• 🌟 Waffles’ NTA: New Years Edition 🌟
    The winners from Round 8 (Colors) are… *drumroll please*

    Redriver – by Frost (half a point to Redhawk by Shimmerpaw)

    Orangeblossom – by Poppypaw (half a point each to Orangesmoke by Leafykit and Orangemoon by Stormpaw)

    Yellowsong – by Shimmerpaw

    Greenmeadow – by Starpaw (half a point to Greenfern by Leafykit)

    Bluefire – by Stormpaw (half a point to Bluemist by Cheetahspark)

    Purpledawn – by Lillypaw (half a point to Purplesky by Poppypaw, Purplegaze by Cheetahspark and Purpleberry by Leafykit)

    Pinkberry – by Ravenpaw

    Whitefog – by Midnight (half a point to Whitemouse by Cheetahspark and Whitefrost by Starpaw)

    Blackpool – by Cheetahspark (half a point to Blackmoon by Rainypaw, Blackfire by Frost and Blackheart by Poppypaw)

    Grayhaze – by Leafykit (half a point to Graydusk by Rainypaw)

    Brownwaffle – by Cheetah (i couldn’t not)

    …i gave a lot of bonus points this round oop

    1. Starpaw (11.5 points)
    2. Frost (10 points)
    3. Rainypaw (7 points)
    4. Poppypaw (6 points)
    5. Cheetahspark (5.5 points)
    6. Leafykit, Ravenpaw and Midnight (4.5 points)
    7. Kestry, Riverfrost and Stormpaw (3 points each)
    8. Shimmerpaw (2.5 points)
    9. Whitepaw, Minktail and Frosnolga (2 points each)
    10. Silverfeather, Echocreek, Snowcloud, Mapledrift and Lillypaw (1 point each)
    Now onto…

    Round 9: RiverClan!
    As we celebrate this HORRENDUS year ending, let’s also celebrate my favorite Clan: RiverClan, because in 2021 we’re finally getting a RiverClan POV with Leopardstar’s Honor<3333 

    Give these apprentices a warrior name:

    Come back next Sunday, in 2021 (!) for results!

  • Chosen Paths: 
    > This is a mostly free-for-all chose-the-story game. 
    > Every post that isn’t a repost will be a “page”. Every major event in a story will be in a different “chapter”.  
    > There are two types of pages: Free-for-all, and multiple choice.
    >> For free-for-all, you can come up with anything that comes to mind, as long as it follows the guidelines. If there ends up being a tie between the variable answers (which has a likely chance of happening), the next page will be multiple choice. If somehow, there is no tie, then the next page will be another free-for-all. 
    >> For multiple choice, you can only select the choices from A to who knows what, depending on what happened in the last free-for-all page. If there is a tie in a multiple choice round, then a random picker will select which path to take. 

    [spoiler title=”Summary”] Chapter 1 Summary: Frosted Flower that Shines is a frosty cream she-cat with icy blue eyes. She is a to-be cave-guard of the Tribe of Rushing Water. 

    Chapter 2, Page 2: Free-for-all 
    Page 1 Results: The first plot point happens when Frost decides she wants to check out the clans, but her parents, Dusk and Wolf, say she is too young to perform such an endeavor, while her siblings, Eagle and Hawk, and the other to-bes of the tribe, often tease her about her desires. One night, due to her frustration with the tribe and her desire to visit the clans, she sneaks out of the cave. Not long after crossing the border, she encounters a mysterious she-cat. 

    PAGE 2 QUESTION: What do you do? (this is literally going to be the only question for the next few rounds…) 
    <a> Follow her
    <b> Ask for her name

    so i have modified a couple of stuff because this is a possession round, but it should turn back to normal once this stuff is finished

    Available cats: 
    Frostytail (deputy)
    Hootpaw (med cat apprentice)

    Taken Cats: 
    LEAFYZ: Fallensnow and Mistyshade
    LIL: Dawnstrike, Birchpaw, and Cricketleap
    POTATO: Lightpaw and Swiftsunrise
    WILLOWBARK: Nightshatter
    APPLE: Stonebush, Robindance, and Dewfur

    [spoiler title=”Rules (READ EVERYTHING)”] Possession: 
    When you assume complete control over a cat in SkeldClan, it’s called “possession”. You can only start possessing cats at the beginning of the round, as the game starts when all the cats are possessed so there are no cats left to possess in the middle of the round. 
    In order to possess a cat, type in “I would like to possess [SkeldClan cat]” or any other synonyms. All the cats you possess will adopt the same gender and pronouns as you, however the entire clan cannot consist of clones of you as you can only possess three cats. 
    Once you possess your cat, I will directly reply to you with a spoiler box that consists of your possessed cat’s status, as I already pre-designated 20% of the clan (excluding kits) as murderers. If you happen to possess a designated murderer, your status box will include a Secret Page. The function of this page will be explained later in the Murderers section. If you happen to possess a murderer AND a clanmate, then pretend the clanmates don’t know anything, as you’d win either way. 
    Only members that possessed a cat can play, but you can still play my other game, Chosen Paths

    Questions, meetings, etc:
    Keep in mind there are no tasks in this game to complete. To secure a clanmate win, exile all of the murderers.  
    Instead of completing tasks, you must ask questions to know more. All of the previously asked questions will be secured in a spoiler box for you to check. 
    Since you are possessing these cats, you can answer all of the questions directed at your cats, but you don’t have to. However, if you don’t answer your questions, you may seem sUs. You may also ask five other cats questions per round as you may not be guarunteed to get an answer. 
    If you think a cat is sus, then say “[SkeldClan cat] sus.” However, this will not immediately get them exiled, it just triggers a vote. During the vote, the cat with the most voters gets exiled from SkeldClan. After that happens, the exiled cats’ status is revealed. Alternatively, if you don’t know anything yet, you can offer to skip the vote. If enough cats vote skip, then the vote will be skipped and no one will be exiled. 
    You cannot ask questions or call votes if all of your possessed cats are dead. 

    The amount of designated murderes in the Clan is about 20% of all the cats (excluding kits) during the possession rounds where no one is dying or getting exiled. 
    On the Possession section, it says that if you possessed a murderer you get a secret page. Well, the use of that secret page will be explained here. The secret page is for murderers to chat and murder people. The secret page will further be explained once you go there. [/spoiler]

  • Flowie’s NTA!
    Round 1 Winners!
    Snowblossom by Silverfeather!
    Icelily by Ravenpaw/thorn!
    Frostplume by Bramblefire!
    Coldblizzard by Lightbreeze (sorry Raven, Lightbreeze took it first)!
    Blizzardstrike by Maplekit!


    1. Silverfeather, Ravenpaw/thorn, Bramblefire, Lightbreeze, Maplekit (1 pt)

    Round 2 – Prey!
    Dovepaw (yes I know a dove is a bird but I like the prefix dove)
    (There was probably an official NTA round like this before but I’ve only been on the blog since August and not playing NTA until the bug round plus I didn’t have any other ideas for this round)

  • Mystery in BrambleClan
    [spoiler title=”Allegiances”] Leader:
    Dovestar-grey she-cat with warm brown eyes

    Flametalon-dark ginger tom with yellow eyes and long claws

    Medicine cat:
    Lightstep-white she-cat with soft pawsteps and blue eyes (Whitesky’s sister)

    Foxmist-big red tom with grey flecks and gold eyes
    Lightningbreeze-tall black cat with pale green eyes
    Riverhaze-light brown tom with blue-grey patches and silver eyes
    Goldenleaf-fluffy golden tom with dark green eyes Apprentice: Acornpaw
    Mudblaze-dark brown tom with amber eyes (Whitesky’s former mate)
    Pinestream-thick-furred calico she-cat with shiny violet eyes (Whitesky’s mother)
    Spiderfang-black tom with yellow eyes Apprentice: Flintpaw
    Dustspots-tan she-cat with darker spots
    Elmwhisper-quiet brown and white tabby with yellow-green eyes (whitesky’s father)
    Springshine-tabby tom with brown eyes
    Petalwing-white she-cat with dark gold splotches
    Dusk-blue-black previous loner tom with green eyes

    Acornpaw-small reddish-brown she-cat
    Flintpaw-smokey grey tom with mint green eyes

    Poppyleaf-black and white she-cat with pale orange eyes
    Whitesky-pure white she-cat

    Poolkit-blue-grey tom-kit with blue eyes
    Berrykit-cream she-kit with blue eyes
    Thrushkit-light brown tom-kit with blue eyes

    Mosstuft-tortie she-cat with tufts of fur that stick up and milky gold eyes
    Whitesky has been found dead! Help figure out what happened.
    [spoiler title=”Info/Clues”] -there were multiple scratches all over her body,and Lightstep deducted she died from the wounds
    -Foxmist didn’t like Whitesky because he thought permanent queens didn’t help the clan much
    -Mudblaze and Whitesky had been on the rocks since they broke up
    -Goldenleaf,Mudblaze’s brother,got into an argument with Whitesky the morning of her murder
    -Whitesky was acting normal the morning of her murder
    -Whitesky was murdered while on a walk after her argument with Goldenleaf
    -The body was found on the HillClan border
    -There was no scent of HillClan cats on the body
    -Spiderfang and Flintpaw were the ones to find Whitesky’s body
    -Spiderfang and Flintpaw were sent to look for Whitesky after she had been gone a long time
    -Flametalon was in camp during the time of the murder and when they found the body
    -Flametalon never disliked Whitesky
    -Whitesky decided her relationship with Mudblaze wasn’t working and that they weren’t as close anymore
    -Flametalon was never very close to Whitesky
    -Mudblaze was on a patrol during the time of the murder with Goldenleaf,Acornpaw,and Springshine
    -Whitesky has never had an apprentice
    -there was no fur on the body
    -Mudblaze was slightly bitter after him and Whitesky broke up,but he still treated her with respect
    -Mudblaze was a bit awkward around Whitesky after the break-up
    -Petalwing had a crush on Mudblaze when she was an apprentice
    -Spiderfang and Flintpaw were hunting when they found the body
    -Spiderfang was shocked when he and Flintpaw found the body
    -Spiderfang was panicking when he found the body,but was trying to stay calm in front of Flintpaw
    -Dovestar wasn’t close do Whitesky
    -Dovestar respected Whitesky’s calmness and stubbornness
    -there was a faint scent of fox on the body
    -ask questions to find out more [/spoiler]
    [spoiler title=”Questions Asked and the Answers”] Lillypaw/Lil asked: Mosstuft, has Whitesky had any rivalries since she was young?

    Poppyleaf, how was Whitesky acting that day?

    Answers: Mosstuft: Not many,Foxmist doesn’t like her much,but he think permanent queens don’t help the clan much. Mudblaze and her have been on the rocks since they split up,though. And Her and Goldenleaf,Mudblaze’s brother,got into an argument the morning she died.

    Poppyleaf: She was acting normal. Stubborn,as usual. She insisted on going on a walk after her argument with Goldenleaf to clear her mind even though it’s the middle of leaf-bare.

    Lillypaw/Lil asked: Dove star, where was Acornpaw?

    Mosstuft, is there another cat who liked Mudblaze?

    Answers: Dovestar: At the time of the murder,Acornpaw was on a borer patrol with Mudblaze,Goldenleaf,and Springshine

    Mosstuft: No. Petalwing had a crush on him when she was younger,but she grew out of that.

    Shimmerpaw/mist asked Flametalon: Where was the body found?

    Dovestar: Who found Whitesky’s body?

    Answers: Flametalon: It was on the HillClan border,but there was no scent of them on the body.

    Dovestar: Spiderfang and Flintpaw. They were sent to look for her after she had been gone for a while.

    Irispaw asked: Flametalon, what was your relationship with Whitesky?

    Dovestar, where was Flametalon during the incident?

    Answers: Flametalon: She was my loyal clanmate,I never disliked her.

    Dovestar: He was resting in camp after a hunting patrol.

    Frosnolga asked: Question to Mudblaze – “Why did you break up with Whitesky?

    Question to Flametalon “Did you have a close relationship to Whitesky?”

    Answers: Mudblaze: Whitesky decided the relationship wasn’t working,and that we didn’t have as close of a connection anymore. I’m still upset,but I’ll get over it eventually.

    Flametalon: No. We interacted regularly,but weren’t very close to each other.

    Flowerpaw/song asked:Dovestar, where was Mudblaze during the incident?

    Dovestar, had Whitesky ever had an apprentice?

    Answers: Dovestar: He was on a border patrol with Goldenleaf,Acornpaw,and Springshine.

    Dovestar: No. Whitesky was a queen for most of her life

    Flowerpaw/song asked: Question for Spiderfang
    Did you find any fur on the body? If so, what color was it?

    Question for Flametalon
    How had Mudblaze been acting since he and Whitesky broke up?

    Answers: Spiderfang: No. There were no tufts of fur,but there was a faint scent of fox

    Flametalon: He was obviously upset that they broke up,but wasn’t mean or rude to Whitesky. He was very awkward right after the broke up,but he got over that

    Shimmerpaw/mist asked: Flintpaw, how did Spiderfang react when you found the body?

    Dovestar, how was your relationship with Whitesky?

    Answers: Flintpaw: He was shocked,and didn’t move for a while after he saw the body. He was panicking,but I think he was trying to stay calm.

    Dovestar: I wasn’t very close to her,but I respected how calm and stubborn she was [/spoiler]
    [spoiler title=”Rules”] -You can ask two questions per post
    -You have to put which cat your asking the question in your comment
    -You can accuse anyone anytime
    -If you accuse wrongly you’re out of the game
    -If you’re stuck ask for a hint and I’ll help you out
    -Have fun [/spoiler]
    [spoiler title=”Hint”] Someone close to Mudblaze murdered Whitesky [/spoiler]

      • Petalwing: No,but I’m hoping Dustspots likes me. (i’ve just decided that Petalwing is pan)
        Petalwing: Not really. We interact,but we’re not friends.

    • Mudblaze, who is your mother?
      Mosstuft, what was Mudblaze’s relationship with his family?

      • Mudblaze: My mother was Ashbreeze,she was killed by an IceClan warrior

        Mosstuft: Mudblaze was very close to his mother,and he was crushed when she died. He and his father are on good terms,but not very close anymore. Him and Goldenleaf are protective of each other,and they would do anything for each other.

    • [spoiler title=”Question for Dovestar”] What was Spiderfang’s relationship with Goldenleaf? [/spoiler]
      [spoiler title=”Question for Flintpaw”]  Did you find any tufts of fur on the body? If so, what color was it? [/spoiler]

      • Dovestar: Spiderfang found Mudblaze a bit annoying,but they still interacted when they had to.

        Flintpaw: No. There were not tufts of fur on or around the body.

    • Dovestar, did any warriors chase off foxes on the day of the incident?

      Dovestar, did anyone have a fox like scent the day of the incident?

      • Dovestar: No,there are a few foxes roaming the edge of our territory.

        Dovestar: Goldenleaf had a bit of fox scent on him when his patrol returned,but he said it was from chasing off a fox that got close to them.

      • I’m assuming this means your accusing Goldenleaf and you are correct!

        Goldenleaf was angry that Whitesky broke up with Mudblaze and to get revenge decided to murder her. Mudblaze knew about Goldenleaf’s plan to murder her and was ok with it,even helping to distract Springshine and Acornpaw. Good job!

  • Ambercloud’s NTA Round 7

    [spoiler title=”Winners”] Winners:
    Chocolateswirl by Shimmerpaw
    Strawberrywish by Riverfrost
    Vanillashine by Rainypaw
    Mintsong by Flowermistle
    Caramelblossom by Silvy

    Honourable mentions:
    Chocolatedream by Riverfrost
    Strawberrycandy by Leafy
    Vanillaflower by Frost
    Mintbreeze by Poppypaw
    Caramelmist by Stormpaw

    [spoiler title=”Leaderboard”] Leaderboard:
    Flowermistle – 18
    Poppypaw – 11
    Riverfrost – 10
    Stormpaw – 9
    Leafy – 8
    Frost – 8
    Rainypaw – 7
    Waffleheart – 6
    Midnight – 5
    Shimmerpaw – 5
    Rabbitflame – 4
    Pinestripe – 4
    Lillydawn – 4
    Viperfrost – 4
    Coldheart – 3
    Silvy – 3
    Starpaw – 3
    Tigershine – 2
    Mapledrift – 2
    Bramblefire – 1
    Ravenpaw – 1
    Mapleshine – 1
    Minktail – 1

    Round 8 – Science


    Good luck naming!
    Just a kindly reminder that…
    Because this is not the official NTA game, I’ll just update my NTA every 3 days! (which means the next NTA will be on Thursday!). There will be 2 kind of winners, first winner wins 2 points, and honourable mention wins 1 point. Be sure to check the page every day because you may have the same name with another person, so if you posted later than the other person, you therefore loses the opportunity to win for that name!!!

    ***IMPORTANT*** I am not going to be very active these days, sorry guys! I’m pretty busy with a lot a stuff and maybe I won’t be able to post my NTA results on the day I told you guys, sorry again! 😛

  • Repost because this round took a little to get modded!

    Oh Noes, Somebody Is Doing A Dead! 
    Aka Murder Mystery, but that’s not as interesting! 
    The rules: Two question limit per round. Ask any cat (except the deceased lol). Avoid “Did you murder them” lol. Remember that cats can lie! Please be aware that I will occasionally make things up on the spot 😛 I think that’s it? Let’s get on with it!!!

    Oh Noes!
    Wolfclaw, a warrior, has been found dead!

    Leader: Spottedstar- Wolfclaw’s half-sister
    Deputy: Starlingscar
    Medicine Cat: Petalface- Wolfclaw’s half-sister
    Badgerstrike- Wolfclaw’s brother
    -Apprentice: Cricketpaw
    -Apprentice: Rosepaw
    Larkspeckle- Wolfclaw’s step-mother
    Lionjaw- Wolfclaw’s father

    Cinderstripe, how close were you to Wolfclaw? Nighttalon, what were the reactions of the cats who found the body?
    Cinderstripe: “We weren’t really close. He was my brother’s mentor, so yeah, we trained together sometimes, but… we didn’t speak much.”
    Nighttalon: “Uh, well, Blackthroat and Rosepaw found him first. Rosepaw was yowling and my sister- Blackthroat- sort of just… checked out. Like she went numb, just staring at his body. Cinderstripe actually ran forward to check him for injuries or to see if he could help him… Tigertail stayed back with me, just wailing… or maybe that was me… I can’t really remember…”

    Blackthroat, what were your and your patrol’s relationships with Wolfclaw?
    Blackthroat: “Aside from Rosepaw, we all are siblings. He was Nighttalon’s mentor, so we trained together. We weren’t his favorite cats, though I suppose he liked Cinderstripe the best. I respected him.”

    Questions due Wednesday! Also is this too hard? Should I give out more hints?

  • Lillydawn’s NTA:
    Round Four Winners and Honorable Mentions
    Winners-2 pts
    Spiritwhisper by Poppypaw
    Angelberry by Raventhornpaw
    Lightsplash by Stormi
    Whitebark by Poppypaw
    Mintbreeze by Rainypaw
    Clear Sky Over Misty Pool by Silvy
    Bright Stream Trickling Across Pebbles by Stormi
    Honorable Mentions-1pt
    Spiritrose by Leafyshadow
    Angelheart by Flowermistle
    Lighthickory by Midnight
    Whitedeer by Shimmermist
    Mintleaf by Silvy
    Clear Sky that Rips Open Anyone Who Crosses the Border by Raventhornpaw
    Bright Stream With Sunlight Falling On It by Rainypaw
    Rainypaw- 8
    Silvy, Raventhornpaw, Poppypaw -5
    Mapledrift, Stormi, Leafyshadow-4
    Flowermistle, Shimmermist, Rainypaw- 3
    Starpaw, Vortexfang, Drizzlenose, Viperfrost-1
    Round 5 NTA:

  • I know I never repost on the same page, but this is an exception because I need to clarify some things


    Note: I have modified this, so it is easier to figure which cats are available and which are taken. The actual game will begin after all the cats are taken. Remember, you can only possess three cats! More information is in the rules.

    Available cats: 

    Taken Cats: 
    Leafyz: Fallensnow and Mistyshade
    LIL: Dawnstrike, Birchpaw, and Cricketleap
    POTATO: Lightpaw and Swiftsunrise
    WILLOWBARK: Nightshatter
    APPLE: Stonebush, Robindance, and Dewfur

    [spoiler title=”Rules”] Possession: 
    When you assume complete control over a cat in SkeldClan, it’s called “possession”. You can only start possessing cats at the beginning of the round, as the game starts when all the cats are possessed so there are no cats left to possess in the middle of the round. 
    In order to possess a cat, type in “I would like to possess [SkeldClan cat]” or any other synonyms. All the cats you possess will adopt the same gender and pronouns as you, however the entire clan cannot consist of clones of you as you can only possess three cats. 
    Once you possess your cat, I will directly reply to you with a spoiler box that consists of your possessed cat’s status, as I already pre-designated 20% of the clan (excluding kits) as murderers. If you happen to possess a designated murderer, your status box will include a Secret Page. The function of this page will be explained later in the Murderers section. If you happen to possess a murderer AND a clanmate, then pretend the clanmates don’t know anything. 
    Only members that possessed a cat can play, but you can still play my other game, Chosen Paths

    The rest of the rules are going to be unlocked after the possession rounds. [/spoiler]

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