Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • Another Generator!
    (To Starspring, I added others!)

    Prefix: Your Prefix’s Last Letter
    A: Apple/Apsen
    B: Berry/Briar
    C: Creek/Clover
    D: Daisy/Dash
    E: Echo/Ember
    F: Finch/Frost
    G: Golden/Goose
    H: Hazel/Honey
    I: Ice/Ivy
    J: Jay/Juniper
    K: Kestrel/Kink
    L: Leaf/Lightning
    M: Mist/Mouse
    N: Nettle/Night
    O: Oak/Owl
    P: Poppy/Pine
    Q: Quick/Quail
    R: Rain/Rose
    S: Sage/Smoke
    T: Thorn/Twig
    U: Pick Your Own!
    V: Vine/Violet
    W: Water/Willow
    X: Pick Your Own!
    Y: Yellow/Yew
    Z: Pick Your Own!

    Suffix: Pick Your Favorite Hamilton Song!

    Alexander Hamilton: Cloud/Dawn

    Schuyler Sisters: Breeze/Flower

    The Room Where It Happens: Leaf/Light

    Aaron Burr, Sir: Heart/Mist

    My Shot: Nose/Berry

    Right Hand Man: Bird/Bright

    Helpless: Brook/Claw

    Other/I Don’t Like Hamilton/I Don’t Know Hamilton: Dapple/Frost

    For Your Clan, Choose Your Favorite Element

    Air – ThunderClan
    Space – ShadowClan
    Water – RiverClan
    Fire – WindClan
    Earth – SkyClan

    Your Favorite She-cat Med Cat Out of These Is Your Pelt
    Spottedleaf – calico with she-cat green eyes
    Yellowfang – FLOOFY yellow she-cat with white underbelly and paws with blue eyes
    Moth Flight – deep gray, almost black tom with white paws and amber eyes
    Brambleberry – pure white she-cat with one amber eye and one green eye
    Cinderpelt – FLOOFY ginger tom with yellow eyes
    Leafpool – plump cinnamon she-cat with black paws and blue eyes
    Willowshine – a FLOOFY tuxedo she-cat with blue eyes
    Other: a gray tom with black underbelly and green eyes

    My result: Willowdawn, a FLOOFY yellow she-cat with white underbelly and paws with blue eyes in RiverClan

  • I’m so bored I have to make a genorator.
    This is an AVoS genorater! DO NOT USE UNLESS IF U HAVE READ AVOS.
    Prefix-your fav charecter from AVoS.
    Suffix-least fav charecter from AVoS’s suffix.
    Description-least fav main charecter who isn’t a villan
    Alderheart-dark ginger cat with amber eyes
    Twigbranch-gray cat with green eyes
    Violetshine-black and white cat with amber eyes
    Needletail-silver cat with green eyes
    Finleap-brown cat
    Tree-yellow cat with amber eyes
    Clan-fav villan
    That’s it! I got Lilyleap, a brown she-cat. I’m a RiverClan queen. I was named Lilyleap when I became a Warrior because I can go in the water and leap out and back in. Neat trick, huh?

        • my first Generator
          Prefix-Favorite ShadowClan Cat
          Suffix:Favorite ship that breaks the code
          Description:Favorite Leader or Deputy from WindClan(you can change the gender if you want)
          Heatherstar-Gray and Ginger she-cat
          Gorsefoot-Gray, dark Orange, and Yellow striped tom
          Reedfeather-White tom with red looking spots
          Talltail-Black,White and Ginger she-cat
          Tallstar-Brown tabby she-cat with light gray ears
          Mudclaw-Black tom with white paws and chest
          Onewhisker-Calico she-cat
          Onestar-Tortoiseshell tom
          Ashfoot-white she-cat with light gray stripes
          Harespring-cream colored tom
          Harestar-brown and white she-cat
          Crowfeather-black tom with blue and yellow eyes
          Clan:Favorite series
          Prophecies begin-ThunderClan
          The New Prophecy-RiverClan
          Power of the Three-ShadowClan
          Omen of the Stars-WindClan
          A vision Of shadows-SkyClan
          The Broken Code-Loner
          I got Goldenblaze,a black she-cat with blue and yellow eyes. A queen of RiverClan

    • Gingerwing, a yellow she cat with amber eyes, of Thunderclan. She was named Ginger wing after catching a huge hawk, big enough to feed the whole clan!

    • Branchwhisker of Windclan, a silver She-cat with green eyes.

      She was named Branchkit for her pelt bearing a similar colour to beech bark and her thin but sturdy build like tree branches, reminding her mother of nearby Thunderclan territory where her mate lived, making her kits half-clan. Branchwhisker was given her suffix for her quick instincts and very alert higher-than-a-typical-Windclan-cat senses, which came into good use especially when it came to saving a lost kit from a kestrel when she found and battled the bird of prey, awarding her with her Warrior name.

      (I gave Branchwhisker more of a backstory and reason for her naming than I originally imagined. It’s when happens when you gat caught in the moment of creating! 😛 )

    • Gingerwing (a name of one of my OC’s, funnily enough!) – she’s a brown cat (Finleap is a bit eehhh in my book, I need to see how he develops 😛 ) from WindClan!

  • 1:prefix. Favorite color
    Red- rose/fire
    Orange- sun/blaze
    Yellow- flower/bee
    Green- mint/grass
    Blue- dew/river
    Purple- violet/shade
    White- snow/frost
    Black- shadow/night
    2: Suffix. Least favorite color
    Red- heart/blaze
    Orange- dawn/flight
    Yellow- sun/petal
    Green- weed/fern
    Blue- water/drop
    Purple- shade/pelt
    White- ice/blizzard
    Black- fur/eyes
    3: rank. Favorite fruit
    Strawberry- leader/elder
    Blueberry- med cat/ warrior
    Orange- kit/apprentice
    Cherry- deputy/loner
    4:fur and eye color. Favorite weather
    Rain- blue-gray with blue eyes
    Sun- golden tabby fur with green eyes
    Storm- black fur with dark amber eyes
    Cloudy- gray Fur with yellow eyes
    Snowy- white fur with ice blue eyes
    Idk- tortishell with one eye amber one eye blue
    5: personality. Favorite animal
    Cat- warm, friendly, kind
    Fox- michstiveos, sneaky, secretive
    Wolf- evil, odd, dark
    Lynx- creative, intelligent, loyal
    Dog- ambitious, fierce, feisty
    Panda- lazy, crazy, weird

    I am Violetfern, I am a medicine cat, I am a golden tabby she-cat with green eyes, and I am creative intelligent and loyal

    • River dawn, an elder. She is a gray she- cat with yellow eyes and is lazy crazy and weird 😝great name genorator Btw

    • Petal (My favorite color is pink), a former loner, now a medicine cat. I am a black she cat with dark amber eyes.
      I also can’t do the personality, cause my favorite animal is a dragon/Lion, but if your asking what’s the favorite of all of thoses, than my personality is mischievous, sneaky, and Mysterious.
      Amazing generator, Gingerpaw!!!

    • (Favorite color is pink)Berrypetal,a white she-cat with icy blue eyes and deputy of RiverClan. I am warm,friendly,kind, creative, intelligent and, loyal.
      Great name genorator

    • Violetsun, a black furred cat with dark amber eyes. They are deputy of their Clan and are mischievous, sneaky, and secretive.

    • dewfern
      blue-gray with blue eyes
      warm, friendly, kind
      i love this generator!

    • I got Dewdawn! He is a golden tabby with green eyes ( which is soo similar to my blogclan purrsona ‘s appearance) and he is a ambitious, fierce and feisty deputy!

      Love the generator!❤

    • I got Dewfur, the RiverClan deputy. She’s a golden tabby she-cat with green eyes. She has been a queen. I am warm, friendly, and kind. I love this name so much that I’m going to make a story. I was from a rouge family, but my mother and sisters died at birth, and I never met my father. I was named Dew then. Then, a kind queen named Softheart took me in and raised me just like I was one of her own. My name was changed to Dewkit. Bridgekit and Tawnykit, Softheart’s kits, teased me about not being Clanborn. When I became an apprentice, I trained so hard that Mistystar made me a Warrior before Bridgepaw. Tawnypaw had decided to become a Medicine cat. I recived the name Dewfur, and I took Bridgetail(Bridgepaw) as a mate. When I was expecting kits, I met my father. His name was Stan. We hated each other. I had three kits, Lilykit, Ripkit, and Cloudkit. Lilypaw, Rippaw, and Cloudpaw became Warriors. Lilyfish mated with Fishtail, and had Maplekit and Blossomkit. They became Maplepaw and Blossompaw, and Cloudwing mentored Blossompaw and I mentored Maplepaw. Our deputy died, so Mistystar appointed me as deputy. That’s my Dewfur story! P.S. Ripear is Rippaw’s Warrior name, and Tawnyheart is Tawnypaw’s Medicine cat name.

    • ˜”*°•.˜”*°•Bee That Rests Near Golden Fire(Goldenbee) •°*”˜.•°*”˜ says:

      I am Shadepetal, a medicine cat with golden tabby fur and green eyes. She is warm, friendly, and kind.

    • Snowdawn, a white she-cat with ice blue eyes, deputy of ShadowClan. She is creative, intelligent, and loyal.

  • Here is a name generator!

    For your prefix, take the first letter of your least favorite Warriors character’s name!
    If you have more than one least favorite, like me, (my least favorite is a tie between Brokenstar and Tom) just pick one.

    A- Apple
    B- Blue
    C- Cloud
    D- Dark
    E- Emerald
    F- Fish
    G- Gorse
    H- Hail
    I- Ice
    J- Jasmine
    K- Kink
    L- Lion
    M- Maple
    N- Night
    O- Owl
    P- Petal
    Q- Quick
    R- Rose
    S- Swift
    T- Turtle
    U- Choose randomly
    V- Choose randomly
    W- Wind
    X- Choose randomly
    Y- Yew
    Z- Choose randomly
    I don’t have a leafy favorite cat- Choose randomly
    For your suffix, take your favorite Warriors character’s prefix!

    And finally, for your Clan, pick your favorite character from The Prophecies Begin out of these!

    Graystripe- ThunderClan
    Bluestar- RiverClan
    Yellowfang- ShadowClan
    Firestar- WindClan
    Tigerstar- SkyClan
    Scourge- BloodClan
    Other: Tribe of Rushing Water- change name to fit.
    Here’s what I got! Blueturtle, a ThunderClan cat. They’re a black cat with brown and gray splotches, a stumpy tail, and violet eyes.
    Silverstream defender

    • Applecrooked, a cat of ShadowClan. They are a dark ginger cat with green eyes and a limp on their right side that causes them to tilt slightly when they walk.

    • rosetail a brown and white shadowclan she-cat
      nice generator!

    • There is probably gonna be a lot of -ivy, for Ivypool.

      I got:
      Mapleroot, a Windclan cat. She’s an amber-ginger, white, and black tortoiseshell she cat with beautiful stormy green eyes.
      Amazing generator, Turtle! I loved it!

    • Turtle that swims in a pool(Turtle),a tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes.

    • Ice Glazed On Hazel Tree’s Leaves (Ice) of the Tribe of Rushing Water. They are a white cat with light brown tabby patches and copper eyes.

    • Turtle that Crawls Through Gorse Bush (Turtlegorse), a Tribe cat. They are pale lilac with bright green eyes and a huge scar on their belly.

    • I got Turtle that comes out at dawn Light(Turtle) (Turtlelight), a prey-hunter, brown she-cat, who has been a kit-mother.

    • Bluefern, a ShadowClan she-cat with blue-green eyes and a smoky gray pelt. Her mother is Rosedove and her father is Lionmoth.
      Born in WindClan, Bluekit was named after her bluish eyes. She had two littermates, Applekit and Cloudkit. Cloudkit was the adventurous one of her litter, while despite being curious and playful, Bluekit wasn’t reckless like her sister. Applekit was gentle and peaceful, and one day Cloudkit and Bluekit snuck out of camp. Bluekit told Applekit, who told Rosedove and Lionmoth. They caught up to their kits just in time to see that Bluekit was trapped under a tree. Thankfully, the medicine cats came and Bluekit was saved. However, Bluekit held a grudge against Cloudkit for the rest of her life. Bluekit, Cloudkit, and Applekit were apprenticed, Bluepaw to Larkberry, Cloudpaw to Gorsebird, and Appplepaw to Lilystep. Bluepaw caught a large magpie when hunting for her first time and almost caught an eagle on her 8th hunt. This greatly increased her popularity among the Clan, and she made friends with a cat that was particularly kind to her. However, Flamepaw died two moons later, getting hit by a monster. Devastated, Bluepaw fled, vowing never to come back to WindClan. Around 7 moons later, she went to ShadowClan to seek refuge. ShadowClan gladly accepted her; they were short of warriors. She was made a warrior; Bluefern. She later became mates with Reedheart and had 3 kits, Maplekit, Jasminekit, and Owlkit. (Maplenose, Jasminerose, and Owlstem). She is currently the deputy of ShadowClan.

    • Jasminpool of ShadowClan. She is a silver cat with a white underbelly and legs and white face markings. She has three black paws and emerald green eyes. She would have been Jasmineivy, but that just didn’t have a ring to it.

  • Here’s my first attempt at a name generator!

    Prefix = the first letter of your BlogClan name

    G-Gray (hopefully your pelt is gray or this sucks)
    U- go to A/think of your own that starts with U
    X- go to C/think of your own that starts with X
    Z- go to B/ think of your own that starts with Z

    Suffix = the last letter of your BlogClan name

    j- go to f/think of your own that starts with j
    k- go to p/think of your own that starts with k
    o-go to w/think of your own that starts with o
    q-go to t/think of your own that starts with q
    u-go to a/think of your own that starts with u
    v-go to L/think of your own that starts with v
    x-go to m/think of your own that starts with x
    y-go to h/think of your own that starts with y

    Clan = Your birth month

    January or July – ThunderClan
    February or August – RiverClan
    March or September – ShadowClan
    April or October – WindClan
    May or November – SkyClan
    June or December – Tribe

    Your pelt = your favorite fruit

    If it begins with A – long-furred tortie with blue eyes
    If it begins with B – pale brown tabby with violet eyes
    If it begins with C -light blue-gray with white tail-tip, underbelly and feet with brown eyes
    If it begins with D – small mottled black with green eyes
    If it begins with E – white tabby with black and brown chest markings brown eyes
    If it begins with F – mottled light brown tabby with ginger dabs and blue eyes
    If it begins with G – mottled dark gray with white stripes and green eyes
    If it begins with H – black with blue eyes
    If it begins with I – golden brown tabby with white underbelly and violet eyes
    If it begins with J – chocolate brown tabby with brown eyes
    If it begins with K – light gray with black flecks as though they have been running in the rain and green eyes
    If it begins with L – sphynx cat with violet eyes
    If it begins with M – dark brown with a white head and amber eyes
    If it begins with N – mottled black with striped legs and brown eyes
    If it begins with O – light brown tabby with green eyes
    If it begins with P – pure white with a tint of light blue and blue eyes
    If it begins with Q – pale ginger and white with violet eyes
    If it begins with R – light gray with white feet and tail-tip and amber eyes
    If it begins with S – black with white ears and green eyes
    If it begins with T – deep lilac tabby with brown eyes
    If it begins with U – dark brown with light brown splotches and amber eyes
    If it begins with V -mottled bright ginger with violet eyes
    If it begins with W – large golden-brown with green eyes
    If it begins with X – blue-gray with white spots and blue eyes
    If it begins with Y – light gray tabby with brown eyes
    If it begins with Z – brown with water-looking blue-gray splotches and green eyes

    wow that took a long time to make! I’m Vole that Swims in the Creek (volecreek) of the Tribe, and i’m black with white ears and green eyes!

  • My first generator, hope you guys enjoy.

    Prefix: Favorite Sonic Character
    Sonic The Hedgehog – Blue/Swift
    Tails The Fox – Fly/Wing
    Amy The Hedgehog – Pink/Scar
    Knuckles The Echidna – Claw/Emerald
    Shadow The Hedgehog – Dark/InstagramShadow
    Rogue The Bat – Sleek/Ruby
    Silver The Hedgehog -White/Silver
    Blaze The Cat – Fire/Flame
    Cream The Rabbit -Sweet/Cream
    Marine The Raccoon – Loud/Pool
    Big The Cat – Heavy/Frog
    Jet The Hawk – Stone/Wind
    Wave The Swallow -Breeze/Sky
    Storm The Albatross – Storm/Gray
    Eggman The Human -Egg
    Master Emerald (Yes, It is a character)- Shine/Sand
    Other -Briar/Thorn
    I Hate Sonic (>:o)/I Don’t Know What That Is – Light/Smoke

    Suffix: Favorite Thing To Do
    Sleep -Morning/Dawn
    Eat -Berry/Mouse
    Play Video Games – Flicker/Click (That would be an awesome name: Flameclick or Swiftclick)
    Do Things In Nature -Bird/Forest
    Skateboard/Bike/Scooter/Skate/Any Other Thing With Wheels – Roll/Path
    Do Stuff With Animals -Tail/Purr
    Read Warriors -Star
    Watch TV – LagStripe/Branch
    Do Stuff Involving Plants -Leaf/Stem
    Study -Fall/Pop
    Draw – Rain/Grass
    Listen To Music – Boom/Ripple
    Do Stuff Involving Water – Stream/Pool
    Other – Sky/Cloud(s)
    Be On BlogClan – Heart/Shine

    Clan: Favorite Element
    Sun – WindClan
    Moon – ShadowClan
    Ocean – RiverClan
    Sky – SkyClan
    Stars – StarClan
    Earth -ThunderClan

    Appearance: Favorite Color
    Red – Red
    Orange – Orange
    Yellow – Yellow
    Green – White
    Blue – Blue
    Purple – Calico
    Black – Tortoiseshell
    White – Gray
    Gray – Tabby

    Gender: Which Ever Makes You Feel Comfortable

    I Think That Is All You Guys Can Choose Your Own Backstories. Hope You Enjoyed It!

    • Whiteflicker of…(Fav element is fire…) Shadowclan. A Calico she cat with sharp green eyes
      Great generator, Leafpaw/growl

    • I got Lightstream, a golden she-cat of RiverClan. As a kit,(Lightkit) I nearly drowned when I fell off a branch and into the water. Fortunatlly, a Warrior saved me. I became an apprentice(Lightpaw) with Mistystar as my mentor. I became Lightstream for my calmness, like a stream. I took Reedwhisker as my mate. We had three kits together. They were Smokekit and Dawnkit. They became apprentices,(Smokepaw and Dawnpaw) and then Warriors. Their Warrior names were Smokeroll and Dawnpath. Dawnpath(I really like this name) is now nursing Blackkit, Goldkit, and Heartkit. Smokeroll’s mate is expecting his kits currently.

    • Flamekit/flower who is now also Emberbreeze, Dawntail, Snowdawn, Jasminepool, Foxfern, and Lightstream says:

      Lightstream of ShadowClan (okay, that’s a tad bit weird), a white she-cat with black face markings and black specks and a silver stripe down her back. Her father was RiverClan, but ShadowClan never held it against her. Her mother was killed on the Thunderpath when she was two moons old. She is very independent and headstrong, and she is very sassy, though she definitely has a soft side.

  • Blue branch, a starclan cat but was thunderclan. A calico with green eyes.
    I was born to Fernleap and Barksong with Maplekit Jaykit and Cherrykit. As a kit, I was intrested in herbs and didn’t fit in with the other kits. When I was five moons old my father was killed by a badger. As an apprentice I was keen and quite. My mentor was Dewbelly the medicine cat. After moons of hard work I finnaly got my full medicine cat name, Bluebranch. Jay paw became Jaywhisker, Maplepaw became Mapleleaf, and Cherrypaw became Cherrysong. I made friends with Mouseleap and Newtnight. I helped my clan through many seasons. A battle broke out between shadow clan and thunderclan and I was killed.

    PREFIX: Based on the first letter of ur BlogClan name
    SUFFIX: based on the date on ur bday
    CLAN/GROUP: based on the month u were born
    January–> tribe
    February–> The sisters
    March–> Thunderclan
    May–> Skyclan
    June–> Ghost residence
    July–> Riverclan
    October–> Bloodclan(sorry if u got that)
    December–>the kin
    I am dead–> The Place Of No Stars(Dark forest)
    I don´t know–> kittypet
    FUR COLOR: based on ur fav animal down here
    Parrot–> ginger/red
    Dolphin–>Dark gray/grey
    Fox–> Brown
    Flamingo–> Golden/yellow
    Squirrel–> pale gray/grey
    leopard–> pure white
    Deer–> dark Tortoiseshell
    Wolf–> blue-gray
    UMMM IDK: Based on ur fav tree here
    Maple–> pure(ur fur color)
    Oak–> tabby ( ur fur color and gray)
    Willow–>congrats u can decide
    Pine–>spotted( the spots are white)
    cedar–> black chest, and belly
    beech–> with one orange paw
    Alder–> White chest
    Birch–> brown ear-tips and tail-tip
    other–>blue-gray paws
    EYECOLOR: fav drink here
    juice: amber
    All kind of soda: blue
    water: green
    other: u decide
    GENDER: ur gender
    RANK: based on ur fav color here
    yellow: Warrior
    All types of green: Medicine-cat
    All types of blue: medicine-cat apprentice
    black: apprentice
    pink, purple: kit
    gray/grey and brown: elder
    red, orange: queen
    other: clanleader
    white: deputy

    • Frostsnout,a white she-cat w/ gray dapple and blue and green eyes. A queen of SkyClan
      Great generator 🙂

    • Feathershine/star of StarClan, a brown enby cat with darker brown ear-tips and tail tip; has blue eyes. They were formerly a Clan leader before joining StarClan. (I…can’t pick a favourite colour)

    • Moonkit/song (Today’s my Birthday!) of RiverClan, a brown she cat with blue-gray paws (Favorite type of tree is a jungle tree!) and kind brown-amber eyes

    • I got Frosttail, a gray she-cat with green eyes. I am the WindClan Medicine Cat apprentice. When I was a kit, (Frostkit) I wanted to be a Warrior. But then, I didn’t like the thought of hurting anyone, so I decided to be a Medicine Cat. On my first day of apprenticeship(as Frostpaw) when I walked into the Medicine den, I felt home. It was so nice to smell herbs, and my future! So good! When Kestrelflight decided to give me my full Medicine Cat name, I was so excited. I usually turn tail from battles to the Medicine den, so Kestrelflight named me Frosttail. My sister Rebelheart had three kits, Cloudkit, Ripkit, and Fishkit. Kestrelflight let me help them be born.

    • ˜”*°•.˜”*°•Bee That Rests Near Golden Fire(Goldenbee) •°*”˜.•°*”˜ says:

      Bluekit, a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes, and is apparently a kittypet(?)

      You…..kinda forgot august 😉

    • Spots that Shine of blue (Bluespot) A gray she-cat with black spots and green eyes. I am a prey hunter

    • Featherberry a dark tortishell she-cat with amber eyes. Deputy of skyclan

    • Flamekit/flower who is now also Emberbreeze, Dawntail, Snowdawn, Jasminepool, Foxfern, Lightstream, and Dapplebreeze says:

      I am Dapplebreeze, the deputy of BloodClan. I am a large pure white she-cat with green eyes and silver spots on my face.

  • Pretty Quick OC Name Generator
    Favorite First Series Character
    Firestar: Dawn
    Graystripe: Swift
    Tigerstar: Owl
    Cinderpelt: Black
    Bluestar: Dusk
    Yellowfang: Tree
    Sandstorm: Berry
    Ravenpaw: Brown
    Other: Apple
    Favorite New Prophecy Character
    Brambleclaw: feather
    Squirrelflight: tail
    Feathertail: fang
    Leafpool: pelt
    Crowfeather: fall
    Mothwing: flight
    Hawkfrost: splash
    Other: frost
    Favorite Power of Three character
    Lionblaze- Riverclan
    Jayfeather- Shadowclan
    Hollyleaf- Windclan
    Sol- Thunderclan
    Rock- Loner/Rogue
    Breezepelt- Skyclan
    Heathertail- Kittypet
    Favorite Omen of the Stars character
    Ivypool- Light yellow cat with green eyes and dark paws
    Dovewing- dark red cat with blue eyes and tabby markings
    Jayfeather- tortoiseshell cat with green eyes
    Lionblaze- Light gray cat with long whiskers and silver spots
    Tigerheart- dark gray cat with long fur
    Mapleshade- ginger cat with brown markings and green eyes

    What did you guys get?

    • I got Applefrost, a dark red WindClan she-cat with blue eyes and tabby markings. As a kit, (Applekit, Berrykit, and Blackkit) I dreamed of becoming a Medicine cat. But I decided to be a Warrior instead. My brother Blackkit got to be the Medicine cat instead. When we became apprentices,(Applepaw, Berrypaw, and Blackpaw) Berrypaw and I loved running the moores and chasing rabbits. Blackpaw decided that Medicine cat ways were not the way to go for him. So he decided to join us. Berrypaw and I became Warriors before him, though, because we’ve had more training. I became Applefrost for my cold feeling I can be sometimes and Berrypaw became Berrytail(oop cannon) because he usually turned tail in battles. I decided that Berrytail and I should help Blackpaw along quicker, and soon after he became Blackpelt, for his sharpness whenever someone acts like he can’t be a Warrior because he wanted to be a Medicine cat. Harestar and I became mates, and they had three kits, Duskkit, Treekit, and Brownkit. They became apprentices, and Berrytail and Blackpelt got to mentor Duskpaw and Treepaw, while Dawnfang got to mentor Brownpaw. They became Warriors with the names Duskflight, Treefeather, and Brownfall. The end!

    • Brownfrost, a dark red cat with blue eyes and tabby markings. They are in RiverClan.

    • Dawnfrost, of Shadowclan. She’s a dark Red she-cat with tabby markings and blue eyes!
      This looks a lot like my new cat, Starburst!

    • Flamekit/flower who is now also Emberbreeze, Dawntail, Snowdawn, Jasminepool, Foxfern, Lightstream, Dapplebreeze, and Berrysplash says:

      Berrysplash of WindClan. I am a ginger cat with brown markings and green eyes. I got my name because one time in leafbare I chased a rabbit right into the stream! I did catch the rabbit though, and it saved many cats from starving! I also once fell into the RiverClan river (it was greenleaf, thank StarClan) trying to stop my brother from falling in.

  • Name generator time!

    For your prefix, take the prefix of your LEAST FAVORITE Warriors character!

    For your suffix, take the suffix of your SECOND FAVORITE Warriors character!

    And finally, for your Clan, pick your favorite of Graystripe’s kits!

    Feathertail- RiverClan
    Stormfur- SkyClan
    Briarlight- WindClan
    Blossomfall- ThunderClan
    Bumblestripe- ShadowClan

    Here is what I got: Brokenwing, a black and orange splotchy cat. They’re from RiverClan!
    Turtle 🐢

    • Breezeblaze, a Skyclan Warrior. Breezeblaze is a pale gray tom with dark ears and dark eyes. He was born to the clan deputy, Tigershade, and Blossomwing. He was apprenticed by Slatestar and was spoiled by the clan. He wasn’t very good at any of the skills of a warrior so he left the clan. He named himself Breezeblaze and lived in Twolegplace. Breezeblaze met a young Kittypet named Cora and they fell in love. She was expecting his kits when he died. Breezeblaze picked a fight with a Thunderclan patrol and paid the price. He went to Starclan but regretted dieing because he never got to see his kits

    • I got Tigerpelt, a brown tabby she-cat with green eyes of WindClan. As a kit,(Tigerkit, Darkkit, and Scourgekit) my littermates, Darkkit and Scourgekit, died. I became apprenticed(Tigerpaw) to Hawklight, a brown tabby she-cat, my mother’s sister. She trained me well. I had the air of “Keep your fur on!”, so when I became a Warrior,(Tigerpelt) I never took a mate. I was once captured by Twolegs and had to be a kittypet,(Tiger) but WindClan sent a patrol to save me. I loved feeling the wind in my fur again! Kestrelflight told me that Darkkit and Scourgekit were watching over me in StarClan. I was so happy to hear that. Now I’m an Elder, and I complain just for the fun of it. It’s fun to watch the youngsters fetch me bedding and then have to groan as I say that they’re to damp so they have to get new moss. Haha! The end!

    • Juniperpelt, a pale ginger she-cat with barely visible darker ginger spots, and huge brown amber eyes
      Great generator, Turtle!

    • Flamekit/flower who is now also Emberbreeze, Dawntail, Snowdawn, Jasminepool, Foxfern, Lightstream, Dapplebreeze, Berrysplash and Doveshade says:

      Doveshade of RiverClan. I am a gray tabby she-cat with green eyes and a sharp set of claws.

    • Hawk- a loner who joined WindClan

      (for the prefix, I’ve never really thought about who my least favorite cat is but I’m kinda mad at Hawkfrost about killing Hollyleaf. For the suffix- Jessy’s my second favorite and she doesn’t have a suffix. 😛 )

  • okay this is my first name generator. (And I tried to add variety!)

    Prefix: Your favorite out of these random, mostly well-known characters.
    Bluestar: Misty(Not a ref to Mistystar, tho ;))/Rain
    Snowfur: Blizzard/Frost
    Scourge: Shadow/Russet
    Any of the ‘Tigerstars’: Wild/Bramble
    Firestar: Flame/Spark
    Graystripe: Mouse/Ash
    Spottedleaf: Brindle/Dapple(d)
    Squirrelflight: Ginger/Holly (yep, holly)
    Leafpool: Brook/Briar
    Ashfur: Cinder/Soot
    Jayfeather: Robin/Feather
    Hollyleaf: Yew/Fern
    Lionblaze: Tiger/Marigold
    Dovewing: Bright/Prism (guess the reference :))
    Ivypool: Silver/Thistle

    Suffix: Now, your least favorite. These suffixes are completely random!
    Bluestar: flame/dawn
    Snowfur: heart/stripe
    Scourge: stream/claw
    Any of the ‘Tigerstars’: tail/foot
    Firestar: purr/storm
    Graystripe: leaf/light
    Spottedleaf: fur/flower
    Squirrelflight: song/ear
    Leafpool: shine/shade
    Ashfur: flight/fern
    Jayfeather: wing/moon
    Hollyleaf: cloud/pool
    Lionblaze: dream/fang
    Dovewing: whisper/call
    Ivypool: shadow/fire

    Coat color: Pick your favorite color.
    Pink: Ginger/Silver
    Red: Blue/Gold
    Orange: Black/White
    Yellow: Brown/Gray
    Green: Lavender/Cinnamon
    Blue: Cream/Brown and black
    Purple: Tortoiseshell/Gold and black
    None of those/I dunno: Calico/Silver and blue

    Pattern: Favorite Clan Note: If you got calico or tortoiseshell, you can change this. If you got two colors, and your fave is Shadowclan, pick your second favorite instead.
    Thunderclan: Tabby
    Riverclan: Dapples
    Shadowclan: Solid
    Windclan: Spotted
    Skyclan: Half/Half
    Starclan: Smoked/Chinchilla

    White: Your favorite.. dead place?Note: Don’t do this one if you got calico. If your favorite clan is Starclan, but you got tortie, do your second favorite. Or, if you want, you can change from calico to tortie, or tortie to calico.
    Starclan: Full white/A LOT of white(you likely have non-white spots)
    Tribe of Endless Hunting: White undercoat/White socks, tail, and ear tips
    Dark forest: No white/White spots

    Eye Color: First or last letter of your Blogclan prefix or suffix
    A: Blue
    B: Amber
    C: Green
    D: Gold
    E: Amber and Blue
    F: Green and Blue
    G: Gold
    H: Yellow
    I: Blue
    J: Yellow and Green
    K: Yellow and Blue
    L: Green
    M: Blue
    N: Gold
    O: Violet
    P: Violet and Amber
    Q: Violet and Blue
    R: Green
    S: Blue
    T: Amber
    U: Yellow
    W: Green
    X: Green
    Y: Violet and Green
    Z: r a i n b o w (or anything you want XD)

    Personality Traits: One for the first letter of your Blogclan prefix, and one for the last of your suffix. Or, you could go as far as.. spelling your whole username. If you get the same trait twice, just use the next letter
    A: Quiet
    B: Bold
    C: Smart
    D: Stubborn
    E: Motherly
    F: Brave
    G: Fierce
    H: Overprotective
    I: Awkward
    J: Reliable
    K: Adventurous
    L: Stubborn
    M: Motherly
    N: Smart
    O: Fierce
    P: Bold
    Q: Awkward
    R: Motherly
    S: Brave
    T: Overprotective
    U: Smart
    V: Adventurous
    W: Quiet
    X: Brave
    Y: Fierce
    Z: god

    Clan: Your favorite element
    Fire: Thunderclan
    Water: River- Sike! Shadowclan >:)
    Air/Wind: Wind.. no, Riverclan >:)
    Earth/Nature: Riverclan
    Light: Starclan
    Dark: Dark Forest
    None/Other: Tribe of Rushing Water (I suggest making your name tribe-like!)

    Feel free to change stuff about your results!

    I got Thistledream, a silver she with blue dapples, white spots, and violet and green eyes. She is very overprotective and smart.
    I don’t know my fave element. Right now Im kinda thinking light, if so, she’s in Starclan!
    Otherwise, meet…. Thistle that Waves in Dream?

    • Sparkshore of RiverClan, a half gold and half black cat with a white undercoat and blue eyes. They are brave, fierce, and overprotective.

    • Briartail, a ginger tabby she cat with socks, tail tip and ear tips, and blue eyes. She’s Motherly and Overprotective, and of Thunderclan

    • Flamekit/flower who is now also Emberbreeze, Dawntail, Snowdawn, Jasminepool, Foxfern, Lightstream, Dapplebreeze, Berrysplash, Doveshade, and Silverwhisper says:

      Silverwhisper of ShadowClan. I am a cinnamon she-cat with brown eat tips, a brown stripe on my spine, two silver paws, and green eyes. I am brave, stubborn, and fierce.

    • I got Gingertail, a cream she-cat with white dapples and amber eyes. I’m a ShadowClan Warrior. I’m very bold. As a kit, (Gingerkit and Briarkit) I was named Gingerkit for some reason, and my sister was named Briarkit, even though she’s the ginger one, and she has amber eyes like me. Our mother is a permanant queen and blind, so she got a little mixed up. Her name is Prismstream, and she’s a tortieseshell she-cat with blind green eyes. As apprentices,(Gingerpaw and Briarpaw) we got apprenticed to Mistyflight and Thistlefang. When we became Warriors, I got named Gingertail, and Briarpaw got named Briarshadow. Briarshadow searched for a mate, and then I helped her find out that Thistlefang, her mentor, had a crush on her, so he became her mate. They had three kits, Brindlekit, Yewkit, and Ashkit. They became apprentices(Brindlepaw, Yewpaw, and Ashpaw) and I got to mentor Brindlepaw. Yewpaw became deaf in one ear, but she pushed on, but that did mean that Brindlepaw and Ashpaw got to be Warriors before her. Brindlepaw became Brindlewing(oop canon) and Ashpaw became Ashpool. Yewpaw became a Warrior soon after, and was named Yewleaf. The end! P.S. I love your siggie!

  • Here’s a long Warriors OC generator similar to the PJO and WoF OC ones I made awhile back 😛

    Part 1 – Type of cat
    Pick a random number between 1-8.

    1 – Clan-born
    2 – Tribe-born
    3 – Ancient
    4 – Loner
    5 – Guardian cat
    6 – Rogue
    7 – Kittypet
    8 – You choose

    Part 2 – Clan
    Note – This part doesn’t apply to cats that aren’t Clan-born.
    Pick a random number 1-5 for the Clan.

    1 – ThunderClan
    2 – RiverClan
    3 – WindClan
    4 – SkyClan
    5 – ShadowClan

    Part 3 – Ranks
    Note – This doesn’t apply to guardian cats, loners, rogues, and kittypets.

    Clan Rank – Choose a random number between 1 and 11.
    1 – Kit
    2 – Apprentice
    3 – Medicine cat apprentice
    4 – Warrior
    5 – Medicine cat
    6 – Senior warrior
    7 – Queen
    8 – Mediator
    9 – Deputy
    10 – Leader
    11 – Elder

    Ancient Rank – Choose a random number between 1 and 5.
    1 – Healer / Stoneteller
    2 – Sharpclaw
    3 – Softpaw
    4 – Queen
    5 – Elder

    Tribe Rank – Choose a random number between 1 and 7.
    1 – Healer / Stoneteller
    2 – Prey-hunter
    3 – Cave-guard
    4 – To-be
    5 – Kit-mother
    6 – Elder
    7 – Kit

    Part 4 – Personality
    For this part, just pick 4 random numbers between 1 and 50. If you get all positive traits, change two to be negative. If you get all negative traits, change two to be positive.

    1 – Excitable
    2 – Playful
    3 – Prideful
    4 – Shy
    5 – Pessimistic
    6 – Realist
    7 – Aggressive
    8 – Observant
    9 – Gentle
    10 – Soft-spoken
    11 – Optimist
    12 – Careless
    13 – Lazy
    14 – Unruly
    15 – Curious
    16 – Friendly
    17 – Kind
    18 – Stubborn
    19 – Cunning
    20 – Explosive
    21 – Creative
    22 – Quiet
    23 – Opportunist
    24 – Clever
    25 – Empathetic
    26 – Impulsive
    27 – Distrustful
    28 – Selfish
    29 – Secretive
    30 – Cruel
    31 – Harsh
    32 – Cowardly
    33 – Modest
    34 – Hard worker
    35 – Greedy
    36 – Touchy
    37 – Talkative
    38 – Bold
    39 – Quick to anger
    40 – Loyal
    41 – Cheerful
    42 – Spoilt
    43 – Blunt
    44 – Airheaded
    45 – Clumsy
    46 – Carefree
    47 – Patient
    48 – Wise
    49 – Hothead
    50 – Truthful

    Part 5 – Appearance
    Note – You can choose the shade of the colour.

    Primary Pelt Colour (1-8):
    1 – Cream; 2 – Ginger; 3 – Black; 4 – White; 5 – Grey; 6 – Golden; 7 – Blue-grey; 8 – Brown

    Secondary Pelt Colour (1-8):
    1 – Cream; 2 – Ginger; 3 – Black; 4 – White; 5 – Grey; 6 – Golden; 7 – Blue-grey; 8 – Brown

    Pattern (1-10):
    1 – Tabby; 2 – Dappled; 3 – Tortoiseshell; 4 – Calico; 5 – Torbie (tabby tortie); 6 – Caliby (tabby calico); 7 – Tuxedo; 8 – Colourpoint; 9 – Hairless; 10 – Solid

    Eyes (1-9):
    1 – Amber; 2 – Copper/brown; 3 – Blue; 5 – Green; 6 – Yellow; 7 – Hazel; 8 – Violet; 9 – Heterochromia (you choose the colours)

    Scars (1-2):
    1 – Yes; 2 – No
    (You choose where the scars are if yes.)

    You can add onto the appearance if you want.

    Part 6 – Name
    For those who have tribe, guardian, or outsider cats, you can adjust the prefix and/or suffix to fit or you can leave it as is if you want.

    PREFIXES (1-20):
    1 – Birch
    2 – Gravel
    3 – Hound
    4 – Brindle
    5 – Lavender
    6 – Pond
    7 – Stoat
    8 – Bee
    9 – Wild
    10 – Snail
    11 – Vixen
    12 – Talon
    13 – Lion
    14 – Kestrel
    15 – Dangling
    16 – Branch
    17 – Olive
    18 – Shrub
    19 – Jet
    20 – Citrus

    SUFFIXES (1-25):
    1 – shore
    2 – night
    3 – hawk
    4 – lily
    5 – bird
    6 – fox
    7 – wolf
    8 – moth
    9 – rose
    10 – perch
    11 – holly
    12 – drift
    13 – strike
    14 – whisper
    15 – fire
    16 – tuft
    17 – stone
    18 – briar
    19 – eye
    20 – berry
    21 – leaf
    22 – step
    23 – feather
    24 – song
    25 – wing

    That should be it, I hope 😛 Feel free to change whatever with the character 😛

    • I got Bee Moth, a colorpoint brown queen with cream colored legs and violet eyes. As a kit, (Bee Moth, Birch Shore, and Brindle Lily) my mother, Gravel Night, named me Bee Moth for being colorpoint, Birch Shore because he’s a white tabby tom with ginger markings and amber eyes, and Brindle Lily for her being a black and golden calico she-cat with green eyes. As a Softpaw, I had fun going in the oak forest, on the moor, in the pine forest, and especially near the river with Birch Shore and Brindle Lily. So when Brindle Lily decided to be a healer instead, we were shocked. Then again, Birch Shore and I reflected, she had always seemed distracted staring at plants while we happily ran around. As a Sharpclaw, Birch Shore became stricter. I didn’t like that. I needed someone to have my back… I knew my siblings always have had my back and always will, but… what I needed was a mate. So when I told Birch Shore I wanted one, he said that I was coco bannanas. 😛 I rolled my eyes and went and saw which toms I liked and which I didn’t. I chose a white and gray dappled tom named Hound Hawk, and we had two kits, one blue-gray tortie she-kit with brown eyes named Lavender Bird, and one white and cream tom-kit with blue eyes named Pond Fox. They’re now three moons old. The end!

      • 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
        Birchshore- a clan-born from thunderClan. I’m a kit or a stoneteller or, another stoneteller. I’m Exitalble, playfull, pridefull, and shy. I’m a cream and cream tabby with Amber eyes. I have scars on my tail, and nose.

    • 1,4,3,10,24, 26, 34, 3, 2, 5, 7, 1, 11, 21:

      Vixenpaw/leaf. She’s the medicine cat of SkyClan, and is a black torbie with a ginger underbelly, tail tip and paw tip, and hazel eyes. She’s soft-spoken, clever, Impulsive, and a Hard-worker.
      Really Great Generator, Starspring!!!

    • I am Rose That Smells of Lavender (Lavenderrose), a Tribe cave-guard. I am a large golden and cream she-cat with amber eyes and a torn ear. I am hotheaded, bold, stubborn, and aggressive.

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