Crystal’paw lists the best cats in Warriors – do you agree?
NOTE: 1 is the least and 5 is the most. Warriors and medicine cats will be mixed together for the top 5.
1: Cinderpelt; One of the best medicine cats in my opinion wished I could’ve put her in a higher rank but there’s so many more cats to go through. A wise medicine cat who lost her ability to move in both legs by getting stuck in a trap set for Blue’star by Tiger’star. We could all feel sympathy and share emotions with Cinderpelt of how unfair it was that because of the incident she couldn’t become a warrior. Yet she proved to be one of the best Thunderclan medicine cats.
2: Shadow’sight; The main character in the current 7th arc: The Broken Code is for me the most relatable character. To be completely honest I kinda….cried JUST A BIT MAINLY I WAS JUST MAD MK!?!! I cried a tad when his father and Moth’wing who came to shadowclan when she left riverclan that Shadow’sight had no experience as a medicine cat and was demoted to a medicine apprentice. Oh man, I have to say I could’ve punched Moth’wing for annoying Shadow’sight in almost every scene with Shadow’sight in it. Shadow’sight was also interesting as a kit when he had dreams and seizures from them, quite unique.
3: Bristle’frost; Another main character in the current 7th arc: The Broken Code. She had an important role in thunder clan for the most part. The thing that made me like this character was how when Bramble’star (The fake Bramble’star) made her his ally and made the rest of thunderclan hate Bristle’frost because it looked like she was Bramble’star’s little spy. This made me enjoy Bristle’frost’s stories during the remaining books. She also has a forbidden crush with Root’spring; again one of the main characters, to be honest we all know there going to get together somehow. Erin probably just wanted to make us ride a rollercoaster trying to make sure they were going to be a couple in the future (no hate, I enjoyed it) .
4: Ash’fur; Some of you guys may think i’m weird and stuff but to be honest there’s no good drama without Ash’fur included. I mean The Broken Code was a whole different level for Warrior Cats readers. Without Ash’furs dramatic scenes and entrances to the new arcs I probably would’ve lost some kind of interest in the books. Ash’fur’s neverlasting and manipulating love with Squirrel’flight never ends. The rivalry between Ash’fur and Bramble’star is also some juicy drama he brings to the table.
5: Fire’star; Now before I go on a rant that hes the best leader (ahem) nah I got nothing he is the best leader. The first series with Fire’star in it was the bait of making Warrior Cats popular. In Into The Wild there was relationships with meaning, not rushed ones we see in modern Warrior Cats books. The drama and mystery of the first series is incredible and makes you get attached to the books! He is also a loving and confident character who cares for nothing more than his clan and mate (JOKE INCOMING)… maybe Spotted’leaf.
That ends my 5 best cats of the 7 series of Warrior Cats.
-Crystal’paw :MESSAGE FROM CRYSTAL: I’m back to writing more articles kids.
Great article!
lol please don’t kill me but I think that Fireheart is kinda a Gary Sus
Honestly I wish Squirrelflight chose Ashfur instead of Brambleclaw. In the beginning Ashfur was a really good cat, and their relationship was really good. And I hate how Bramblestar always punishes Squirrelflight for things HE did. Even when he was trying to become deputy, and Firestar put him in charge of a few things, he punished Squirrelflight for being suspicious of Hawkfrost. Any cat would be, but Bramblestar is convinced it’s because Hawkfrost is the son of Tigerstar. While it is partially that, he also tried to help overthrow Onestar with Mudclaw. He’s really mean to her and thinks he’s so much better. But with Ashfur, in the beginning at least, she is very comfortable around him. He stands up for her, but when Squirrelflight gets mad at him for making her look weak by trying to fight her battles, she gets mad at him. But he usually understands and doesn’t get mad at Squirrelflight. But Bramblestar would definitely try to punish Squirrelflight if she did that to him. On top of that, Bramblestar is very verbally abusive to Squirrelflight, and he just overpowers her when he becomes leader, even though she is deputy. No matter how stubborn Squirrelflight is, she can’t break the warrior code. So yeah I think that SquirrelxAsh is a LOT better than SquirrelxBramble. But that’s just my opinion.
I loved Bramblestar. I was exited for his leadership. And then, well…
This happened.
Nice article! But, you don’t need to put the ‘ in between names. Its just Firestar, not Fire’star
what happened to the names
I agree with all of these, except Shadowsight. I find him to be rude and cruel at pressured times….all in all I'm not a big fan of him.
I love your choice lineup!
I cried of anger to for Shadowsight :C
Honestly at points I was like “Become a kittypet so you actually can get some good treatment”
And even after finishing the entire series he should still become a kittypet, he deserves a pampered life of having a somewhat overly fluffy tummy, and tons of warm hugs. He’s already went through more then all the action of a average elders life.
I loved the seizure fits that lead into dreams, it really made me sink my teeth into the books again after a vision of shadows felt kinda like a let down.
Firestar and cinderpelt are my favorite characters!!!
Also the fact that Firestar mentored cinderpelt for a bit makes cinderpelt even better.
But ashfur should not be here he tried to kill firestar, and he did this by helping hawkfrost make a fox trap to kill firestar.
I was a little happy when I learned Hollyleaf killed him, and he also made Squrleflight go through so much. #HATEASHFUR
AGREED also did you know there’s a limit for how long your name is
I love this! (SPOILER TO A LIGHT IN THE MIST) and I was soooo sad when…. ): Great article.
Ok so I’m gonna rant on about Bramblestar being abusive to Squirrelflight and how their relationship doesn’t work. One thing that really bugs me is that they fight for about to books straight, ans then they are suddenly all buddy buddy again. I feel kinda bad for Ashfur. Honesty they had a terrible relationship, I hated every aspect of their relationship. It just didn’t work or make sense. It was like Squirrelflight liked him because the plot made her, and that she didn’t really want to be with him. It felt really forced. I’ll be back for more ranting when I find another aspect over their relationship that I don’t like.