A new tavern! Take a look around and make yourself cosy!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing, and hanging out!
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[image description: calico cat sleeping in sunlight]
Note: BlogTeam discourages making short, spammy comments in quick succession, as this can make Tavern pages go past really quickly. Commenting for the sole purpose of taking over the purrs or just because can cause other comments to get buried. However, we still encourage you to share your thoughts and just chat away, of course, but making comments for the sake of making comments is discouraged 🙂
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Are you a kit? if so you are allowed to join my- um- kit chat thing
here is the sps; EBBDC676-643C-4EED-8E93-290E34E8D23B.png – BlogClan (katecary.co.uk)
I am a kit
I am an unborn kit
beat that >:D
cool! 😀
I might change my name to Flameheart! I much prefer it to Duskheart tbh
I’m not sure whether I should change my purrsona to fit the name though
I promise yall i’ll make a decision soon lol
I personally prefer Duskheart but it’s up to you girlie follow your heart 😛
if you want to! flameheart is a cool name 😀
gotcha take your time
If you want to!
Okay! Take your time <3
Adding to my list of phobias (currently consisting of Phasellusipsumophobia and a specific anthophobia) comes Epistemophobia! *sigh* I really have the weirdest phobias, don’t I?
I have no idea what that is lol
Search it up then haha 😛
no clue what those phobias are
As Night said, I have no idea too 😛
searched it up and…
yup, yup
I’m really sick rn :/
I’m sorry *hugs*
oof feel better soon!
Oh no 🙁 get better soon!
I’ve downloaded this app called Widgetable where you can co-parent a pet and you have to care for your plants/animals. I have 3 pets, 3 growing plants and 2 mature plants. One of my pets NEVER STOPS CRYING aslfljk
oooh inch resting!
Sounds like a sponsor 😛
That sounds interesting 😛
oh cool
oooh have fun!!!
ooooh, have loads of fun!!! 😀
Sometimes when you’re feeling stressed, do what I did and bury your head in a purring cat’s fur :))) she was so chill and happy and now i feel much better
I don’t have a cat, should I use a conure instead? 😛
Yes 😛
aww i am sorry you’re feeling stressed though
ooh nice! :))
I feel like so many people on the blog have been watching Rebels rn 😛 i am and it’s actually really good lol 😛 when I was younger i would rp it in my backyard with my brother (i was always Hera) so now I’m super biased watching it XD
Yessss I didn’t like Rebels much but it’s one of my favorite shows (aside from TCW ofc, it surpasses all the sw tv shows :P)! I’m on season three rn and enjoying it so far 😀
corallll 😛
I might have an ear infection in my right ear from my earrings :/
aw man
Oh no 🙁 hope it isn’t a serious case!!
See, this is why I don’t wear earrings 😛
But ooooof
Today, I went shoe shopping and I got some blue & white vans which are so cute!
Then, I used my two Barnes & Noble gift cards, and I got a bunch of books. I got three Warriors books, The Summer I Turned Pretty, & a Stranger Things book 😀
Oooh that sounds so awesome!!!
oooh sounds like a fun day of doing stuff!
That sounds so fun 😀
Come and try my new rotation page!!
coralllll 🙂
I feel bad for not writing more of my new book “Secrets and Lies” because I have writers block…
I guess whoever reads it next is getting a little excerpt of Chapter One 😛
take your time 🙂 don’t push yourself!
It’s okay! Take all the time you need ❤
I woke up five minutes before my alarm so I can stop it before it rings 😛 so satisfyingggg