Looking for where to post links to your fanfics and find links to other people’s fanfics? Click here!
If you’re organising a group fan fiction project, this is where you can discuss your projects with other writers, or scout for new writers for your project. This is also where you should start new group projects as well, including stories that feature BlogClanners. Happy writing!
[image description: a black-and-white photo of two kittens crawling over a typewriter]
Wattpad provides an excellent platform for reading and sharing fan fiction. You might wish to use that instead to share your stories. I am not favouring Wattpad. It’s the only one I know of, and I’m sure there are many other platforms out there you might prefer. It’s up to you!
If you can’t make an account on any site, you may use justpaste.it! If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
Hello to whoever sees this! I’m going to be hosting a writing contest. First off, let me start with what the prizes are;
1st Place – Drawing of their OC and a fanfic about them written by me.
2nd Place – A fanfic of them written by me.
3rd Place – A short fanfic/story of them written by me.
And also, here are the rules. And for a bonus, make it as dramatic or emotional as you can.
Rule #1: Be original.
Rule #2: Please don’t include seriously disturbing content in your stories.
Rule #3: Don’t say anything bad about other’s work.
Rule #4: Have fun!
Secret Page link;
I hope everyone enjoys this and has fun. Remember, all entries are due July 1st. For the first place winner, you might have to wait a week before getting your drawing. Have a great day!
I'm a mentor and I'm proud
I think I’m going to make a book inspired by Trailing Stars! I’ll probably just keep it in a notebook for the rest of my life, and eventually throw it away…but hey! Who cares, right? (I do)
If you want to be apart of the book, then here’s the form: (I will probably post it on a secret page since you guys should probably know what kind of book you’re in, so I’ll post the page later, and I will repost this, as I need a lot of characters in this book)
Blogclan name:
Backstory:(you do not have to have a backstory if you don’t really want to, it will just add some depth to your character)
Any other notes you would want me to know:
Also, here’s another question that should’ve been put in the form, but I forgot:
How would you like to be introduced into the book? Like, how do you want to be found or something. So, like when you come into the book, when the book meets your character. And how does the book meet your character? 😀 For example, you are introduced to the book by someone climbs a tree and can’t get down, and you come to save them?
Oh, also whoops, also forgot to add this:
Rank: (if you don’t want to be deputy, leader, medicine cat, or medicine cat apprentice please do your actual rank in blogclan! Also, if the blogclanners that actually have those ranks fill out this form, they get first dibs on the role)
I’m sorry, I also really need your appearance, but if you don’t see this, then I shall go hunt for your appearance in the allegiances. 😛
Name Jetkit
Personality easily bored short temper but other then that averagely nice good at nearly an appearance wen apprentice he is loyal but bends the law a bit strong and fighting two cats at once he finds more easy but he has weaknesses one v one you can make em
Aperence all black tom with green eyes
Back story none
Introduced bye going missing because of a excape plan (I will tell you later) and then came back scarf after finding some roges at the ege of the territory ok here’s the ecscape plan he moved his den to the wall of the nursery and made a hole in it that you could open and close then dag a bit more through the wall to small to notice but big enough to slip through at night he went through snuck past the apprentice den and went into the forest
Hmm…I’ll try to fit all of that in the story, thanks for filling out the form!
BlogClan name: Lilyshine
Nickname: Lily
Rank: Medicine cat
Appearance: Light brown tabby she-cat with white paws, chest and belly. Amber eyes.
Personality: Kind, friendly, wise, shy
Backstory: – (I’m sorry)
Introduction: Whatever you want
BlogClan Name: Leafsky
Nickname: Leafie
Personality: Outgoing, caring, confident, brave.
Physical Appearance: Black, white, and dark ginger she-cat with a blue and green eye.
Rank: Warrior.
Backstory: Nothing very interesting (Sorry 😛)
Introduction: She was fighting foxes.
Ok, I just saw this, you will be put in!
Blogclan name: Streampaw
Nickname: Stream
Personality: An energetic she-cat. She is bright, loyal, and extremely good at fighting.
Backstory: A apprentice of one of the clans. (The backstory can be whatever you want)
Introduction: Whatever fits with the story 😛
Okay! I’ll write you into the story!
I didn’t see the appearance part so I can add if you’d like😛
Streampaw is a sleek black she cat with silver stripes, fluffy tail, and pretty emerald green eyes. She is a warrior cat apprentice.
(If you already have a description for me that you want to use, that’s fine too)
Thanks so much! I will use your appearance, as I haven’t added you to the story yet. I think I know how to introduce you. 😀
Blogclan name: Goldenpaw
Nickname: Goldie or Golden
Personality: Bubbly, is friendly(but can act a bit shy sometimes, it depends if she knows them or not) and seems a bit like an airhead. She can forget things sometimes, but she learns quickly and is compassionate.
Backstory:(you do not have to have a backstory if you don’t really want to, it will just add some depth to your character): She was originally part of the Sisters(or a rogue if you didn’t read up to Squirrelflight’s Hope), but got curious about what it was like to live in a clan, so she joined one.
Any other notes you would want me to know: Is it ok if the main character and her are friends??
Rank: Apprentice
I think my character should be introduced by like talking to the main character at the beginning or something, i dont really know.
Okay! Welcome to Falling Voices, Goldenberry. 😉 Well, we are friends on blogclan so I would suspect we would be in the book. 😀
Yay! Thanks so much 😀
Blogclan name: Brightspark (kit)
Nickname: Bright
Personality: snappy, short-tempered, easily offended, proud, a perfectionist, bubbly, impatient, impulsive, sometimes can come off as rude, proud, sassy, shy
Backstory: Uhh a normal life except that her hind legs were broken in a Thunderpath accident
Introduction: if I can be older than my BlogClan rank then med. cat it not just a kit
Okaaay! You got the medicine cat rank!
Blogclan name: Shatteredmask
Nickname: Ttera
Personality: sarcastic, strong stealthy, touchy, hostile, insecure
Backstory:(you do not have to have a backstory if you don’t really want to, it will just add some depth to your character) was bullied as a kit and apprentice and now she hates everyone. She is still bullied
Any other notes you would want me to know: can she become kind of good at the end?
Rank: apprentice
Introduction: she’s being bullied
Thank you, Ttera! Thanks so much, Bright!
Mm…bullied. Okay… I have a vague idea in my mind, but we’ll see where it takes me!
Thank you! *shady eyebrow movement*
Blogclan name: Plumeflake
Nickname: Plume
Rank: Senior Warrior
Appearance: Long-furred grey-brown-and-white tabby She-cat with dark blue eyes.
Personality: Smart, smug, lazy, dry-humoured, humble, reserved, stubborn, content, laid-back and practical.
Backstory: N/A (You can make it up!)
Introduction: Found by the narrating cat while hunting for fish in a river
Any other notes you would want me to know: Plumeflake is an Asexual/Hetero-romantic or Gray-romantic Norwegian Forest Cat.
Perfect!! Where I’m at I just caught a minnow!!
Name: Falconflight
Nickname: Falcon
Personality: heroic, brave, loyal, adventurous, intelligent, kind, stubborn, mischievous.
Backstory: Pretty normal, but has a reputation as an adventurer.
Rank: Deputy. If that’s taken, Warrior.
Introduction: Taking a peace of fresh-kill from the pile, and giving it to the elders.
Other: I am a tan she-cat with some dark brown patches and amber eyes.
Okay, I think I know exactly how we should introduce you with that. Thanks!
You’re welcome!
Oh, and you got the deputy role!
Yay! Thanks!
BlogClan name: (right now I’m using Bloomkit but since my actual rank is apprentice…) Bloompaw
Nickname: I don’t have one. If you want to you can make one for the story but I don’t actually have one, so probably just Bloom
Personality: happy and gets a little crazy around friends, but has trouble making new friends. Likes smaller groups more then larger ones, but will be fine in a larger group if necessary. Very clingy to her friends. Has trouble believing in her strengths
Backstory: her best friend, Leafpaw, was killed when the two of them went out catching prey and a fox (or any other savage animal in the area) attacked. She was heavily injured in this and had to take a break from her training, so her littermate got ahead of her in training. Since then she has had trouble making friends and very clingy to those she has
Other notes: she is a gray tabby with green eyes (can decide if I want her eyes to be green or blue but let’s go with green) introduce her however you want.
Thank you so much for adding the appearance!!! You’re in! I’ll post Falling Voices on the fanfic page, chapter by chapter.
Blogclan name: Pinestripe
Nickname: Pine
Personality: Kind, thoughtful, clever, creative, caring, agreeable. Very loyal to her friends.
Appearance: Slender brown she-cat with black stripes and green eyes.
Backstory: Used to be a loner but joined the Clan because she would meet more cats and have more friends that way.
Introduction: Found a lost kit and brought them back to the Clan.
Any other notes you would want me to know: I’m close friends with Falconflight.
Okay, Pine!! Got it! I’ll post the fanfic on the fanfic page. 🙂
I would love to be close friends with you, Pine!
BlogClan name:
Calm, wise, snappy
Er…HalfClan, mother was a rogue named River, father was Tigerblaze (I made all of this up on the spot lol), has three siblings, Turtlewish, Foxtooth, Bramble
Blue-gray and ginger torbie (tortoiseshell tabby) she-cat with gold eyes and a feathery tail
Assigning patrols
Thanks, Splashy for doing this! We’ll have you as temporary deputy, if that’s okay. Falconflight’s already deputy, sorry.
I just thought of something! What if I have to go on an adventure, and Splashfeather could be temporary deputy?
Thanks, Falconpaw for the idea! Yes, we will definitely do that!
You’re welcome! Happy to help!
Thanks Falcon! Thanks Crookedmoon!
Ok, thanks! When not temporary deputy, could I be an all time warrior?
BlogClan name: Driftingpaw
Nickname: Drifty
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Comes off as smart, aloof, laid-back, also very dedicated to my goals and ambitious (I’m also a pretty typical ENTJ-A personality type if that helps 🙂 )
Appearance: short gray furred she-cat with spots ranging from light gray to black all over her body, dark teal eyes (y’know what, here: https://imgur.com/a/Tcww9ie )
Backstory: whatever you want it to be! (though I do love the cliche parents are dead story too 😛 )
Introduction: maybe coming out of the shadows of the apprentice den and saying something imposing and demoralizing 😛
I love how you want your introduction to be 😉 I’ll try to think of something for you to say. 😀 Thanks for filling out the form!
aww thanks! <3
Blogclan name: Blueheart
Nickname: Blue
Personality: Brave, loyal, determined, caring, helpful, will protect friends at any cost. Snarky. According to my mom “wise” but I don’t really see it. 😛 And apparently mature for my age. 😛
Backstory:(you do not have to have a backstory if you don’t really want to, it will just add some depth to your character) Errrrrr, maybe a badger killed my entire family in front of my eyes or some other cat murdered them Idk you can get creative and make it as dark and depressing as you want. 😛
Any other notes you would want me to know: Eh, not really. But if I think of anything I’ll hunt you down. 😛
Introduced: Something epic or really just however you think will fit best!
Rank: Uhhh, leader if it isn’t already taken? 😛 If not, I’m technically still an apprentice but I’ll be a warrior very soon. 😛
Appearance: Lithe, broad-shouldered, dark, blue-gray she-cat with piercing dark blue eyes.
Mmm, I also don’t let anyone talk smack to anyone. I stay neutral during fights and try to resolve things(Even if I agree with a certain side more). Would rather handle things tactfully then act on impulse. Tries to get multiple sides of a story. Won’t lose my dignity to stupid cats. 😛
Thanks for more information, that will be really helpful! Ooh!!!! Blueheart, you gave me a great idea!! You’ll have to wait and see. 😛
Okay. 😛
Ok! I promise you guys will come into the story soon, I’m sorry if it seems like it’s just taking SO long. But don’t they say, “longer the wait better the prize?” (I have no idea if people say that, I just made that up on the spot, but-oh! Hey, I found a quote that is much better than what I just said. 😉 “The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives.” – Susan Gale. You all shall come in better than before! (idk what that means, but let’s go with that. 😛 )
I have a lot to read right now anyways, so take your time. 😛
So, mediator? Lol
A good leader must also be a good mediator, at least in my opinion. That doesn’t mean that a mediator will always be a good leader, but. 😛
Wow what? 😛
Okay????????? 🤨
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I had the best introduction for you…but now i have an even better one. MWUAHAHAHAHAHA. Hint: You fall out of a tree in a good way. 😛 🙂
Blogclan name: Monkeypaw
Nickname: Monkey/Moky
Personality: kind energetic but competitive and secretive in his own way
Backstory:(you do not have to have a backstory if you don’t really want to, it will just add some depth to your character): Um idkkkkk ahh i swimming and playing music but im very dedicated in the stuff i do
Any other notes you would want me to know: No I can’t wait for it!
Rank: Apprentice (maybe to plume!)
Apperance: Im a orange and white tabby tom with a skinny long tail and jade green eyes!
Thank you, thank you, thank youuu!!!
Blogclan name: Rosepelt
Nickname: Rosie
Appearance: a light gray she-cat with dark gray specks on her back and one white front paw
Personality: Rosepelt is caring towards her friends. she can be sarcastic, and in battle she is fierce and strong.
Backstory: none
Any other notes you would want me to know: loyal and strong in any battle, but weak to her emotions. Rosepelt often gets lost in thought and doesn’t hear her friends talking to her. but Rosepelt never lets her emotions get in the way of her warrior duties and suffers her pain silently.
Introduction: Rosepelt was found siting on a rock in a clearing staring at the stars with loneliness.
Rank: Apprentice
That’s a really specific introduction(in a good way), it’s really good.
BlogClan name: Darkwing
Nickname: Darkie
Personality: funny, smart, laid back, brave, loyal, short-tempered, annoying, sarcastic, loud, will hold grudges
Appearance: sleek black she-cat with a white left forepaw, a bushy white-tipped tail, and green eyes
Rank: warrior
Backstory: ahhh I have no ideaaaa 😛 you can do whatever fits for your story, I don’t mind haha
Introduced: how about getting mildly injured doing a dare 😛
Other: I like doing (stupid) dares, so perhaps I’ll be a regular in the medicine den 😛
Ha! Accepted!!!
Blogclan name: Sunbreeze (formerly known as Dolores)
Nickname: none
Personality: loyal, reserved, and quiet, but warm towards those she likes
Backstory:(you do not have to have a backstory if you don’t really want to, it will just add some depth to your character) Born as a rogue named Dolores, Sunbreeze was abandoned as a young kit and was taken in by BlogClan
Any other notes you would want me to know: none
Okay! I’ll add you to the story!
Writing contest! The prize is a drawing of an oc by me!
I’m doing fanfic! I need characters! Here’s the form!
Eye colour:
Mate (if applicable):
Kits (if applicable):
Family (optional):
Name: Crookedmoon
Gender: female
Appearance: cream she-cat with a dark brown patch that looks like a moon on her chest with white paws and black eyes
Eye colour: black
Clan: riverclan
Personality: she’s friendly but can be defensive at times, loyal, kind, stubborn, smart, and quick-witted
Skills: Fishing, running, and swimming
Rank: Senior warrior
Fears: the dark
Mate (if applicable): Oakshade
Kits (if applicable): Whitepaw and Thornpaw
Family (optional): Mother is Smokefur, Father is Cedarstar(or heart), sisters are Ashkit, and Hawkwing, brother is Darktail.
Other: um….nope
Er..Cedarheart is cannon, so is Hawkwing…and Darktail
Is that intentional?
I just made the heart up on the spot, because just in case my father couldn’t be a leader or something. Hawkwing is intentional, but it’s a long story, and Darktail I actually didn’t know the character when I made this character’s family tree. 😀
Name: Sun Shard ( That is a really prettying name )
Gender: Female
Appearance: Small, Yellow She cat with Black and white splotches
Eye colour: Dark blue eyes
Clan: You pick!
Personality: Sharp, mostly underestimated by being so small, Hostile towards other cats, Can warm up to friends eventually, Fast, Smart, uses her wit and mind to get out of bad situations instead of using brute force, sarcastic, But isn’t a mean, Angry-at-everything-and-everyone-and-hates-everything kind of cat.
Skills: Fast, Smart, A quick talker
Rank: You pick!
Fears: Water, Being underestimated, Her brother, Night Stalker
Mate (if applicable): Cobble Tail ( Dead )
Kits (if applicable): Leafy Wind ( Dead )
Family (optional):
Father: Unknown
Mother: Gliding Feather
Sister: Leafy Flower
Brother: Unknown, ( Dead ) but Dusk Shard rememberers him as Strong Wind.
Other brother: Night Stalker
Other: Can she be a main Character? Also, she’s afraid of Night Stalker, is because he hated Cobble Tail and Leafy Wind and killed them.
Blue-gray and ginger torbie she-cat with a feathery tail
Can we use made up Clans (If not, SkyClan and RiverClan (halfClan)
Calm, snappy, short-tempered, wise
Riverwish, Skyfall, Birchbriar
Name jetkit
Gender male
Appearance all black cat with green eyes
Eye colour green
Clan windclan
Personality easily bored short temper but other than that averagely nice nearly apprentice
Skills (wen apprentice) fighting two cats at once and very very fast
Rank kit then apprentice
Fears losing a cat that he’s close to
Mate none he has no crush and would say no to anyone that liked him and is to yong to have one
Name: Bloompaw
Gender: female
Appearance: Gray tabby
Eye color: bright green
Clan: ThunderClan
Personality: slightly closed off with those she doesn’t know, but very open with her friends. Has a hard time making new friends and very clingy to those she has. Doesn’t believe in her own skills
Skills: a very good hunter and tracker
Rank: apprentice
Fears: cats she loves leaving her, letting cats down, swimming
Mate: none
Kits: none
Family: doesn’t matter who parents are. Brother: Gingerpaw
Name: Driftingpaw
Gender: she-cat
Appearance: lithe with short gray fur that has spots ranging from light gray to black
Eye colour: dark teal
Clan: You can pick!
Personality: ENTJ, pretty cold, doesn’t like any emotional talks, ambitious, smart, cunning, sarcastic, can be rude, hard working, very controlled and contained emotions, curt, sneakily polite
Skills: really fast, quiet and sneaky, great hunter, absolutely terrible fighter, smart
Rank: Apprentice
Fears: not being leader
Mate (if applicable): none but if so please make them a cat from another clan (I love cliche romances <3 )
Kits (if applicable): never gonna have kits
Family (optional): maybe the kit of the leader of another clan
Other: nothing!
Name: Mistypaw/cloud
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: Well-muscled, lithe, slender, sturdy, graceful pale blue-gray she-cat with hard amber eyes
Eye colour: Amber
Clan: ShadowClan
Personality: She is very hard to understand and quite mysterious, like a heavy cloud of mist is covering her true intentions and ambitions. She always acts like a sweet, innocent, apprentice, but can be manipulative, cunning, and clever when no one is there to witness her evil deeds. She never lets anyone except her accomplices see through her cloud of mist.
Skills: Decent at swimming, stealthy, and swift.
Rank: Apprentice
Fears: Her only fear is cats discovering what nasty things lie beneath her mysterious cloud of mist.
Mate (if applicable): None, she believes they will get in her way.
Kits (if applicable): None, she believes they will get in her way.
Family (optional): Mother: Swiftfire, Father: Lightningstrike, Sisters: Hawkpaw, Frostpaw
Other: none
Name: Duskpaw
Gender: Female
Appearance: White she-cat with red spot on forehead and perfect circle of red spots around her neck
Eye colour: Blue
Clan: Formerly StormClan (distant Clan that no one knows about)
Personality: Is realist but not an optimist, freaks out when someone she loves gets mad at her or dies, and acts like it’s all her fault. Is usually very happy, content, etc.
Skills: Is really, REALLY good at fighting, same with hunting, but really bad at climbing trees
Rank: Apprentice
Fears: Bees, though loves honey, climbing trees, the ones she loves dying or getting hurt
Mate (if applicable): None, though has an interest in Greenpaw
Kits (if applicable): None
Family (optional): Amberflame
Hi, I’m Dusky. I’m new but I wanted to do this. I made a poem for Leafsky’s challenge. It’s about Firestar struggling to let go of Graystripe and knowing about Brambleclaw wanting to be deputy
His amber eyes watch me everywhere I go
Time is running out
I have to let go
I can see it
The hunger in his eyes
No I can’t
I can’t let go
He looks the same
Exactly the same
Will I ever trust him?
I thought I did
I’m not so sure
Not anymore
Her pale tabby pelt
Comforts me
You have to let go
I can’t let go
Firestar, you have to
I can’t
You must
I can’t
Do it
Please stop, Sandstorm
I can’t handle this
Don’t make me
I hope you like it!
How do you get/make a secret page
Blog name:
Mate (optional):
Kits (optional):
(Clan options: SpellClan, AirClan, EarthClan, WaterClan, FireClan)
Clan Powers:
SpellClan- Illusions and spells
AirClan- Controls the air and weather
EarthClan- Earth powers, talk to animals..
WaterClan- Breathe underwater, talk to sea animals
FireClan- Fire powers, lava, etc..
kinda like the Trials of Ethen
You just search around the pictures for one that isn’t claimed or hasn’t been used in a while (my minimum is 7 months(
Name: Driftingpaw
Nickname: Drifty
Appearance: short gray furred she-cat with spots ranging from light gray to black, dark teal eyes (here if this helps: https://imgur.com/a/Tcww9ie )
Family: whatever works best! 😀
Mate: please give them a half-clan mate! I love cliched romance! If not, please make them mates with the leader
Kits: definitely no kits unless they’re adopted
Age: Old apprentice
Clan: AirClan
Here’s one, Splashy!
Thx Shatteredmask!
Ack sorry my caps lock was glitching 😛
Here’s my boy Noah
NAME: Noah
PRONOUN(S): He/Him or They/Them
APPEARANCE: Jet black hair, is Japanese, eyes are shaded from red to yellow
PERSONALITY: Snappy, shy, kind, empathic, smart, crafty
DISLIKES: Insects, birds, loud rock music
LIKES: Minecraft (he’s a LEGEND AT IT), Animals, hacking accounts, drawing
OUTFIT: black hoodie with gold lined cat pattern on it, denim jeans and gray sneakers
ACCESSORIES: golden locket, headphones, earbuds
BELONGINGS: iPad, iPhone, laptop, sketchbook, pencils, eraser, fine liner, pin (for picking locks)
CRUSH (YES/NO AND WHO): Give him one pls just add his name here if you want 😛
FAMILY (NAMES): is an orphan and has a calico cat named Biscuits
Hehe hope you like 🙂 I will assign random locker numbers once I start the story
NAME: Alex
NICKNAME: Alex (no nicknames 😛 )
GENDER: female
PRONOUN(S): she/her
APPEARANCE: very short bob-cut brown hair with one green streak on the right side, reasonably small for her age, has dark blueish-green eyes
PERSONALITY: quiet, introvert, likes reading, doesn’t really talk much, clever
DISLIKES: loud noises, bullies
LIKES: silence, the dark
OUTFIT: red t-shirt with a black cardigan over it. Black glasses and green boots
ACCESSORIES: turquoise bracelet with a purple-pink gem on it
BELONGINGS: clear glass robin
FAMILY (NAMES): no one really knows
ENEMY (YES/NO AND WHO): please please please give her an enemy. Anyone. Just give her an enemy 😛
OTHER: she’s claustrophobic
Name: Katherine
Nickname: None (You can make one if you want though)
Age: 15
Gender: female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Blonde hair, brown eyes
Personality: Kind and outgoing with her friends, closed off with anyone else. Tries to stay out of fights and likes smaller groups more then bigger ones.
Dislikes: People teasing her or her friends, fights, spiders, people criticizing her, getting bad grades, being away from her family for too long
Likes: Pokemon, her family, making up stories, lions, felines in general, purple
Outfit: Leopard print shirt and black pants, black and pink sneakers
Accessories: A mood ring she wears on her right hand
Belongings: IPhone, notebook, 3DS, nintendo switch, lots of plushies (most of them are pokemon) laptop
Crush: nope (if you want you can give her one but right now nope)
Family: Mother: Maria, Father: Robert, Brother (older): Joseph
Enemy: none
NAME: Florence
GENDER: Female
PRONOUN(S): She/her
APPEARANCE: 5’6″, long legs, slim, bright red hair, freckles over nose, dull green eyes, long neck, short torso, longish arms
PERSONALITY: INTJ, calm, composed, hard-working, ambitious, dedicated to ballet and pointe
DISLIKES: lazy people, people who cheat to get ahead
LIKES: hard-working people, ballet
OUTFIT: black leggings, Birkenstocks or Crocs with socks, fleece pullover, loose ponytail
ACCESSORIES: checklist that she keeps in the pocket of her pullover
BELONGINGS: Patagonia backpack, Dance company jacket, phone, water bottle, etc
ENEMY (YES/NO AND WHO): Couldn’t care enough about school for an enemy
OTHER: Really great ballerina
Light, blonde-gold streaked brown hair, light blue eyes
Wise, mature, snappy, adventurous, curious
Peanut butter, jelly, gross boys, know it all’s
Nerds, warriors, BlogClan, books, friends, family
Light blue no sleeve (across the shoulders) tied at the bottom right tee, Jean shorts
A blue spiral cord bracelet, ankles
Books, Nintendo, phone, warrior stuff
Noah (Ambixie)
Doesn’t know her family, was abandoned at a young age and raised by her grandparents
NAME: Lurnara
GENDER: Female
PRONOUN(S): She/her
APPEARANCE: Tall, thin, pale skinned Asian girl with long, straight black hair, narrow dark brown eyes. Long legs, elegant hands if that makes sense.
PERSONALITY: Quick thinking, cold to new people, struggles to trust new people, book smart but not necessarily nerdy, doesn’t talk much, confident on the outside and while she does have a few insecurities, she tries to always be confident, cool, and collected. Not easily bothered, but that’s something she taught herself to be. Cares a decent amount about her appearance.
DISLIKES: People in her personal space or bothering her, crowded spaces, drama class (if that’s a thing at this school)
LIKES: Silence, alone time, playing piano, math, science, other strictly academic classes since she’s good at them, Pokemon (not that she’s told anyone)
OUTFIT: https://pin.it/1NUYGnb (kinda?)
ACCESSORIES: Silver chain necklace with a crescent moon charm
BELONGINGS: iPhone, 3DS, Nintendo Switch, a lot of makeup, silver laptop
FAMILY (NAMES): idk but she has a decent/okay relationship with both her mom and dad and has a younger brother who she just kinda ignores, but they don’t hate each other or anything
ENEMY (YES/NO AND WHO): you can give her one if you want but i don’t really care?
OTHER: piano is like her thing lol. also she’s a hardcore pokemon fan (shiny hunts and a little bit of online VGC)
When do you plan on posting the first chapter Crookedmoon?
I’m copying it down from paper right now!!!
yaya!! 😀
I changed my form a bit:
Physical description:
Eye colour:
Main character?:
Clan (FireClan, DarkClan, EarthClan, WaterClan):
Introduction (how do you want your character to come into the story?):
(You get 100 pints to put on these skills):
Name: Driftingpaw
Gender: she-cat
Physical Description: lithe with short gray fur that has spots ranging from light gray to black
Eye colour: dark teal
Main Character: Your choice!
Clan: You can pick!
Personality: INTJ, pretty cold, doesn’t like any emotional talks, ambitious, smart, cunning, sarcastic, can be rude, hard working, very controlled and contained emotions, curt, sneakily polite, not bossy
Skills: really fast, quiet and sneaky, great hunter, absolutely terrible fighter, smart, perceptive, great at reading people
Mate (if applicable): none but if so please make them a cat from another clan (I love cliche romances <3 )
Kits (if applicable): never gonna have kits
Family (optional): maybe the kit of the leader of another clan or just the kit of the leader of her clan
Clan: WaterClan
Rank: Apprentice
Fears: not being leader
Intro: Being really good at hunting and then saying something condescending to another apprentice who didn't do as well
Other: I want to stress that Driftingpaw is not bossy, she simply thinks she is better than everyone else and she would be wasting her time to order them around
Fighting: 5
Healing: 0
Hunting: 20
Talking: 25
Stealth: 50
Name jetkit/jetfeather
Gender male
Physical description all black tom with green eyes
Eye colour greeen
Main character dunno what you mean but if you mean do I want to be the main character nopeeeee
Personality easily bored short temper but other than that averagely nice
Clan EarthClan
Rank kit but if I can warrior warrior
Fears a friend or him dyeing or getting hurt
Introduction if kit play attacking the main character. If warrior battling two cats at once easily
Other better at fighting two cats at once then one
Name: Graypaw
Gender: she-cat
Physical description: Long-furred, lithe gray tabby she-cat with white muzzle, chest, and paws. She has bright pale blue-green eyes.
Eye colour: Blue-green
Main character?: you decide
Personality: She appears happy, cheerful, and optimistic on the outside, but secretly, she is nervous, anxious, and paranoid, and worries about a lot of things
Skills: Swimming and hunting
Clan (FireClan, DarkClan, EarthClan, WaterClan): WaterClan
Rank: Apprentice
Fears: epidemic, famine, and not being good enough
Introduction (how do you want your character to come into the story?): you choose
Other: none
Fighting: 60
Healing: 3
Hunting: 87
Talking: 10
Stealth: 50
Please ignore that. Forget I changed the form. The old one’s fine. Sorry about the mixup.
Click on my name to join my fanfic organisation! You can be a character, or a writer, or both!
Hey, I am making an OC fan fic i will be making lots and here is the form to be in it! also apprentices have their own form for warrior name mentor etc. I gave a list of name stuff incase you are stuck. You can also be a rogue or kittypet. OP i forgot you can be in one of the three tribes Sun Tribe Water Tribe or Fire Tribe
(And the prefixes)
Clan: (Thunder River Shadow Wind and Sky)
Kin:(Mother father siblings)
Kit names and appearances:
Your appearance:
Your personality:
Mentor: (This can change if a real human wants to) (make a name from the things i gave you)
for example Emberdawn She has embers offspring dawn do that but do not put warrior name in but please do not do ember dawns it was the first one that came to mind.
Nic Name:
Please fill outshine you see it if you wish the backstory form will come out later tonight
Hey BlogClan! I’m writing a fanfiction about a journey 10 teenagers take. 😛 I’ve already created their appearance, personality etc, but I think I want to put background characters. Just comment down a character with their age and how they look like! 🙂 Names are optional but if you want you can 😀
Name: Loren
Looks: short, bushy red hair, freckles all over, gray-green eyes
Age: 9
Name: Coalup
Looks: Shady, short, wears all black, dark gray almost black hair with almost unrecognizable black streaks, bright green eyes he hides with sun glasses
Age: Whatever you what 😉