• I’m starting an NTA! πŸ˜€ It’ll be rlly short, because school is really overwhelming πŸ™

    RD 1 (KOTLC)


    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


    Welcome to the second round of warrior cats series one TRUTH TRUTH AND LIE!

    I will have a wheel to randomly select who will do the truth truth and lie . People will have 2 days to guess which is which

    First we will be doing level 1, the prophecies begin series. For the person who gets chosen they will spin a wheel to see which cat you have to talk about with the 3 traits, if you are unable to do so your out of the next round. If you fail to do so again your out of the game for level 1.


    the points work in 2 ways

    If the caller succeeds to allude everyone they get 2 points, if they allude half they get one

    For the guessers they get a point if they get it correct

    In level 1 their will be 5 rounds whoever has the most points at the end wins and gets a personal drawling from me(I prefer animals)

    I will also be participating so you guys don’t steal all the fun!

    Also cats who get it correct will have a half a point to be fair to the caller


    People joined

    Crystal paw

    You can only join once round one has ended now

    I have selected a caller with a wheel and it is……..

    Starmist! If you are willing to be the caller you may spin this wheel


    Then reply to this comment with a truth truth and lie of that cat and the people who joined identify the truth truth and the lie!

    The last answers to the game were



    1-Kestrelfeather starmist springtail and silverfeather-1/2
    2-the rest-0

    Starmist respond soon or else I’ll have to give it to someone else :/

  • Sandy’s NTA


    Gladebird by Riv!
    Ravinegust by Florie!
    Meadowdove by Frost!
    Woodwhittle by Raven!
    Hillroar by Sunnyslip!
    Caverush by Cinda!



    1. Midnight, Frost (6 pts)
    2. Florie, Raven (4 pts)
    3. Lil, Turtle (3 pts)
    4. Poppypaw, Rainypaw, Silvy, Riv, Cinda (2 pts)
    5. Pinestripe, Drizzlenose, Stormpaw, Silverwolf, Shimmerpaw, Springtail, Sparkspots, Smoke, Moonbreeze, Sunnyslip (1 pt)


    ROUND 9 – Dog Breeds


    Crystalpaw (Crystie) – Winner of Sandpaw’s first NTA 
    Ivypaw (Ivie) – Winner of Sandpaw’s second Hunger Games 
    Pineblossom (Pine) – Winner of Sandpaw’s second NTA
    Monkeyfur (Moky) – Winner of Sandpaw’s clan builder

  • Hi! I;m gonna announce the winners of my game, Replace! The question was who should be Mr.Brambles mate! Squirrlflight won! Here are the winners!: CONGRATS. . . Ambercloud! Stormpaw! Frostcrystal! Smokeypaw! aaaaaannnnnnddddd Raven that will eat your bread!!!!!!! My next Replace will be posted tomorrow!

  • Among Us But It’s Warriors
    (Round 2)

    This is basically like a murder mystery/choose your own adventure but in Among Us form!

    Last Round’s Results: A tie between Berrynose and skip! The crewmates will keep an eye on Berrynose, especially Bramblestar, who said he’d follow him.


    There are fourteen players and one imposter. Try to find out who the imposter is.
    The catch is, if you guess incorrectly, an innocent crewmate will be voted out!
    One crewmember will get murdered every round.
    There are no hints.
    First person who guesses who the imposter is the winner!

    Also, you MUST give a reasoning to why you think it’s that colour/cat when you accuse someone.

    This might be a little confusing and I might use the names of some of the things incorrectly.
    Also, I will use both the colours and their names.


    Red: Firestar (dead)
    Orange: Bramblestar
    Yellow: Lionblaze (safe, did scan)
    Lime: Berrynose
    Green: Mousefur
    Cyan: Tallstar
    Blue: Bluestar
    Purple: Ivypool
    Magenta: Squirrelflight
    Pink: Dovewing
    White: Blackstar
    Black: Jayfeather
    Brown: Alderheart
    Grey: Bristlefrost

    [after a while of playing]

    Emergency Meeting is called by orange
    (Nobody is dead)

    Jayfeather: WHAT
    Alderheart: ???
    Berrynose: Why…
    Dovewing: Huh?
    Bramblestar: I think it might be Berrynose. No one is dead and he seems to be doing tasks randomly and he did one of his downloads pretty quickly.
    Alderheart: How far are we on tasks?
    Ivypool: Around one eighth
    Jayfeather: At this rate the imposter might kill is all. HURRY UP!!!
    Berrynose: Black sus…
    Bramblestar: Well, now I’m 100% sure it’s Berrynose
    Berrynose: Why?
    Tallstar: Because there were no kills this round and the way you are accusing others and doing tasks are pretty sus.
    Berrynose: Noooooooo! I’m a crewmate, I swear!
    Bluestar: The imposter might be framing Berrynose. I don’t think the imposter would be this obvious
    Lionblaze: But we still have 13 of us left. It might be safer to vote him off
    Tallstar: But, do you really think Silvy would make the game this easy? I say it’s not Berrynose.
    Blackstar: But at the same time, we can risk it
    Alderheart: Vote Berrynose or skip?
    Berrynose: I already told you! It’s not me!
    Lionblaze: Before we vote, I’m going to hard clear Tallstar. I was with him the whole time, and he didn’t kill me even after lights went out nor after the doors locked in electrical. But he’s not entirely safe.
    Tallstar: Thank you, Lionblaze
    Bluestar: He could be trying to gain your trust though. After all, there were no kills this round. It’s a typical imposter move, trying to gain a crewmate’s trust.
    Lionblaze: Now that I think of it you’re probably right. Tallstar can’t be trusted.
    Berrynose: Cyan sus

    Okayyyy, that’s the end of round two!

    Choose option A or B
    A: Skip
    B: Vote Berrynose

  • Hi! I know I posted this before, but no one really saw it, so I’m posting it again! Tigershine came up with the title Storytime, so that is what this game is called now.

    [spoiler title=”Rules and Gameplay!”] Gameplay

    1. Someone posts a paragraph or so of a story they wrote, as well as a list of allegiances.
    2. Then, people respond to the post with the next few paragraphs of the story. (Called a Story Section.)
    3. People vote on which one they like best by liking their post.
    4. Whoever had the most likes is the one whose storyline will continue. To know which person won, the person who started the story will post a new copy of the allegiances with any added cats and also post the person’s name!
    5. Repeat (except for step one) until the story ends.


    1. Please write more than a paragraph in your Story Section!
    2. Please only vote once!
    3. Please don’t vote for your own post!
    4. Please put your Story Section in a spoiler box so it doesn’t end up taking up too much space.
    5. You can add any cats that you want (just be sure that there aren’t too many cats because a Clan can’t be that big). The cats will be added to the allegiances if your Story Section is picked!
    6. People who wrote the previous section have to wait for the next Story Section to go again (including the person who started the story), so one person doesn’t write the whole thing (that’s pretty unlikely, but it could happen).

    If you have any rule edits or new rule ideas, I’d love to hear them!  [/spoiler]


    Bloomstar – black she-cat with flower-like white spots

    Mossglow – brown tom with silvery markings and green eyes

    Medicine Cat:
    Brookshine – gray-blue tom with white paws and blue-green eyes
    Apprentice, Hawkpaw

    Streamchatter β€“ silver tom with blue eyes
    Apprentice, Troutpaw
    Sunfeathers – yellow she-cat with amber eyes
    Apprentice, Breezepaw
    Moonspots – silver-and-black she-cat with yellow eyes
    Apprentice, Dragonflypaw
    Oakleaf – brown-and-white tom with green eyes
    Willowstream – black and yellow she-cat with blue-green eyes
    Parakeetfeather – yellow-and-black tom with amber eyes
    Jaguarpounce – yellow tom with black spots
    Rainsong – silver she-cat with dark silver spots and blue eyes

    Hawkpaw – dark brown she-cat with amber eyes
    Troutpaw – black tom with silver markings and green eyes
    Breezepaw – yellow and black she-cat with green eyes
    Dragonflypaw – orange and yellow she-cat with blue eyes

    Slothclaw – grey she-cat with brown markings and yellow eyes

    Hibiscusfall – dark grey she-cat with indigo eyes
    Pinebrook – silver-and-black tom with dark green eyes 

    The story will be called Hawkpaw’s Wish!

    Hawkpaw’s Wish – Part 1

    Hawkpaw darted through the undergrowth of NatureClan territory. Even though she was nearly a full medicine cat, she didn’t know the territory by heart yet. She tended to end up in situations where she had no clue where she was. This was one of those situations.
    β€œHelp!” she wailed. β€œI’m lost!” She lay down, as though she was about to give up, but a trail of flower petals drifted on the breeze. Hawkpaw’s eyes widened. Was this a sign from StarClan that would help lead her back to the camp?
    She popped up from the ground and darted after the flower petals. The trail weaved through the large oaks of NatureClan territory. By now, Hawkpaw wasn’t sure that the trail was leading her to her camp.
    But it might still be important, she decided. I’ve still got to follow that trail! She raced onward.
    And fell straight over the edge of a cliff.

    Where am I? thought Hawkpaw groggily. She rose her head and stared around her in shock.
    β€œNo, no, no, no, NO!” she wailed. β€œI’m in StarClan! I’m DEAD!” A cat emerged out of the shadows and waved her tail in greeting. As she stepped into the light Hawkpaw saw that the she-cat was silver and gray with green eyes.
    β€œHello, Hawkpaw!” called the she-cat. β€œI’m Silverbush, and I’m going to introduce you to the rest of StarClan!”
    β€œHow can you be so cheerful when you and the rest of StarClan sent me to my death?!” she hissed. β€œI followed the petals to that cliff!” She glared at Silverbush. A look of concern passed over the she-cat’s face.
    β€œTell me more about what happened,” she mewed, pointing with her tail to a spot where Hawkpaw could sit.
    β€œWell, I was lost, again,” Hawkpaw began. β€œYou know that the territory is so confusing and the trails aren’t easy to find.” Silverbush nodded. β€œI was trying to figure out which way to go when some petals drifted along on the breeze. I thought that they were a sign from StarClan helping me get back to camp.” She looked at Silverbush, scanning her face for signs of guilt.
    β€œI was running to follow them,” she continued, β€œand there was undergrowth in front of the cliff, so I couldn’t see it, and I fell.”
    β€œHawkpaw, I don’t think that was StarClan,” she meowed gravely. β€œI don’t know who sent it, but it wasn’t StarClan.”
    β€œB-b-but, why me?” she whispered.
    β€œI think that whoever it is wants something from you,” Silverbush mewed in hushed tones. β€œI think they want you to find the Wishpool and activate it.”
    β€œBut what is the Wishpool?” Hawkpaw meowed, confused again.
    β€œIt is a pool that grants wishes,” Silverbush mewed. β€œI know that some cats want it for good purposes, but there are evil cats who would abuse its power, and we cannot let that happen.” Silverbush eyed the forest around them scanning for eavesdroppers.
    β€œI think that the cat may have an accomplice here in StarClan,” she mewed warily, β€œbut I know for certain that the cat behind the plans is alive.” Hawkpaw was shocked. Her Clanmates could be annoying, sure, but none of them would hurt her. Or so she’d thought.
    Another cat emerged from the shadows. It was a tom with orange tabby fur and a long scar down his face.
    β€œSilverbush,” the tom meowed, β€œare you already telling the new cat the suspicions that we have? I thought we were going to keep them secret from the others!” There was something about him that Hawkpaw didn’t like, and his creepy scar wasn’t helping.
    Who was this creepy furball?

  • Hello, contestants! Welcome to Name that Apprentice! I’m your host, Captain, and I’ll walk you through this game show, as well as judge your answers.

    Name that Apprentice is a classic game where you name a warrior cat apprentice by giving them a suffix to replace β€œ-paw”. But watch out, for at any given episode, the rules may change slightly. 

    Now with the rules out of the way, it’s time to reveal this episode’s themed list of names.

    This episode’s theme is… Birds of Prey!


    And how could we forget? The winners of the last episode are…

    Boltsurge by Lil!
    Mittensfrost by Hollypaw/fern!
    Rhinostride by Sandy!
    Pennypebble by Pinestripe!
    Calicotuft by Ravenpaw/thorn!

    [spoiler title=”Leaderboard “] 1 pt: Lil, Hollypaw/fern, Sandy, Pinestripe, Ravenpaw/thorn [/spoiler]

    Answer away, contestants, and I’ll see you next week! Captain out.

  • whats this page for? and im guessing NTA means name that apprentice. ima start an NTA if thats what that means.


    and yes i know these are all flowers (flowerpaw is literally flower) and btw i actually hv an animal jam account with lily for the prefix. if anyone can guess the right name for the suffix they get double points! same for rosepaw becuz thats a prefix to 2 characters in a made up story of mine. Lavender is a prefix of my made up character as well but shes not super important so just regular points. Winner gets a picture of any warrior cat i know (when i learn how to take my pictures and show them here :/) Note: Lily suffix might be from the books (shrug) idk any lily characters

  • Hi guys! It’s me! Again. Yeah. Anyway, I usually host the game, Replace but I need more ideas so while i’m thinking, here is an NTA! Winners will be posted tomorrow!
    Topic: Ocean!
    GOOOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK! (I’m still thinking of an idea for Replace. AHHH SO FRUSTRATING!) πŸ™‚ ;D :3


    [spoiler title=”New Updates”] > Added diamond coins in Round 5 as a special coin. It currently has no use or anyway to get it.
    > Renamed ethereal coins into omnia coins.
    > Added abbreviations for golden coins (g), silver coins (s), bronze coins (b), omnia coins (o), and diamond coins (d). This only applies to bank accounts, however. 
    > For grading-style games, submissions can no longer earn both non-special coins or special coins. This was applied to prevent bias. 
    > Added ability to trade bronze coins for golden coins.
    > Modified currency corner. Italicized names now mean it was an honorable mention, and player names are bolded. 
    > Player names are now bolded in the bank accounts as well. [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”RULES”] General:
    > QAMDO does not stand for anything. It’s not an acronym, just a random word I thought at the top of my head.
    > Every round, there will be a new game (e.g NTA) for you to play. Please follow the rules for each game. 

    Slightly differing points system:
    > Every round, the winners and the amount of coins (points) they receive will be determined. This number may be more than one depending on the difficulty of the game. 
    > There are currently three types of coins: Golden coins (g, 1), silver coins (s, 0.5), and bronze coins (b, 0.25). 
    > In the bank accounts, all your coins will be totaled to one balance. Instead of pricing just golden or silver coins for one product, player stores can accept any coins as long as it matches the β€œtotal price”. 
    > The currency corner is where the winners are announced. In grading-style games, winners are left alone and honorable mentions are italicized. 

    *SPECIAL* coins:
    > You DO NOT have to earn the special coins. I don’t want you sacrificing your chance to earn golden or silver coins in favor of special coins. Special coins can only be rewarded through coincidences or knowing me well and not recommended as currency for Player Stores. Also, it isn’t even worth earning special coins as they serve practically no purpose except being cool.
    > Omnia Coins: These coins currently have no function other than bragging rights. When OCs are involved in this round, if you *somehow* managed to submit something that is fits them, is related to them, or IS them, you get one of these coins. 
    > Diamond Coins: These coins currently have no function and no way to get them. 

    Stores, something you do not see in games:
    > If you receive enough coins, you may purchase something from the QAMDO store. Right now, there isn’t much, so suggest your ideas for QAMDO rewards below (and play the game). 
    > To buy something from the store, 1. Have enough coins and 2. Just comment what you want I’ll get to your order in the next post. Meanwhile, if I’m not finished at that time, I’ll put your purchase in the β€œpending” section. 
    > Alternatively, you can also set up your own shop if you want to. Just tell me your product and the pricing. If someone else decides to buy your products, you will recieve the coins. However, your product cannot be a physical object that can be held by human hands and you can only price your products with in-game currency. However, special coins are not recommended as currency. 
    > In order to set up a shop that doesn’t use only one coin type, but instead the β€œtotal price”, only use the number.  
    > When trading coins, you can only purchase with those newly founded coins AFTER the purchase is verified. 

    Suggestion Boxes:
    > You may suggest ideas for whatever is in these boxes. Highly recommended. [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Currency Corner”] 
    Riv: -8 silver coins (+4 golden coins)

    Nothing; Yesterday was a break


    ROUND 7: NTA (Reverse Card Tribe Edition)
    Instead of giving tribe names to warrior names, you’re doing the other way around. Winners recieve 1 golden coin and honorable mentions recieve 1 silver coin. 
    Pebble Rolling Down Hill
    Fire Blazing through Forest
    Waves Splashing against Stones
    Leaf Sprouting on Oak Branch
    Lightning Striking Blackened Sapling
    Frost Shimmering on Grass
    Silver Glinting on River Bank
    Wind Swaying Willow Branches
    Shadow Cast by Falcon
    Bright Light in Small Dark Cave

    [spoiler title=”Bank Accounts”] Lil: 8G, 10S, 2B, Β½E (13.5) 
    Leafyz: 7G, 6S, 2B, 2E (10.5)
    Midnight: 6G, 6S, 6B (10.5)
    Silvy: 8G, 3S, 2E (9.5)
    Riv: 8G, 1S, 3B, Β½E (9.25)
    Rainy: 2G, 12S, 5B (9.25)
    Starla: 2G, 10S, 2B (7.5)
    Shimmer: 6G, 1S (6.5)
    Spring: 2G, 3S (3.5)
    Mink: 3G (3)
    Florie: 3S (1.5)
    Ice: IG, IS (1.5)
    Echo: 1G (1)
    River: 1S, 2B (1) [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”QAMDO Store”] Used Secret Page (8 remaining) ~ 50 golden coins per page
    Unused Secret Page (infinite) ~ 100 golden coins per page
    Access to my not-so-secret art gallery (infinite) ~ 25 golden coins for lifetime access
    Golden Coin (infinite) ~ 2 silver coins per 1 golden coin or 4 bronze coins per 1 golden coin
    Silver Coin (infinite) ~ 1 golden coin per 2 silver coins or 2 bronze coins per 1 silver coin
    Art Request (infinite) ~ 10 golden coins per request [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Player Stores”] Star: 
    Secret Pages (specific links will be added soon) ~ 70 golden coins per page [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Pending Orders”] [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Suggestion Box”] > Suggestions for new games. 
    > Suggestions for new products in the QAMDO Store. 
    > Suggestions for new *SPECIAL* coins
    > Suggestions for functions of the *SPECIAL* coins
    > Suggestions for how to get the diamond coin [/spoiler]

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