[image description: a yellow squarish cat icon with a black mouse cursor in the center]
This page is entirely dedicated to BlogClan’s Allegiances.
Here, you can:
talk about the allegiances
campaign to become a senior warrior
ask for vouches
look for a mentor/apprentice (limited to twice a week)
(If you have an issue with your current purrsona, please submit a new form so that Viperfrost/Goldenfawn can correct any errors/ommissions at the beginning of the following month)
In alignment with the new changes to the Senior Warrior campaigning platform, please be aware of the following rules:
You can announce that you are running for Senior Warrior ONCE, in a short message such as “Hey, everybody! I’m running for SW and I’d appreciate it if you vouched!”. Afterward, you may remind others than you are running ONCE PER WEEK, again in a short message such as “I’m still running for SW and I’d appreciate any support!”. Placing reminders in your name or signature is still fine. 🙂 Please separate your 1) reminder and 2) question about how many vouches you have into two different comments. Any mod can mod your reminder; only two of us can review your vouch question.
You may no longer post lists of reasons others should vouch for you, since the merit of your actions should hopefully speak louder than words.
I (Viperfrost/Goldenfawn) will keep track of how many valid vouches you have and update the Allegiances accordingly. If you’d like the number of how many valid vouches you currently have, you can post that question below ONCE PER WEEK.
To be elligible to run, you must have been active for twelve months total. In the past, you would have had to be active for twelve months in a row. Activity is determined by if you’ve commented at least once per month for each of those twelve months.
You may no longer “vouch nag” (A.K.A. post lists of reasons one should vouch for a campaigner on behalf of that campaigner).
If you would like to show support (“Vouch for So-And-So!”) or say that you’ve vouched for a campaigner, please do so beneath their announcement or weekly reminder.
If you would like a list of who you’ve vouched for, you can ask below ONCE PER WEEK. Please note that asking who you’ve vouched for is different than asking who you’ve validly vouched for and may produce different answers. 🙂
Vouch Requirements:
1. The vouch must be three or more complete sentences long.
2. The vouch must be legible. Caps lock and intense exclaimations are not your friends.
3. The vouch must include three or more objective reasons, with support, regarding how the candidate benefits the community as a whole.
People usually get caught on the third requirement. I’ll give you an example of what one of these “reasons” would look like.
One NOT VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very nice and friendly and I love them, they’re the best!!!”
One VALID reason: “Goldenfawn is very kind, warm, and outgoing, They’re always around to be a listener or to offer a shoulder to someone in their time of need in the BlogClan Community.
What makes this valid? You have the first sentence as your thesis. It’s your main point and your reason. It is followed up by another sentence that backs up your claim. You’re providing objective reasons about benefitting the community; you have to explain HOW the candidate carries out the reason you gave. It’s one thing to say someone is nice and quite another to explain why you think they’re nice. As a general reminder, you’ll need three of these reasons in your vouch (so three main points and three explanations of those points).
Hi! Here’s a little bit about me since I am looking for a mentor currently:
Name: Willowpaw/dawn
Purrsona: white she-cat speckled with brown with green eyes
Personality: kind, laid back, friendly, never stops talking, dramatic, and fierce
Likes: reading, drawing, listening to music, writing, watching movies, and gymnastics
Dislikes: long lines, stuff with a bunch of legs (cough spiders cough)
Please reply to this comment if anyone is interested!
Good luck! 😀
Thank you!
Good luck!
Helllllllllooooow! If you didn’t know, my hellllllllllllooooow’s are screeches 😀
*places mentortrap*
hewwo dere
Hi, I’m new to BlogClan. My name’s Willowpaw.
Ayy welcome Willowpaw! Always nice to have fresh cats here!
Thank you! Nice to meet you!
hey 😉
Hi 🙂
Hi Ravenpaw!
i am here to capture some mentors ::33
Uh, how do you become an apprentice? I have traveled with Moonstar for many moons just to get here…
If you’re in middle school age range, you’re an apprentice! 😛
I’m an apprentice too, but hi!
Available Mentors:
Available Apprentices:
yess finally that equal number of 4 mentors and 16 apprentices
very satisfying indeed
The apprentices
wow my god :O
4:16, or 1:4
time to give the mentors 4 apprentices each
Ok, so I know most people create a separate post when they look for a mentor, but I feel like the mentors pay more attention to these lists, so I’m gonna try here and see if that works!
Name: Silverpaw/fall
Purrsona: Silver she-cat with darker stripes, white splotches, and blue eyes.
Purrsonality: Funny, friendly, smart, can be bossy, and indecisive.
Likes: Reading (WoF, Warriors, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and more!), playing music/singing, playing on my Nintendo Switch, cats/animals, writing (unless it’s an essay), and talking to friends!
Dislikes: Waiting and bugs. (Ewwwwwwwwww! Bugs!)
Hopefully, someone sees this!
Good luck! 😀
The ratio of mentors to apprentices is 4:16 or 1:4. Yay! For once, we don’t have to saw any apprentices in half!
im scared
You should only be scared if Viper pops up on this page!
i’m an available mentor now!
yayyyy wavey!
hi wavesplash (love that name btw) would you wanna be my mentor? i’m an available apprentice.
would you be interested in being my mentor?
my name is sunpaw
Could you be interested in being my mentor, Wavesplash?
Could I be added to the ever growing list of available apprentices, Cheetah?
ofc! I would never turn down an apprentice in need
Thank you! ^-^
Hi Cheetahspark, could I also be added to the list of available apprentices?
thank you!
can you add me to this long list of available apprentices?
Are there enough warriors……….for a whole clan?
idk about a clan but a small army for sure
Could you add me to the list of available apprentices, please?
Thanks, Cheetah!
how do you become an apprentice? I want to learn the ways of a new clan…
all you have to do to be an apprentice is be middle school aged! 😀
[spoiler title=”Here is the pronouns list!”]
The Pronouns List
Amberpaw (cloud) – Female (She/Her)
Appleflower – Female (She/Her)
Aquashade- Male (He/Him)
Archpaw – Female (Fine with any pronoun)
Ashpaw – Female (She/Her)
Ashspring -Female (She/Her)
Asterstorm– Female (mostly She/Her, but Ou/Oir is fine too)
Beaconpaw (light) – Female (She/Her)
Birchfoot – Non binary (They/Them)
Blackpaw – Any pronouns
Blossomkit – Female (She/Her)
Bluebellsponge – Non-Binary (She/Her, He/Him, They/Them)
Bluefire – Female (She/Her)
Blueflower (Potato) – Female (She/Her)
Blueheart – Female (She/Her)
Bramblefire – Demiguy (He/Tey/Dey/Bey/They/Ke)
Brambleheart – Female (She/Her)
Brackenpaw (light) – Female (She/Her)
Briarpaw – Female (She/Her)
Briarpaw (blaze) – Demiboy (She/Her and Wol/Wolf(preferred); He/Him (not minded)
Brightkit (spark) – Female (She/Her)
Brightpaw – Fine with any pronoun
Cakestar (Kate) – Female (She/Her)
Cedarpaw – Any Gender (goes by She/Her or They/Them)
Cheetahpaw (flight) – Female (She/Her)
Cheetahspark – Female (She/Her)
Cinderpaw – Female (She/Her)
Cinderpaw (frost) – Female (prefers She/Her but is ok with They/Them too)
Cinderpaw (pool) – Female (Anything but he/him)
Cinderpaw (whisker) – (She/her but is fine with They/Them)
Cloudpaw (Streak of Clouds at Dawn) – Female (She/Her)
Cloudywillow – Female She/Her)
Coldheart – Female (She/Her, but doesn’t mind They/Them or Fey/Fem)
Cottonpaw – She/Her
Crimsonpaw (claw) – Female (She/Her)
Creekkit (briar) – Female (She/Her)
Crookedpaw (moon) – Female (She/Her)
Crystalpaw – Female (She/Her)
Crystalsight – Demigirl (They/Them He/His)
Crystalstream – She/Her or They/Them
Dapplepaw – They/Them (or He/Him and She/her, but it depends)
Darkwing– Female (She/Her)
Dawnpaw – Female (She/Her)
Dewpaw (light) – Female (She/Her)
Diamondclaw – Female (She/Her)
Doe – Female (She/Her)
Dovepaw (stream) – Demi-girl (Xe/Xer, Mew/Mews, and Kit/Kitz)
Duskpaw (blaze) – Female (Fine with any)
Dustypaw – Female but still questioning (She/Her but prefers They/Them)
Eagleclaw – Male – he/him
Eaglepaw – Female (She/Her)
Ebonyrain – Female (Prefers They/Them, but She/Her is still okay)
Emberblaze – Male (He/Him)
Emberpaw (blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Emberdawn – Female (She/Her)
Falconstorm – Female (She/Her)
Falling Feather – Female (She/Her)
Fallenshadows – Female (She/Her)
Fawnspots – Female (She/Her)
Feathershine – Female (She/Her)
Fernpaw – Female (Any pronouns)
Ferretpaw – Female (She/Her)
Fireleap – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Flamecloud – Female (She/Her or They/Them)
Flamepaw (flower) – Female (She/Her)
Flamepaw (streak) – Female (She/Her, They/Them)
Flashtail – Male (He/Him or They/Them)
Flowerpaw (mistle) – Female (She/Her)
Flowerpaw (moon) – Female (She/Her)
Flowerpaw (song) – Female (Anything except He/Him is fine, but She/Her is preferred)
Foxpaw – Female (She/Her)
Frostcrystal- Female (she/her)
Frostfire – Non-binary (She/Her or They/Them)
Glitchfang – (She/Her)
Goldenpaw (bee) – Female (She/Her)
Goldenfawn – Non-Binary (They/Them)
Gooseshadow – Female (She/Her)
Gracepaw(splash) – Female (She/Her)
Hailpaw (Fall) – Female (She/Her)
Hazelburrow (Josh) – Non-binary (any pronouns)
Haycoat – Male (he/him)
Heatherpaw – Female (She/Her)
Hollykit – Female (She/Her)
Hollypaw (fern) – Female (She/Her)
Honeysplash – Female (Sher/her)
Iceflower – Female (She/Her)
Icepaw (stream) – Female (She/Her)
Icepelt – Female (Anything but He/Him)
Ironthistle – Non-Binary (They/Them or He/Him)
Ivybranch – Female (They/Them is fine but She/her is preferred)
Ivypaw (Ivie) – Female (She/Her)
Ivypaw (leaf) – Female (She/Her)
Jasminebreeze – Non-binary (They/Them)
Jayfrost – Female (She/Her)
Jaykit – Female (She/Her)
Jetkit – Male (He/Him)
Junipermoth – Agender (any pronouns but They/Them, Vae/Vaem, He/Him, Ve/Vir, Ze/Hir and Ae/Aem are preferred, She/Her is okay on some days but not on others)
Kat – Female (She/Her)
Lapisdapple – Female (She/Her)
Leafsky (AKA ‘Leafie’) – Female (She/Her)
Leafykit (shadow) – Female (she/her)
Lightbeam – Female (She/Her)
Lightstep – Female (She/Her)
Lilacpelt – Female (She/Her)
Lillypaw – Female (She/Her but okay with They/Them)
Lionpaw(pool)- Female (She/Her)
Lunaheart – Female (She/Her)
Mapledrift – Demi-girl (He/They, Xe/Xem, Ae/Aem, Mae/Mim, Se/Hem, Ot/Ots, Fey/Feir, Bee/Bees, It/Its, Bug/Bugs, Nov/Nova)
Maplekit – Female (She/Her)
Meadowpaw (stripe) – Female [probably] (She/Her, Them/Them, Xe/Xem)
Minktail – Demi-girl (She/Her, They/Them, and Fey/Fen/Feyr; alternation between pronouns preferred)
Minktail – Female (She/her, but they/them is fine as well)
Monkeypaw (fur) – Male (He/Him)
Moonbreeze – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (leap) – Female (She/Her)
Moonpaw (pelt) – Female (Fine with any pronoun expect He/Him, but mostly She/Her)
Moonspirit – Female (She/Her)
Mossball – Female (She/Her)
Mossnose – Female (She/Her and if fine with They/Them)
Needlepaw – Female (She-Her)
Newtwhisker – Nonbinary (They/Them)
Nightpaw – Demiboy (Tim/Tie/Tier and Neim/Nem/Neir)
Owlfeather – Female (She/Her)
Pearpaw – Female (She/Her)
Pearlkit – Female (She/Her)
Pebblepaw (AKA ‘Peb’) – Female (She/Her)
Petalpaw (stream) – (She/Her)
Pineblossom – Female (She/Her)
Pinestripe- Female (She/Her)
Plipplop (Snowpuff) – Cis Female (She/Her)
Poppypaw – Female (She/Her)
Rabbitflame – Female (She/Her)
Rainingbreeze – Non-binary Female (prefers They/Them but does not mind She/Her)
Rainpaw (song) – Female (She/her, but fine with They/Them)
Rainshine – Female (She/Her)
Rainypaw- Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw – Questioning (prefered if you alternate between Xe/Xem, Mu/Mur, and Mae/Mim)
Ravenpaw (feather) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (mist) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (shard) – Female (She/Her)
Ravenpaw (thorn) – Female (any pronouns)
Redblaze – Female (She/Her but fine with They/Them)
Riverfrost – Female (She/Her)
Rosettestream – Female (She/Her)
Rufflecloud – Female (she/her, hu/hum, hum/hums and/or whomp/whirr)
Rushfire – Male (He/Him)
Sandpaw (frost) – Female (She/Her, but fine with anything except for He/Him )
Shadefrost – Male (He/Him)
Shadowpaw (Cloud) – Female (She/Her)
Shadowpaw – Female (She/Her)
Shadowwing – Male (He/Him)
Shadowsong – Female (She/Her)
Shatteredmask – Female (She/Her)
Shimmerpaw (mist) – Female (She/Her)
Shimmersky – Female (She/Her)
Shiverfur – Female (She/Her)
Silverfeather – Female (She/Her)
Silverlight – Female (She/Her)
Silvermoon – Female (She/Her)
Silverpaw – Female (She/Her)
Silverwolf – Female (She/Her)
Slatepaw – Female (She/Her)
Slightpaw – Male (He/Him)
Smokeberry – Female (She/ Her)
Sparrowpaw – Female (She/Her)
Spiritkit/sky (AKA ‘Ambixie’) – Female (She/Her)
Spiritpaw – Female (She/Her)
Splashkit (Feather) – Female (She/Her)
Spottedpaw (feather) – Female (She/Her)
Starflower – Female (She/Her)
Starkit (leap) – Female (She/Her)
Starpaw (mist) – Female (She/Her but experimenting with other pronouns)
Starpaw (blossom) – Female (She/Her)
Starspring – Non-Binary (They/Them, Xe/Xem, Ze/Hir, and He/Him, just anything but She/Her)
Star that falls through Navy Sky (Muffinpaw/fern) – Female (She/Her)
Stormberry – Female (She/Her)
Stormflame – Female (She/Her)
Stormlight – Female (She/Her)
Stormpaw – Female (She/Her)
Stormtail – Female (She/Her)
Strawberrykit – Female (prefers She/Her but is fine with They/Them)
Streampaw – Female She/Her)
Sunfur -Male (He/Him)
Sunsetpaw – Female (She/Her and anything other than He/Him)
Sunwhisker – Male (He/Him)
Swanfeather – Female (She/Her)
Tigershine – Female (She/Her and Mae/Mim)
Treepaw (light) – Any pronouns
Turtlepaw (dapple)- Non-Binary (Prefers They/Them, but fine with Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ot/Ots/, Ae/Aem, Je/Jem, Sae/Sear, Mae/Mim, and He/Him- exact preference depends on the day)
Topazkit – Female (She/Her)
Viperfrost – Female (any pronouns)
Waffleheart — Gender-fluid (They/Them, Vae/Vim but He/Him and She/Her are okay too)
Wavesplash – Nonbinary (She/Her, They/Them, and Star/Stars)
Wavewind – Female (She/Her)
Wildpaw – Female (She/Her)
Willowkit (cloud) – Female (She/Her)
Willowstep – Female (She/Her)
Winterwhisper – Male (He/Him)
Wolfpaw (Spirit) – Female (She/Her)
Woolpaw – Female (She/Her)
Wrenpaw – Female (She/Her)
Zenpaw – Female (She/Her)
All updates have been made! But please reply to this comment if you want to be added to the list, would like to have your Name/Gender/Pronouns changed or there is a mistake!
Kestrelfeather, I don’t know if you saw Maple’s comment that I’m gonna put the gender and pronouns that you prefer to go by on the list, so if you don’t mind please tell me if you want to be listed wit he/him or she/her pronouns!
Springtail! I need your pronouns!
Ruffles! I have implemented the spoiler tag I think! Thank you so much for your suggestion!!
Hi! A little update about my pronouns I don’t use they/them at all now 🙂 thanks!
thank you for updating my gender and pronouns!
Hey Moky, could you change mine to Sandpaw (frost) – Female (She/Her and They/Them, but fine with anything except for He/Him)? Thanks 😀
Heyo Moky! Sorry for changing again LOL, but I now identify as a female again 😛
And my new pronouns are She/her, Xe/xer, Purr/Purrs
(Quick question: Can characters from shows be pronouns: For example, Sam from Icarly, someone would have Sam/Sams/Samself? I’m not sure if that can be used, but i just wanted to know 🙂 )
(You can make pronouns out of names! Keep in mind that it can get a little confusing if you make pronouns out of your own name tho! <3)
Thank you!!! Imma add Sasuke/Sasukes/Sasukeself in then xDD
Yeah you can make pronouns out of characters ! But do remember it may get confusing as to whether it is your pronoun or you name. And never make pronouns out of the names of real people, only fictional characters
ok!!! 😀 Tysmmm
Can you please explain how to use purr/purrs pronouns to me? 🙂
WolfStar 4 Life
Dove loves purrs cat —-> Dove loves her cat
Dove is weird, but purr tries to not be. —-> Dove is weird, but she tries to not be
Dove tries to take care of purrself —-> Dove tries to take care of herself
Hope this helped 🙂
So what pronoun takes place of ‘him’? 🙂
WolfStar 4 Life
i think it’s purr
Hello Moky! Could you change mine (Silverfeather- Female (She/Her) to Silverfeather- Female (She/Her but is fine with They/Them) ?
I just realised this but I’m also fine with xe/xem/xyr too.
I have an update 😛 🙂
Turtlepaw (dapple)- Non-Binary (Prefers They/Them, but fine with Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ot/Ots/, Ae/Aem, Je/Jem, Sae/Sear, Mae/Mim, He/Him, and Se/Hem- exact preference depends on the day)
WolfStar 4 Life
Sorry to add to your very long list of updated pronouns/genders, but could mine please be changed to Meadowpaw (stripe) – Non-binary (They/Them or any other pronouns), please Moky?
i cant chat in the cbox is that something that i should concern?
this probably goes in the blogteam den
Or the Ask BlogTeam for Assistance (btw i know they are basically the same thing)
The cbox is only open when a mod is able to monitor it !! so thats not a concern at all, no one can message in it when theres no mod there!!
No! We can only use the chat when there’s a mod around so they can moderate in real time.
idk sorry!
Also, I’m new and not sure how it works here, My name is Sunwish, but you can call me Sun.
i think this goes into the say hi page
Hello !! this might be better suited for the say hi page !! If you have any specific questions feel free to ask me, I’m Mapledrift but you can call me Maple
Hey 😀
this goes into the taVerN?
Hi (maybe better or the tavern or the say hi page?)
Hello, Viper or Goldi. When the Allegiances are updated, am I going to be listed as Larkfeather’s apprentice? In other words, did you get my form saying I have a new mentor?
Hi Flowerpaw!! Yes, I’ve got forms from both you and Larkie, so all’s good! C:
Yay! 😛
Im looking for a mentor! Im Scorchpaw (aka scorchflower) and i like a nice pawful of things but i dislike a lot of stuff. Im lazy sometimes but always loyal and willing to work my paws off (even though I know we wont actually do that stuff)
Good luck,Scorchie!
Good luck!
good lucj
i wish you luck! 🙂
ok weekly reminder over, now I can go to bed, good night <3 😛
gooooo ebayyyy
What is vouch? Sorry.
A vouch is a little post a person makes for another person’s Senior Warrior campaign. On BlogClan, someone who’s been here at least a year can run for Senior Warrior, which involves getting fifteen of these vouches submitted, and they have to be considered valid by the ALlegiances Editors. A person can vouch as soon as two months into their stay at BlogClan! C:
i would vouch for u but ive only been here a week :3
i am here to capture some mentors ::33
i need one…idk about capturing one
oooooh *hands pokeballs* i wish you luck!
*hand you a mentor-sized net* good luck!
I have an apprentice, spare me!
I think Fawny and Cheetah have a safehouse nearby! Go, run, before the apprentices find out I tipped you off!
What is this page for? I just saw it so I thought BlogClan had like different clans in it. It is called BlogClan’s Allegiances page. So. . . what?
This page is to discuss the allegiances, campaign for senior warrior, find an apprentice or mentor, etc. Basically, anything to do with the allegiances goes here! 😀 BlogClan doesn’t have different Clans in it, we’re just one. 🙂 Click here for the allegiances.
The different Clans are ApprenticeClan, ModClan, BreadClan, PoofClan, and ShriekClan. The leader of ApprenticeClan is currently unknown, ModClan is ruled by Kate and Embix, BreadClan by Vipistafrost, PoofClan by Cheeto (who is know for poofing at any given moment), and ShiekClan by Wollow
P.S. I’m available to be a mentor! I’m a tortie she cat and I was going to be a med cat but turned into a warrior to love. I’m a former kittypet but i came to the clans as a kit with my sister. I’m kind (too kind) fun, adventerous and I’m serious about the warrior code accept when it comes to love. Love should be free! 😀
Just a quick note that according to your Allegiances form, you’ll be an apprentice, so you’d be an available apprentice instead! C: