[image description: a yellow squarish cat icon with a black mouse cursor in the center]
This page is entirely dedicated to BlogClan’s Allegiances.
Here, you can:
talk about the allegiances
campaign to become a senior warrior
ask for vouches
look for a mentor/apprentice (limited to twice a week)
(If you have an issue with your current purrsona, please submit a new form so that Viperfrost/Goldenfawn can correct any errors/ommissions at the beginning of the following month)
In alignment with the new changes to the Senior Warrior campaigning platform, please be aware of the following rules:
You can announce that you are running for Senior Warrior ONCE, in a short message such as “Hey, everybody! I’m running for SW and I’d appreciate it if you vouched!”. Afterward, you may remind others than you are running ONCE PER WEEK, again in a short message such as “I’m still running for SW and I’d appreciate any support!”. Placing reminders in your name or signature is still fine. 🙂 Please separate your 1) reminder and 2) question about how many vouches you have into two different comments. Any mod can mod your reminder; only two of us can review your vouch question.
You may no longer post lists of reasons others should vouch for you, since the merit of your actions should hopefully speak louder than words.
I (Viperfrost/Goldenfawn) will keep track of how many valid vouches you have and update the Allegiances accordingly. If you’d like the number of how many valid vouches you currently have, you can post that question below ONCE PER WEEK.
To be elligible to run, you must have been active for twelve months total. In the past, you would have had to be active for twelve months in a row. Activity is determined by if you’ve commented at least once per month for each of those twelve months.
You may no longer “vouch nag” (A.K.A. post lists of reasons one should vouch for a campaigner on behalf of that campaigner).
If you would like to show support (“Vouch for So-And-So!”) or say that you’ve vouched for a campaigner, please do so beneath their announcement or weekly reminder.
If you would like a list of who you’ve vouched for, you can ask below ONCE PER WEEK. Please note that asking who you’ve vouched for is different than asking who you’ve validly vouched for and may produce different answers. 🙂
Vouch Requirements:
1. The vouch must be three or more complete sentences long.
2. The vouch must be legible. Caps lock and intense exclaimations are not your friends.
3. The vouch must include three or more objective reasons, with support, regarding how the candidate benefits the community as a whole.
People usually get caught on the third requirement. I’ll give you an example of what one of these “reasons” would look like.
One NOT VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very nice and friendly and I love them, they’re the best!!!”
One VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very kind, warm, and outgoing, They’re always around to be a listener or to offer a shoulder to someone in their time of need in the BlogClan Community.
What makes this valid? You have the first sentence as your thesis. It’s your main point and your reason. It is followed up by another sentence that backs up your claim. You’re providing objective reasons about benefitting the community; you have to explain HOW the candidate carries out the reason you gave. It’s one thing to say someone is nice and quite another to explain why you think they’re nice. As a general reminder, you’ll need three of these reasons in your vouch (so three main points and three explanations of those points).
Did you get my form. o_o
I don’t see an Allegiances form from you :c
noooooooooooooooooo now I won’t have the bravery to send it again 😛
send ur form >:(
or else ill have to send the ghosts of allegiances past to throw burritos at you until you do
Btw, to answer your question from earlier, I dissappeared like, a few months back, but i came back. so i can vouch???
You’ve been active for at least 2 months total, so yes! c:
do senior warriors get removed from the allegiances every six months if they don’t send in the form?
yes! there were a few issues with my processing of that section in june, though, so next time i do the allegiances (not this month, but next month) i’ll sort through that and make sure it’s all good ^^
ah thanks! i was just wondering because geckoflower is (was?) a senior warrior but they’re not on the allegiances
Yeah, that’s a section that gets cleared out. They can reapply to the Allegiances with their SW rank and be added again!
You told me to do this just a minute ago so 😛
Old Warrior Name: Blueheart
Old Purrsona: Lithe dark blue-gray she-cat with piercing dark blue eyes
New Warrior Name: Bluevelociraptor
New Purrsona: Tall gray velociraptor with amber eyes and two blue streaks
please tell me you remember our conversation or this will be extremely embarrassing thanks 😛it up :0
And I’m a velociraptor now rawr
B L U E V E L O C I R A P T O R :000000
I cannot vouch because I have no good reasons to
you can vouch i’m sure it will be sweet just as long as you have the requirements of two months i am pretty sure 🙂
I’m sure everyone who is running for senior warrior has good reasons as to why you should vouch for them, maybe get to know them or come up with some general reasons as to why 😛 Maybe they always say hello on the say hi page or are always on the art page to compliment peoples’ art 🙂 (I hope this comment doesn’t count as vouch reasons since it’s for nobody specific)
why does wanting a mentor sound like begging
anyway yeah i’ve been waiting for a while
can’t find my original comment so asking again
can someone check if fireleap has been around, and if so, I’ll hope he sees this
and if he isn’t, some things about me:
hah- I know what you mean. Other apprentice’s that just joined BlogClan get picked and I’m like what’s wrong with me? I’ve been looking for a mentor for a while 😛
Well I think most mentors do it on a first come first served basis so it’s not that they don’t like you, it’s that someone else responded quicker. Plus I think first come first served is the fairest way to pick. 😛
Hey Silver Shadow, it actually can take a long time for people to find a mentor but that’s ok. I think Slatepaw been trying to find a mentor for 6 months now? maybe more? Some people also like it better for them to have a bond with their apprentice too! but yep finding a mentor can take longer 🙂
I know what you mean. I just became an apprentice, and looking for a mentor is like, I’m so embarrassed. Why I am doing this? I know no one! So yeah.
We have a lot in common. Some things in common:
I feel bad I’m not a mentor
I see other paws looking for someone and think
totally relatable
Hey Slatepaw! Good luck finding a mentor, the warrior that gets you is very lucky 😉
Love ur pfp!
Good luck! I’ve hope you find a mentor soon!
i remember you looking for a mentor when i just joinedRelatable lol
Would anyone like to be my mentor
good luck
Maybe reach out to available mentors? I’m an apprentice sorry
Good luck Slightpaw!
Available Mentors:
Available Apprentices:
good luck everyone!!! 😀
the high amount of mentors is over :'(there still a chance for that time to come again 😛
I’m an available apprentice too
oh wow. Either the mentors shrank or the apprentice’s grew
I think both 😛
i’m looking for a mentor! Let me tell you 10 facts about me.
good luckk, i love greek mytho as well
gooood luuuck
Oh yes Nightpaw I LOVE Greek myth
Who is your favorite god/goddess?
Mine would have to be Artemis or Athena
Wings of Fire is a good series, I started reading recently, but I’m already on book 6 😉
Good luck finding a mentor!
everybody’s talking about wings of fire, maybe I should search it up
my favorite greek god is artemis or nike or hephaestus
hehe imagine Nike lost
Artemis is a good Greek god. I kinda like Frey or his sister Freya
Hi, just saying Frey and Freya are from Norse mythology and I love them too
Hey good luck finding a mentor. Oh and I also LUV mytholgy. Let me guess you named yourself after Artemis, since she the goddess of the moon which is related to night😸. Who is your favorite god/goddess?
Personally I love all goddess in Mythology
I recently started Wings of Fire it’s very interesting – I love it even though at first I wasn’t a big fan of it.
Nyx is the greek goddess of night, and Erebos is the greek god of darkness, I believe.
Yeah, I like Nyx
I love Hamilton too! My mom is also a bit of a fan so you’re not the only one who shares a house with another Hamilton fan. Anyway I’m an apprentice but good luck!
My dad is a huge fan. We got him like 17 calendars of Hamilton. We also bought a hoodie that says, “what did I miss?” With the characters.
For Viper:
Did you get my new purrsona form?
Can u read it 2 me plz
I’d recommend being patient instead of sending multiple replies consisting of the same thing in the same day. ^^
After taking a closer look at the Cinderpaw forms, it would seem they were both submitted by “Cinderwhisker Fernshade”. Is that you?? If not, that’s not your form and you should resubmit. Does this match your purrsona?
Cinderpaw – Greys of all sorts with blue eyes and bushy neck and tail
Darn I was expecting a bedtime story read by viper herself
alas nu
viper how do you expect us to get any sleep without our bedtime stories? :c
once upon a time, in a world far far away, there was a little earthling named flamecloud who certainly was from earth and from no other places
the end c:
*applauds* bravo vipvip c:
oh sorry 🙁
also no
my purrsona was fluffy smoky grey she-cat with lighter chest and belly with stream-blue eyes
so i’ll resubmit
thank vipey 😉
you’re welcome! ;D
im sorry but i was just wondering how do you get a mentor? (this is probably a stupid question but i only just joined blogclan so i still dont know how a lot of stuff works)
Right here, on the Allegiances Chat Page, you can make a post explaining that you’re looking for a mentor. An available mentor might reply explaining that they want you as an apprentice. If an available mentor posts something, you can think about them, and if you like them, you can reply saying you want to be their apprentice. Cheetahspark also posts a list of available mentors of apprentices, so you can try and look for someone on her list to become your mentor. After you’ve found a mentor, go to the Allegiances Page, click on the main form, fill out your purrsona, select that you’re filling out the form because you have a mentor, and then put in your mentor’s name.
thank you so much! i like your name flowersong
is ok not know stuff 🙂 mentors basically choose you, just say you need a mentor and someone may gooseneck you but be patient when looking for someone, also mentors are just for fun btw
that sounds sorta like a warriors name ( just pointing it out )
that would be an epic warrior name
also i just sent in a form can you please let me know when you recieve it?
If it was sent, then Viper most likely received it. If she didn’t get it, you’ll be able to tell when the allegiances get updated and you can politely ask Viper to put you in a day or two after they’re updated just in case she looked over/or didn’t get your form 🙂
I need a mentor!!!!!!!!
Good luck!
I’m an apprentice so I can’t take you, but good luck! 😀
good luck!
Cheetah has a list for available mentors and apprentices, and you can ask to be on it!
woah! your name is one of the sequences of digits of pi! :0
The Pronouns List
Appleflower – Female (She/Her)
Archkit – Female (Fine with any pronoun)
Ashpaw – Female (She/Her)
Ashspring -Female (She/Her)
Asterstorm – Female (She/ Her)
Beaconpaw (light) – Female (She/Her)
Birchfoot – Female (She/Her)
Blackpaw – Any pronouns
Blossomkit – Female (She/Her)
Bluebellsponge – Demigirl and Non-Binary (She/Her, They/Them)
Bluefire – Female (She/Her)
Blueflower (Potato) – Female (She/Her)
Blueheart – Female (She/Her)
Bramblefire – Demiguy (He/Him, Tey/Tem/Ter/Temself)
Brambleheart – She/Her
Brackenpaw (Light) – Female (She/Her)
Briarpaw – Female (She/Her)
Brightkit (Spark) – Female (She/Her)
Brightpaw – Fine with any pronoun
Cakestar (Kate) – Female (She/Her)
Cheetahpaw (flight) – Female (She/Her)
Cheetahspark – Female (She/Her)
Cinderpaw – Female (She/Her)
Cloudpaw (Streak of Clouds at Dawn) – Female (She/Her)
Cloudywillow – Female She/Her)
Coldheart – Female(She/Her)
Cottonpaw – She/Her
Crimsonpaw (Claw) – Female (She/Her)
Crookedpaw (Moon) – Female (She/Her)
Crystalpaw – Female (She/Her)
Crystalsight – Demigirl (They/Them He/His)
Crystalstream – She/Her or They/Them
Dapplepaw – They/Them (or He/Him and She/her, but it depends)
Darkwing– Female (She/Her)
Dawnpaw – Female (She/Her)
Dewpaw (Light) – Female (She/Her)
Doe – Female (She/Her)
Dovestream – Female (She/Her)
Eagleclaw – Male – he/him
Eaglepaw – Female (She/Her)
Ebonyrain – Female (Prefers They/Them, but She/Her is still okay)
Emberblaze – Male (He/Him)
Emberpaw (Blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Emberdawn – Female (She/Her)
Falconpaw – Female (She/Her)
Falling Feather – Female (She/Her)
Fallenshadows – Female (She/Her)
Fawnspots – Female (She/Her)
Feathershine – Female (She/Her)
Fernkit – Female (She/Her)
Ferretpaw – Female (She/Her)
Fireleap – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Flamecloud – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Flamekit, Female (She/Her)
Flamepaw (streak) – Female (She/Her, They/Them)
Flashtail – Male (He/Him or They/Them)
Foxpaw – Female (She/Her)
Frostfire – Non-binary (She/Her or They/Them)
Glitchfang – (She/Her)
Goldenpaw (berry) – Female (She/Her)
Goldenfawn – Non-Binary (They/Them)
Gooseshadow – Female (She/Her)
Gracepaw(splash) – Female (She/Her)
Hailpaw (Fall) – Female (She/Her)
Hazelburrow (Josh) – Non-binary (any pronouns)
Haycoat – Male (he/him)
Heatherpaw – Female (She/Her)
Hollykit – Female (She/Her)
Honeysplash – Female (Sher/her)
Iceflower – Female (She/Her)
Icepaw (stream) – Female (She/Her)
Icepelt – Female (She/Her)
Ironthistle – Non-Binary (They/Them or He/Him)
Ivybranch – Female (They/Them is fine but She/her is preferred)
Ivypaw (Ivie) – Female (She/Her)
Ivypaw (leaf) – Female (She/Her)
Jasminebreeze – Non-binary (They/Them)
Jayfrost – Female (She/Her)
Jaykit – Female (She/Her)
Jetkit – Male (He/Him)
Junipermoth – Agender (They/Them, He/Him or Ze/Hir)
Kat- Female (She/Her)
Lapisdapple – Female (She/Her)
Leafsky (AKA ‘Leafie’) – Female (She/Her)
Lightbeam – Female (She/Her)
Lionpaw(pool)- Female (She/Her)
Loneheart – Female (She/Her)
Lunaheart – Female (She/Her)
Mapledrift – Bigender (Female and Non-Binary), any pronouns including neopronouns but xe/xem is preferred
Mintkit – She/Her
Monkeypaw (fur) – Male (He/Him)
Moonbreeze – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (leap) – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (pelt) – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Moonspirit – Female (She/Her)
Mossball – Female (She/Her)
Needlepaw – Female (She-Her)
Owlfeather – Female (She/Her)
Pearpaw – Female (She/Her)
Pearlkit – Female (She/Her)
Pebblepaw (AKA ‘Peb’)– Female (She/Her)
Pineblossom – Female (She/Her)
Pinestripe- Female (She/Her)
Plipplop (Snowpuff) – Cis Female (She/Her)
Plumeflake – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Poppypaw – Female (She/Her)
Rainingbreeze – Non-binary Female (prefers They/Them but does not mind She/Her)
Rainshine – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (feather) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (mist) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (Shard) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw/thorn – Female (anything but he/him)
Redblaze – Female (She/Her but fine with They/Them)
Rushfire – Male (He/Him)
Sandpaw – Female (She/Her)
Shadefrost – Male (He/Him)
Shadowpaw (Cloud) – Female (She/Her)
Shadowpaw – Female (She/Her)
Shadowwing – Male (He/Him)
Shatteredmask – Female (She/Her)
Shiverfur – Female (She/Her)
Silverlight – Female (She/Her)
Silvermoon – Female (She/Her)
Silverpaw – Female (She/Her)
Silver Shadow – Female (She/Her)
Slatepaw – Female (She/Her)
Smokeberry – Female (She/ Her)
Sparrowpaw – Female (She/Her)
Spiritkit/sky (AKA ‘Ambixie’) – Female (She/Her)
Spiritpaw – Female (She/Her)
Splashkit (Feather) – Female (She/Her)
Spottedpaw (feather) – Female (She/Her)
Starpaw (blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Starspring – Non-Binary (They/Them, Xe/Xem, Ze/Hir, and He/Him, just anything but She/Her)
Star that falls through Navy Sky (Muffinpaw/fern) – Female (She/Her)
Stormberry – Female (She/Her)
Stormlight – Female (She/Her)
Stormtail – Female (She/Her)
Streampaw – Female She/Her)
Sunfur -Male (He/Him)
Sunsetpaw – Female (She/Her and anything other than He/Him)
Sunwhisker – Male (He/Him)
Swanfeather – Female (She/Her)
Treepaw (light) – Any pronouns
Turtlepaw (dapple) – Non-Binary (Prefers They/Them pronouns, but Xe/Xem is okay, just not He/Him or She/Her)
Viperfrost – Female (She/Her)
Wavesplash – Female (She/Her)
Wavewind – Female (She/Her)
Wildpaw – Female (She/Her)
Willowstep – Female (She/Her)
Winterwhisper – Male (He/Him)
Wolfpaw (Spirit) – Female (She/Her)
Woolpaw – Female (She/Her)
Wrenpaw – Female (She/Her)
Zenpaw – Female (She/Her)
All updates have been made! But please reply to this comment if you want to be added to the list, would like to have your Name/Gender/Pronouns changed or there is a mistake!
Also Ivy Wrapped Around a Withering Tree Branch, is you warrior name Ivybranch? Sorry for the inconvenience!
Good job, moky <33
eheh thanks dove!
Nightpaw/(don’t have a gender)/I don’t care what you call me, but I prefer they/them
Mapledrift – Cis girl xe/xem, ae/aem, they/them and he/him pronouns
use she/her for me and i eat your kneecaps (you don’t have to include that bit kjhghjkl)
i is sorry i has squeaky kneecaps not edible
*scared* oh-okay
ghjkjhgfghjkjhgfgh my sense of humour has descended to a bad state oh man why am i like this
Can you just slap a female with my name, so it reads, Female, she/her?
ah i must have missed it! Sorry I’ll put it on for the next update!
Can my gender please be changed to paragirl with the same pronouns? thanks <3
What exactly does a mentor/apprentice do?
Nothing much. it’s fun and doesn’t do any harm so i’m just looking and looking for one xD
some mentors and apprentices form big friendships and support each other but it’s just fun to do tat
also i think apprentices get listed in the warrior section under their mentor so that’s neat
ooh i wonder if you can add to the mentor list by being an available mentor or are you just passing by 😉
aesthetic 😛
How do you get a mentor? ( I’m new so I don’t know. )
Go to the allegiances page and tell everyone you are looking for a mentor. There are about 5 of them, so type quick ^^
just comment something like ‘looking for a mentor’ and if a warrior wants to mentor you, they’ll reply to your comment asking you to be their apprentice. Then you both send the form in. Or if an available mentor comments ‘looking for an apprentice’ reply back and say that you want to be their apprentice. mentorships are optional and are mostly just for fun C: