Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users ๐Ÿ™‚


  • I’m noticing a pattern…. Twice in a row I’ve gotten the same name as the person who made the generator plus another person! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    (I got Twilightdawn on Turtle’s generator and Snowclaw on Briarkit’s)

    Edit: oops, new page!

  • This is my first generator! It probably wonโ€™t be great.
    Suffix: Fave book series That isnโ€™t warriors
    Wings of fire: Claw or Pelt
    Harry Potter: Fur or Tail
    Divergent: Foot or Shine
    Land of stories: Patch or Wing
    Other: Whisker or Flight

    Prefix: Fave color
    Red: Berry or Red (Iโ€™m so creative)
    Orange: Fox or Marigold
    Yellow: Sun or Sand
    Green: Grass or Lizard
    Blue: Sky or Otter
    Purple: Violet or Echo (couldnโ€™t think of anything purple)
    Other: Robin or Cow (Iโ€™m out of ideas)

    Clan: Time on BlogClan
    Riverclan: 0 years to 1 year
    Thunderclan: 2-3 years
    Shadowclan: 4-5 years
    Windclan: 6+ years
    Iโ€™m Echoflight of Riverclan. Sorry for putting the suffix before the prefix, I changed it last minute

  • Turtle doesnโ€™t care what anyone else says, Millie ainโ€™t Graystripeโ€™s true mate! Silverstream is! says:


    For your prefix, take your favorite Star Wars droid!
    R2-D2- Blue
    C-3PO- Sun
    K-2SO- Storm
    Chopper- Bloom
    BB-8- Spotted
    IG-11- Maple
    L-3- Wind
    Roger- Flower
    I havenโ€™t seen Star Wars/ other/ I donโ€™t like any droids. (WHY??????????????????????????????????????????????)

    For your suffix, take your second favorite character from The Mandolorian!

    Mando- flame
    IG-11- wish
    Baby Yoda- light
    Cara- stream
    Other- dusk

    For your Clan, pick your favorite character out of these!

    Chewie- RiverClan
    Han- ShadowClan
    Leia- WindClan
    Luke- ThunderClan
    Obi-Wan- SkyClan
    Darth Vader- BloodClan
    Rey- Tribe of Rushing Water (change name to fit)

    Hereโ€™s what I got!

    Bluewish of RiverClan, a long-furred brown cat with black flecks, and green eyes.
    Buy the Stars

  • Name generator!

    Prefix: Take the suffix of your favorite Warrior cat

    Suffix: Favorite Odd Squad agent
    Olive- leaf
    Otto- leap
    Olympia- flight
    Otis- stone
    Other- dust
    I’ve never watched Odd Squad- pelt

    Pelt color: The pelt color of your second favorite Warrior cat

    Eye color: Your favorite color (You can have two different color eyes if you want!)

    Clan: Favorite one of the characters from my novel. Or if you can’t choose, the one that acts most like you (Edit: Sorry if this is hard to read. I had to include some description so you know who you’re choosing from)
    Fireblaze (The main protagonist. She is feisty, stubborn, and passionate.) -ThunderClan
    Sandy (Fireblazeโ€™s best friend. She is easy-going, smart, and reasonable, and often encourages Fireblaze to keep trying.) -RiverClan
    Dusty- (Sandyโ€™s twin sister. Quiet, shy, and caring. Compassionate towards enemies.) -WindClan
    Victoria (Active, chatty, cheerful, imaginative. Can be annoying but is very loyal and selfless.) -SkyClan
    Risky (Fireblazeโ€™s crush/boyfriend. Risky can be careless and power-hungry, but he has a kind heart. He is very brave.) -ShadowClan

    Rank: Your opinion on numbats
    Theyโ€™re cute- Medicine cat
    I donโ€™t have an opinion- Apprentice
    They are a small species of marsupial native to Western Australia- Warrior
    I donโ€™t like numbats (I canโ€™t see how anyone would choose this)- Rogue
    I want a numbat- Leader
    Iโ€™m obsessed with their cuteness just like Pinestripe is- Deputy
    Whatโ€™s a numbat?- Kit

    Personality: Favorite number or pick a random number. You can pick more than one if you really want or if you have multiple favorite numbers. (Edit: In order to make it random I literally used a list of my ocs for this part and put in their personalities. ๐Ÿ˜› It was fun.)
    1- Easygoing, smart
    2- Adventurous, insightful
    3- Lighthearted, creative
    4- Helpful, hard-working
    5- Kind, gentle
    6- Dedicated, caring
    7- Kind, smart
    8- Friendly, accepting
    9- Optimistic, cheerful
    10- Passionate, feisty
    More than 10- Playful, brave

    I think this is the best generator I’ve made! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • My result:
      Fernflight- a dark brown she-cat with one mint green eye and one peach eye.
      When she was an apprentice, she trained to be the ThunderClan medicine cat, but ended up becoming deputy and then leader (because at first I just thought numbats were cute, but then slowly developed an obsession for them and now I want one :P)
      Fernflight is lighthearted, creative, kind, and smart.

    • My fave character thing is a debate between Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Ivypool, so Iโ€™ll either be Featherleaf, Leafleaf, or Poolleaf. Weโ€™re going to go with Featherleaf. I am a silver and white ThunderClan she-cat with one green eye and one teal eye. I am the deputy of ThunderClan, and I am passionate, fiesty, easygoing, and smart.

    • Springpelt, a gray tabby she-cat with light pink eyes, the deputy of RiverClan. She’s playful and brave, but can be over her head, and too confident
      GREAT generator, Pinestripe!!!

    • Grayflight, a tabby and white tom with dark purple eyes. They are the medicine cat of Windclan. They are easygoing, smart, lighthearted, and creative.

    • Featherpelt, Poolpelt, Poolpelt (XD), or Flightpelt. I’m going with Featherpelt even though that’s canon (and my fav minor character lol). They’re a silver and white tabby with blue eyes in who is a RiverClan medicine cat. They are dedicated and caring. Great generator!

    • I got Lightpelt, a flame colored she-cat with one white paw and green eyes. I’m the RiverClan Medicine Cat. I’m friendly and accepting. As a kit, my mother, Pooldust, named me Lightkit because I’m the lightest colored of my litter, my sister Flightkit, and my brother Peltkit. As apprentices, my mentor was Willowshine, Flightpaw’s was named Shineleap(random pick), and Peltpaw’s was named Fangflight(random pick). I thought that Willowshine was the best mentor. Flightpaw and Peltpaw became Warriors before I became a full Medicine Cat. Their new names are Flightstone(random pick) and Peltdust(random pick). Willowshine told me that I was going to get my full Medicine Cat name at the Moonpool. I was so excited! When we got there, she named me Lightpelt because of my light coloring. Now, I’m mentoring one of Peltdust and a she-cat named Poolleaf(random pick). My apprentice is named Furpaw. The End!

    • Leafkit/flight, a light brown she-cat with purple eyes. Leafkit is a young ThunderClan kit who is lighthearted and creative.

    • Name-Lightleaf
      Description-a pale ginger she-cat with green eyes
      Personality-kind and gentle
      Rank-medicine cat

    • Featherleaf, a silver-and-white tabby she-cat with aquamarine eyes. She is the medicine cat of RiverClan cat with a ThunderClan mother (Iโ€™m a mix of Fireblaze and Sandy, k?). Featherleaf is kind and smart.

  • Here we go,
    Take the prefix of your favourite minor character (this is a character that has had no pov in a book and has had no or few interactions with the main characters)

    If you’ve entered NTA recently or ever then take the last suffix of your entry. If you haven’t, then choose one of the winning suffixes

    Your favourite colour out of these
    Red- ShadowClan
    Blue- RiverClan
    Yellow- ThunderClan
    Green- WindClan
    Purple- SkyClan
    Other- Tribe of Rushing Water (change name accordingly)

    Take the gender of your favourite character outside the Warriors Universe

    Pick the base fur colour of your favourite cat.

    Take the markings of your least favourite cat

    Eye Colour
    Take your favourite Warriors Arc
    TPB- green
    TNP- amber
    PoT- blue
    OoTS- blue-grey
    AVoS- yellow
    TBC- yellow-green
    Super editions, manga or novellas- blind
    Can’t decide- heterochromia between your two favourite arcs

    I got Pounceshade of RiverClan. She is a pale grey tabby and has blue-grey eyes

    • Feather that slips on the frosty ground (Featherslip) a yellow tabby tom with yellow-green eyes!
      GREAT generator, Redblaze! I LOVE the name I got, it’s so cute!

    • I am White Smoke That Rises (Whitesmoke), a light gray and white Tribe she-cat prey hunter with blue-grey eyes. I really like both Ivypool and Jayfeather, and my least favorite cat is Star Flower, and she doesnโ€™t have any markings.

    • Whiskerneedle- a light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes.

      Great generator!

    • I got Minnowberry, a brown tabby she-cat with blue gray eyes. Great genorater!

  • Hereโ€™s another name generator.

    For your prefix, take your second favorite catโ€™s prefix.
    For your suffix, take your second least favorite catโ€™s suffix.
    For your Clan, take your favorite kitty pet.

    Jake- WindClan
    Cody- RiverClan
    Jessy- ShadowClan
    Minty- ThunderClan
    Princess- SkyClan

    My result: Graystar, leader of ShadowClan. A gray cat with black markings.
    (My second favorite cat is Gray Wing, and my second least favorite cat is the evil Tigerstar.)
    Ivypool rocks

  • Iโ€™m very bored so….. name generator time!
    For your prefix, take the item you are sitting on now. If your standing, your prefix is Floor.
    For your suffix take the piece of furniture closest to you (not counting what your sitting on).
    For your pelt, take the pelt of your favorite clan leader.
    For your eye color, take the eye color of your favorite cat.
    For your mutant part, use a random number generator or pick a number between 1 and 10.
    1-extra eye
    2-extra leg
    3-scales in some places
    4-12 extra tails
    5-an extra nose
    6-3 extra ears
    7-no legs
    8- no ears
    9- 16 extra toes on each paw
    10-no front legs
    Clan- pick your fav founding leader
    Thunderstar- PuddyClan
    Riverstar- SquishClan
    Windstar- OobleckClan
    Skystar- GoopClan

    I am Beddesk, a tan tabby she cat with one green eye and one blue eye. I have 12 extra tails and I am a warrior of SlimeClan. (I wasnโ€™t feeling that imaginative today, so I just decided to make a super random name generator.)

    • Chairdesk- a blue she-cat with blue eyes and no legs. A warrior of SlimeClan.

    • I got Floorbeanbag(I’m lying on the floor because my computer is charging), a lithe, pale blue gray she-cat with thick, sleek fur, a pink nose, a plumy tail, and ice blue eyes. I’m a OoblekClan Warrior.

    • Couchbox, an thick-furred redish-brown she-cat with blue eyes. She has dark red scales in some places, like the tips of her ears and the tips of her paws. She’s of PuddyClan

    • หœโ€*ยฐโ€ข.หœโ€*ยฐโ€ขBee That Rests Near Golden Fire(Goldenbee) โ€ขยฐ*โ€หœ.โ€ขยฐ*โ€หœ says:

      Chairtable, a brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes. She has 12 extra tails and they are a warrior of Squishclan.

    • IKEAofficechairSwedishflatpackdesk of Puddyclan – black-and-white cat with scales in some places and green eyes.

      (I took some creative liberties with my name that I hope you don’t mind because someone already had a Chairdesk and I didn’t want a similar name. ๐Ÿ˜› )

      • Nice! Itโ€™s a mouthful, and itโ€™s strange, but thatโ€™s kinda what this generator was about.

  • I’m going to make my first generator! Let me know how I can improve in the future.

    For your prefix, use your Harry Potter house:
    Griffindor – Scarlet/ Lion
    Hufflepuff – Golden/ Badger
    Ravenclaw – Sky/ Crow
    Slytherin – Emerald/ Snake
    I don’t have a Harry Potter house – Cloud/ Mouse

    For your suffix, pick your favorite element:
    Water – splash/ stream
    Earth – stomp/ stride
    Air – flight/ leap
    Fire – heart/ blaze

    For appearance, pick a number between 1 and 10:
    1. Solid cream with a blue eye and a green eye
    2. Tuxedo with yellow eyes
    3. Blue-gray cat with dark blue eyes
    4. Orange tabby with yellow-green eyes
    5. Brown tabby with amber eyes
    6. White cat with light green eyes
    7. Silver swirl tabby with light blue eyes
    8. Tortoiseshell cat with amber eyes
    9. Dark ginger cat with dark green eyes
    10. Golden tabby with orange eyes

    For clan pick your favorite cat’s clan, and for rank pick your second favorite cat’s rank.

    I got Crowleap, a blue-gray she-cat with dark blue eyes. She is a warrior of ThunderClan.

  • Prefix: number of letters in your favorite Warrior cat’s name
    1- Oak
    2- Leaf
    3- Stone
    4- Flight
    5- Forest
    6- Ivy
    7- Rain
    8- Grass
    9- Cherry
    10 or more- Deer

    Suffix: number of letters in your favorite fictional character’s (not from Warriors) name
    1- sedge
    2- pool
    3- leap
    4- wing
    5- feather
    6- vine
    7- blaze
    8- tooth
    9- tail
    10 or more- foot

  • Prefix: Your favorite Warrior cat out of this list:
    Graystripe- Smoke
    Icecloud- Snow
    Foxleap- Fire
    Jessy- Oak
    Sorreltail- Sedge
    Hneyfern- Bracken
    Cinderheart- Gray

    Suffix: your favorite animal out of this list:
    Dog- blaze
    Cat- leaf
    Mouse- hop
    Rat- shade
    Snake- tail
    Numbat- stripe
    Moth- flight

  • Name generator.
    For your prefix, take the first letter of your mentor/apprenticeโ€™s name, even if they are your former mentor/apprentice.

    A- Aster
    B- Blue
    C- Cloudy
    D- Doe
    E- Eel
    F- Frog
    G- Gorse
    H- Heron
    I- Icicle
    J- Jade
    K- Kinked
    L- Leopard
    M- Moon
    N- Night
    O- Owl
    P- Petal
    Q- Quick
    R- Rose
    S- Sweet
    T- Tree
    U- Unicorn (hey, whatever works ๐Ÿ˜› )
    V- Vulture
    W- Whisper
    X- X-ray (Iโ€™m grasping at good X words)
    Y- Yarrow
    Z- Zebra (the only reasonable Z word for a Warriors name generator.)
    I never had one- Choose yourself!
    For your suffix, take your favorite MAP out of these!
    The Five Giants- whisker
    Ready As Iโ€™ll Ever Be- mist
    Work This Body- dawn
    Buy the Stars- tail
    Rewrite the Stars- branch
    Unravel- leap
    I never saw any of these- Choose yourself!

    For your Clan, pick your favorite out of Lionblaze and Cinderheartโ€™s kits!

    Fernsong- RiverClan
    Sorrelstripe- WindClan
    Hollytuft- SkyClan
    Flywhisker- ThunderClan
    Snaptooth- Tribe of Rushing Water (change name to fit.)
    I havenโ€™t read about any of these cats- Choose yourself!

    And lastly, for your appearance, take your favorite Warriors catโ€™s appearance! If you donโ€™t know who your favorite is, take the appearance of one of your favorites.
    Here is what I got: Petaltail of RiverClan, a tortoiseshell cat with green eyes and a stumpy tail.
    Ivypool rocks

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