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If you’re organising a group fan fiction project, this is where you can discuss your projects with other writers, or scout for new writers for your project. This is also where you should start new group projects as well, including stories that feature BlogClanners. Happy writing!
[image description: a black-and-white photo of two kittens crawling over a typewriter]
Wattpad provides an excellent platform for reading and sharing fan fiction. You might wish to use that instead to share your stories. I am not favouring Wattpad. It’s the only one I know of, and I’m sure there are many other platforms out there you might prefer. It’s up to you!
If you can’t make an account on any site, you may use justpaste.it! If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
I have this idea of something that I think would be really cool. We could all write a story together, but not in the way you think. We would each write a sentence in the story based on a previous sentence.
For Example:
Person 1: Brambleclaw walked up to Squirrelflight.
Person 2: Squirrelflight looked at Brambleclaw and ran away.
Person 3: Brambleclaw cried and hid in the warriors den.
The system would work like this, and to make sure things don’t get to crazy, there will be a form where you pick your sentence number. (The sentences can be more detailed than what I wrote 😛 )
The Form:
BlogClan Name (or nickname if you want):
Sentence Number you want (any number can be put here besides 1 because I’m doing it 😛 ):
Backup sentence number:
If both your numbers are picked would you rather be given a sentence number before or after the ones you picked?:
BlogClan Name (or nickname if you want): Stormberry (Stormy)
Sentence number you want (any number can be put here besides 1 because I’m doing it 😛 ): 2
Backup sentence number: 3
If both your numbers are picked would you rather be given a sentence number before or after the ones you picked?: After
The sentence number you get is based on first come first serve. This will start once enough people apply to create at least a short story. Look out for posts on the Fanfic page! (If you don’t respond after 48 hours I will post a reminder on the Tavern)
NEW: If you would like a second sentence, just fill out the form a second time, and if you already have 2 sentences please do not apply for a third 🙂 (this may change)
Taken Sentence Numbers
(If your name is on this list and you don’t want to do this anymore just reply and say so)
3 and 12-CrystalStream (Lane)
4-Potato (Blueflower)
7-Amberfrost (Ambixie)
5-Eaglepaw (Aquila)
8-Darkpaw (Darkie)
37-Shadowpaw (Shadow)
2 and 96-Lilyflight (Lilaca)
9-Sunsetpaw (Seti)
13-Bluefire (Blu)
25-Sandpaw (Sandy)
If you would like a sentence, please do not pick one that someone already has 😀
That sounds like a role play…
can i take a 3rd number?
No, only two for now. Sorry. 😢
Spiritkit/sky (Ambixie)
Before 38, but after 2
Any that aren’t taken
BlogClan Name (or nickname if you want): Sungleam or Spiritshade, you choose
Sentence Number you want (any number can be put here besides 1 because I’m doing it 😛 ): 15
Backup sentence number: 22
this is a super cool idea, can’t wait! 🙂
BlogClan Name: Stormsong
Sentence Number: 20
Backup Sentence Number: 16 since Spiritshade is doing 15 😛
Before or After?: Before (but I don’t mind either way)
Number 13
I would like to have 26 please! And 32, 25, and 27
Any two sentences that are open
Any number
BlogClan Name: Silverfrost (Silver)
Sentence Number: Any Numbers That Are Open
Backup Sentence Number: Any Numbers That Are Open
Name: Brightkit/spark (You can choose if you want her to be a kit or a warrior)
Sentence Number: 17, also 28
Backup Sentence Number: Any Number That Is Open
Oooooh sounds fun
BlogClan Name (or nickname if you want): Star
Sentence Number you want: 17
Backup sentence number: 29
If both your numbers are picked would you rather be given a sentence number before or after the ones you picked?: Uhhhh probably after…
Plz make a character!
A Dovewing hater
Hi! I need characters for a book. They are humans. This is the form
First name:
For power you can do telepathic, mechanical (fixes stuff and is magnetic), plants, or electricity.
For pet, if you person is a girl they have a cat. If you person is a boy, the have either a frog, snake, or lizard. The pets can be any color, though i may change it depending on you power and personality. You do not have to have a pet.
Also, I need a good name for a book. The series is SHADOWS IN THE FOREST and it’s a clan full of murders. I need a title for book one. The sample is one page back
First name: Patrick (Trick)
Appearance: lanky Caucasian teenage boy with mousy brown hair and blue-green eyes.
Gender: male he/him
Power: telepathic
Pet: a blue-tongued skink named Blueberry
Personality: introvert, closed-off, dishonest, cold
He is mute and can only speak through telepathy.
First name: Charli
Appearance: Tall, dark skinned person with long dark brown hair and green eyes.
Gender: Non binary (they them)
Power: Mechanical
Pet: Ummm idk what pet enbies would have ? Whatever they would have they have
Personality: Intelligent and good with their hand, Charli is courageous and good hearted. However their selflessness often goes to the point that they will put themselves at risk. They can be reckless and impulsive
First name: Scarlet
Appearance: Wears a long sleeved red hoodie, tan, red eyes
Gender: Female
Power: Telepathy
Pet: none
Personality: Likes to keep to herself, enjoys killing, doesn’t like being around people, and loves reading.
First name: Light
Appearance: dark-haired british girl with blue eyes and no accent
Gender: Female
Power: electricity
Pet: black cat with silver muzzle and neon blue eyes
Personality: brave, daring, a bit too honest, can be rude at times, gets stereotyped a lot, hobby is zapping people at random
First Name: Violet
Appearance: Average height slender British girl. She has long, straight, light brown hair and purplish-blue eyes. She still has her accent, even though she hasn’t lived in England for years.
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Power: Electricity
Pet: A silver and white tabby female cat with electric blue eyes. Her name is Aura.
Personality: Reckless, intelligent, charming, charismatic. Can sometimes have her head in the clouds, and she relies on her friends to keep her grounded. She’s also very loyal.
First Name: Margot
Appearance: somewhat short; shoulder-length wavy brown hair; light blue eyes; somewhat pale-ish skin
Gender: female ( I was thinking straight sexuality but do what you want 🙂 )
Power: mechanical
Pet: none, maybe gets a cat later on if getting one later works in the context of your story
Personality: arrogant; imaginative; clever; sassy; often sarcastic; often brutally honest; loyal to her group
(I made this person up on a whim for this XD)
First name: Ashria
Appearance: Long wavy black hair with gray tips. Has gray clothing and wears sneakers.
Gender: girl
Power: electricity
Pet: cat
Personality: Jumpy, reckless, immature, bossy, and is a crazy teenager overall
First name: Nova Coniglio
Appearance: Short and African with blue and brown eyes, and short frizzy black hair
Gender: Non-binary (they/them)
Power: Controls plants
Pet: Chamelon named Prism.
Personality: Quiet and guarded, but can be soft and warm, and will protect the people she cares about.
No Seriously, If You See This Make A Character Please
BTW It Does Not Matter If You’ve Already Made One! Make Another!!
I am making another fan fic! similar to Forest’s animal survival
This is me and an example!
Name: Jesse
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: tall tan Chinese girl with brown eyes and long brown hair
Outfit: white pinafore, black jeans, black sneakers, white nail polish
Strengths: smart, running, decoding
Weaknesses: swimming, fighting, ants
Personality: smart, funny, sarcastic, dodgy, eager, abusive, mild temper
Age (must be teenage): 17
Element: Fire
Weapon: mini-gun fitted with silencer
Belongings: sketchbook, pencils, eraser, iPad
Animal form: snow leopard
Other: she had asthma before and now her lungs are very frail
Blog name: Ambixie
Name: Emma
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: tall Caucasian girl with blonde hair and blue eyes
Outfit: red hoodie and black jeans
Strengths: smart, athletic, very kind
Weaknesses: You can choose these
Personality: Funny person who doesn’t get angry easily
Age (must be teenage): 14
Element: Light
Weapon: amber sword
Belongings: a skateboard
Animal form: cheetah
Blog name: Skatetail
-Attracted to males
-Tall pale skinned with hazel eyes. Wears green plaid shirts with ties. Black pants.
– Smart, Clever, and sly. He can write well, and is very skilled in technology. Charismatic and charming. He can play lots of instruments and can rap really well.
-Clumsy, he lies a LOT. He breaks things a lot. He’s a really, really bad hider. Has a bad temper. He always second guesses people.
-Personality was sort of mixed in with the strengths and weaknesses. Only thing left out is that he’s a joy to be around and is always there for a good laugh.
-His element is Dark
– He has a Pistol
– Owns: Computer, Phone, Lots of pens, books, notebooks, video games and consoles, an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar, a piano and more I’m pretty sure XD
-His animal form is a bob cat
-I’m.. Crystal XD
Name: Ember
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight, but doesn’t really know
Appearance: british girl with blue eyes and long blond hair with blue streak
Outfit: pale pink shirt with jeans and gold shoes
Strengths: fast, smart, can train cats to fight for her
Weaknesses: bugs, dogs, cooking
Personality: quick to anger, daring, honest, only kind to close friends
Age (must be teenage): 13
Element: Fire
Weapon: her cats that she trains to fight
Belongings: choker with a pendant of a burning leaf
Animal form: serval (a wild cat)
Other: really good with cats
Blog name: Spiritshade
Erm.. my name is Ember XD
Name: Azalonda (preferably Az)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Pretty, short girl with sharp green eyes and curly dark brown hair, her skin tone is white
Outfit: Adidas zip-up hoodie with white jeans and track Nikes
Strengths: Track, she’s fast, smart, wily and tricky
Weaknesses: No swords in sight, she freaks out but is a good hand-to-hand combat type too, just better with a sword
Personality: Smart, clever, tricky, sarcastic
Age (must be teenage): 14
Element: Water
Weapon: Long, pale blue sword made of diamonds and brass
Belongings: Her sword, a tiger named Meer
Animal form: Water tiger(Purple-blue tiger with black and white stripes)
Other: Fastest in her group of friends
Blog name: Dustpaw/heart
Name: Malcolm (nickname = Mal)
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: dark hair that in some lighting looks black; big, dark brown eyes; nervous complexion
Outfit: usually something casual, like a t-shirt, and he loves pastel colors like pink (also colors associated with storms, like yellow for lightning, blue for rain, gray and white for clouds, etc.); usually light-toned jeans; sometimes wears overalls (not because he’s a farmer; he isn’t)
Strengths: intelligence; knowledge of comic books lol
Weaknesses: anxiety and panic attacks; not yet good at controlling his storm powers and when emotional it can get out of control
Personality: nervous wreck; has strange moments of bravery when he has to be brave; extremely kind; empathetic; sweet; full of compassion; caring; likes animals … over THERE … but is simultaneously scared of them; devoted; loyal
Age: 16.5
Element: storm
Weapon: he doesn’t like weapons but he has a magic “bound” staff to help him control his powers, if this works for your story; otherwise, he mostly uses his powers and intelligence as a “weapon”
Belongings: sentimental pictures of his family before something happened to some of his family members (maybe his powers got out of hand and he accidentally killed them and feels guilty about it to this day and probably has PTSD and extreme guilt from it?!); magic staff to help him control his powers, if this works for your story
Animal Form: maybe some kind of small, intelligent mixed breed of dog? … or a dolphin (though dolphins don’t sound like the nervous type, but who knows lol) … Idk that these work with his storm powers, so if this should better work with his powers than perhaps some kind of bird
Other: probably has PTSD and extreme guilt from perhaps killing some of his family members due to losing control of his powers and wants some way to redeem himself, and this is why he is both so empathetic and so nervous most of the time
Blog Name: Well, I’m Stormsong…? You can make up a Blog Name for him, something that has “Mal” in it, if you meant for the character
(I made this character up on a whim for this, just like with Margot for Dewfeather, and I tried to make him very different from her)
I was thinking about it…
Sorry if he’s OP; it wasn’t my intent. But I realize that pretty much all of the characters have powers, and other ones have storm powers, so I suppose it doesn’t make sense why he would not always be able to control it unless they all can’t control it (up to you; your story). If you don’t like his backstory, you can still make him just a nervous person. 😛
But I was thinking he either has really strong powers, is often overly emotional and so can’t control them, or just… sucks at controlling them. XD Whether his backstory is true or not in your mind, you can keep these things in mind.
Name: Charlotte (Hates nicknames, but sometimes allows people to call her Char.)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Slender British girl with an accent. She has long wavy blonde-hair and clear turquoise. Her hair has differently colored streaks every week.
Outfit: White Adidas crop hoodie (no zipper), black torn jeans, black combat boots, real sapphire dangly earrings. (The earrings are a gift from her mother, who’s dead.)
Strengths: Smart, running, agility, good with numbers and math, art.
Weaknesses: Blood, insects, rats.
Personality: Intelligent, charismatic, charming, funny, stubborn, sarcastic, calm, hates talking about her mom. (She calls her mum, ’cause, you know, British.)
Age: 15
Element: Ice
Weapons: Two sharp silver knives with sapphire studded leather handles that she can strap to her back.
Belongings: Notebook, pencils, eraser, cell phone, a hoverboard, pair of headphones, computer, and a backpack she keeps all of these things in.
Animal Form: Arctic Fox
Other: Both of her parents are dead, she’s an orphan, raised by her aunt and uncle, who are fairly nice but overprotective.
Blog Name: Silverfrost (Silver)
Name: Dusky
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: dusky brown hair, amber eyes
Outfit: orange and orange-brownish clothing, and she has an orange skirt
Strengths: swift, smart, fighting
Weaknesses: doesn’t basically anything with over four legs, gossips a lot, and doesn’t like anyone overall
Personality: angry, jealous of everyone better than her, grumpy, strict, bossy, short-tempered, but smart and cunning
Age (must be teenage): 15
Element: Dark
Weapon: A throwing knife that she is very talented at using
Belongings: poof. gone. not like she cares.
Animal form: bald eagle
Other: is she allowed to be the villain?
Blog name: Lilaca
Name: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: tall tan girl with jet black hair and dark green eyes with turquoise glasses
Outfit: blue t-shirt with small gold roses and turquoise leggings with black and turquoise shoes
Strengths: coding, gaming, very logical
Weaknesses: laughing
Personality: smart, funny, loyal
Age : 13 I guess
Element: Storm
Weapon: a steel sword
Belongings: a wolf with turquoise eyes named Aurora, simple gem necklace, mini computer, pocket notebook, phone and earbuds
Animal form: gray wolf
Blog name: Jaguarpaw/leap
Name: Ember (Em)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Polysexual
Appearance: short tannish girl with black hair and blue eyes with red specs
Outfit: oversized black hoodie, ripped light blue skinny jeans, and white high-top converse
Strengths: smart, swimming, fighting, fire, athletic, sly, clever, charismatic, skilled writer, coding, target shots, decoding
Weaknesses: cute animals, clumsy, bad-temper, gets annoyed easily
Personality: sarcastic, rude, popular, hates stupid people
Age: 16
Element: Fire
Weapon: shotgun, handgun
Belongings: shotgun, handgun, iPhone, dagger, macbook,
Animal form: Wolf
Other: is dating Alex and has two Alaskan Malamutes and an F1 Savannah Cat:
Fire Bird (Fire) ~ a reddish male with gray eyes, white paws, and a white tail
Gray Wolf (Wolf) ~ a silver male with blue eyes, a white under-belly, and white legs
Binx ~ a large black male with pale blue-gray eyes
Blog name: Clockwork
Name: Alex
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: tall tan american guy with dark brown hair and green eyes
Outfit: gray hoodie with dark blue jeans and black vans
Strengths: funny, swimming, sweet, loving, strong, fighting, target shots
Weaknesses: hot girls (but would never cheat), anxiety, depression
Personality: smart, funny, sarcastic, dodgy, eager, abusive, mild temper
Age: 17
Element: Storm
Weapon: shotgun and a shank
Belongings: sketchbook, pencils, eraser, Android Phone, shotgun, shank
Animal form: Wolf
Other: is dating Em and has two Alaskan Malamutes and an F1 Savannah Cat:
Fire Bird (Fire) ~ a reddish male with gray eyes, white paws, and a white tail
Gray Wolf (Wolf) ~ a silver male with blue eyes, a white under-belly, and white legs
Binx ~ a large black male with pale blue-gray eyes
(dodgy, eager, abusive, mild temper not this T^T)
I was wondering if you think it would be better to do my fanfiction in first person or third person… because sometimes it would be easier in first person, but sometimes it would be easier in third.
It’d be better to do it in third person, I believe, but I prefer first person. If you have more than one POV, DEFINITELY third person, however.
erm, I am making a fanfition, and I need some warrior names, please! these are the cats:
Maplekit an amber she-cat with maple leaf stuck in her fur. Sarcastic, funny, gets bored often, stubborn, yet loyal, wants to know what’s going on
Sunkit: a mini replicate of sunglow (lejet, personality and all) *sunglow is a bossy cream-gold tortiseshell*
Swiftkit: white and cream she-cat with green eyes and tear in ear. Scittish, but brave when needed. Super fast. Like, super fast.
Shadowkit: a black she-cat with a purple gleam and a white muzzle. Wise, smart, overenthusiastic, sweet, yet strict when she’s not happy
Mapleleaf (sorry if that’s too obvious due to the leaf being stuck in her fur); otherwise, perhaps Maplebranch?
Sunspots or Sunstripe (unless Sunkit has no stripes)
Swiftbreeze or Swiftflight
Shadowdusk or Shadowheart or Shadowpool
thanks! I really like them
I am going to try to write my first fanfic.
Premise: Vortexfang is a young female warrior living with the Starspirits. A group of supernatural interdimensional cats with wings. She, and her brothers Lightpaw and Gravityfall, are having the perfect life. Suddenly, out of nowhere, groups after groups of different predators like bears and foxes, suddenly attack. Vortexfang knows that the only way the Predators of Beyond would know where the Starspirits are is if they had a traitor. As Lightpaw struggles with his feelings for Nightfall, attacks plague the Starspirits, and there is a traitor in their midst. As one final attack occurs, Vortexfang may have to watch her home crumble around her. (This is all I have FOR NOW)
I need more characters!
The Council: 3 leaders that are in charge
Secondary: 3 cats that carry out orders
Hunters: They Hunt
Fighters: They Fight
Healers: Med Cats
Trainees: ‘paws
Younglings: Kits
Mothers: Queens
Elders: Elders
Name: (Must be sky related, like Hailcloud)
Power: (Must be sky related, like traveling on lightning)
Family: (Optional)
Backstory: (Optional)
Name: Flightstar/flame
Rank: Council
Look: Silver-gray tabby she-cat with long legs and white underbelly
Personality: Strict, grumpy, and has an attitude and hates kits and her brother Dawnpetal.
Power: Sending clouds to cover the moon or to zap other kitties with lightning. the clouds can also rain. she uses this a lot because she is grumpy.
Family: (Optional) her brother is Dawnpetal, and Dawnpetal’s kits are Moonpaw and Sunpaw.
Backstory: (Optional)
Name: Dawnpetal
Rank: Fighter
Look: Sleek ginger tom with white paws and dazzling emerald green eyes
Personality: Funny, humorous, not serious at all and is pretty much the opposite of his sister Flightstar.
Power: The same as Flightstar but he doesn’t use it as much
Family: (Optional) sister is Flightstar and his kits are Moonpaw and Sunpaw.
Backstory: (Optional)
Name: Moonpaw/beam
Rank: trainee
Look: Long-furred jet black she-cat with ice blue eyes and white paws
Personality: Same as her father Dawnpetal
Power: Harnessing the moon’s light
Family: her father is dawnpetal while her sister is Sunpaw.
Backstory: (Optional)
Name: Sunpaw/shine
Rank: Trainee
Look: sleek yellow tabby she-cat with white chest and long legs
Personality: same as Flightstar
Power: directing the sun’s light (and heat) into another cats eyes to make them burn up
Family: father is dawnpetal while her sister is moonpaw
Backstory: (Optional)
There are already enough council members, but otherwise good
Name: Falconswoop
Rank: Hunter
Look: light brown and light cream tom with green eyes and unusual gold streaks on flank. He has dark brown wings tipped with gold
Personality: Kind, loyal and fierce
Power: Can fly with his wings
Family: (Optional)
Backstory: (Optional) Used to be rogue named Falcon
Hello! This is my last call for whoever wants to be in my fanfic about BlogClan! It may or may not be on the fanfic page in the future. The main characters have been chosen (there are actually three and I chose myself to be the third >:3) but the other two are…
Please keep in mind that these were chosen at random, so don’t be offended if you weren’t picked. Anyways, if you are going to be in it, here’s what you should know. If you are an apprentice you can be given a mentor at random. If you wish you can change your rank. I may add some background characters that are not in BlogClan to put good names to use. Cakestar, emberdawn and iceflower get to keep their position so they cannot be stolen. Here is the form and my example
Name- Willowkit
Description- brown she kit with ginger flecks and purple eyes
Personality- Clever, sneaky, sharp tongued
Rank- Kit
Age- four moons
Apprentice- say yes or no if you want one
Backstory- optional
That’s all! If you have any questions let me know!
Name: Sunpaw (Sunfall)
Description: a golden she-cat with white spots and green eyes
Personality: social, intelligent, clever, logical
Rank: apprentice
Age: 9, almost 10 moons
Other: you can make me a warrior if needed
Name – Stormsong
Description – pale gray she-cat with: light blue eyes, one white forepaw, some of the muzzle is white, a white underbelly, a small scar slashed horizontally on the bridge of her nose (above her nose), and lots of scarring slashed across the middle way up her tail; a fast runner and relatively short-haired, with a long tail and long legs
Personality (sorry, I know this list is long, but not everything is in order of how much it comes out of my personality, so don’t just read the beginning and end and maybe come back to this for reference; I know I mostly describe myself as she/her, but this IS ME) – excitable, idealist, realist, boisterous, feisty, stubborn at times, outspoken, honest, open-minded, believes honesty is the best policy in almost every situation, has a solid belief system that is hard to even dent/bend, loud, talkative and usually VERY descriptive (could you ever tell?), boastful and/or wants attention when it comes to sharing information she knows and showing how good she is at certain things, intelligent, bubbly, usually kind and sometimes overly kind (SOMETIMES, depends on her mood), loyal to her Clan but WILL talk back to authority figures (or anyone, really) if she disagrees with them and will turn her back on the Clan ONLY if she thinks her Clan is very wrong (otherwise she is loyal until the end and will fight to the death to defend the Clan), is NOT very ambitious and while she thinks being deputy would be cool she does not feel the need to climb to the top and is perfectly happy with being a loyal warrior, hopeless romantic but VERY picky when it comes to toms she likes (let alone would want to be the mate of…) yet she thinks that finding the one will be amazing and she wants a partner more than most things in life, usually thinks that there’s always another way outside of killing, has a temper but she only unleashes it when she feels like her anger is justified (though I suppose AT TIMES that can be most of the time, I usually feel justified because I usually think I’m right and even if I’m uncertain – which is rare because I know myself very well – I will still argue my point and try to get those to understand where I’m coming from), proud, has an ego (though sometimes her kindness hides it), has high self-esteem and is confident, ambivert/introvert, thinks things through before rushing into situations and is typically not reckless unless she is unleashing her highest height of anger upon a cat (she is SCARY then, you don’t mess with her or her friends, so watch out), HATES liars and cats who try to frame other cats for things they didn’t do and HATES the prospect of cats being framed for things they didn’t do, HATES fake cats if you know what I mean, afraid of the prospect of drowning, sarcastic usually when angry or prideful or in the mood, WILL speak her mind, WILL defend herself or others, thinks family (and love interests probably first and foremost; and allies/friends) is important and more important than Clan but her ideals come before everything else
Rank – warrior
Age – I’m sorry, I’m really no good at Warriors ages… a younger warrior, maybe 30 moons?
Apprentice – either way, neutral opinion; I would be a good mentor, I think, but I wouldn’t be upset if I didn’t have one and I wouldn’t be upset if I did have one
Backstory (I mean, since I’m a side character, I feel like I don’t really have a backstory?) – was born into the Clan and thinks it would be cool to be famous for something; OPTIONAL: perhaps, if there’s more than just BlogClan and there’s room in your story, I can be half-Clan (have one parent from a different Clan) and not even realize it yet, but if I were to find out I were half-Clan, I wouldn’t care very much and would say I am still ultimately loyal to my Clan I’ve been living in even though I would respect the other Clan more and I honestly would still be a proud cat… it wouldn’t bother me that much and honestly might make me feel even more special
Name- Maplekit (mapleleaf)
Description- amber and gold tortoiseshell she-cat with a maple leaf stuck in her fur (resembles mapleshade)
Personality- Daring, brave, intense, sarcastic, (like a more funny jaykit. not jayfeather- jaykit.)
Rank- Kit (wants to be a med cat apprentice)
Age- 1 and a half moons
Apprentice- I want one, buttt that wouldn’t work
Backstory- her mother, bloomheart of thunderclan, threw her out because she looked too much like her apprentice, Mapleshade.
Yay! Sorry if I already put one of these in. 😛
Name: Silverfrost
Description: Silver tabby she-cat with white paws, chest, muzzle, and tail tip and ice-blue eyes.
Personality: Intelligent, friendly, stubborn, loyal.
Rank: Warrior
Age: I have no idea, 15 moons.
Apprentice: Yes
Backstory: She was abandoned in the forest as a kit and found by someone from the clan.
Name- Flamepaw/fall
Description- Small tortoiseshell she-cat with sharp claws and fluffy ginger tabby tail
Personality- Sharp-tongued, bossy, timid, short-tempered, funny
Rank- apprentice
Age- 8 moons
Apprentice- meh
Backstory- optional
Name: Pinestripe
Description: slim brown she-cat with black stripes and green eyes
Personality: Kind, thoughtful, creative, very loyal to her friends
Rank: Warrior
Age: 20 moons
Apprentice- yes
Black she-cat with silver tiger stripes, white spots, ear tips, tail tip, three white paws, one forepaw is black, plumy tail, sky blue eyes
Unpredictable, smart, makes you want to punch her face in, cute and innocent looking but gets into all sorts of mischief
4 moons
Uh i’m a kit bruh but if I become a warrior then yes
I’m too lazy to write a backstory 😛
Name- Jaguar
Description- gold she-cat with black spots and dark green eyes
Personality- Loyal, fierce, and smart. Very cunning
Rank- Rogue (If no rogues then name is Jaguarpaw and I would be an apprentice)
Age- Rogue : 15 moons Apprentice: 9 moons
Apprentice- no
Backstory –
Name- Sunkit
Description- black tom with a white underbelly
Personality- Quiet, smart, shy, sometimes talkative with cats he trusts
Rank- Kit
Age- 4 moons (Can I be your littermate?)
Apprentice- No
Backstory- optional
Does anyone want to write a story with me? I’m open to suggestions.
Sure!!! I love writing stories!! I have sooo many story ideas 😀
what are some of your ideas?
Something like where people are trying to steal rare birds from the Amazon, A wolf cub that is taken to the city as a pet that or a cheetah, A boy that moves to UK from Asia things like that 🙂 I have ten ideas in a notebook of mine 🙂
I personally prefer anything that is from animals PoV and with other animals
sure! 🙂
Alright! Do you have any ideas, or do you want to hear my go to idea?
What’s yours?
Well, it doesn’t actually have a main plot, but that’s part of the idea. Basically, we write every other chapter, and in that chapter, we can do whatever we want.
So basically, I would write chapter one, you would write chapter two, etc, like a normal collab.
Chapter 1- I start the book, say we meet our main character, Branchkit
Chapter 2- you would write whatever you want based on what happened in the last chapter.
Get it?
I like it! How would we do this? we put one chapter at a time on the Fanfiction page, or a google doc?
I think we could do whatever works, they both sound like good options to me. I feel like a secret page or a google doc would be easier so we could keep track of where the last chapter is
I can help!
Sure! Do you have any ideas?
Can I help, too?
Yeah! Do you have any story ideas you want to write?
I need name suggestions for my fantasy series. It’s about groups of evolved animals. They live in Realms in a place around Norway. Any suggestions please? 🙂
Yikes, I meant for the series title, oof sorry for the confusion!
Ok, it’s fine.
A Winter’s Darkness
A Light In The Shadows
Black Against Snow
The Legend
The Night’s End
Bright Light
Wishing For A Miracle
Sorry if all of these are rubbish.
maybe something like ‘Nature 2.0’ or ‘Wild 2.0’ or something idk…. I’m only suggesting because you said they are evolved animals
umm, maybe…. Swirling leaves? Flaming shadow? Empty Moor?
Kingdoms of Glory
I am planning on writing a Bravelands fanfic, bearing in mind that I have read 10 pages of the first book. So let’s see how that goes.
I need names for Titan’s gang (no taking from the book if it says the answer) I need names for the main character (not a stupid name like Fearless please) and I need a name for the story. I KNOW THAT THE FIRST BOOK IS CALLED BROKEN PRIDE SO NO SAYING THAT.
Thank you!
Main Character – Bright
Title – Dusky Shadows
Cunning, Clever, Watchful, Strong.
Hiii! So, I posted a random chapter on the fanfic page, and like four people said they liked it, so I was considering making it into an actual fanfic.
What do y’all think?
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go check it out.
Please tell me what you think
I’m planning to write my first fan-fic but I need a tittle – any ideas?
And I need a few characters too, can anyone help me think of some please, just reply it like this:
The ranks are:
Medicine Cat
The clans are:
The different clans are supposed to represent one of the 4 elements (fire, air, earth, water) If anyone can think of a better name for one of the clans (have to be related to one of the elements) please tell me since I think BushClan sounds a bit weird.
The stuff I’ve come up so far (which isn’t a lot):
Ivykit grows up in RiverClan. She eventually becomes Ivywing. The Clans are at war and Ivywing becomes a double-agent for RiverClan and spies on BushClan, the clan RiverClan is waring against. FlameClan and WindClan are also currently waring against each other. WindsClan and RiverClan are allies while FlameClan and BushClan are allies. But because Between WindClan and RiverClan, there is a Thunderpath separating them. BushClan is on RiverClan’s side of the Thunderpath – which is why they are battling each other. And FlameClan is on the WindClan side of the Thunderpath. Once Ivywing joined BushClan as a spy, she meets a tom-cat with currently no name (cuz I haven’t thought of one) and they fall in love. The tom-cat who has no idea that Ivywing is a spy wanted to be mates with Ivywing. Ivywing who didn’t want to betray her Clan refused. After the refusal, the tom starts to dislike Ivywing and Ivywing forgets about the tom. But the tom hated Ivywing very badly. Ivywing who sometimes slips out of the BushClan camp to sneak information to RiverClan overheard a conversation between the BushClan leader and the tom that Ivywing had once loved. She heard that the tom was going to be sent to spy on RiverClan. And just saying nobody knew that Ivywing was once in RiverClan since she had never fought in a battle when she was an apprentice (i need to think of a reason for that) so nobody knows that she’s from RiverClan. She claims that she was from the Twoleg place.
And I also don’t mind you criticising my ideas and giving suggestions
Name: Sunfade
Rank: Deputy
Look: ginger she-cat with grey legs, ears, and silver eyes
Personality: Intelligent, Smart, strict, daring, kind to close friends
Family: mother: Swiftdash father: mosstuft (riverclan) Brother: scarceshade Step-father: dirtfleck
Clan: Windclan (half riverclan)
Riverclan- Streamclan
Windclan- breezeclan
Bushclan- Stemclan
Name: Fallingsnow
Rank: Deputy or warrior
Look: Sleek silver tabby tom with black stripes and ice blue eyes
Personality: Funny, timid, short-tempered, bossy, ambitious but not too ambitious
Family: you can chose
Clan: WindClan
Thx these are all very good!
riverclan= rainclan
flameclan= blazeclan
windclan= cloudclan??
Bushclan= leafclan, dirtclan, stoneclan
Name: Spiritblossom
Rank: Warrior
Look: chimera she-cat with one half of face light brown with green eyes other half cream with blue eye. Rest of her body is light brown with darker flecks and soft cream paws and chest
Personality: Kind and funny. She is very loyal
Family: Father : Brackenthistle Mother : Orchidgaze Sister : Shadowspirit
Clan: FlameClan
Fire – FireClan, FlameClan, ScorchClan, or BlazeClan
Air – CloudClan, BreezeClan
Earth – GrassClan, StoneClan, RockClan, or PebbleClan
Water – RippleClan, WaveClan, LakeClan, StreamClan, BrookClan, or CreekClan.
Name: Loststar
Rank: Leader
Look: an unusually large long haired handsome, cloudy blue color (link to color at bottom); with black stripes and clouded blue eyes
Personality: quiet; wise; young; mysterious; good leader; hopeful; knows things that most cats don’t
Parents: Scourge + Twig
Littermates: Spike, Snow, Skull + Tiny
Kits: Windhowl, Tigersnow (FlameClan)} Cedarpaw, Cinderpaw (BushClan)} Pebblepaw, Streampaw, Riverpaw, Lakepaw, Reedpaw (RiverClan)} Sunnykit, Skykit, Seedkit (WindClan)} Halfkit, Moorkit, Heavykit, Hawkkit (FlameClan)
Clan: FlameClan (born a rogue)
Clan Name Ideas:
RiverClan: WaterClan, LakeClan, StreamClan, SeaClan, OceanClan, BayClan
FlameClan: FireClan, BlazeClan, HeatClan, CoalClan, SmokeClan, EmberClan
WindClan: AirClan, BreezeClan, FlightClan, CloudClan
BushClan: EarthClan, TreeClan, GrassClan, WeedClan, MudClan, GemClan, StoneClan, ClayClan