Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • i’m so sorry i was inactive ahhhh but i’ll make an active attempt! and pray that my stuff doesn’t go to spam!

    Hello new and old members alike! I’m Pineblossom, but you can just call me Pine 🙂 I’ve been on the blog for about a year, and I’ve loved every second on here. I enjoy drawing, calligraphy, and creating OCs, and you’ll often find me in a lot of different places but mostly the Tavern! Here, I’ve compiled a collection of tips and coding lessons (now complete with pictures!) to help you navigate BlogClan!
    A summary of this just in case you don’t want to read that big block of text down there: Comment and chat coding, then information about Blogclan like who the mods are and how to be one, the deputy and medicine cat, ranks, mentors and apprentices, secret pages, and Live Chat.
    Ground rules:
    – Make sure there isn’t a space between the coding and your text unless it is the link code (you’ll see what I mean)
    – For emoticons, make sure there is always a space before and after the code. In the lesson, I’ll be putting a space for the same reason above 🙂
    – Type it exactly as I do otherwise it won’t work that sounded like a threat
    Alright, let’s begin!
    ITALICS: <i>this will be italicized</i> it looks like this
    BOLD: <b>this will be bolded</b> it looks like this
    STRIKETHROUGH: <strike>this would be strikethroughed</strike> it looks like this
    CODE LIKE WORDS: <code>this would look code-y</code> it looks like this
    LINK: <a href=“your link here”>you would then click here for the link</a>
    What it looks like: Click here for a cute kitty
    QUOTE: <blockquote>your quote here</blockquote>

    blockquote looks like this

    FAKE LINK: <a>words blah blah</a> it looks like this
    COLORS (may not work): <font color=“hex code number (just search up hex color picker)”>colored words</font> praying this works

    For emoticons, do not put a space between the two symbols 🙂
    🙂 Emoji- : )
    😀 Emoji- : D
    😛 Emoji- : P
    😮 Emoji- : o
    🙁 Emoji- : (
    😉 Emoji- ; )
    Ok! And now, a brand new section brought to you by the lovely Plumeflake! She wrote the part below about Live chat coding (which is explained even further below) 😀

    BLOGCHAT CODING (these codes only work on chat when it is open)

    Ground rules:
    – Make sure there isn’t a space between the coding and your text (you’ll see what I mean)
    – Type it exactly as I do otherwise it won’t work.
    Ok let’s go!

    The boxcodes supported by Cbox are:
    COLORED TEXT, using hex colour codes or colour names: [color=#ff0000]hex colour[/color] or [color=forestgreen]named colour[/color]
    COLORED TEXT AND BACKGROUND using hex colour codes: [color=#f00,#ff0]foreground and background[/color]
    BOLD: [b]bold text[/b]
    UNDERLINED: [u]underlined text[/u]
    ITALICS: [i]italicized text[/i]
    STRIKETHROUGH: [s]struck-out text[/s]
    QUOTES: [q]quoted text[/q]
    SUBSCRIPT: [sub]subscript[/sub] (Makes your text smaller and moves it downwards) OR
    (Makes your text smaller and moves it upwards)
    CENTER ALIGNMENT: [center]centered text[/center]
    LINEBREAK: [br]
    BIG WORDS: [big]larger font[/big]
    SMALL WORDS: [small]smaller font[/small]
    CUSTOM FONT: [class=custom]custom-styled text[/custom]
    FIXED WIDTH TEXT: [code]fixed-width text[/code]
    LINK CODE: [url=https://yourlinkhere.yeet] named url link[/url]
    [url] https://yourlinkhere.yeet [/url]
    [img=https://linkofyourimagehere.yeet] named image link[/img]
    [img] https://linkofyourimagehere.yeet [/img]
    SCROLLING/MOVING TEXT: [scroll]scrolling text[/scroll]

    BONUS CODES: If you type //colors into the chatbox and press enter, you can change the text you type into the colour of your choice by clicking on the colour you want after you press enter! The jumble of letters, numbers and symbols that appears on the chatbox before whatever you type in (e.g. ^#004c92) is the code for your chosen colour, so leave it in the chatbox and type your message after your colour code so your messages on the chat can be in the colour you wanted!
    Typing in //tetris and pressing enter lets you play a good old level of the puzzle game Tetris whenever you’re bored, even when Blogchat is closed!
    Thank you Plume!
    Some other notes about BlogClan:
    – BlogClan is kept safe and fun by a group of moderators called Blogteam. They moderate (check) your comments so that no one uses inappropriate words and also so that sensitive topics that might upset other people are kept to a minimum and have a warning before the comment. Our current mods are Goldenfawn (often called Goldi), Birchfoot (Birchy), Cheetahspark (Cheetah, Cheeto), Rainshine (Rainie), Winterwhisper (Wint, Winter, Win), Viperfrost (Viper), Kat, Jayfrost (Jayie), Iceflower (Icy), Emberdawn (Embix, Ember, Emb), Hazelburrow (Josh, Kate’s son) and of course, Kate herself (Cakestar) (why did I just put everyone’s nicknames 😛 ). They’ll definitely be able to answer your questions best of all! Currently, you can’t become a mod, but applications open up every once in a while if the team needs any help. Check out the Ask Blogteam Page for more info on the mods!

    – The current deputy and medicine cat of BlogClan are Icy and Embix. Their jobs are to keep the blog going smoothly, sorting out disputes, and welcoming new members like you might be! Elections are held every two years, and one was held last year, so you can not have one of those positions right now 🙂 Try running in 2021!

    – On BlogClan, you can have mentors/apprentices just like in the books. Your ranking is based on your age/grade in school:
    Elementary School, 1st grade-5th grade, ages 6-12 – Kit
    Middle School, 6th grade-8th grade, ages 11/12-13/14 – Apprentice
    High School/College, 9th grade-the end of school, ages 13/14 to whenever you get out of school 😛 – Warrior
    Out of school – Elder
    You do not have to have a mentor or apprentice, they are just for fun (and minor bragging rights 😛 ). If you would like to look for one, head on over to the Allegiances Chat Page and ask to be on Cheetah’s list of available mentors and apprentices! A good method to find someone is making a list of your interests and hobbies 😉 Don’t be afraid to ask anyone on the list if they want to be your mentor/apprentice. Good luck if you are looking!

    – “A Purrsona is a cat character that represents yourself in some way, just in case any new members didn’t know. It’s like what you would look like and what your name would be if you were a cat in the Warriors world.” Thank you Plume for this addition!

    – One new rule that’s come up is the use of Google Docs, Slides, and other Google applications. It’s generally discouraged to use these platforms to share writing or art, as they can be edited to contain inappropriate material after a mod has modded a comment containing them. Try using a secret page, or take a screenshot and post it on Imgur, then copy the Imgur link in a comment!

    – On the topic of Imgur, Imgur is an image hosting website (it’s ok if you don’t know what that means 😛 ) that most Blogclanners use to share images. Upload your image to an album on and then copy the link! Blackie shares some details on this process here:
    “If you want to post in Imgur, at the top left corner there should be a button that says ‘New Post’ with a ‘+’ on it, which is green. You can upload an image by dragging into the directed area or just uploading it by selecting a screenshot from your photos if you’re using mobile!”
    This works with instagram too, but only if you post it!

    – Secret pages are what they sound like, “secret pages” (they aren’t openly linked) that you can access and find with secret methods (hint: try clicking on some pictures!). Once you find one that has not been claimed or used, you can claim it by posting a comment on it saying “Claimed!”. Make sure you check that no one else has claimed it before you. If it hasn’t been used for more than a year (my general rule of thumb) and the person who claimed it has gone inactive, you can claim it. If you see one you like, but it’s claimed by someone who’s still on Blogclan, ask them! Chances are they’ll let you have it 😉 Once you claim it, you can pretty much use it for anything! Lots of people use them for roleplaying, fanfiction, and games. If you want a secret page, ask me! I can give up to 5 in a themed set, but please have a ready use for them!

    – On many places such as the official Name That Apprentice! and the Tavern, you have to press the blue reply button right below the main comment so that it is clear that you are replying to that person’s comment. It also keeps the pages from getting cluttered, as a new page is made every ten comments (not counting replies). The reply button is in the bottom left corner of every comment until reply chains get too long.

    — Live Chat is a really cool thing, it’s that (currently) orange box that you may see on the sides of pages (on large screens) or at the bottom (for small screens). You can create an account by putting in your desired name that you want people to see in the name box, clicking “Profile” in the bottom right corner and making an account. Live Chat is also moderated by Blogteam for the same reasons as comments.

    — One very important thing to remember is that all pages have descriptions on the top of the page! If you are unsure what a page is for, read the description and if you have any more questions, you can ask 🙂

    — Finally, Kate Cary is a very busy person. I know that you all are big Warriors fans, and that you might have questions, but she doesn’t have time to answer them all. The mods will then fill in, or, if you have any questions about already published Warriors content, you can ask it on the Ask Jaysnow or Ask Blogteam page 🙂

    Yep, that’s all I can think of right now for BlogClan! Of course, there’s much more, but it’s always more fun to find it on your own 😛 Have fun exploring! I hope this helped 😀 Anyone can add on to this in the replies, as well as test the codes!

  • Hello!! I used to be on BlogClan years ago, around 2016. I never stopped loving Warriors, I just kinda forgot about BlogClan. Suddenly it popped back into my head, and I missed it, so I thought why not come back? Anyway I’m Cloudstorm, your local nerd! I love books/reading (not just Warriors), and nature.

  • Hi, I am Darkblood of RiverClan. I am new on this site.

    Darkblood’s name was once Darkheart, do to her cruel and evil heart. She is very strong, she once killed a badger. The reason her name changed was: a ShadowClan patrol crossed the border and she ripped one of them open, the way Scourge did to Tigerstar.

    Darkblood is pure black, her fur is shiny and long like Hawkfrost’s. However she is from RiverClan, so most of the time her fur is plastered to her body, and extra shiny. She has dark amber eyes. Paws are still black, but they have teeny tiny flecks of grey on them. Darkblood is the deputy, and she is most likely planing to over-throw her leader, (P.s the reason she is not the leader right now is the name Darkblood is better than Darkstar XD) My nickname is Bloodie (if theat is too wierd just call me Dark)

  • Nice to meetcha! Name’s Dralkyrie, but you can call me Dral or anything along that line, or you can refer to me as Hazepelt, my purrsona.

    So, where to start? I’m a 15-year old high school student, and I’ve been reading and keeping up with the Warriors series for almost a year now. I identify as non-binary, which means I don’t exclusively identify as male or female. Hence, I generally prefer to go by they/them pronouns, but I’m not that big on pronouns, so I won’t make a big deal on which pronouns you use for me.

    I have a lot of different interests and hobbies, but there’s way too many to list here, so I’ll just hit the highlights. I’m pretty experienced when it comes to programming or web designing, and editing on wikis to fix code bugs, typos, and formatting issues is sort of a hobby of mine. I also enjoy reading book series other than Warriors such as Wings of Fire, and arguing about it passionately like the nerd I am 🙂

    As for my personality or the kind of person I usually am, I generally try to be rational and open-minded about most standpoints in controversial topics, and if I debate with you with five paragraphs and three separate quotes from sources, I promise you I’m probably not mad, that’s just the way I debate. I’d say I’m a fairly easy person to get along with in general, but honestly, I suppose that’s up for other people to decide.

    To finish off this introduction rambling, again, pleasure to meet you all, and looking forward to getting know you all. Thanks in advance if anyone chooses to read this ^^

    • Pleasure to meet you too! My name is Ebonyrain but I also go by eBay 🙂

      Whats you’re favorite character? Mine is Runningwind. We also try to avoid controversial topics on this site but we do have a place on the discord server where you can talk about things like that. (Do you want the invite?)

      Anywho, I hope to see you around! 😀

    • Hi, Dralkyrie! I’m Dovekit but u can call me Dove or Dovie. I used to be called Tumblekit. I use she\her prounouns.

    • @Ebonyrain

      Hmm, among my favorite characters are probably Jayfeather or Cinderpelt.

      Jayfeather is one of the most unique and developed characters in the entire series in my opinion. I think it’s extremely unique how Jayfeather is resentful and grumpy externaly yet still cares about those he’s close to and he’s also clearly shown that he’s willing to do his duty as a medicine cat regardless of his feelings towards other cats, namely Breezepelt.

      Cinderpelt, on the other hand, is just an extremely likeable character to me. I think the interesting thing is that as an apprentince, she was similar to Squirrelpaw, whereas she was very enthusiastic and energetic. However, after she becomes injured and forced to become a medicine cat, she takes on a much more sharp and witty demeanor, in a kind of a sharp-but-caring way, which makes her a far more likeable character to me than medicine cats like Yellowfang and Leafpool.

    • Heya Dral !!! My name’s Mapledrift, but I tend to be prefer to be called Maple around the blog.

      I’m still struggling to work out my gender, I’m either a cis girl or a demi girl I think, but regardless of that, I go by xe/xem pronouns mainly. although she/her and they/them are fine as well. I’m 15 years old and from the uk, and identify as a lesbian, although tbh bi could probably fit me as well as I’d date basically anyone except men rippp (I tend to use lesbian just because I feel most comfortable with it)

      I love to draw and write (I’m trying to write a novel at the moment) and I’m a huge fan of roleplay, whether that’s DnD or other sorts of roleplay. I like programming as well ! I’m taking computer science for GCSE so I really enjoy that sort of thing. Also, I do LOADS of reading. There’s loads of shows I love to watch, including Merlin, Doctor Who, and She-ra.

      I’ve been on BlogClan well over 2 and a half years now, so if you have any questions or just want someone to chat to, I’m here. My activity is a little bit spotty now and again, but I think I’m pretty active at the moment

      Hopefully you enjoy it here !!!

    • Hi, Hazel! (If that nickname’s okay :P) I’m Leafsky, and I’ve been on the Blog for 6 months! 🙂

    • Hello, Dral! 🙂 I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi! I identify as non-binary too! I hope to see you around and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! 😀

  • Ya know, I haven’t done this since April, when I joined. I’ll start this again.
    Hi! I’m Dovekit, here are some facts to know about me!
    -I’m not new, as I joined in April
    -I used to be called Tumblekit
    -I just became a fourth grader a few hours ago 😛
    -I love Warriors so much! 😀
    -I’m a gray she-kit with blue eyes
    -I’m trying to get my best friend to join (She loves Warriors too) (Not as much as me though 🙁 😛 )
    That’s it! See ya around!

  • This is for everyone who said hi to me: I was inactive for a few weeks, probably because I just got my new skateboard 😛 So, I’m going to reply to you guys NOW because I read your comments, well, now. So Ebonyrain, my favorite character is… it’s hard to say, but probably Jayfeather. I really like his snarky personality! And Turtle, since I think you’re asking me ALL of my favorite characters, there’s too many. Hehe… But I also like Turtle Tail. Falling Feather, my LEAST favorite warrior has to be… either Tigerstar, Dovewing, or Bumblestripe. I think Dovewing is kind of a Mary Sue, because she gets the powers, has the most perfect personality, and has two toms who want to be her mate. I like Ivypool much better. Tigerstar had so much potential! But he failed with all of his plans. He just failed. This is my opinion, I’m not trying to hurt anyone. And Bumblestripe is just plain creepy. Once again, this is just my opinion. And thanks Crookedmoon, for the suggestion! I want to list everyone’s name here. So here goes Hi… Lil, eBay, Turtle, Silver, Falling Feather, Bluebellsponge, Crookedmoon, Dovekit, Falconpaw, Flamecloud, Stormy, Splashy, and Emeraldpaw! And I just realized I’m probably apprentice age! Hehe… Well, thanks!

  • Sorry guys, I’ve been off for a while, bc of family stuff. I’m glad to be here and I’m happy from all the warm welcomes! You guys are amazing. I cant wait to be friends with everyone of you, especially leafpaw 🍃 turtle 🐢 fallen👻 dove🕊stormy🌪dusk (purple dusk) Juniperblaze (new b like me) and everyone els. ps. My fav warriors character is probably mapleshade. I feel she should have had a better life tho, and not end up in the dark forest🥺- turtle. i was inspired to be a zoologist or biologist by my love of animals-fallen. I cant decide i love all of the arcs!- stormy.

  • Nice to meet you lil, I like your warrior name. Bluebell, hi. Amazon, Thank you. I really like your name too. So, can I meet some elders? I would like to know some of you to. Btw Rainingbreeze, I prefer shatteredfrost, but I like RB too. Hey, how do you like the nickname Arby’s?😂

  • Since everyone is posting about themselves, why not do it?

    Hi! I’m Leafsky, a warrior on BlogClan. I have been here for 6 months, and I have enjoyed every single day! The people are absolutely amazing and I love socializing and making new friends. I’m 15 years old, and turning 16 in July. I am now a sophomore in Highschool, when school starts up again. I like to be referred as Leaf, Leafie, or Leafsky, my warrior name. I have been a fan of warriors for several years and I wish I discovered this site earlier. I am very outgoing and positive, and one of my passions is writing. My favorite songs are ‘Little do you know’ by Alex & Sierra, ‘Before you go’ by Lewis Capaldi, ‘Titanium’ By David Guetta, and ‘Never forget you’ by Zara Larsson. I enjoy sharing my work with BlogClan and I welcome all new members! Have a great day! 😉

  • Hello there! I’d rather be referred to as Hawksplash, and I have been looking around the Blog for a day and it’s amazing, so I’m going to formally introduce myself. I just turned 18 years old! I love writing stories and I am Leafsky’s older brother 😀 (Yes, she does have an older brother for those who didn’t know). She introduced me to Warriors awhile back and I’ve been captivated in reading it ever since. She showed me the Blog and I really wanted to come on. If you want, you can call me Hawkie, Hawk, or just Hawksplash. I would love meeting new faces!

    I don't know if this works because Leafsky spent a while teaching me code

    • Hi hawksplash, I’m Spottedpaw. I’m new too, just found blogclan a couple weeks ago. I love reading the warriors series as well. Anyway im glad you and leafie are having as much fun as I am. 😋

    • Hi Hawksplash, I´m Rainingbreeze but I like to be refered to by my nickname Breeze. I´m kinda new I guess, Iv´e been here since april 24th and am super excited to vouch come june 24th (I believe Viper help me if I am wrong)!!! I have been here for about 3 months but I wish I found the blog sooner. I am 16 years old but I turn 17 july 19th. My favorite thing on the blog is probobly role plays. Tho I spend most of my time on the tavern. I love to draw I use chrome canvas (which sucks!! But it´s the only one I can get on my chrome (which is pretty much the only electronics I have other than my phone which would be a very very small screen), But I am trying to paint 3D which I think will work on my chrome! YAY! I have tons of favorite charchters but I really like Mapleshade, Thriftear, Sleekwhisker, shadowclan Dovewing, Ivypool, Spotfur, Shadowsight, Pouncestep, Lightleap, and Needletail. I love many more but thats all I can think of at the moment. I am a queergender lesbian and I go by they/them prounouns around the blog but I also use she/her as I am also demi girl, although I prefer they/them. I am a silver and white tabby she-cat with one dark violet eye and one dark blue eye. I am a warrior around here, tho on the allegiances it says I am an apprentice which was an accident (I accidently clicked middle school instead of high school)! My apprentice is Pantherpaw/leaf or Panthie for short, she was formaly Crimsonpaw/claw or Crimson for short. She is amazing and a great great great AMAZING apprentice. I have many friends on the blog, and I hope you have a like the blog and stay around for awile! (Ignore my bad spelling I typed this up fast)!

      Also, sorry for the long rant! Enjoy the blog!

      Happy pride month! Be proud of who you are! Let your true colors shine!

    • Hi, Hawkie! I’m Briarkit but u can call me Briar. I used to be called Dovekit, and before that Tumblekit. I’m 8 or 9, (not telling which) and I just graduated to fourth grade! My cousin, (I’m just saying the name that the Warriors website gave her) Birdsong, introuduced me to Warriors in last years November for my birthday. Now, I’m on The Raging Storm from AVoS. I just haven’t started it, so no spoilers!

  • Hi, I just want u all to know, I just passed Briarlights death, and I littearally cried, and I realized that Briarlight is actually my fav charecter, sooooo I’m changing my name to Briarkit. I’m going to let the Chatters on BlogChat chose my Warrior name. I’ll show the three options there.