• Oh Noes, Somebody Is Doing A Dead! 
    Aka Murder Mystery, but that’s not as interesting! 
    The rules: Three question limit per round. Ask any cat (except the deceased lol). Avoid “Did you murder them” lol. Remember that cats can lie! Please be aware that I will occasionally make things up on the spot 😛 I think that’s it? Let’s get on with it!!!

    Oh Noes!
    Wolfclaw, a warrior, has been found dead!

    Leader: Spottedstar- Wolfclaw’s half-sister
    Deputy: Starlingscar
    Medicine Cat: Petalface- Wolfclaw’s half-sister
    Badgerstrike- Wolfclaw’s brother
    -Apprentice: Cricketpaw
    -Apprentice: Rosepaw
    Larkspeckle- Wolfclaw’s step-mother
    Lionjaw- Wolfclaw’s father

    Accusation to Petalface- she is innocent!

    Larkspeckle, why has Spottedstar pulled away? Larkspeckle, is there anyone she has grown closer to recently?
    Larkspeckle: “I don’t know… Maybe it’s because she was planning to kill… Oh StarClan… And, um, she’s been talking to the younger warriors lately. So, Cinderstripe, Blackthroat, Nighttalon, and Tigertail mostly…”

    Questions due Wednesday!

    • Larkspeckle, did you know that Spottedstar was involved in the murder of Wolfclaw?

      Blackthroat, what has Spottedstar been talking to you about?

      Tigertail, did any of the younger warriors have strong feelings against Wolfclaw?

    • Larkspeckle, did anyone resent Wolfclaw?
      Tigertail what did Spottedstar say to you?
      Nighttalon was Tigertail possibly involved in Wolfclaw’s murder?

  • 🧇Waffles’ NTA: Finale Results!!!🧇
    The winners from Round 10 (my OCs) are… *drumroll please*

    Moonmist – by Lillypaw (half a point to Moongaze by Cheetahspark)

    Lilacbreeze – by Starpaw (half a point to Lilacdust by Lillypaw and Lilacwish by Shimmerpaw)

    Luckyshell – by Pinestripe (half a point to Luckypebble by Frost and Luckycloud by Leafykit)

    Conespring – by Leafykit (half a point to Conedrizzle by Pinestripe)

    Fluffnut – by Frost (half a point to Fluffcloud by Pinestripe)

    Thymeclaw – by Silverfeather (half a point to Thymebreeze by Cheetahspark)

    Silkyfox – by Frost (half a point to Silkywing by Poppypaw, Silkymoth by Cheetahspark and Silkyweb by Midnight)

    Branchwing – by Lillypaw (half a point to Branchstripe by Shimmerpaw and Branchclaw by Poppypaw)
    Final leaderboard:
    1. Frost (14.5 points)
    2. Starpaw (14 points)
    3. Cheetahspark (10 points)
    4. Rainypaw (8.5 points)
    5 Leafykit and Poppypaw (8 points each)
    6. Ravenpaw (6.5 points)
    7. Midnight (5.5 points)
    8. Shimmerpaw (4.5 points)
    9. Stormpaw, Riverfrost and Lillypaw (4 points each)
    10. Kestry, Pinestripe and Silverfeather (3 points each)
    11. Whitepaw, Minktail and Frosnolga (2 points each)
    12. Echocreek, Snowcloud and Mapledrift (1 point each)

    It was a (very) close call, but our winner iiiiissss…..FROOOST!!! With 14.5 points, only .5 points ahead of our runner-up, Starpaw, with a good 4 points down to our third-place, Cheetahspark.
    And that concludes GAME ONE of Waffles’ NTA™️. Congratulations to Frost, you have earned yourself a spot in the Waffle Hall of Fame! Your prize is a secret page and a purrsona drawing. Reply to this post with your purrsona and your favorite color, and I’ll send you a link to the secret page with your purrsona drawing, by me, in it! 😀

    Our first and second runners-up, Starpaw and Cheetahspark, reply to this comment with your purrsonas as well, you will also be featured in the Waffle Hall of Fame art! :3

    (a lil disclaimer: i’m not a very good artist and i only started drawing a couple weeks ago)

    I hope you all enjoyed playing this game as much as I enjoyed making it. I’ll see you around whenever I start game 2!
    Waffle Hall of Fame
    1. Game One – Frost

    • awwww I’d love some art and I’m sure you’re fabulous at it!!! also just check my wiki page for my purrsona I don’t completely remember what it is :’)

    • yayyy! Whoooooo! Ok so my purrsona is black she cat with a white underbelly and white paws. I have icy blue eyes. My favorite color is blue right now 😛

    • My purrsona is my pfp which was drawn by slatepaw. The description is a black she-cat with white star-like flecks and dark brown eyes

  • My NTA: Round One
    1 gets 4 points
    2 gets 3 points
    3 gets 2 points
    Honorable mention gets 1 point
    Theme: Birds

  • Florie’s NTI (Name Those Initials) Round 3

    First, let’s announce the winners!
    2 points:
    Applewhite by Frost!
    Mistycoral by Leafyshadow!
    1 point:
    Amberwing by Lilypaw!
    Mottlecloud by Minktail!

    [spoiler title=”Rules”] 1. Each round I will give you two pairs of initials. It might be something like FM, or AD. 
    2. You can switch the two initials in the same pair around, so it doesn’t have to be in the same order!
    3. You think of names that fit the pairs of initial; for example you can have Flowermistle for FM. Otherwise it works just like NTA!

    [spoiler title=”Leaderboard”] Minktail – 3
    Midnight – 2
    Frost – 2
    Leafyshadow – 2
    Ambercloud – 1
    Coldheart – 1
    Lilypaw – 1

    Next Round:
    DV or VD (no it’s not DVD guys)
    IR or RI

  • REPOST (b/c it got buried)
    Lillypaw’s NTA:

    Round 8 Winners:
    Mossdapple, by Stormi
    Snowfreckle by Rabbitflame
    Flickerwing by Silvy
    Dandelionbreeze by Rainypaw
    Junipertwist by Rainypaw

    Honorable Mentions:
    Mossdew by Leafyshadow
    Snowfeather by Raventhornpaw
    Flickersun by Midnight
    Dandelionsong by Florie
    Junipersky by Poppypaw

    Spark of Morning Sun’s Blaze by Midnight
    Heart Of Ancient Alder Tree by Silvy

    Rainypaw- 20
    Silvy -12
    Echopaw, Florie, Leafyshadow-7
    Mapledrift, Shimmermist, Cheetahspark-4
    Waffles, Midnight-2
    Starpaw, Vortexfang, Drizzlenose, Viperfrost, Springpaw, Ambercloud-1

    Round 9: Trees

    You get an extra point if you come up with descriptions for all of your cats.

    • Aspenwish-grayish she-cat with darker stripes
      Birchleaf- tan she-cat
      Yewbranch- black tom cat with green eyes
      Oaksong-brown tom cat with lighter brown paws
      Myrtleshimmer- pale brown with white surrounding eyes-she-cat with one copper eye and one blue eye
      Pineglow-heather colored eyes with tan back and head, very floofy
      Beechshade-medium American SHorthair with brown eyes and white pelt

    • Aspenbreeze- cream-and-pale-ginger tabby she-cat with darker flecks and pale blue eyes.
      Birchtail- pale gray-and-silver mottled tom with white and black flecks and yellow-green eyes.
      Yewfang- dark ginger tabby tom with lighter flecks, a white muzzle, a white tail tip, and piercing green eyes.
      Oakriver- reddish-brown tom with a darker stripe along his spine, a cream underbelly and paws, and sky-blue eyes.
      Myrtlesong- pale blue-gray she-cat with a stub tail, white patches, and sharp amber eyes.
      Pinefeather- dark brown tabby she-cat with lighter tabby patches, a white chest and underbelly, white paws, and yellow eyes
      Beechwing- snowy white she-cat with cream-and-brown patches and blind copper eyes.

    • Aspenbrach-thin dusky grey she-cat with pale blue eyes and a long tail
      Birchmoon-cream colored cat with green eyes
      Yewwhisper-thick-furred light yellow she-cat with hazel eyes and many scars
      Oakshade-brown tabby tom with blue-black splotches and gold eyes
      Myrtleglow-calico she-cat with shiny fur and orange eyes
      Pinedapple-dappled red she-cat with silver eyes
      Beechfrost-muscular tan tom with violet eyes and big ears

    • Aspenspring- light golden she-cat with amber spots
      Birchleaf-amber tom with striped back, green eyes
      Yewsky- jet-black she-cat with golden eyes
      Oakcry-golden-brown tom with white legs
      Myrtlebrush- greenish black tom with dark green-blue eyes
      Pinefall- reddish ginger she-cat with copper eyes
      Beechleap-golden tom with ginger stripes, gray eyes

    • Aspenrain – pretty brown tabby she-cat with blue-gray eyes
      Birchvixen – reddish-brown she-cat with brown eyes and black rings around her tail
      Yewhazel – golden-brown (only slightly crunchy haha) tom with hazel eyes
      Oakstag – broad-shouldered brown tom with an amber glare
      Myrtledaisy – sleek white she-cat with random splashes of orange and yellow eyes
      Pineviolet – orange she-cat with violet eyes and stripes of white around her torso
      Beechspring – tannish tom with blue eyes and dark brown stripes

    • Aspendapple- ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes
      Birchflame- gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes
      Yewripple- mottled amber she-cat with white paws and dark blue eyes
      Oakfrost- dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
      Myrtleclaw- sandy brown tam with amber eyes
      Pineshade- amber tom with green eyes
      Beechripple- pale brown she-cat with cream belly, amber eyes

    • Aspenflake white she-cat with blue eyes and gray flakes on the pelt
      Birchglare black and white tom with glaring green eyes
      Yewdusk gray-brown she-cat with amber eyes
      Oakpelt brown tom with amber eyes
      Myrtleblaze red tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
      Pineneedle brown tom with amber eyes
      Beechstone silver tabby tom with dark blue eyes

    • Aspenburrow – lithe pale gray she-cat with sky-blue eyes
      Birchsplash – smoky black she-cat with pale green eyes
      Yewcrystal – plump creamy she-cat with gray eyes
      Oakflame – reddish-brown tom with hazel eyes and a spotted tail
      Myrtlesong – black she-cat with blue eyes that sparkles like stars
      Pinestrike – light brown tabby tom
      Beechtail – ginger she-cat with white underbelly

    • Aspenwing- A slender, long legged cream tabby she-cat with dark brown (nearly black spots) and bright yellow eyes
      Birchblossom- A small, skinny white tabby she-cat with black speckles and pinky eyes
      Oakshine- A tiny dark brown she-cat with sparkly dark blue eyes
      Myrtlewhisker- A light yellow tabby she-cat with faint darker yellow stripes and yellow/leaf green eyes
      Pineflower- A spikey furred deep chocolate brown she-cat with rich forest green eyes
      Beechlily- A light ginger brown she-cat with small white spots on her back and pale yellow eyes

    • Aspenleaf- White she-cat with faint dark brown lines and green eyes
      Birchwhisper- Small light grey-brown tom with a quiet mew and copper eyes
      Yewberry- Dark ginger she-cat with lemon yellow eyes
      Oakshine- Old, dark brown tabby she-cat with a flash of ginger across her chest, and hazel eyes
      Myrtlefrost- Light gray tom with white dapples, nicked ears and startlingly blue eyes
      Pine-eye- Black tom with a limp, and dark green eyes, short fur.
      Beechpebble- Rowdy white she- cat with bad vision in right eye, she has gray- blue eyes

  • Maplekit’s Murder Mystery!
    Your Clanmate Stormblaze has been found dead!

    [spoiler title=”Possible Suspects/Witnesses”] Dapplestar – Her leader. Kind and compassionate most of the time, but the need for revenge can make her blind sometimes; is missing along with Bluebellsong, Mistflower, Aspensplash, Maplepaw, and Tanglepaw.
    Bluebellsong – Her kind and caring sister, who is currently missing along with Dapplestar, Mistflower, Aspensplash, Maplepaw, and Tanglepaw and has been mourning the death of her mate and kit, Ashfire and Blossomkit, for a few moons. She has a crush on Aspensplash, but she’d never admit it because she’s still getting over Ashfire’s death and she doesn’t want to rush into another relationship, and she feels guilty for falling in love again.
    Cloudshadow – Stormblaze’s loyal and determined mate, who can be blind to rage and peer pressure, but will always put his loyalty to his Clan first.
    Mistflower – Bluebellsong’s best friend, who cares deeply about her friend and is missing along with Bluebellsong, Aspensplash, Dapplestar, Maplepaw, and Tanglepaw
    Flowerdawn – Bluebellsong’s former apprentice and the current acting deputy while the leader and deputy are missing. She is very worried about her former mentor and has always looked up to her.
    Aspensplash – Bluebellsong’s love interest and a loyal warrior. He is currently missing along with Bluebellsong, Dapplestar, Mistflower, Maplepaw, and Tanglepaw.
    Maplepaw – Bluebellsong’s eager, quick-learning apprentice and Stormblaze’s kit. She is never seen without her best friend and sister, Tanglepaw. Sometimes she will only listen to Tanglepaw and Stormblaze. Sometimes she annoys Tanglepaw with her constant copying of her every move, but they are still best friends and sisters and they are very close. Maplepaw is a little too gullible and trusting sometimes. She is currently missing along with Bluebellsong, Dapplestar, Aspensplash, Mistflower, and Tanglepaw.
    Tanglepaw – Maplepaw’s sister, Aspensplash’s apprentice, and Stormblaze’s kit, Tanglepaw is kind of like the leader of the apprentices. She can be a bit bossy and sometimes impulsive, but when it comes to the safety of her Clanmates, she shows nothing but love and loyalty. She’s never seen without her adoring sister and best friend, Maplepaw. She is currently missing along with Bluebellsong, Dapplestar, Aspensplash, Mistflower, and Maplepaw.
    Onyxpaw – Stormblaze’s other kit, who is quiet and usually keeps to himself. He always plans things out carefully before saying or doing them. He is frenemies with
    Hickorypaw, who is his complete opposite. The only things they share are their eagerness for learning, their skill at hunting and fighting, and their hopes to someday become warriors and prove themselves once and for all for their Clanmates.
    Hickorypaw – Onyxpaw’s frenemy and one of the only non-missing (unmissing?) apprentices in the Clan. He is very energetic, bouncy, talkative, and impulsive. He is eager to learn, wants to be taken seriously, and wants to become a warrior. He tends to sort the importance of a cat by their rank or age rather than by their personality.

    [spoiler title=”Question Prompts – You can ask these and more, but remember to check the “questions asked and answered” section and the replies to this comment to avoid repeats!”] “How did Ashfire and Blossomkit (Bluebellsong’s mate and kit) die?”
    “Who found Stormblaze’s dead body?”
    “Where was Stormblaze when she was found?”
    “Where was [insert name here] when Stormblaze was found dead?” [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Questions Already Asked And Answered”] Ravenpaw/thorn: Onyxpaw, how long have the missing cats been missing?
    Onxypaw: Only about two or three days. I miss my sisters terribly. I’m proud of my mother, though. She wasn’t exactly chosen to be the acting leader, but the Clan voted and we chose her. Of course, now that she’s dead we’ll have to find another acting leader.

    Ravenpaw/thorn: Cloudshadow, who found Stormblaze’s dead body and where did they find it?
    Cloudshadow: After Stormblaze was reported missing, Flowerdawn sent out a patrol that consisted of me, Hickorypaw, and Onyxpaw. She was found among the rocks near an open tunnel. It was around the place that Bluebellsong, Maplepaw, Tanglepaw, Dapplestar, Mistflower, and Aspensplash disappeared. We didn’t go in there. It looked… dangerous.

    Shimmerpaw/mist: Flowerdawn, did you ever notice any cats acting suspicious around Bluebellsong?
    Flowerdawn: Not really, no… I mean, everyone respected her because she was the deputy. And her kits and mate died a little while ago, as you already know, so cats were sympathetic. Nobody seemed exactly suspicious, though… If she and the others were taken away, it seems to have been on short notice, but maybe she left on her own accord. [/spoiler]

    One last thing: these are characters from my warriors fanfiction, and I had to tweak some things. For example, in the fanfic, Mistflower is from another Clan, but to simplify things I put her in the same Clan as everyone else. Also, there are a few side plots that are irrelevant in here, also because it’s from my fanfic. So by the end of this mystery, it’s not a mistake if some questions are left unanswered!
    Oh, and also, you can accuse cats, but only after you have a decent amount of evidence. Also, if you’re going to accuse someone, it’s best to back up your accusation so if it’s incorrect, you can get some info on why it’s incorrect.
    Goooood luck!

  • aleginces

    leader- clearstar
    deputy- skywing


    rosemary (formor kittypet)

    elderpaw (death and blind)

    • Hey, by “death and blind” for Elderpaw, do you mean “deaf and blind”? When it’s spelled D-E-A-F, it means someone who can’t hear, but when it’s spelled D-E-A-T-H, it means someone’s dead!
      And He Runs

    • How is an elder an apprentice, and ‘Dead’? And what is this? And I don’t think Moonpool can be a name, and be sure to capitalize the first letters. You also spelled ‘Maple’ wrong, and and ‘former’ wrong too. I would suggest changing your name to a non-canon name, and be a kit, if you want to be a official cat of BlogClan, because you look like an Elementry student, no offense.

      These names are Canon:

      • Jeez, an elder is a tree! And I think she meant deaf and blind. And why can’t Moonpool be a name? I also hate punctuation and spelling errors but usually don’t comment that somebody misspelled something. And it doesn’t really matter what you’re name is displayed as on BlogClan, they’d just rather people not lie about their age for the allegiances. Also, there’s a Hollyleaf and a Tigerstar on BlogClan, so I don’t think it really matters if names are canon or not.
        Leafdapple and Leafpool too.

  • Winners

    Next Round!!!!! Colours

    Lillypaw 7 pts
    Poppypaw 6 pts
    Silvy and Stormpaw 5 pts
    Midnight, Rainypaw & Flowermistle
    Raventhornpaw 2 pts
    Shimmerpaw, Leafykit, Turtledapple, Rabbitflame 1pts

    I am finding it hard to be active hehehe

  • Announcing winners and answers from last weeks GTC and NTP!!

    Winners for GTC!!!
    Easy- Sorrelstripe!
    Medium- Tinycloud! (Surprisingly this was harder than hard)
    Hard- Bumblestripe ( A LOT of people guessed this)
    IMPOSSİBLE- Gravelnose!

    Winners for NTP!!

    Sun That Dapples Hazel Tree – Lillypaw/ Lil
    Freeze-eyes – Spots of Rot in The Leaves (Spot)
    Lazy Panther Dozing in Bush – Raventhornpaw

    New GTC!!!

    Easy- I’m a black she-cat and I spoiled my son a lot
    Medium- I have served as a warrior under the leaderships of 5 different cats, and I have mentored 4 cats
    Hard- I am a rogue and my mother and father are dead
    IMPOSSİBLE: I have fathered 4 kits, and I am not from ThunderClan or WindClan

    Hintss : The IMPOSSİBLE cat is named after a characteristic
    The Medium cat is not from ShadowClan or SkyClan.
    The Easy cat is NOT from any clan names with a W

    New NTP!!

    Tortoiseshell tom with a stub tail and golden eyes (Kittypet)
    White she-cat with black patches and blue eyes (Clan cat)
    Small, sturdy ticked tabby she-cat with copper eyes (Tribe Cat)

    I think I might hold an NTA just for this round, maybe other rounds too!

    NTA Theme: Animals


    Hope you enjoy!! Good luck!!

  • A NoRmAL MuRdeR MysTeRy
    (Round 3)

    As you can see, the cats have two colours written next to them.
    The first colour means their pelt colour, and the second is the colour of their eye.


    There are two choices you can make each round:
    (Chose option 1 or 2)

    1, Ask THREE questions to THREE DIFFERENT cats (you can’t ask more than one question to one cat each round)
    (Example: Firestar: Where was the body found?)
    2, Or ask for a hint
    (Just write “hint” in your comment and I’ll give you a reply)

    You can accuse anytime, but if you make a wrong accusation, you’re out until the murderer eventually gets caught.
    (Also, kits and queens can’t be the murderer, but leaders, deputies, warriors and apprentices can)

    Also, I’ll be giving out one hint each round as a bonus.

    (Some of the characters are canon bc I couldn’t think of that many names lol)

    Leader: Firestar-orange, green (male)
    Deputy: Leapingtiger-brown, amber (female)
    Medicine Cat: Jayfeather-gray, blue (male)
    Wishwing-white, blue (female)
    Cloudrunner-white, blue (female)
    Lightbranch-brown, green (female)
    Moonfeather-gray, yellow (male)
    Pineflower-brown, amber (female)
    Rockmoon-white, blue (male)
    Sheepfoot-white, amber (male)
    Dapplewhisker-black, yellow (male)
    Poppyblossom: cream, amber (female)
    Bluestorm-gray, blue (female)
    Foxnight-orange, green (male)
    Shiningpool-yellow, blue (female)
    Shadownight-black, blue (male)
    Goldendew-yellow, blue (female)
    Icesnarl-white, green (male)
    Graywind-gray, yellow (male)
    Redfur-red, green (male)
    Hopeheart-red, amber (male)
    Mintleaf-ginger, green (female)
    Mistyswirl-gray, green (female)
    Speckledegg-brown, yellow (female)
    Beeclaw-yellow, blue (male)
    Springdew-ginger, one blue eyes, one green eyes (female)
    Bouncyfire-gray, amber (male)
    Duskfallen-red, amber (male)
    Haredash-white, green (male)
    Shadeclaw-black, amber (male)
    Darkflower-black, blue (female)
    Squirrelsong-brown, green (female)
    Brownpuddle-brown, yellow (male)
    Frostpetal-white, blue (female)
    Pebbleripple-yellow, blue (male)
    Silverdapple-gray, blue (female)

    Lostpaw-black, green (male)
    Larkpaw-brown, yellow (male)
    Birdpaw-gray, amber (female)
    Songpaw-yellow, blue (male)
    Kestrelpaw-ginger, yellow (female)
    Grasspaw-cream, green (female)
    Greenpaw-yellow, green (female)
    Lilypaw-white, yellow (female)
    Owlpaw-gray, yellow (male)
    Flamepaw-orange, blue (male)

    Oh no! The warrior Frostpetal has been found dead!
    (You’ll have to ask where or who found her and if she had any marks on her body if you want to know)


    Morningkit, did you see anything suspicious?
    “I saw a cat going out into the forest around sunrise. I was making dirt when a cat slipped past me. I thought it was weird because they weren’t using the main entrance to get out. I didn’t pay much attention so I can’t remember who it was, but I do remember that they had blue eyes. Also, they looked pretty strong, so I’m sure it was a warrior. It’s definitely not Jayfeather or his apprentice.”
    Jayfeather, were there any clues on Frostpetal’s body?
    “Yes. Her entire pelt was covered in large scratches and blood was pouring out for hours. Her ears were shredded, her claws torn off and her face was unrecognisable. Whoever killed her really tried hard. However, there wasn’t any fur in between her claws, nor could I identify a scent.
    There was something strange though. Among all the large scratches, I could identify a few smaller scratches too that definitely wasn’t made by the same cat. It seems that more than one cat attacked her.”

    (Your question was the same as Lillypaw’s)
    Splashkit, what did you see during the night?
    “Nothing. I was asleep all night.”

    Firestar, was anyone jealous of Frostpetal?
    “Nobody, as far as I know, though some cats are bound to be a bit jealous of her. Frostpetal was a model clanmate in ForestClan. She was loyal, brave, kind, helpful and everyone looked up at her.
    Now that I think of it, she has been arguing a lot with one particular cat. They used to be so close, I wonder what happened…”

    Firestar, who was outside of the camp during the murder?
    “Hmmm let’s see. There was a border patrol out at that time, but they were far away from the scene. The patrol contained of Squirrelsong, Morningpaw, Shadeclaw and Darkflower. There were also two hunting patrols out, the first containing; Goldendew, Shadownight, Speckledegg and Lostpaw. They were nearest to the body and they were the ones who found Frostpetal.
    The second patrol contained of Wishwing, Cloudrunner, Moonfeather, Owlpaw and Bluestorm.”

    (Giving two hints each round)

    1# Kits are sometimes very useful…
    2# The murder happened during the day
    3# *important hint* Exactly two cats were involved in the murder
    4# Neither one of the murderers were on a patrol.

  • Oh Noes, Somebody Is Doing A Dead! 
    Aka Murder Mystery, but that’s not as interesting! 

    Lillypaw accused Blackthroat!

    And, yes, Blackthroat was the second cat involved in the murder! She was actually the one who carried out the nefarious deed!

    Was questioned enough, Spottedstar reveals that the pair have killed before. The previous leader, Lakestar, in order for Spottedstar to rise to power. Breezestep, Wolfclaw and Badgerstrike’s birth mother, who “had been attacked by a dog”. And now, Wolfclaw. A nearly lifetime long grudge between two cats who could never like each other.

    Blackthroat always admired Spottedstar, and Spottedstar took advantage of her desperation to prove herself.

    Spottedstar has been sentenced to death. Blackthroat has been exiled. If she’s ever seen again, she’ll be killed.

    Alright! It is done! I’m done! That was fun! Hope y’all enjoyed and that this ending was okay!

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