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[image description: a black-and-white photo of a kitten sleeping in a cavity of a typewriter]
This is my prologue…
“Look what we got here,” Tanzy sneered.
“A wittle warrior from RainClan” Oakley sneered in a baby voice. The tom started to back away, his tail lashing and his hackles raised.
“D-don’t step any closer! I’m warning you!” The tom was looming closer and closer to the cliff edge, every step back. It was less than a tail length away! “I could take you both on!” Tanzy and Oakley looked at each other, and snickered. They eased closer, pushing the tom farther and farther back.
“Like you could take us on, we’re twice your size and more!” Tanzy lashed out at the young warrior, breaking the skin on his nose. He yowled, bouncing back.
Oakley sneered. “Poor thing can’t even fight back! Why don’t we finish him, Tanzy” Tanzy halted, stopping Oakley from advancing.
“Y’know I prefer to get to know my victims before hand, beside, what if we use him to get more?” Tanzy sat down for a second, signaling Oakley to do the same.
“Tanz, just finish him, hes not worth much anyways”
“Hey!” The tom squeaked out, then cleared his voice. “I mean, hey!”
“See!” Oakley snickered. The tom was getting worried about what they would do to him. Over the edge of the cliff was a river, maybe he could swim to safety if he jumped. He looked over the edge, seeing the huge drop.
“Your right, lets finish him.” Tanzy dropped onto a hunting crouch, and leaped onto the tom! He felt himself change, as soon as she did that.He launched back at her. They were a writhing ball of fury! Fur flew everywhere! Then there was silence. A body layed on the ground, motionless, the flank moving up and down steadily still. Oakley sneered but was cutoff.
“Wha-” Oakley yowled as peircing claws raked her pelt. Tanzy was knocked unconcious. Oakley writhed, trying to get out from underneath the tom. She craned her nech and bit onto the toms ear. Yowling, he let go, and stumbled back, hitting Tanzy. He grabbed Tanzy by the collar and lifted her over the edge.
“No!” Screeched Oakley, watching her mate dangling over the river. The young warrior glared at her, and dropped Tanzy, never to be seen again. Oakley ran to the cliff edge, and screeched. “Tanzy!” She turned and looked at the tom, her eyes blazed with anger and grief. “You will regret the day you did this! You, and all of your family will be doomed forever!”
The toms eyes grew wide, not knowing what had just happened to him. He’d feel his blood draining from his face, realizing that he’d just murdered someone. He sprinted away, back to his clan.
Constructive criticism please!
My first chapter of Dawn of the forest. ENJOY
Chapter 1
“Some say she never came back. Some found Dawn’s body deep in the snow, and her body smelled like Badger. We all know she’s in the Navanuk today watching over all cats. She is known as Lawanda remember that kit. NOW SCRAM, and let me sleep.” Kestrel always loved when Tree told stories. He padded out of the elder’s den and breathed in the fresh air. The snow was melting and New-Leaf was coming. He wondered if he could even meet Lawanda. Kestrel padded into the nursery. He suddenly wondered what it was like in the Nunquivik. Did Lawanda look after them too? Or did she despise the the Nunquivik? (Noon-qwi-vick) Kestrel thought about this for a while. I guess I’ll ask Tree tomorrow. His thoughts were broken when his sister playfully pounced on him. “Hi brother! How are you today!?” His sister squeaked. “Fine.. Can you please get off of me Snow?” “Sure…” She got off of Kestrel and sat beside him. “So what did Tree talk about this time?” She asked. “About a cat named Lawanda. Which means “Little Wanderer.” “That’s a weird name…” (before you continue reading this chapter I just want to say that The Nunquivik is like the dark forest. And the Navanuk is like Starclan in the rouge group’s religion.)
Emberstar looked upon her clan on the highrock. Its been a moon since last snowfall. Prey is still scarce but day by day the food becomes more plentiful. The hunting patrol finally arrived. She looked if the cats had caught any prey. Thrushpaw caught a plump squirrel, Featherwind caught a mouse, Tinypaw caught nothing and Ivyheart caught a vole. Emberstar went over to Ivyheart after she placed the vole in the fresh-kill-pile. “Any reports besides hunting?” She asked. “Well Tinypaw got caught in a thorn bush. Also while I was hunting I scented rouges. It was fresh.” “Thanks for the report Ivyheart.” Emberstar went over to her den. She sat there at the entrance and watched as her clan ate. She wasn’t in the mood for eating. She just wanted her clan to live. She lost a life to starvation in secret. “Emberstar are you ok?” Emberstar looked up and saw Russetleaf. “Yes I’m fine…” “You sure? You haven’t eaten much recently.” Emberstar’s stomach growled in hunger. “I’m sure I’m fine. Go eat with someone. Or something” Emberstar watched Russetleaf leave and go talk with Thrushpaw. I’m not ok… I’ve been refusing to eat because I want what’s best for my clan. But I know if I loose all my lives, then Ivyheart will become leader. She would be a fine leader. She thought. Emberstar went inside her den. Thinking if she should continue not eating or not.
Dawn was fading a bit. Wondering if cats will forget her forever. Dawn padded over to her mother and sat beside her. “What do the clans look like mother?” She asked. “Chaos. Emberstar is not eating. The rouges go onto the clan territories and steal prey. Making their relationship with the clans worse. I’m afraid there will be a battle one day.” Her mother said. Dawn wished she wasn’t blind as a spirit as well. She wished she could actually see cats not just feel them. “So it is…. Everything has been chaos ever since the rouges attacked Summerclan, then Autumnclan, then Winterclan, then Springclan. Should I send a prophecy to the medicine cats?” Dawn asked her mother. “You don’t have to. But if you wish, you may. As long as 3 cats agree with you, and I’m one of them.”
I love it! It’s coming out really good so far! 😀
Very nice
I wrote a fan fiction but it took a long time to get approved, so its way back on page 502. In case no one goes back to check on other pages, then it’s there if anyone would like to read it!
[spoiler title=”Traitors Among Us: The Next Few Chapters”] CHAPTER THREE
I was in a grassy field. It was pitch black out. The sky was dotted with stars. Suddenly, a few stars came floating down in front of me. They took the shape of…. What was it? I saw ears, teeth and tails. They were… Cats! A bright orange tabby cat came to stand right in front of me.
“Samson, my only son,” she said, “I will show you a vision of what will happen.”
A blinding light filled my mind. I saw a mountain of rocks, with a dark furred cat standing on top. My mind suddenly filled with the moaning of a female cat. A pure white cat with a spot on her back, was standing over a lifeless body, crying. The female swept her head around to face the cat on the stone mountain.
“You! You killed him. One of my own kittens. You would not let me or any of us leave camp to hunt so my milk dried up and he starved. The same thing will happen to my only other son if you do not let us hunt,” she screamed at him. The dark cat only laughed.
“That’s one less mouth to feed,” he laughed cruelly. With a scream of vengeance, the white female lunged at him, her jaws parted. It was then that I could see the body more clearly. It was a pure black cat, with green eyes staring, all life gone out of them. That was Jasper, my son! The female spoke again.
“We are all starving and will soon die, if you do not let us hunt.” When she said ‘us’ it confused me. I could only see her…. But then, I saw it. Bone thin cats, hundreds of them. They were so skinny and their eyes and coats were dull. They had lost all hope. They were going to die, and I had to stop this.
“No!” I yowled, jumping up. “This can’t, this WON’T happen! I won’t let it! Please, great star cats, tell me what to do.” But they were gone.
I woke up. I was in the same spot I had been in. I lifted my head and quickly put it back down. My head was swimming. I got up and walked around. My head cleared and I noticed that it was quiet. Too quiet. There was no cat in the camp. I ran into the woods. Where was Snowspot and the kits? Then I heard the yowls. How long had I been unconscious? I looked at the moon. Yipe! I was asleep for a whole moon! I ran deeper into the woods. There, I saw it. The mountain of stones. The female. Jasper. Hundreds of bone thin cats. This is what I saw. This was my destiny. I had to stop this. With a battle cry, I bounded into the clearing. But wait. I needed to think this through. The dark furred cat was Shadowtail. He had battlers on his side. I was completely outnumbered. I couldn’t just waltz in there and demand my mate and sons back. Not to mention the four clowders. Just then, a rustling in a nearby bush caught my attention.
“Who’s there? Show yourself!” A thin, orange striped cat staggered into the shallow clearing I was in. I barely recognized him. Then….
“In the flesh,” he coughed.
“What are you doing here?” I asked “and do you know if there are any of the clowders left?”
“They’re gone,” he rasped “all gone. Shadowtail burned the dens and stole the cats.”
“Where’d he get the fire? And how did he get the cats to go with him?” I asked.
“Well, after you left, we thought you were dead. We turned to Snowspot for leadership. Shadowtail came into the camp one evening. He took your son, Jasper, in his jaws and said he’d kill him if we didn’t follow. Snowspot had no choice. She told us to follow. We did. After we followed, Snowspot asked for your son back. Shadowtail laughed and …”
“He crushed his neck,” I finished for him.
“Yes. then… Wait. How did you know that?” Tigerstripe asked.
“Okay, you cannot tell anyone this. I had a vision. My mother spoke to me and showed me what was going to happen to us.”
“Wow. Well, I don’t know if you saw this, but your son did not die from his broken neck. He died after Shadowtail stopped letting them hunt. He starved.”
“I realize this, and I am grieving deeply for my son, but we need to rescue the other cats. And I know how.”
Soon after this, we were on our way to put my plan into action. Tigerstripe had gotten deathly ill after our conversation, but I found him some mint leaves, which soothed his stomach. He was still sick, but we could not wait any longer to rescue the cats.
“Ok, Tigerstripe. You know the plan.”
“Yep. I distract Shadowtail while you pull two or three cats into the woods.”
“Good. Now, let’s go!” Tigerstripe ran into the clearing.
“Who goes there?” Shadowtail exclaimed.
“It’s me, Tigerstripe, your brother.”
“Ah, brother, changed your mind about joining me?” As Tigerstripe was talking to Shadowtail, I caught Snowspot’s attention.
“Psst! Snowspot!”
“Yeah! Now, grab Spanky and one more cat and get over here!”
“Coming! Spanky, come here! You too Furredruff.” She called her son and her best friend. As soon as they all gathered, I lead the three… two cats?
“Snowspot!” I hissed.
“Coming!” she replied “I need to get Jasper.”
“But he’s dead,” I yelped.
“Actually, he’s not! He’s just very sick!”
“Okay, then grab him!” Snowspot got Jasper, and I signaled Tigerstripe. As I crept past, I stepped on a cat’s tail purposely and he yowled. That caught Shadowtail’s attention and Tigerstripe was able to get away. Unfortunately, a cat saw us leaving and started to yowl. I jumped on his muzzle.
“Shut up, Smoketail!”
“Yeah, and if you don’t keep your big mouth shut, you won’t get saved from this place. I’m rescuing all the cats! So keep quiet.”
“Okay, okay! Come back soon.”
“Will do.” With that, I got out of there as quickly as possible.
When we got back to camp, I saw everything Tigerstripe had described. My den.. burnt to the ground. The nursery.. a tree on top. The battler’s den.. knocked over like a twig. As I was taking it all in, Jasper started mewling. Then coughing. Then shivering.
“Quick! Get him on my back!” Snowspot did as I said.
“Oof, he’s heavier than I remember! Here, feed him these!” I handed Snowspot some mint leaves. Snowspot fed Jasper the leaves, and in a few minutes he was asleep.
“Ok, I think he’ll be alright,” I said. “Meanwhile, you guys should get some sleep.” As Snowspot and Spanky headed to the little rock jutt that was left of my den, Tigerstripe stayed where he was.
“You should get some sleep, too,” I told him. When Tigerstripe went to collect some leaves for a makeshift den, I went to plan out my next rescue mission. I decided to do things a little different than last time. I was going to go on my own.
The next night I went into the camp, I was going to act like a cat that was under Shadowtail’s control, so I rolled in a mud puddle. I went up to Smoketail, because I promised him that I would take him with me on the next rescue. As I approached him, I heard an all too familiar voice behind me.
“Ah, Sammy. Come to rescue your little ‘friends’ I see?” Shadowtail’s voice came from behind me. I whirled around to face him; teeth bared.
“I am here not for my friends, but my family. And yours. Why are you doing this?”
“You of all cats should understand. Power.” With those words, he yowled
“GUARDS! Escort ‘Sire’ out of camp. And don’t handle him too roughly. He must have had a hard time getting here,” Shadowtail said sweetly, sarcasm dripping from his voice. His guards were closing in on me, when a little voice distracted me.
“Don’t go near my papa!” it squeaked.
“Yep.” With that, my little son launched himself into the meadow and tackled Shadowtail. Shadowtail laughed. He picked up Spanky and threw him across the clearing. Spanky hit the ground and lay still.
“That’s your cousin and my son!” I screamed at him. I jumped on Shadowtail hissing and spitting. He bit my tail and ripped a clump of fur off. I yowled with fury and pain. I clawed his eyes. He shrieked with pain. When I looked, I saw that one of his eyes had a crescent shaped gash covering it. He was lucky he still had his eye! Shadowtail jumped back, and yowled in agony. He pawed at his eye, trying to stop the pain. While he was distracted, I grabbed Spanky by his scruff, and ran out of there. A few cats followed me, but the rest were too terrified to risk getting punished by Shadowtail. The cats that followed me were terrified that they were going to get caught, but I reassured them that they were going to be okay.
“I swear that you will not get abused by the evil Shadowtail any longer, friends! As for those of you who have families back there, we will get them out!” As the cats burst into cheers, I called Smoketail.
“I need you to gather the strongest cats to hunt. You and I will go try to rescue more cats. Once we’ve got an ideal number of strong cats to form a battalion, we will attack. I am sure that the others will help us, and not Shadowtail.”
“Yes, sire. Right away, Sire.” As Smoketail bounded away, I surveyed the clearing. The dens were being restored and we had at least two dozen cats. Then Tigerstripe ran up.
“Sire, sire! We have an epidemic of Whitefur in the underground den!”
“Whitefur! Has any cat got Blackfur yet?”
“No, not yet sire.”
“Well, watch them then! Smoketail and I will make a point of saving the clowder medicine cat tonight. In the meantime, feed them mint leaves.”
“Yes, Sire. Right away sire.” As Tigerstripe bounded away, I called Smoketail.
“Come, we need to go back to Shadowtail. We are going to rescue the medicine cat.” Smoketail and I padded into the woods. After we had walked for a while, we heard a strange rustling in the bushes. A cat I recognized walked out. It was Jetfur, Shadowtail’s chief guard! The huge, jet black cat limped out of the bushes.
“Please, help me. Shadowtail physically hurt me and the other guards. I wish to join your forming Clowder.” I eyed the cat suspiciously. He had not a scratch on him. I didn’t trust him, but I wanted to see what he was up to.
“Okay, if you want to stay, I would like you to prove that I can trust you,” I told Jetfur. “Tell me EXACTLY what Shadowtail did to you. Then, I will send a cat in to find out if what you say is true. If it is, then you may stay. If not, you will be executed for treachery.” The black cat nodded.
“Alright, we have a deal. Here is what happened: I was guarding the camp like usual, when I saw Shadowtail coming toward me. I expected a mission from him, but apparently my rival and brother, Brownear, had told Shadowtail that I, ME, his most loyal guard, had committed treachery. He attacked me and my patrol, and banished us from the clowder. My brother then resumed the job of chief guard. My patrol blamed me for their misfortune, and attacked me further, and left me. I walked for days, and ended up here. I had heard about your clowder, and when Shadowtail banished me, I came here.”
“If this is true, then explain why you don’t have a scratch on you!”
“I, uh, found some mint leaves? Yeah, that’s it, I found mint leaves!”
“Hmm…” I still didn’t trust the big cat, but I decided to see what he was up to.
“You may stay with us, but you will be put under guard, and watched day and night,” I told Jetfur. As Jetfur followed me to the camp, I decided that I would put him under the care of our two best guards, Tigerstripe and Jasper. Jasper was growing into a fine young cat. I called the two toms, and they put Jetfur in the prisoners’ den. I left him with the two guards. After I left Jetfur, I went to see the cats with Whitefur. As I entered the den, Snowfoot, the she-cat caring for the sick cats until the medicine cat came, barred my way. When I tried to push past her, she said,
“No! You may not enter! Leader or not, I will not let you pass!”
“Easy, okay? Why can I not pass?”
“What? Who?”
“Stormclaw! I don’t care what you say, I’m going in there!” I pushed past Snowfoot and ran into the den.
I saw Stormclaw laying in an isolated chamber. His breathing was ragged, his once-grey fur was matted with dirt and dust. Stormclaw lifted his head when he saw me.
“Hey Sammy,” he coughed. “It’s not as bad as it looks.” Just then, Snowfoot entered the den.
“Sammy, if you are going to be here, you need to be useful. Make sure he doesn’t fall asleep, or he may not wake up.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied.
Meanwhile, Jetfur was causing problems in the den. Tigerstripe was trying to pin him while Jasper got help.
“Help!” Jasper yelled. “Jetfur is trying to hurt Tigerstripe!” When no one came, Jasper ran back to the den.
Tigerstripe was lying on the floor of the den, and Jetfur was gone. Jasper went to get the medicine cat. While Jasper was gone, Shadowtail appeared from the bushes.
“I will meet you tonight,” he said.
Wow! This is awesome!
This is really good!!
ooooo is there gonna be more?
Yes, posting more today!
5 short stories from the 5 clans
Chapter 2
Pantherfrost’s fear
By Mountainpaw
Pantherkit opened her eyes. The light was very bright, and she had to blink multiple times. She yawned, and looked around her. She was in a nursery, woven of reeds and feathers, stones and riverside trinkets. Under her soft moss lined the ground, and her face was pressed into her mother’s soft fur. Her nose was filled with scents of milk and moss and warmth, the light was dim, and the den seemed stuffed with she-cats and kits.
She kneaded her mother’s belly with her little black paws. Her mother lifted her head sleepily, then looked down at her kits. A warm smile spread across her face.
“You both opened your eyes! Oh, how wonderful.” Her mother leaned down and rasped her tongue over her fluffy head, leaving it wet and untidy. Pantherkit squeaked.
Her mother laughed.
“Look, Bubblestream, Sootkit and Pantherkit have opened their eyes!”
A queen lifted her head on their right side. She had three kits suckling at her belly.
“How wonderful, Blizzardspeck! Hello Pantherkit, Sootkit! Welcome to the world.”
Patherkit beamed.
Another queen lifted her head, except she had no kits at her side, but a swollen belly.
“Congratulations Blizzardspeck” She whispered drowsily.
“Can we go out and explore?” Sootkit asked.
Pantherkit glanced at her sister. She was snow white, with two black socks on her front paws. She had black ears and tail tip, and black speckles over her back like ash and soot. Her eyes were huge, bright, icy blue, her fur fluffy like a pile of cotton. Pantherkit was a mirror image of her sister, but with midnight black fur and white specks, ear tips, tail tip, and two white toes on her front paws. She jumped forward, between her mother’s paw, burying her face in her chest fur.
“I want to stay” She squeaked. She never wanted to leave her mother’s side.
“Its ok” Blizzardspeck leaned down and licked her kit. “I will always be here. I promise.”
Pantherkit looked up into her mother’s warm blue gaze, and smiled.
“ok” she squeaked.
Pantherkit gave her mother a lick on the fur, and bounded out, Sootkit following close behind. Outside, everything was blinding bright and buzzing with life. Scents of river and sand, cats and fish surrounded Pantherkit. It was the most wonderful thing she had ever smelled or seen. Though among all the huge cats she felt small and weak. She pulled herself out. She was going to be a warrior! Stepping more confidently, she padded after her sister. But suddenly, a dark figure loomed over them. Sootkit and Pantherkit squeaked, and pressed themselves against each other. The figure had thick fur, and was dark black like the night sky without stars and moons.
“Hello Sootkit, Pantherkit” He said.
“Who…who are you?” Sootkit whispered.
She stood a little taller, puffing out her chest fur.
“I’m going to be a warrior! So you better not attack me and my sister!”
The dark warrior laughed.
“I’m Darksun. Your father.”
“You are?” Pantherkit asked.
“I am. And welcome to RiverClan. Would you like me to show you around?”
“Yes!” Pantherkit and Sootkit hollered at the same time.
“Alright! First I’ll show you the river, over here”
The river gurgled peacefully, the sunlight shimmering on the surface of the clear blue water.
“Wow…” whispered Sootkit.
“Yuck!” Pantherkit wrinkled her nose.
“Yuck?!?” Both her father and sister looked at her in surprise.
“Yes, yuck” Pantherkit said.
The water looked murky to her, dirty, and the idea of soaking her pelt in cold, dripping liquid seemed unwelcoming rather then fun. The water looked dark to her, ready to swallow her up and fill her with water till all she could do was sink and never rise again.
“I never want to swim!” She cried.
“Pantherkit…..its an essential part of RiverClan. We swim to fish. It’s our power. Our ability StarClan granted us. Its a gift, not a curse.”
“Well I think it’s a curse!” Huffed Pantherkit, and turned away and ran. She had no idea where she was running, but she ended up in a den with a few old cats inside it.
“Welcome to the elder’s den young one” croaked a old looking tom. “I’m Minnowstream, and this is Brownwing, Duskstripe, Tawnyflight, and, um…..Owlheart.” He seemed to dislike saying his den mates name as he pointed with his ragged tail to a she-cat who seemed way too young for the elders den. Owlheart was a calico cat, with faded light brown, dark brown, and orange spots over her white body. She had liquid brown eyes that sparkled as she looked at Pantherkit.
“Oh! New kits! How wonderful! You know, when I was a queen I had lots of fine kits. My kitting was hard, but I’d say it was worth it, you know? I always felt the need that RiverClan needs more kits, but no, Splashstar said we are fine. But I think we are not, because you know this one time there was this battle- whatsitcalled- Sunnning rocks and we did not have enough kits and-”
The elders all groaned. Pantherkit stared wide eyed at Owlheart. Minnowstream leaned over and whispered into Pantherkit’s ear while Owlheart continued to talk about kits and queens and battles.
“She is in the elder’s den because she became deaf to her left ear. Probably talked too much. Anyways, why are you not touring the camp?”
“I…I was. But I.. Darksun showed me the river. And I never want to swim in it. Never. Ever.”
“Aye. Yer a drypaw”
“Drypaw?” Evidently, Owlheart had overheard.
“You know in my days I always said drypaws are never good enough to be true RiverClan cats. But, you know-”
Minnowstream leaned back over to Pantherkit.
“I’m not an apprentice yet! And my name is Pantherkit, not Drykit.” She protested.
Minnowstream chortled.
“A drypaw is what we call someone who does not want to ‘wim in the river.”
“oh.” Pantherkit hung her head.
Would she ever be a warrior without being able, or wanting to swim.
“Aw, great StarClan, don’t be so sad. Kits grow out of it. We are RiverClan after all.”
“Really?” Pantherkit looked up hopefully.
And Pantherkit returned to her mother that night, happy, with lots of stories to tell her mother.
Of the rest of her kithood, Pantherkit was very happy. Lakekit, Stormkit, and Snowkit were very good playmates, and when Maplekit, Flamekit, Hazelkit, and Spottedkit arrived, the fun was doubled. Though the nursery was quite crowded.
Pantherkit was sad to leave her mother, but she knew that she would always be near.
Pantherpaw, Sootpaw, Lakepaw, Stormpaw, Snowpaw, Maplepaw, Flamepaw, Hazelpaw, and Spottedpaw had lots of fun together, enjoying their apprenticeship to the fullest.
Pantherpaw was great at hunting and fighting…but the river still scared her, like a wound that would never heal, and so far she had avoided swimming lessons by some miracle. By the end of her apprenticeship, she had still not swum. And she suspected her mentor, Marshpuddle, would not make her a warrior unless she learned how to swim. But she just could not bring herself to do it. Just…not. Sootpaw was very sympathetic, and always made her feel better, but it never lasted long. One day, she was watching Sootpaw and her mentor, Sparkmoon, fish happily in the river. It was a warm Green-leaf day. Pantherpaw was watching the river glumly. But still she could not bring herself to swim. Owlheart suddenly appeared behind her.
“Its a nice, warm day! You know, these days remind me of the time I was an apprentice too. You know, I was not a drypaw, and I would have hated myself if I was. Because, you know,-” Her voice drowned into humming against the gurgle of the water. Pantherpaw was seriously considering jumping in the river so she could drown out Owlheart’s voice. And then…..”HELP!”
Sootpaw was starting to sink below the water, yowling as her lungs started to fill with water. A actual fox was swimming in the river. It had grabbed Sootpaw between his jaws, and was dragging her underwater. Sparkmoon lunged forward, but the fox slapped him aside. He hit a rock and went limp on Sunning rocks. Pantherpaw paniced. Her sister was going to be killed! But…water….
“Sootpaw! Oh, poor Sootpaw, you know-” Owlheart started to talk again. That was the last straw. Pantherpaw leapt into the water. It was lukewarm. It soaked her fur, cooling and soothing her skin. It was quiet, and peaceful, aside the gurgle of bubbles and the fading yowls of Sootpaw. Pantherpaw set on the fox. She kicked out, the motion to swim coming instinctively. She unsheathed her claws, and slashed the fox’s snout. The fox snarled, swimming to the surface for air, Pantherpaw after him. She kicked up, gulped air, then propelled herself forward. It was like training sessions again. She bit, she slashed, the fox let go of Sootpaw. The white shape started to sink into the depths. Pantherpaw yowled. The fox had let go to bite into her shoulder. Blood stained the water. Then 3 warriors and the rest of the apprentices splashed into the river, attacking the fox. It let go, and Pantherpaw kicked down into the darkness without hesitation. Her eyes glowed in the dark pool of water. The growls and snarls of battle were gone. Her lungs started to tighten as she needed air. But she kicked on deeper. And deeper. Fish swam past her nose. And at last, there was the bottom of the lake, and Sootpaw. Pantherpaw gripped her scruff with her teeth, and started to kick up to the surface. Blood was still pouring into the deep blue water from her shoulder. The river was starting to go hazy…..and she broke through the surface, warm sunlight flooding her face, and she breathed deeply through her nose, dragging her sister onto shore. Soaked, bloody, dripping wet, she clambered onto shore too. The medicine cat, Graywing, rushed out, and scurried around Sootpaw. Sootpaw started to cough, water spilling from her mouth. She was alive. Pantherpaw collapsed, shivering, pressing her nose into her sisters wet fur.
“You…you saved me” Whispered Sootpaw.
“You’re my sister. Now shhh”
They curled up together, warming their soaked fur and enjoying being alive.
Soon the patrol came back.
“We chased off the fox” Reported Sparkmoon. “It must have been really hungry and hot to go into the river.”
Graywing nugged some herbs toward Pantherpaw while she bandaged up her wound with cobwebs.
“Good” Splashstar had spoken, bowing his head in gratitude.
“Sorry about that, Pantherpaw” Sparkmoon said. “After that I’m sure you’ll never want to set a paw in the river.”
“Actually” Pantherpaw felt joy spark in her chest. “Quite the opposite.”
Suddenly, Splashstar called the cats of RiverClan together.
“Let all cats old enough to swim gather together for a clan meeting,”
All cats quickly scurried forward.
“A fox has attacked us from the river, as you all know by now. This is unusual, but, it has happened, and we all survived, thanks to Patherpaw.”
Pantherpaw gasped. Sootpaw grinned at her.
“She showed courage and bravery, and she is no longer a drypaw. I think she is ready to become a full warrior of RiverClan.”
Pantherpaw got to her paws, placing her weight gingerly on her injured shoulder as she padded forward. But the pain seemed far away, and was staring to be pushed out by overwhelming joy.
The speech Splashstar spoke was a blur. Before she knew it, everyone around her was yelling her new warrior name:
“Pantherfrost! Pantherfrost! Pantherfrost!”
Pantherfrost looked at Splashstar. She knew why her warrior name was frost. She had been a frosty river, uncertian, scared of the unknow, but the frost had melted away now like morning frost on a sunny day. The frost had broken, and she was not afraid anymore.
“I think the rest of the apprentice also deserve their warrior names for fighting off the fox.
Maplepaw, Hazelpaw, Sootpaw, Flamepaw, Spottedpaw, Lakepaw, Stormpaw, and Snowpaw, please step forward.”
Soon, Maplespots, Hazeleyes, Flamespots, Spottedflame, Lakefrost, Stormspeckle, Snowfoot, and Sootsky were celebrating together. They were warriors at long last!
Owlheart stepped forward. Her spots sparkled in the sunbeams.
“Well, congratulations! I remember when I was a warrior, and-”
The whole clan groaned, except Spalshstar who flicked his tail happily. But Owlheart had not heard. She was droning on, and on, and on about her warrior ceremony.
Pantherfrost beamed. She was no longer a drypaw. She was looking forward to fishing in the river, and swimming in the river, ready to serve her clan as a true RiverClan warrior at last.
Hope it was good!
I really liked this! <3
WolfStar 4 Life
Wowwo! That was amazing!
Thank you all! 😀
Seriously I love this! The parts with Owlheart made me laugh out loud 😛
Chapter Six
Starpaw was sitting in the apprentices den with nothing to do. She decided to read cats all around’s minds. Morrrowseer’s thoughts came to her first. Ugh, when is Secretkeeper going to have my kits? Morrowseer thought, I only agreed to have them if they would all be great Warriors! Yes, Secretkeeper was long over due. What was up with that? Starpaw decided to tap into her mind. GO GO GO IT’S HAPPENING! Secretkeeper thought. Starpaw located her in one of the halls. Oh Secretkeeper, Farsight thought, so nervous, expecting kits. She needs a friend to sit with her. Starpaw crept over to the tunnel where Secretkeeper, Farsight, and Mastermind were. She made sure not to be seen.
“Hi, Secretkeeper, want someone to sit with you?” Farsight asked kindly. No, I’m having kits! Secretkeeper thought.
“No, I want to be alone,” Secretkeeper meowed.
“But do you just want me to sit with you?” Farsight asked.
“NO!” Secretkeeper meowed, “I’m overdue, which means my kits might be dead, while you have two alive kits, one of them being pampered and praised by the Cats of Peace!” I’m sorry, Farsight, Secretkeeper thought, I’ll apologize tomorrow. Starpaw tapped into her mother’s mind. Oh, Farsight thought, she must be really panicked to not want to sit with me, her best friend. All right, I’ll leave her alone. Finally, Starpaw tapped into her father’s mind. Whoa, Mastermind thought, unexpected. Poor Farsight. But Secretkeeper was brave. Starpaw didn’t know what to think. Secretkeeper hurried out of the volcano. Starpaw slipped after her when Farsight and Mastermind were gone. Secretkeeper stopped at Preyhunter.
“Mastermind said I could go for a walk,” Secretkeeper meowed. Preyhunter nodded. Starpaw quickly padded to her mentor.
“Father said I should watch her,” Starpaw meowed. Preyhunter hesitated, and then let Starpaw through. Starpaw stepped into the rainforest. So many new thoughts. I love this dream, a RainClan cat thought. I know my name is Coconutpaw, but I don’t really like coconuts, Coconutpaw, a RainClan apprentice, thought. Starpaw focused and tracked Secretkeeper’s thoughts. She hid in the shadows and watched as Secretkeeper kitted a black she-kit just as the moonlight hit the clearing. The she-kit had silver tufts of fur next to her eyes. Just like Starpaw. Starpaw tapped into the kit’s mind. Milk, milk, where’s milk? the kit thought. Secretkeeper brought the kit to her belly. Starpaw padded over.
“Starpaw!” Secretkeeper gasped. Oh no oh no oh no! Secretkeeper thought.
“Oh don’t worry,” Starpaw meowed, “I can tell by your thoughts I shouldn’t tell the tribe. I won’t.”
“Wait-what?” Secretkeeper meowed, “My thoughts?”
“Yeah, I have the long lost powers,” Starpaw meowed.
“Wow, that’s amazing!” Secretkeeper meowed.
“I won’t tell the tribe about her,” Starpaw meowed.
“The excuse will be the kit died,” Secretkeeper decided.
“All right,” Starpaw meowed, “what will you name her?”
“Moonkit,” Secretkeeper meowed, “she was born in the moonlight, so Moonkit.” Moonkit suckled furiously. Milk milk milk milk milk milk milk, Moonkit thought.
“We should go back,” Starpaw yawned as daylight came.
“I-all right,” Secretkeeper licked Moonkit and put her in a warm, fallen tree.
“I’ll come back as soon as I can, Moonkit,” Secretkeeper meowed, and she and Starpaw left. They padded back to the island. Before they went into the tunnel, Starpaw heard one last thought from the rainforest. Mommy? Moonkit thought.
They told everyone that fake story, that Moonkit had been kitted alive, but then she died. Farsight, Secretkeeper, Starpaw, and Mastermind were crossing across the rocks on the lava river. Farsight was on a smaller rock when the lava bubbled up. Farsight slipped a little bit.
Then she fell. Into. The. Lava.
Chapter Seven
Farsight, Secretkeeper, Starpaw, and Mastermind were crossing across the rocks on the lava river. Farsight was on a smaller rock when the lava bubbled up. Farsight slipped a little bit.
Then she fell. Into. The. Lava.
“MOTHER!” a scream came, and Starpaw realized that she was screaming. She needed to tap into Farsight’s mind. PAIN HELP ME OW OH GOODNESS HELP ME! Farsight thought, Ashes! Oh goodness I’m turning to ashes! But… Mastermind! And Starpaw! I haven’t seen her become a Warrior! I haven’t even met my own son! No! ASHE- Then it stopped. There were no more thoughts. Nothing. A bubble of lava bubbled up.
“Mother?” Starpaw whimpered.
“Farsight?” Secretkeeper meowed.
“NO!” Starpaw shouted, “I refuse to believe it! She is not dead! Any second now, she’ll come back up!” And her thoughts will come back on my radar! Starpaw thought to herself. But she knew that it wasn’t true. Farsight was dead. She was gone. To a place Starpaw couldn’t follow. Tears streamed down Starpaw’s face.
“Farsight,” Mastermind bent down, “I love you.” Secretkeeper was the one who got them back on land. Mastermind went to tell Battlestar the light and love of his life was dead. Starpaw lay on the ground. Oh goodness, she’s in shock, Secretkeeper thought. Starpaw couldn’t think a thing. She huddled, feeling cold and rejected. Pain, not physical pain but mental pain, was exploding through her body, tingling through her fur, stinging her eyes and ears. But the worst pain was right in her heart. Like somecat had torn it open.
“It’ll be okay,” Secretkeeper meowed.
“No it won’t,” Starpaw meowed, “She’s dead. Not coming back. Darkness, I’m ready to sucum.”
“Don’t say that,” Secretkeeper meowed, “you have your life ahead of you. Farsight is in StarClan now. She’ll watch over you.”
“Her last thoughts were terrible,” Starpaw whispered.
“What were they?” Secretkeeper asked.
“Pain help me ow oh goodness help me!” Starpaw cried as she said Farsight’s former thoughts, “Ashes! Oh goodness I’m turning to ashes! But… Mastermind! And Starpaw! I haven’t seen her become a Warrior! I haven’t even met my own son! No! Ashe- And then it stopped.” Tears streamed down her face, over the silver tufts of fur. Preyhunter padded over.
“I don’t want to train,” Starpaw’s voice was muffled, as she had her paws on her head.
“I came to say you don’t have to train for a few days,” Preyhunter meowed.
“Thank you,” Starpaw’s muffled voice said.
Moonear explained to Mindkit and Mightykit how Starpaw was feeling and to not bother her. She didn’t even care when Mightykit and Mindkit became apprentices and were assigned to Darkshade and Blackshadow. Mindpaw and Mightypaw acted as though Farsight hadn’t died. Starpaw somehow wanted to talk to somecat without talking to anyone. One night, Secretkeeper snuck over to Starpaw.
“I visit Moonkit every night,” Secretkeeper whispered, “I think you should come with me. She’s opened her eyes, and I want to see if she’s a mind reader.”
“Fine,” Starpaw didn’t look at Secretkeeper. She hadn’t looked at anycat, really. They padded to the tunnel, and Strongwing was sleeping on his job, so Secretkeeper and Starpaw had no problem in sneaking out. They padded to Moonkit’s clearing.
“Moonkit, Mommy’s back!” Secretkeeper called.
“Mommy!” a little black kit with silver tufts of fur next to her eyes exploded from the tree.
“Hello, Moonkit,” Starpaw looked at somecat for the first time in days.
“Who are you, and how do you know my name?” Moonkit growled.
“Moonkit, this is Starpaw,” Secretkeeper meowed, “she can read minds and tell the future. She’s from NightClan too. She’s here to see if you have the powers too.” Moonkit gasped.
“Moonkit, if you can, make eye contact with me,” Starpaw meowed, “I’ll see what you’re thinking, and you might see what I’m thinking.” Starpaw looked in and heard lots of things. I might have super powers! Moonkit thought, Okay, gotta consentrate really hard. Starpaw thought some things.
“Say what I’m thinking aloud!” Starpaw meowed.
“Um, you’re thinking, ‘Moonkit could be another mind reader!'” Moonkit mewed, “‘I could teach her! I hope she never has to go on the wretched island. I don’t know why Nightstar, the first Queen of NightClan, made camp on the island.'” Starpaw gasped.
“What is it?” Secretkeeper asked.
“Moonkit can read minds,” Starpaw meowed, “Moonkit, have you seen anything that hasn’t happened yet?”
“Yes, I saw that that tree is going to fall soon,” Moonkit pointed to one of the trees nearby. Starpaw had that vision too.
“Yes, it’s true,” Starpaw meowed, “You are a prophet as well. Just like me. I’ll teach you how to contain your powers, don’t worry, little kit.”
“Can you teach me now?” Moonkit asked, “Please?”
“Not until I’m a Warrior and you’re an apprentice,” Starpaw meowed.
“Okay,” Moonkit sounded dissapointed. NightClan had hope.
There was another mind reader and prophet in camp. And two of them are unstoppable.
Chapter Eight
Starpaw was training again, and she was feeling better, too. It was just before her Warrior assesment, and Starpaw was so nervous. Well, she had been nervous ever since Farsight died, oh, and Stonemover had recently dissapeared(everyone suspected to SandClan. He had a mate there once), but this was a normal apprentice before assesment nervous, not mother is dead and not coming back nervous. So, yeah, Starpaw was nervous.
“It’s so cool you’re going to be a Warrior, Starpaw!” Mightypaw meowed.
“Yeah!” Mindpaw agreed, “Can you tell us all about what’s off the island?”
“Sure, when I leave for the second time,” Starpaw lied. Everyone knew that Farsight had kitted Starpaw and her brother in the rainforest. Too bad Farsight was terrible at keeping secrets and took Starpaw and her brother to the island. Secretkeeper, on the other paw, was amazing at keeping secrets. IT’S LITTERALY IN HER NAME.
“I wonder what your Warrior name will be!” Mightypaw meowed.
“What do you want it to be?” Mindpaw asked.
“I really like the name Starhunter, but anything would be fine, really,” Starpaw meowed.
“I want my name to be Mightyshadow!” Mightypaw meowed.
“Well I want mine to be Mindshade!” Mindpaw meowed. Preyhunter padded in.
“Ready, Starpaw?” Preyhunter asked.
“I was kitted ready,” Starpaw meowed. Starpaw followed him out, and she listened attentivly to the rules. She decided to shut off her mind reading so that she wouldn’t feel preassure if she heard Preyhunter’s thoughts near by. She caught some sort of bird(that was bigger than Starpaw) and a crow. Preyhunter revealed himself when Starpaw put them on the fresh-kill pile.
“Did I pass?” Starpaw asked hopefully.
“Yes!” Preyhunter meowed.
“The meeting’s in a few minutes, let’s groom you in the apprentices den,” Preyhunter meowed. Mightypaw and Mindpaw left to go hangout outside of the volcano. Once Starpaw was groomed, Preyhunter took her to the meeting cave for Starpaw’s second time. She’d been in here once before, for when she became an apprentice. There were cats all over the floor, and there was a vine Greatnesstail was sitting on. There was a screen with two eye holes for Battlestar. Starpaw made sure to keep away from the lava river that trailed through the cave. She could never forget her mother, as she lived in a place with lava everywhere. Greatnesstail leaned down to the screen.
“Starpaw, do you pledge to follow the Warrior code, even at the cost of your life?” Greatnesstail meowed for Battlestar.
“I do.” Greatnesstail bent down to hear what Battlestar had to say after Starpaw said the most important words of her life.
“Starpaw, you will now be known as Stargazer,” Greatnesstail meowed, “Battlestar and StarClan honor your thoughtfulness and hunting skills.” Stargazer was so happy.
“Stargazer! Stargazer!” Stargazer was dazed. The Clan was cheering for her. No one else. Stargazer, Mastermind thought, Perfect.
She was Stargazer. The mind reader and prophet of NightClan.
Also whenever it says tribe pretend it says Clan.
Remember to hit that reply button:D
I know it was just that the reply button wasn’t there because it hadn’t been moderated yet.
So I have an idea for an AU, and I was wondering what you’re opinions were, and if I should write it or not.
Basically, instead of Firestar choosing Brambleclaw/star as deputy, he chooses Brackenfur. This sparks the Tigerstar I in Bramble, and he basically grows even more close with Hawkfrost, and he agrees to help with murdering Firestar with the fox trap. Without good Bramble, there is no one to save Fire and kill Hawk, which means Hawkfrost survives. When the other cats arrive, Bramble tells them it was an accident and he tried to save his leader and everything, and they believe him. As StarClan can’t magically pull the trap off Fire, he loses all his lives and Brackenfur becomes Brackenstar, and makes Bramble his deputy, as he has now got an apprentice (Berrypaw). Squilf is the only suspicious one, and she becomes mates with Ashfur. Bramble and Hawk then start planning on how to kill Bracken. That’s where I left off.
But also, the badger attack happens just as normal, and when Leaf has her kits, Squilf still agrees to take them, leading to the secret never being revealed since Ash wouldn’t have a grudge against Squilf for being with Bramble, and Holly never kills Ash, and she never disappears.
So, what do you think?
That’s a great idea!
That sounds really cool!!
tbh brackenfur would make an amazing dep
He would though
Good job every one I am currently working on one of my own.
I can’t wait to see it 😀
Might be a while.
Next chapter of 8 Elements! This time it’s from Cady’s PoV!
Chapter 2
I’ve settled in to my dorm by now.
My roommate is really nice. Her name is Nellie, and we have a lot of the same interests. Like gaming, weather, fashion, and other things. I’m pretty excited for what this school is going to bring.
Speaking of school, the assembly is in uh….
“When is the assembly again, Nellie?”
“Uh,” Nellie looked down at her watch, “ In five minutes. Let’s go.”
I immediately get out of bed and rush out the door. Now, where is the assembly hall? I rush through the dorm building, and Nellie is probably trying to catching up. I rush out the door, and see an adult guiding students. I run into the crowd, and wave to Nellie.
Nellie runs up to me, and pants. We follow the group. I look around, and see a bit of dark, puffy hair. Avira! At least I think.
“Heya! Avira!”
The blob of hair pops up, and I see Avira’s face light up. Knew it!
Avira runs over to me and waves to me, and her excited face turns confused once she looks at Nellie.
“Who’s she?” Avira asked.
“Hi, my name is-” Nellie started
“This is Nellie and she’s my roommate!” I finished.
“Hey!” Nellie yelled.
Avira smiled at Nellie, “Hey Nellie. My name is Avira, and I’m Cady’s BFF!”
“Oh cool,” Nellie said, “Random, but my sister is a 3rd year here, so I kinda already know my way around.”
Avira continued smiling. We all moved on, and just talked about things for the next three minutes.
“Full name please,”
“Eleanor Allison Fulmer”
“Come in,”
Nellie walked in through auditorium doors, and waited for us.
“Full name”
I groaned, “Cadence Fiona Allery”
I walked in, and walked up to Nellie. We then wait for Avira. Avira then comes in, and we go and find empty seats. After searching for about a minute, we found some open seats in the fifth row. We went in, and edged through the seats, and took a seat. I was in the middle, with Nellie to my left and Avira on my right.
The lights suddenly went dark. I was a little nervous, but then a light came out. A small one. The light then moved, and turned into the shape of a butterfly. The light butterfly flew around a bit, then suddenly disappeared. I held on to my seat tightly as a light bit of lighting struck.
A new light came out, a fire instead. The fire got bigger, and went around the auditorium. But none of it never touched the students, nor the walls. I then noticed a
darker blob, also moving. It then cloaked some of the fire. A new light came out, in the shape of birds, and started flying fast.
Then the lights turned on. The fire disappeared, the bird-lights were gone. Now, there was a breeze of sorts. Then blobs of water floated around, and some ivy started growing on the walls. Then everything disappeared. An ice structure came out, and it said “Hope you enjoyed!” Then it melted.
Applause filled the auditorium. That was stunning! I wish I could do that! Though my element is air, so not a big performance one, though you do learn to fly at some point.
The curtains opened, and a lady came out with graying hair short, and a green coat, a matching green skirt, a bowtie, and pale skin. I think I’ve heard of her, she’s Mrs. Berthold, the Headmistress. I watched her walk up to the talking thingy with the microphone, and she cleared her throat. Time to focus, Cady!
“Welcome to Golden Pines School for the Elements. We’ve told you this many times today, we know. Here, we are to help you discover the purpose, the potential, the height of your powers. Not all people do that, some just use their powers to grab items, and that’s it.
But don’t you wonder what even happens? What you can truly do with your powers? This is what we are here for, to help you discover who you are.
In this world, everyone is born with an element. Fire, earth, water, air, storm, ice, spirit, and shadow are these elements. Though, not everybody decided to get further education for their magic. We are very glad that you all decided to register for this program.
Here, you will learn how to control your magic, and all the other interesting things you can do with your powers. Our staff are dedicated to providing you a great experience. Sorry this was short, but I wanted to get this message out. Now, your teachers will come out.” Mrs. Berthold recited.
The audience clapped for a bit, then it was silent. A younger looking lady, with glasses, dirty blonde hair in a bun, and a cream dress. A few other teachers followed behind, one with graying hair, one who looked rather young and cheerful, and a few others I couldn’t make out.
The lady in the cream dress started speaking, “Hello, I am Ms. Taika, and I am the first to third year Spirit teacher. Well, I do teach some Shadow stuff too, but you get the point.”
The next teacher to come up was a younger looking woman with poofy black hair, tan skin, and a shirt saying “Golden Pines Alumni,”, “Hello, I am Ms. Darnell, and I’m the first and second year Shadow teacher! Yeah, another teacher teaches just 3rd years.”
I was a little shocked, honestly. The last dark and brooding looking teacher taught the Shadows.
A teacher with graying hair, a serious face, and a purple tie, “My name is Mr. Perun. I’ll be teaching Storm related stuff to you for the next three years.”
Great, Nellie has some serious guy as her teacher.
A lady with black hair, a mint dress, and a small smile stood up, “My name is Mrs. Fujimoto, and I’m teaching Earth. Before you ask, you’ll be having math, literature, and other stuff, but we aren’t introducing these teachers.”
A bald man with dark skin, a blue polo shirt, and a friendly face got up, “My name is Mr. Celeste, and I’m the air teacher for you.”
So he would be my teacher. He looks nice, so that’s good.
Next up was a man with blonde hair, and wearing all blue and green, “My name is Mr. Dunbar, and I’ll be teaching Water for the next two years for you.”
Then was an older, pale, friendly looking women wearing mostly light colors, “My name is Candice Beryl, but you can just call me Mrs. Beryl, and I teach everyone with the Ice element here Ice. Just to clear things up, you all remember you only have one element, so only one magic teacher this year. Second, the Fire teacher, Mr. Brand, is out traveling with family, so you’ll have a sub for now,”
Then an ice statue appeared, saying, “you are all dismissed”. Me, Nellie, and Avira got out of our seats, edged through the row, and got out of the auditorium. We walked on over to the dorms, and went our separate ways.
Me and Nellie entered the dorm building, and passed by the common room and down the halls to room 15. Nellie opened the door, and dashed over and plopped on her bed. I just walked in, grabbed my phone, then my schedule, then plopped on my bed.
I reviewed my schedule. First, math, then science. Afterwards, ELA, then lunch. Then I have Air, then P.E., then my elecivite, theatre. Afterwards, is social studies. That was it, and there was other activities available after school hours for the sake for staying entertained, fortunately.
So far, school has been looking good. The teachers look, nice, Nellie is cool, and such. It’ll be exciting!
Now questions!
1: Any parts you found funny?
2: Are you excited to meet Avira’s roommate next chapter? (Also, if you want, you can guess their name)
1. Idk
2. Poppy, Katherine, uh Dasiy?
None of the names are correct. Hint though, it starts with an I
Universal Forums:1
The power of chaos shines in you.
Break the rules, we have Jevil. Nuff said.
Online Moderators: Seam, Kris
Online Members: Jevil, Susie, Ralsei, Lancer
Online Guests: Sans, Bluestar, Dimentio, Marx, Knuckles
Knuckes: Wait I’m knew, what show thing?
Susie: It’s an annual music show thing. For every world.
Dimentio: I did a song with Jevil and Marx.
Bluestar: I can understand Jevil…but why Marx?
Dimentio: I didn’t invite Marx. Neither did Jevil.
Alderheart Joined The Chat
Alderheart: Then who…?
Meta Knight Joined The Chat
Meta Knight: That makes sense and doesn’t at the same time.
Jevil: Marx had sugar, sugar!
Meta Knight: Oh. Got it.
Kirby Joined The Chat
Marx Left The Chat
Jevil: Aw, why why? We were just starting to have fun, fun?
Meta Knight: Fear.
Meta Knight: Kirby kills gods on a regular basis.
Dimentio: How often?
Meta Knight: Like every Tuesday.
We’re completely insane.
Break the rules and Error will find you.
Online Moderators: Ink, Dream, CORE!Frisk
Online Members: Horror, Fresh, Blueberry,
Online Guests: Ridley, Dialga, Flowey, Luigi
Flowey: So, only good guys as the mods?
Horror: Well, Nightmare’s a mod but he’s not online. So is Dust.
Dialga: So, my counterpart is being annoying. So I’m here.
Ridley: Isn’t that a running theme?
Dialga: Groudon and Kyogre the most. Those two will turn anything into an argument. Also, Hoopa was flooding the chat with messages.
Luigi: What?
Dialga: Hoopa found the sugar. Pure sugar.
Flowey: JEEZ.
Ink(MOD): If Hoopa’s that bad on sugar, I don’t want to see Marx do the same thing.
Spyro Joined The Chat
Spyro: Too late….
Spyro: Marx dumped 15 tons of sugar in his mouth. He’s now on a sugar rush.
Dimentio Joined The Chat
Please enter my writing contest! 🙂
WolfStar 4 Life
I wrote this story about Luna and Ginny!
It’s 805 words long, and I’m honestly really proud of it! <3
I hope y’all like it 😁
I’m going to just put it in a spoiler box, because I. HEART. SPOILER. BOXES!
Here we go! 🙂
[spoiler title=spoiler]Ginny was walking to her Potions class one day.
She wasn’t, however, paying enough attention to where she was going, and ran right into another student!
Like, literally RAN into.
Ginny’s heart pounded as she realized she’d ran into Luna Lovegood, her friend and crush!
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, Luna!” she exclaimed, helping her friend up.
“It’s alright. We all daydream, don’t we?” Luna responded. She smiled.
Ginny shakily smiled back. “Yeah.” she said. Then, she said, “I better get going. I don’t want to be late.”
“I’ll see you later. Maybe we can look for Crumple-Horned Snorkacks! It’s their mating season.” Luna said, a dreamy look in her eyes as she thought of the creature.
Ginny’s heart filled to the brim with affection, and she replied, “Alright!”
She watched Luna walk off, then, realizing that at this rate she would be late for class, started to run.
She ran past two students, but slowed down when she heard what they were talking about.
“I wonder why that Weasley girl talks to Lovegood so much?” one asked her friend.
The friend shrugged. “Doesn’t she know she’s Loony Lovegood?”
“Oh, I’m LUNA! Crumpled-Horn Shoeracks!” the first student said, imitating Luna. She widened her eyes and smiled stupidly.
“I have vegetable earrings! Aren’t they so wonderful?” the other student gigged, joining her friend in making fun of Luna.
Ginny couldn’t stand to watch people make fun of her friend! These people didn’t know Luna! She wasn’t loony! She was actually very kind once you got to know her.
“Hey.” she approached the students.
“What do you want, Weasley?” one girl asked, rolling her eyes.
“Probably here to defend Loony Lovegood.” the other said.
“Stop. Freaking. Calling. Her. That.” Ginny said through clenched teeth.
“Whatever. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” The girl took a step away from Ginny.
“I do. You don’t know Luna. You don’t know how kindhearted she is. And yet you treat her like rubbish.” Ginny snapped.
Without warning, one girl slapped Ginny across the face.
Ginny touched her cheek, pain surging through her.
“I hope that taught you something, Weasley. Maybe you’ll think twice before defending your little friend.” said the student who hit her, walking away with the other girl.
Ginny knew that she was late for Potions already, but she wanted to find Luna. But to do what? Try to convince her that the teasing would stop? Comfort Luna, or go to Luna to be comforted herself?
Giving her head a shake, Ginny continued walking to her class.
After Potions was over, Ginny went to find Luna.
Eventually, she found her outside, staring at the lake, quietly humming something.
“Hi.” Ginny murmured.
“Oh, hello! I was just talking to the squid in the lake. He’s such a charming fellow. Then I realized that he doesn’t know about Crumple-Horned Snorkacks! So I was just telling him about them.” Luna explained.
Then she noticed the mark on Ginny’s face where the student had hit her.
“Whatever happened, Ginny?” she asked, urgency in her voice.
“I was just trying to defend you. People kept saying crap about you, Luna. I was just trying to help you. But I think I made things worse.”
Ginny tried to stop her eyes from flooding with tears, but she couldn’t.
“I’m sorry, Luna.” she whispered.
“You don’t need to be sorry. You had good intentions, didn’t you? Aren’t I lucky to have a friend like you? Somebody who realizes it’s not weird to be different, it’s beautiful?” Luna said, taking Ginny’s hands.
“So you aren’t mad?” Ginny asked.
“Why would I be? From what you told me, those people were acting like I was worse then Crumple-Horned Snorkack dung. You were brave to stand up to them.”
Ginny’s heart beat quickly as she saw Luna’s eyes shine with affection… and maybe something more.
“Luna.” she said.
“Hmm?” asked Luna, playing with a lock of her blonde hair.
“When I first met you, I never knew that we would be such good friends. I never knew that one day, I would be late for Potions class because I stopped to stand up to people who were being terrible to you behind your back.
“I never knew that I’d fall in love with someone like you. But I have, and I know that I might get teased by those bullies- heck, I might even get called ‘Loony’ myself.
“But I don’t care, Luna. I love you, and I’m not ashamed of it.”
Ginny took a deep breath, wondering what her friend was going to say.
“Oh, Ginny! I want that, too! Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” Luna exclaimed, smiling.
Ginny also smiled. She hugged Luna, happiness washing over her like a flood.
This is where I belong, she thought. Right here with Luna.
THE END[/spoiler]
WolfStar 4 Life
Ah this is so cute!! Just a few tips: Towards the beginning of the story you used “Said” a lot. Try and mix it up a bit! Maybe when you said, ” Luna said, a dreamy look in her eyes as she thought of the creature. “, maybe witch it out for something like, ” Luna sighed happily, a dreamy look in her eyes as she thought about the creature. ” That was all! Besides that, I thought it was incredible! You really have a talent!!
Thank you for the tips! 🙂 I will keep them in mind 😁
WolfStar 4 Life
I love Luna’s personality! 😀
And the part about the squid has got to be my favorite part!
Yeah, I love Luna’s personality too- she’s one of my favorite Harry Potter characters! 💜
I’m glad you liked the story 😄
WolfStar 4 Life