Name Generators

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Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: a painting of a black cat with a blue collar sitting in front of a turquoise house, a red house, and a yellow-orange house and surrounded by blossoming trees. a signature in black is beside the left tree’s trunk]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • First comment on this page!I’m gonna copy my generator from the old page….
    Aw I can’t paste it!

    roll two dice
    First Die (oh wow)
    Second Die (RLY)
    6.paw (lol ur now an apprentice)


    First part(first letter of you first name):

    A- Feather
    B- Swift
    C- Running
    D- Soft
    E- Silver
    F- Hawk
    G- Pigeon
    H- Wolf
    I- Bird
    J- Frog
    K- Deer
    L- Fawn
    M- Berry
    N- Shrew
    O- Yarrow
    P- Mint
    Q- Zebra
    R- Dusk
    S- Russet
    T- Fish
    U- Fox
    V- Trout
    W- Golden
    X- Dawn
    Y- Flame
    Z- Fire

    Last part(last letter of you middle or first name):

    A- Stripe
    B- Foot
    C- Paws
    D- Pelt
    E- Sky
    F- Step
    G- Flake
    H- Flower
    I- Wing
    J- Spots
    K- Splash
    L- Branch
    M- Dapple
    N- Mask
    O- Shine
    P- Leaf
    Q- Pool
    R- Frost
    S- Heart
    T- Blaze
    U- Claw
    V- Bee
    W- Stem
    X- Bright
    Y- Willow
    Z- Mist

    I’m Shrewmask or Shrewbranch

  • Five-Option Generator

    Favorite word

    Lumin – Bramble
    Veridian – Leaf
    Spiral – Cherry
    Time – Goose
    Fade – Feather

    Favorite fruit

    Banana – Wing
    Apple – Splash
    Grape – Flight
    Other – Stripe
    None / All / Can’t decide – Fern

    Best letter A – E for pelt color –

    A – Long haired tortoiseshell and white cat
    B – Dark brown tabby with cream chest and violet eyes
    C – Black with white specks and amber eyes
    D – Silver-gray tabby with dusk-blue eyes and white chest
    E – Dark ginger with darker flecks and blue eyes

    Worst letter A – E for rank –

    A – Kit
    B – Apprentice
    C – Warrior / Queen
    D – Deputy / Medicine Cat
    E – Leader

    Worst number 1 – 5 for Clan

    1 – ThunderClan
    2 – ShadowClan
    3 – WindClan
    4 – RiverClan
    5 – SkyClan

    Favorite number 1-5 (Know for?)

    1 – A great leadership on a difficult journey
    2 – Hunting, Fighting, and Cleverness
    3 – Sacrificing for one
    4 – Useful and intresting discoveries
    5 – Forming a new known Clan

    What would you eat if you were a cat? (Kits?)

    Mouse – 1
    Rabbit – 2
    Bird – 3
    Shrew – 4
    Vole – 5

    What would you try to avoid eating if you were a cat? (Kit’s futures)

    Frog – Became betrayers.
    Lizard – Deadly prophecy.
    Bat – A good normal life.
    Crow – Same thing your cat was known for.
    Bugs – Become a wise leader known by every cat.

    How was the cat you got in the generator’s life (Favorite looking natural disaster)

    Tornado – Had a sealed deadly fate
    Tsunami – Unfortunate
    Earthquake – Good enough
    Volcano – Very good
    Hurricane – Extremely well to match Chuck Norris 😛

    (Optional) For kit name…

    Favorite thing to see / Wish to see –

    A rainbow on a waterfall – Wren
    Aurora Borealis – Speckle
    Milky Way / Galaxy – Jay
    The view of the entire city / park / field – Snow
    A long firework display – Brindle

    Favorite type of song (Sorry if I get it wrong, Im not a song genius.)

    Pop – Fern
    Rock – Song
    Classical – Dawn
    Lyric – Storm
    Other / None / All / Can’t decide – Wish

    Bramblesplash or Brambleflight, a silver-gray tabby she-cat with dusk-blue eyes and white chest, now Bramblestar, leader of ThunderClan, known for sacrificing for someone, who had a kit named Speckledawn, who was going to recieve a deadly prophecy. Bramblestar had a unfortunate life.

    • Leafpaw(stripe), apprentice of ShadowClan. She had dark ginger fur with darker flecks and blue eyes. Known for useful and interesting discoveries. She had an extremely amazing life and 1 kit, named Jaywish, who went on to become a wise leader known by every cat.

    • Cherryfern, Cherrysplash, or Cherryflight, a long haired tortoiseshell and white she-cat. A queen of ThunderClan known for her hunting, fighting, and cleverness. She had two litters of kits. One with two one with one. They lived normal lives. Cherryfern/splash/flight’s life was very good. Her kit’s names were Jayfern, Specklesong, and Wrenwish.

    • Leafstripe, a long haired tortoiseshell and white she-cat, a warrior/queen of WindClan, whose known for useful and interesting discoveries. She has three kits, one became a wise leader known by every cat. Leafstripe herself had a sealed deadly fate.
      That’s almost exactly what my fursona is like.

    • Leafstripe, a long haired tortioseshell-and-white she-cat. I’m the deputy/medicine cat of RiverClan and I’m known for hunting/fighting/cleverness. I had two kits, Jaywish and Wrendawn, who lived good, normal lives. My life was very good.

    • Featherfern: dark brown tabby with cream chest and violet eyes, leader of SkyClan, known for useful and interesting discoveries, with two kits who are destined to become wise leaders known by every cat, one named Jaywish. I had an unfortunate or very good life. Either one — it’s a toss up. And sounds about right. 😛

    • Goosestar(stripe), a black cat with white specks and amber eyes. Leader of Shadowclan. Known for sacrificing for one. Had three kits. Kits become wise leaders. Cat was extremely well. Kits are named Speckledawn, Snowstorm, and Jaysong.

    • I am Leafsplash, dark brown tabby with a cream chest and violet eyes, who is the medicine cat of SkyClan. I am known for having useful and interesting discoveries, and I had 2 kits called Wrendawn and Jaystorm (two toms). I am known for being a wise leader known by every cat (even though I’m a medicine cat, but hey) and I had a very good life.

    • Cherrywing, a dark brown tabby with a cream colored chest and violet eyes, a warrior of Skyclan, known for hunting, fighting, and cleverness. She had 3 kits that had a good, normal, life. Cherrywing had an unfortunate life. (That’s so sad). She named one of her kits Wrenfren.

    • Cherryfern, a long-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and chest, who is now known as Cherrystar, leader of ShadowClan and is known for useful and interesting discoveries and had 3 kits whose names are Specklefern, Jaywish, and Snowstorm. Cherrystar’s kits will live a normal life while she gets and extremely well life.

    • Cherryflight, a dark ginger with darker flecks and blue eyes, a warrior/queen of ShadowClan. She was known for her skills in hunting and fighting, and for her cleverness. She had two kits named Specklefern and Wrenfern. Speckle fern later became Specklestar, the wise leader of ThunderClan. Wrenfern was the medicine cat apprentice, but she always wanted to be a warrior and then leader. She was jealous of her sister, so she attacked her and got driven out. She joined RiverClan under the name of Robin (later Robinsong), a loner. She had fallen in love with a warrior from ShadowClan named Appleclaw, so she betrayed RiverClan. RiverClan drove her out and she headed back to ShadowClan, where Specklestar, a kind and forgiving cat, let her live in the Clan again. But Wrenfern was expected to be a medicine cat again, so she killed the deputy, Leafbreeze, and was driven out again. Cherryflight and Specklestar had to fight their sister and daughter. Overall, she had an unfortunate life.

    • I’m now Cherrystripe, a tortoise-shell and white she-cat. I’m leader of ThunderClan, and I am know for hunting, fighting, and cleverness. I have 3 kits, Wrenfern, Speclefern, and Jayfern, they become respected leaders, and my cat is very good.

    • I am Feathersplash, deputy of ShadowClan, a black and white she with amber eyes, known for being a good hunter and fighter, and known to be clever, with 2 kits, one named Jayfern and the other named Wrensong. Wrensong will be a great leader, and Jayfern is the cat in a deadly prophecy. My cat is smart and clever and will make a good leader

    • Woah, this is awesome! I got Goosestar, formerly Gooseflight, leader of WindClan! I am a dark brown tabby with a cream chest and violet eyes, and I am great at hunting and fighting (I’m also quite clever). My two kits, Jaykit and Wishkit, lived a good, normal life, but my life was unfortunate.

    • Cherrysplash, a grumpy, fat black she-cat with white specks and amber eyes
      Rank: queen
      Eats voles, and has had 15 kits
      Favorite number 1-5 (Know for?) NONE SHES KNOWN FOR BEING RUDE
      Her kits would become leaders, betrayers, in deadly prophecies, and grumpy and rude due to her horrible mothering
      She’s unfortunate
      Her kits names are Wrensong (grumpy tom), Specklestorm (Deputy of Thunderclan, died drowning), Brindledawn (Was a cat with terrible powers, then died in a fire), Jayfern (Betrade her clan and killed her sister, Rainykit, and her brothers, Mosspaw and Snowwish), Snowwish (was killed by brother), Hollyear/star of ThunderClan, Stumpyface/star (of riverclan), Darkclaw (Murders SunClan with his sisters, Reedshine and Sparkberry, and brother, Fluftfur), Mistleaf (grumpy but fine she cat and med), Reedshine (Wipes out SunClan), Sparkberry(wipes out SunClan), Rainykit (dies from Jayfern), Mosspaw (died from Jayfern), Fluftfur (wipes out Sunclan), Hairypaw (apprentice to the med, Mistleaf).
      She is a thunderclan she cat
      More kits to come, as she is not dead

    • Featherstar/stripe, a black she-cat with white specks and amber eyes. She is a leader of WindClan. She is known for her hunting, fighting, and cleverness. She has two kits, Specklekit and Fernkit, whose future is becoming wise leaders known by every cat. Featherstar had a sealed deadly fate.

    • 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣 𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚛.... 𝙴𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎! ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

      Featherpaw/splash, apprentice of ShadowClan. She is known for sacrificing herself to save the clans. She loves eating voles, as they are her favorite. She has five kits, one of which became a wise leader that the clans won’t forget. She had a very good life. Her kits names are Jayfern, who became a leader, and Wishspirit, Spottedjump, Redkit, and Flutterfeather.

    • Featherstripe is a long furred tortoiseshell and white she cat. She is a medicine cat of ThunderClan. She formed a new clan called BerryClan with the help of her leader Fernstar. She had one kit (you forgot fish lol) called Specklewish, who had a simple life, but well-spent as a warrior. Featherstripe had an awesome life!

    • I got a warrior/queen named Feathersplash and she is a silver-gray tabby with dusk-blue eyes and white chest. She lives in WindClan and is known for having great leadership on a difficult journey. Her life was unfortunate because her mother died from a fox attack and her mate died in a storm. She had two kits named Wrenfern and Brindlestorm. Wrenfern became Wrenstar and was a wise leader known by everyone. While Brindlestorm betrayed WindClan and went to live with some rouges.

    • Leafstripe- Black she-cat with white specks and amber eyes. Deputy of Skyclan. She is known for hunting, fighting, and cleverness. She mostly eats mouse (if it is available), and avoids eating bugs. (Yuck.) She will eventually become a wise leader known by every cat. She had a kit named Wrenfern, who one day, became her med cat. According to the generator, she had a very unfortunate life. (But I know that her life was secretly great😅) Thnx! The generator was fun!

    • Featherflight of ShadowClan, a black she-cat with white specks and amber eyes. She was known for forming a new known clan and had no kits (if she did have kits, they would have lived normal lives, and one of them would have been call Wrenwish)

    • FeatherStar/stripe, long haired tortoiseshell and white she cat leader of Riverclan wants to be known for forming soul clan a clan where cats that do not believe in star clan or the dark forest go has five kits that all died in battle became a wise leader her life was good enough only surviving kit is JayWish.

  • On the old blog I found a generator and this is what it said:
    I am a ShadowClan medicine cat who fell in love with a deputy from another Clan and we had three kits who killed someone when they found out I was their parent.Weird.

  • Quick name generator 🙂

    Favourite Group – Prefix
    SkyClan – Feather
    ShadowClan – Lizard
    ThunderClan – Sky
    WindClan – Heather
    Tribe of Rushing Water – Flower
    Dark Forest – Branch
    StarClan – Reed
    BloodClan – Rabbit

    Last letter of first name – suffix

    A- Foot
    B- Wing
    C- Feather
    D- Leaf
    E- Fall
    F- Tooth
    G- Pelt
    H- Whisker
    I- Flame
    J- Sky
    K- Fang
    L- Claw
    M- Dapple
    N- Tail
    O- Cloud
    P- Splash
    Q- Flight
    R- Fur
    S- Thorn
    T- Sky
    U- Stream
    V- Song
    W- Stripe
    X- Briar
    Y- Berry
    Z- Fern

    I’m Skyflame 😀

  • Favorite type of weather –

    Sunny and warm – Bramble
    Stormy and rainy – Tawny
    Misty and windy – Moth
    Cold and snowy – Hawk
    Other / None / Can’t decide – Tiger

    Worst number 1-4

    1 – Wing
    2 – Claw
    3 – Frost
    4 – Pelt

    Pick a number 1 – 4

    1 – ThunderClan
    2 – ShadowClan
    3 – RiverClan
    4 – Dark Forest (Choose again for former Clan)

    Favorite number 1-5

    1 – Warrior / Queen
    2 – Medicine Cat Apprentice
    3 – Medicine Cat
    4 – Deputy
    5 – Leader

    Pick a number 1-4

    1 – Dark brown tabby with amber eyes
    2 – Tortoiseshell with green eyes
    3 – Dappled golden
    4 – Dark brown with a white underbelly and ice-blue eyes

    Mothwing or Tawnywing, a dappled golden she-cat, medicine cat of RiverClan. (Didn’t realize I was going to get Mothwing.)

    • OOH THE THEME IS TIGERSTAR’S KITZ AND HIMSELF! Heheh. Bramblewing or Hawkwing, a medicine cat apprentice of RiverClan. Bramble/Hawkwing is a dark brown she-cat with a white under-belly with ice-blue eyes. COOL!

    • Bramblepelt, the medicine cat apprentice of ShadowClan, a tortoiseshell with green eyes 😀

    • Tigerfrost, a Dark Forest cat, formerly the ThunderClan deputy. She’s a tortoiseshell with green eyes.

    • Bramblefrost, a dark brown cat with a white underbelly and ice-blue eye, from the Dark Forest who was previously ShadowClan deputy.

    • I got Hawkfrost, a dark brown with a white underbelly and ice-blue eyes, part of the Dark Forest and formally deputy of Shadowclan. (omg its just like Hawkfrost in the books except this Hawkfrost is from Shadowclan :P)

    • Mothpaw/frost (medicine cat apprentice), a dappled golden cat

    • 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣 𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚛.... 𝙴𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎! ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

      Hawkclaw or Tawnyclaw, medicine cat of ThunderClan. She is a dappled golden she-cat.

    • I LITERALLY GOT TIGERCLAW OF SHADOWCLAN, WHO BECAME LEADER (Dark brown with a white underbelly and ice blue eyes)

  • Name generator!

    Your favorite number 1-7


    Your favorite name from here..

    Can’t decide/I hate them all/ I AM GROOT/excuse=paw

    I am Leafstorm! Anyone get the pattern?

  • Month you joined BlogClan——-> Rank and Clan (I put this one first for a reason)
    January- Leader of SkyClan
    February- Deputy of ThunderClan
    March- of ShadowClan
    April- Warrior of WindClan
    May- Elder of RiverClan
    June- Loner, formerly SkyClan warrior
    July- Dark Forest, formerly medicine cat of WindClan
    August- Kittypet
    September- StarClan, formerly warrior of ShadowClan
    October- Tribe
    November- Loner, formerly of BloodClan
    December- BloodClan

    Favorite number—> prefix/kittypet/BloodClan name
    3.141592653589 (aka pi)- Splash
    4- Hound
    5- Shade

    First letter of your last name—–> Suffix (ignore this one if you are a kittypet or from BloodClan)
    A~E- claw
    F~K- heart
    L~P- wind
    Q~U- fern
    V~Z- berry

    I’m Shadeberry or Splashberry, former SkyClan warrior.

  • Candy Name generator

    Favorite ORIGINAL StarBurst fLavor





    None/Can’t Decide/Can’t have StarBursts/Never tried Star Bursts/Don’t Like Star Bursts-Quail

    On a scale of one-to-ten how yummy is candy?



    8-you are former loner/kittypet/rouge/barn cat that wanted no suffix



    can’t have candy/5 and lower-bird

    Guess the theme!

    I got Rosepetal

  • Third letter of your last name?

    A – Aspen
    B – Bracken
    C – Cinder
    D – Dawn
    E – Ember
    F – Fire
    G – Goose
    H – Hail
    I – Ivy
    J – Jay
    K – Kestrel
    L – Lion
    M – Maple
    N – Nettle
    O – Owl
    P – Pigeon
    Q – Quail
    R – Ripple
    S – Sorrel
    T – Thrush
    U – Briar
    V – Vixen
    W – Wren
    X – Robin
    Y – Yarrow
    Z – Soot
    Other /Less than three / Can’t say – Rain

    At what day did you join BlogClan?

    1 – Splash
    2 – Briar
    3 – Cloud
    4 – Storm
    5 – Bird
    6 – Flower / Fang
    7 – Leaf
    8 – Fire
    9 – Flame
    10 – Blaze
    11 – Pool
    12 – Water
    13 – Flight
    14 – Leap
    15 – Song
    16 – Stripe
    17 – Light
    18 – Blossom / Claw
    19 – Shade
    20 – Dawn
    21 – Dusk
    22 – Stream
    23 – Breeze
    24 – Spirit
    25 – Wish
    26 – Moon
    27 – Fall
    28 – Brook
    29 – Wind
    30 – Shadow
    31 – Wing
    Can’t remember – Fern

    How many pets you have for clan –

    0 – ThunderClan
    1 – ShadowClan
    2 – WindClan
    3 – RIverClan
    4 – SkyClan
    5 – Tribe of Rushing Water
    6 – Ancients
    7 – BloodClan
    8 or more / Can’t say – Unknown Clan or make your own? 😛

    Rippledawn of RiverClan.

  • Favorite Ship:
    SquirrelXBramble – Splash
    LionXHeather – Breeze
    LeafXCrow – Night
    HollyXFallen – Tunnel
    LionXCinder – Strong
    RoseXFox – Ice

    Favorite Love-Hate
    AshXSquirrelXBramble – fire
    CrowXLeaf – leaf
    CrowXNight – cloud
    PineXLeopard – spots

    I am Strongfire or Icefire, Strongleaf or Iceleaf

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