The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Viperfrost jumps onto a table with her flamethrower. “WE HAVE DOMINOES!!!!”
Nah we got..
*pulls out his box of pizza*
“AHHH YAY THAT’S GOOD!” Aquila grins, causing sparks to fall out of her hair, “DOMINOES IS A BIT TOO SALTY FOR MY TASTE THOUGH, PAPA JOHNS (idk if you have that) IS NICER IN MY OPINION!”
Redblaze lifts her paws from over her ears.
“Yes dominoes is salty.”
“Yesssss! But the salt is nothing compared with McDonald’s fries…” Aquila chuckles
Redblaze wrinkles her nose. “Ewww I hate MacDonalds.”
“Sameeeeeee apart from the McFlurrys, they’re decent for ice cream!”
Turtle –
“I LOVE DOMINOES!” Turtle yells.
Play To Win
“Dominoes….” Flame said, in the same manner she might say ‘unicorns’ if she came across a flock of the majestic creature in mention. “Can I have some, Vipvip?” she asked hopefully, trying to avoid the flamethrower.
Viper tossed pizza boxes toward Flame. “Of course! All earthlings need pizza! Especially Flameflam, the ultimate ideal earthling.”
“Thank you vipvip!” Flame said, glad that, as an earthling, she knew lots about earthy table manners. For instance, eating the box itself was considered improper. She pulled a slice of pizza from the box, and munched on it happily.
Viper smiled at her, then stared at the box in confusion. Was Flamflam really going to let her eat the box all by herself? Looking around, she slowly tore off a piece of box.
“Hey save some for me” says willowpaw running over. “This is the best part”
Viper tossed Wolli some box. “Dig in!”
Bloomie nearly falls over at the mention of Dominoes, her favorite pizza. “YESS WE HAVE DOMINOES!”
Nah its taco taco and bell del
“I haven’t been here in so long!” Pinestripe exclaims as she comes in, looking around for a place to sit.
“Welcome backkkkkkk!!” Aquila screeches
“Hi, Aquila!” Pinestripe yowls in greeting.
“Yay loud, I like loud!!!” Aquila yells, grinning from ear to ear, “How are youuuuu??”
Turtle –
“I don’t go here as often as I could,” Turtle admits, walking over. “But hi!”
Play To Win
“Welcome back!” Bloomie exclaims, picking up an entire sofa, then placing it down and motioning for Pinestripe to sit.
“Thanks!” Pinestripe smiles, then sits down on the sofa.
Turtle –
Turtle jumps up. “Ok, why is the couch suddenly floating?” they wonder.
Play To Win
”The world is yellow!” Flamey exclaims gleefully, still doing pirouettes.
Redblaze wrinkles her nose.
“You mean.. all of it?”
“Yes!” Flamey yells gleefully, still spinning around like a top. “Oops, never mind! It’s green now!”
“Is it blue now??” Aquila laughs
“No! It’s-“ Flamey stops as she falls off the table. “It’s puke orange.” She finishes weakly.
“I like orange, especially a bright orange that most people say clashes with everything but it looks fine to me!” Aquila mews
“It’s been a page. Very dedicated!” Bloomie comments.
“That’s me!” Flamey replies as she stumbles around the spinning world.
What do we do here?
Just hang out! And usually its in semi-roleplay form. So for example:
“Hello there!!!” Viperfrost skipped into the tavern and jumped onto a table. “I AM LORD FRAZZLESTIX III!”
Lol ok thanks.
“Heya!” Redblaze grins
“HI LORD FRAZZLESTIX III!” Flame hollered back.
Willowpaw doesn’t know wether to be amused or very concerned
So hir tries to stifle hir giggles
“HELLO THERE!!” Lux squeaks as she gulps down a cup of butter beer (don’t worry it’s just soda). “Sorry I haven’t been here in so long, school started and yeah, I guess the puzzle finished itself!”
“HELLLOOOOOO!!!!” Aquila screeches, “Ahhh butter beer, I tried some at the Harry Potter studios 4 and a bit years back and I found it disgusting 😛”
“Hello!” Shadow replied.
“Hey!” Bloomie grinned.
“Hello there.” Redblaze mews
“Howdy mates!” Rabbitflame shrieked as she entered the Hazelpage.
“Howdy to you as well!” Flame said cheerfully.
“Good day,” Bloomie replied, attempting a curtsy but instead tripping.
Flamecloud peered tentatively into the Hazelpage, checking for flying objects before stepping inside. “Howdy Earthlings,” she said, having deemed the area at least somewhat safe. “I keep forgetting this place exists.”
“Greetings, fellow earthling!” Bloomie responds cheerfully.
Redblaze ducks an unidentified flying object. “Hi Flame!”
“I don’t have a flying object,” Aquila mews, mindreading, “But I can get a flying TARDIS!! Or a vortex manipulator, but it wouldn’t fly, unless you threw it of course. But that wouldn’t be smart as they’re very expensive!!”
I had almost forgotten about the mind reading, Flame thought to Aquila, But fear not you will find nothing but happy earthling thoughts in my head. “How does the tardis fly?” Flame asked.
Different species are very interesting, did you know Redblaze is a hologram from the lost moon of poosh? (Thanks silvermist 😛) And humans are always intricate to study, Aquila thought, Species that camouflage themselves as humans are especially interesting, right! “The TARDIS flys into the time vortex, and then into the chosen time stream and point in space! But it can also fly like the flying car in Harry Potter because ten flew it like that when he rescued Donna from the taxi with the evil Santa!”
“I’ve finally come!,” Coldheart meows, entering. “Can I have some nachos topped with chili?” She asks a nearby waitress. What do you do here?
“H, Coldheart! Welcome!” Pinestripe mews.
(oh this is just a little crazy roleplay page haha)
Redblaze grins. “Oh we do whatever we feel like!”
“I’ve come..
WITH THE TAKOS!!!”Briarblaze exclaimed as she ran in with a giant box filled with takos
“TAKOS!!!!” Bloomie screeches. “HEY EVERYONE, BRIARBLAZE HAS TAKOS!!!!”
“YES!” Rabbitflame squealed, accidently spilling cola all over her paws. “TAKOS GALORE!”
“I’VE NEVER HAD A TACO!!!” Redblaze yells
“ME NEITHERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Aquila shrieks, louder than everyone else because she is very loud
“Let’s see…” Briarblaze mumbled as she looked the the tako box. “Heh, we’ve got the supreme box.” She said in a jokingly sly way.
*Takes box and throws it* “I WANT TACOS!”
“oops! Didn’t mean to do that”
*stares at the destroyed box and tears up cuz her takos been destroyed*
“Takos…….” Briarblaze said solemnly
“Good thing… I expected it!” She said mater of factly
*goes running out and brings back in another box of takos*
“yay!” Stormflame explained. “Sorry for destroying the first box.”
“Its okay! Really!” Briarblaze replied as she rummaged through the box to make sure the takos are the same
TAKOS?!?!?!?!? stormflame yelled.
“Takos?” Flame repeated, looking hopeful. “Can I have one? Do you have any vegetarian ones?”
“Of course I do!” She responded excited to share takos
*Starts singing i want it that way as i walk in*
I had that song out of my head for precisely 0.000000000001 seconds before you put it back in there. Thanks a lot.Oof, I got thunderstruck in. y head cuz that ends up bein my alarm this mornin
AnytimeLux looks up “Have you seen the Fire heart and Bluestar Map (or whatever it’s called)? It’s hilarious!! I think it’s called Fireheart In the forest of secrets or something like that.”
*claps in song*
Ttera starts nibbling on a piece of watermelon.
Redblaze conjures up a mango from nowhere and munches that
Rabbitflame has to go. “Sorry guys,” she meowes mournfully, “But my mom is forcing me to go on a walk.”
“BlogClan will still be here when you get back! And besides, walking will get you exercise, which helps you stay healthy and live longer!” Aquila grins
“That’s alright!” Bloomie exclaimed. “We don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Take as long as you must!”
Flamey nibbles on orange slices and watches the members of BlogClan on the Hazelpage live their lives.
Bri comes and offers flakey a tako
“Want a tako?” She asked
*Stormflame takes the tako and munches on it*
“Thanks Flamey this is a really good tako”
Flamey walks over to Bri and pouts. “Can I still have one? Stormflame took the other one!” She says, in the verge of tears. “Takos are my everything. Without them, life would be so meaningless!” She finishes, clasping her hand over her heart and falling to the ground.
“OH NO!” Stormflame yells, “I’VE KILLED FLAMEY!?!?”
“Of course you can still have a tako!”Bri said looking at Flamey sympathetically and pulls out another tako and shows it to Flamey.