturally thought she was in the wrong.

      He’s not innocent, no! 🙂

    • Out of all replies, I believe this one matches my own opinion the most. Maybe a few disagreements, such as Mapleshade having only one option, but whatever.

      I agree Appledusk isn’t a walking devil like he’s often painted, but I don’t really like him either. If he cared so much about his dear reputation, he shouldn’t have dated a ThunderClan she-cat to begin with. Half-clan romance demands bravery and sacrifices, and somebody who wouldn’t be able to risk their perfect life for someone they love clearly isn’t ready for it, while even pages before the whole river thing we see our Mister Main Topic of the Article being so cute and oh-I-will-always-love-you… as long as his clanmates don’t appear somewhere with him going like “uhhhh… can’t you wait?
      “, though they weren’t even very close, so they could not hear. Appledusk should’ve thought about the consequences before going ahead and going all lovey-dovey for Mapleshade.
      Second, I can’t get over him cheating. It just seems like he was completely comfortable with dating two she-cats at the same time. Maybe Reedshine was good for him, maybe he couldn’t see how much Mapleshade was worth when he didn’t meet her for so long, but he shouldn’t have just maneuvered (hope I pronounced this right) between two mates and promise one love just to go cuddle with the other. If you love one, choose one.
      And somehow I disliked how he explained his romance, how “he knew he made a mistake” when he was all cheery and happy. Dude, just admit you shouldn’t have done it.

      So what do I think? He wasn’t a monster. But he still was a player, a dumb cat at times and just simply not a saint.
      Ah, and what were the cases of cheating? Sorry, just can’t remember. I don’t think there was many.

      • Aw, somebody already spoke of cheating!
        Aaah, and I forgot about something, maybe it was hard to speak to Maple about break-up, but he didn’t even look uncomfortable unless clanmates were around.

        • Agreed.
          To argue Briarpaw’s response, Mapleshade did not kill her kits. I don’t understand the point about Mapleshade killing her kits. I mean, the reason for Mapleshade being driven crazy was because of avenging kits’ death. If she killed her kits, she would have killed herself first to redeem her crime of killing the kits. Mapleshade haters argue that she has accidentally killed her kits in the flood by crossing the stepping stones than the bridge. They say that the bridge was safer than crossing the river when it was flooding and Mapleshade did not think it otherwise. Also, they make a huge deal of hate because of one scene; Petalkit, one of her kits, whining that river is flooding. Mapleshade was being irresponsible of her kits by not listening to her kits and was stupid enough to ignore it, the haters say. I am personally not a defender, but I don’t get this point. Furthermore, they claim that even though Appledusk gave a warning, she ignored and forced her kits to cross the river. I must say that Mapleshade was not a Riverclan cat, and she doesn’t know the flood or anything. Apparently, Appledusk gave her a warning, but she didn’t know if the flood was happening soon or later.

      • For example, Hollyflower and Blizzardwing.
        Blizzardwing had a mate, Featherstorm,
        but he had kits with Hollyflower.
        Windflight had two mates at the same time.
        Poppydawn and ? I don’t rember.

  • I’m probably the most unbiased person I know on the matter, except that I find Maple just a little more interesting than Apple (being the main antagonist of their story and all.)

    Appledusk most certainly cheated on Mapleshade, and that’s obviously what set this whole thing off, no question. What happened to their kits is nobodys’ fault, as cats have swam rivers with kits just fine before and flooding most likely doesn’t happen often enough for Maple to have known it was too much for her (not to mention, she’s probably not thinking straight if she’s just been exiled and is trying to get to who she thinks will have her back at the time: Appledusk.)

    However… cats can always change. We’ve all seen how Rainflower was. Appledusk could’ve been feigning love for his kits to mask dread knowing the situation they’d gotten themself into having inter-clan relations with solid evidence. Appledusk and Reedwhisker could’ve just been friends and upon learning of his kits he used Reed as an easy out. I agree that he didn’t go out of his way to throw Mapleshade under the bus on this, but we can’t be certain of his intentions in the background while this all unfolded, and it certainly did work out in a convenient manner for him. There’s nothing to say he was malicious, but he definitely deserved the distrust from his clan.

    Great article! I love reading what people think was going on in the heads of cats during tense parts of books and such. Very interesting.

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