Polls (Retired)

Poll cat

[image description: light brown cat lays on its back on a carpet and stretches. “Click here to create a poll” is written in yellow on the bottom half of the image]

Hey, BlogClan! Here is a page for you to create polls on. You can use this site to make polls (https://www.poll-maker.com/). Create polls there, copy and paste the url of your poll into a comment, and you have created your own personal poll!

Or just do it the old-fashioned way and post your poll in a comment. Whatever makes you happiest!


  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    What is your opinion on Shellington from Octonauts?

    I really love him! <3 He’s my second favorite Octonauts character after Kwazii, and one of my ultimate favorite fictional characters as well. I love his curiosity and his sweet personality, and his father/son relationship with Tunip is the most adorable thing ever. He also gives me serious Newt (Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them) vibes, which is just another reason he’s amazing! <3

    The World Was Wide Enough

    • Oh yes Shellington is a Newt vibe I hadn’t thought of that
      He’s a cross of Newt and Alderheart cause he’s so nervous and yet loves animals
      And he’s very cool

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        You’re right, he is kinda like Alderheart! I didn’t even realize that until you pointed it out. That’s really cool!
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

    • I haven’t watched Octonauts, soory D:
      He sounds awesome tho!!

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Out of my top five favorite Warriors characters, who is your favorite?

    5. Rainswept Flower & Yellowfang (tie)
    4. Hawkfrost
    3. Graystripe
    2. Gray Wing
    1. Turtle Tail! <3

    The World Was Wide Enough

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Rainswept Flower is amazing! 💙
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Yessssssss <3
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Excellent answer 😉
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        HAWKFROST ❤️
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        They’re both amazing characters! 💜
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Yellowfang is awesome! 😎💛
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        It’s cool we have the same second favorite character! 🧡
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

    • Hawkfrost is so awesome but i love Greystripe too <3

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Hawkfrost and Graystripe are amazing characters! 💚
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

    • Turtle Tail!

      she has a personality I like, and her death was very sad..

      (grayxturtle for life-)

      (ps. hawkfrost is also good)

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Turtle Tail’s death was so sad! 😢 That’s the reason The First Battle is my least favorite Warriors book.
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Yellowfang lovers unite <3333
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Two of the best DotC characters 💖
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Graystripe is awesome! 💜
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        (BTW you might want to put a spoiler warning next time, because a lot of people haven’t read A Light In The Mist yet.)
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        GRAYSTRIPE 💔😢
        Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

    • 1. Gray wing & Hawkfrost () 2. Rainswept flower () 3. GRAYSTRIPE MY BOI () 4. Turtle tail (I love her but I love the other more) () BUT MY ALL TIME FAVORITE IS JAYFEATHER< TALLSTAR,JAKE, RAVENPAW, AND BARLEY (Its a tie for all five lol) ()

  • Ello yall here is my poll i even added an I dont have one option youll see what I mean hope yall like it thanks for clicking and here we goooo. . .


    (Also to Turtlepaw, Shellington is amazing I love him and yes newt alderheart mix very much so)

  • Would you rather read an article about….
    A.) Redtail
    B.) Bramblestar
    C.) Leafpool
    D.) Stormfur

  • I remember seeing this a while ago, but here it is again:
    Choose your favourite character who starts with each letter of the alphabet (except x, u and maybe q)!

    Here’s mine –
    Clear Sky
    Grey Wing
    Ospreysplash Olive
    Quick Water

    • -Ambermoon
      -Gray Wing
      -Owl Eyes
      -Pebble Heart
      -Quiet Rain
      -Turtle Tail

    • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

      •Ambermoon, Alderheart, and Ashfoot
      • Brightheart and Barley
      • Cinderpelt
      • Dovewing
      • Echosong
      • Flipclaw, Firestar, and Foxleap
      • Gray Wing
      • Hawkfrost
      • Ivypool
      • Jayfeather
      • Kestrelflight
      • Leafpool
      • Mapleshade
      • Owl Eyes
      • Pebble Heart
      • Quiet Rain
      • Rainswept Flower
      • Squirrelflight
      • Turtle Tail
      • Violetshine
      • Whitefang
      • Yellowfang
      • Zelda

      Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

    • Alderheart
      Owl Eyes
      Quiet Rain



  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Put your favorite characters in order of most well known to the least well known. Here’s my list.

    • Baby Yoda and R2-D2 (tie, both from Star Wars)
    • Burr (Hamilton)
    • Angelica (Hamilton)
    • Gray Wing and Turtle Tail (tie, both from Warriors)
    • Kwazii (Octonauts)
    • Shellington (Octonauts)
    • Paani (Octonauts: Above And Beyond) and Piragua Guy (In The Heights) (tie.)

    Paani and Piragua Guy are both soooo underrated. Hence why I talk about them both all the time to try and help them become less underrated.

    Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    When did all of your ultimate favorite characters join your ultimate favorite characters list?

    My answers:

    • Turtle Tail (Warriors) joined shortly after she became my favorite Warrior cat, I think.

    • Gray Wing (Warriors) joined by the end of Path of Stars, I’m pretty sure.

    • I don’t really remember when R2-D2 (Star Wars) joined, since I was five when I first watched Star Wars.

    • Baby Yoda (Star Wars) instantly joined the second he was introduced in The Mandolorian. Because he’s adorable.

    • Burr (Hamilton) joined around December 2020, back when he was the only Hamilton character I thought was decent.

    • Angelica (Hamilton) joined around July 2021, when I realized she was actually tied with Burr as my favorite.

    • Kwazii (Octonauts) joined some time in 2020, though I’d already been watching Octonauts for years at that point.

    • Shellington (Octonauts) joined around the same time as Kwazii.

    • Paani (Octonauts: Above And Beyond) joined pretty much as soon as I decided he was my third favorite Octonauts character. So in September, 2021.

    • Piragua Guy (In The Heights) is my newest favorite character. I believe he joined my favorite characters list in November or December of 2021.

    When did your ultimate favorite characters become some of your favorites?

    Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

  • Here’s a little thing for an article I may write:

    Who’s your favourite warrior cat? How would you describe their personality?

    How would your describe you personality?

    Do you have anything you want to become better at? Eg. You’re socially awkward and you want to be more outgoing?

    Do you have any headcanons for your favourite warrior cat? If yes, what are they? Do you relate to any of the headcanons you make for them?

    When you make warriors OCs/Main Characters/Characters on the Fanfic discussion page, what gender are they, what do they look like and what is their personality?

    What is your gender and what is your purrsona?

    What Clan do you identify most as being in?

    If you use canon Clans in a fanfic, what Clan is your favourite main character in?

    Is it ok if I mention your response/use your response in the article?

    You by no means have to answer all of these questions if you feel uncomfortable or you don’t have the time to! The first 2 would be the most helpful 😛

    • 1.) My favorite cat is Thrushpelt! I would describe him as kind, trusting, loyal, and supportive.

      2.) Introverted, kind, intelligent, responsible, but cowardly. 😛

      3.) I wish I had more of a backbone and that I was more embracing of change.

      4.) I have a lot of headcannons about Thrushpelt 😛 one where he gives Mistyfoot one of her nine lives, one where he and Oakheart get married in Starclan, one where Bluestar told him about Thistleclaw and together they convinced Sunstar not to trust him, plus some others. I don’t really relate to them that much.

      5.) It varies a lot, because I usually try to create a balance, but I do find myself falling into patterns. I like quieter characters, and characters that are curious about the world around them. Also, for some reason, I tend to make too many grey cats, and not enough female characters.

      6.) I am female, and my pursonna is white with dark ginger tabby patches and bright green eyes.

      7.) I’ve always liked Riverclan and Skyclan.

      8.) Right now, Skyclan.

      9.) yep!

    • 1: My favorite cat is Jayfeather; I’d describe him as being an aloof, sharp-tongued cat that truly cares about his Clanmates and kin.

      2: I’d describe myself as a bookish and artistic intellectual who fights for her beliefs.

      3: I’d like to improve my art style and get better at animation.

      4: I have several MousefurxLongtail headcanons, and (MousewhiskerxMinnowtail)

      5: My OC’s are mostly even when it comes to character design, but most of my main OC’s are male for some reason (Hailwatcher, Ripplewind, Snowhawk)

      Hailwatcher is gray with white splotches and blue eyes; he’s half-rogue (which led to him having ghost-seeing abilities..) and the medicine cat of ShadowClan during its political unrest.

      Ripplewind is light gray with curvy stripes and yellow eyes; he’s from my AU, Ripples, and is the littermate of Feathertail and Stormfur.

      Snowhawk is also from Ripples and is Snowkit. (Mistlekit also remains alive in this AU) Snowhawk is white with blue eyes, is deaf (but Mistlecloud created pawspeak so no more ableism)

      6: I’m female, and my purrsona is blue-gray with white spots and little dew-shaped drops that float over her ears. (and blue-green eyes)

      7: ShadowClan, 100 percent-

      8: Probably ShadowClan, since Hailwatcher is from ShadowClan..

      9: sure!

    • My favorite Warrior cat is Honeyfern! I would describe her as super kind and sweet, and a caring, supportive friend. The kind of cat who is always there to comfort others, and wouldn’t refuse to help a friend in need. I find Honeyfern’s personality to be very pleasant, as she is very gentle and sympathetic, and never mean to any cat. She’s a bit shy and often anxious, but at heart is a very brave cat with a selfless courage, as well as the ability to stand up for someone. She also has a sense of humor, and is super fun to play and chat with.

      I’d say I’m kind and I definitely care a lot about being the best person I can be- sometimes to the point of worry. I’m devoted to my family. I love animals and I’m very gentle and patient with them. Because of how socially awkward I am it’s probably not all that easy to guess that I’m super extroverted despite my quiet nature- I love being in crowds and meeting people! I’m very affectionate with my friends and always grateful for the smallest acts of kindness. When spending time with friends I’m agreeable, but when it comes to topics I’m passionate about you’ll find I’m very stubborn and feisty- eager to debate for hours.

      Yes, and that’s exactly what it is- I’m super socially awkward and, being an extrovert, I really need to work on learning to be outgoing so I can content my desire to socialize.

    • Many of my headcanons for Honeyfern are about what we would do together as Clanmates- like I headcanon she would help me with training, we would go for walks together a lot, we’d whisper in our nests at night… I guess you can say I relate to some because I imagine her having most of the same likes as me, but it’s mostly based on what relationship I would enjoy having with this character.
      Other headcanons are about her life- such as Honeypaw staying by Molepaw’s side while he was sick, her being friends with Briarlight and Feathertail in StarClan, and her coming to Cherrykit and Molekit in their dreams whenever they need comfort. With these I’ve never really thought about whether it’s relatable… they’re based on her personality in the books and the idea of such events happening makes me love Honeyfern even more because I love her kindness in the books and enjoy expanding her story on it.

      I don’t actually make very many warriors OCs as I’m usually making characters for my own universe and stories, but I could answer with the fictional characters I make in general.
      Practically all my characters (which are usually chicken characters for the book series I’m writing) are super kind, and most are really friendly. My process for developing their personalities is basically creating various characters who would be nice to know in real life- ones who I could imagine being close friends with and ones with supportive and pleasant personalities.
      Most of my characters are female, but I make quite a lot of male characters as well.
      The majority of my Warriors OCs are purrsonas for my book characters, so this pretty much applies there as well.

      I’m a girl, and my purrsona is a brown she-cat with black tabby stripes and pine-green eyes.

    • ThunderClan! Because Honeyfern, obviously. Being able to be besties with her is the biggest reason. But I also like the habitat, and how noble the Clan usually is.
      I think realistically I’d probably be a kittypet, though. I love kittypets and they fit my own life/what I want in life- a safe, predictable lifestyle spent with friends and family I’m loyal to and plenty of time to enjoy life. Plus I’d get to be with Jessy, Velvet, and Olive- three of my favorites!

      I mostly try to sort them as equally as I can into all the canon clans. I’ve found that I have a lot in ThunderClan, though.

      Sure, you can use it! 😀 I can’t wait to see the article- it sounds cool!

    • Who’s your favourite warrior cat? How would you describe their personality?: IVYPOOL!!! She’s feisty yet really caring and helpful very strong and powerful and just so awesome :DD

      How would your describe you personality? My personality? well i am pretty shy, i dont like talking alot unless im only with my friends, aloof 😛 a bit blunt and ive been told im aggressive 😛 and other stuff like thatt :p

      Do you have anything you want to become better at? Eg. You’re socially awkward and you want to be more outgoing?: Yeah i do wanna be able to talk moree yknow not be so shy,, and to develop an art style i really like :DD

      Do you have any headcanons for your favourite warrior cat? If yes, what are they? Do you relate to any of the headcanons you make for them?: Yesss so i like IvyxHawk- i have my reasons i just dont feel like putting em up :p so theres that, i say she’s bi, she becomes leader someday, and for some reason i like to think she has a hard time climbing things but never admits it? idek

      When you make warriors OCs/Main Characters/Characters on the Fanfic discussion page, what gender are they, what do they look like and what is their personality?: they’re all really different! at least i try to make them as different as eachother as possible because reading about a different character who’s just like another is boring :p

      What is your gender and what is your purrsona?: im female and my purrsona is kinda complicated but here’s what i can explainn: small black she-cat with white paws, chest and neck (like the whole neck, back and all) and the muzzle and that bit above

      What Clan do you identify most as being in?: I think mostly shadowclan but it could also be WindClan/SkyClan :m

      If you use canon Clans in a fanfic, what Clan is your favourite main character in?: i don’t but i use clans based of the same terrritory so it’d be ShadowClan!

      Is it ok if I mention your response/use your response in the article?: sure stuff! :DD

    • 1. Ashfoot! I would describe her as caring, honest, compassionate, and selfless, but also fierce, bold, and independent. She’s the perfect mix of soft and hard-a core of steel and a heart of gold. I wish she’d gotten more attention before she died. She’s fiercely loyal to WindClan, but capable of seeing the bigger picture. She stayed in the living world instead of going to StarClan, because she couldn’t bear to see her son unhappy. She’s awesome.

      5. They’re usually female, with varied pelt colors. Usually they’re small in size but big in personality haha

      7. WindClan

      8. I haven’t yet, but I would make them WindClan

      9. sure!

    • #1: My favorite warrior cat is Ivypool! I would describe her as ambitious, fierce, dedicated, independent, clever and strong!

      #2: I would describe myself as clever, friendly practical, organized, intelligent, kind, caring, awkward, reserved, a little clumsy, somewhat sensitive, and sarcastic!!

      #3: I want to be able to be feel less guarded and self-conscious when talking to people irl.

      #4: No.

      #5: They are typically female and I like to make my OC’s have various pelt patterns, but I would say they are typically tabbies. And my OC’s have a somewhat wide range of personalities that I don’t feel like listing right now. 😛

      #6: I am female and my purrsona is a long furred brown tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes and a long tail.

      #7: Skyclan!

      #8: I don’t really write a lot of fanfiction, but I guess Skyclan and Thunderclan. 🙂

      #9: Yes, of course! 😀

  • So at lunch today me and my friends came to talking about cheese, and we got into a very intense debated about whether cheddar cheese is ORANGE or YELLOW, and I need to uncover the truth. This is very important. So is cheddar cheese orange or yellow??? What do y’all think also I’m allowed to post polls unrelated to warriors here right???

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    There’s a lot of Warriors characters that I defend. So far, two defense articles of mine have been published: A Jessy defense article and a Daisy defense article.



    I’ve also written defense articles for Silverstream and Turtle Tail, though they haven’t come out yet.

    Which of these characters that I defend would you be the most interested in seeing a defense article about them?

    • Dovewing
    • Blossomfall
    • Needletail
    • Nightcloud
    • Spottedleaf
    • Squirrelflight
    • Leafpool
    • Ferncloud
    • Firestar
    • Hollyleaf

    Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story