• Rating, please?





    That’s all.

  • Names with the prefix Butterfly

    Butterflyflower (of course!)

    I wonder why there are no cats in the series with this prefix XD

    • Butterfly is waaaaaaaay too long for a prefix in my opinion, but it’s a beautiful name on its own 🙂

      • What about


        • In my opinion they’re all too long but Juniper. I know that Primrose and Dandelion are canon, but note that the only canon characters carrying their names died at either kit or apprentice, which is one syllable, and it still seems too long 😛 (honestly I can work with one-syllable Dandelion suffixes, but it’s still a stretch. They all seem way too long for warrior names for me, and would do better on their own. I have an RP character named Chestnut!)

  • Random names you can use/rate/describe
    Marshmeadow (marshmallow!!)
    Lowbelly 😛

    • Ambercloud – Light yellow-ginger she-cat with white patches, a long, fluffy tail and bright green eyes. 10/10! I love it! 😀
      Badgerclaw – Muscular, thick-furred dark grey tom with white muzzle and ears and yellow eyes. 8/10.
      Nightstrike – Jet-black tom with long legs, a thin build, long, sharp claws, and pale green eyes. 8/10.
      Marshmeadow – Dusky brown tabby tom with hazel eyes and a short tail. 5/10. I like the use of the uncommon prefix and suffix, but it just doesn’t flow well.
      Foxfall – Russet tom with darker legs and ears and amber eyes. 7/10.
      Briarnose – Brown she-cat with sleek, shiny fur and tufty white ears, and dark blue eyes. 7/10.
      Beetletail – Grey-and-black tom with a short, stubby tail and golden eyes. 6/10.
      Darkleaf – Lithe, elegant black-and-ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with big, yellow-green eyes. 100/10! I love this one too! 😀
      Spottedleg – Golden-brown tom with ginger-speckled legs, a ginger splotch over one eye, and yellow eyes. 7/10.
      Wingflight – Light brown tabby she-cat with white ears, a white chest, and blue eyes. 6/10.
      Sunstep – Light ginger she-cat with slightly darker paws and emerald-green eyes. 8/10.
      Shiningeyes – Grey tabby tom with white flecks and ice-blue eyes. 5/10.
      Sleekpelt – Short-furred reddish-brown tabby she-cat with green eyes. 7/10.
      Winterheart – Silver she-cat with a white dash on her chest and brilliant, pale, icy blue eyes. 9/10.
      Whisperthistle – Grey tom with lighter streaks and yellow eyes. 6/10.
      Cloudfoot – Black she-cat with white legs and dark blue eyes. 8/10.
      Hailsnout – Grey tom with white spots and a white muzzle, large ears, and hazel eyes. 7/10.
      Littlenose – Brown tabby she-cat with a white muzzle, a shockingly pink, small nose, and fern-green eyes. 9/10.

    • I love Ambercloud, Littlenose, Wingflight, and Beetletail! and Marshmallow and Lowbelly

    • Ambercloud ~ 9/10
      Badgerclaw ~ 8/10
      Nightstrike ~ 7/10
      Marshmeadow ~ 6/10
      Foxfall ~ 7/10
      Briarnose ~ 6.5/10
      Beetletail ~ 8.5/10
      Darkleaf ~ 7/10
      Spottedleg ~ 7.5/10
      Wingflight ~ 6/10
      Sunstep ~ 10/10
      Shiningeyes ~ 5/10
      Sleekpelt ~ 6/10
      Winterheart ~ 9/10
      Cloudfoot ~ 10/10
      Hailsnout ~ 9/10
      Whisperthistle ~ 7/10
      Littlenose ~ 9.5/10

      Best ~ Cloudfoot and Sunstep

      Nice names! 🙂

  • hEY GUYS

    I was trying to think of something interesting to do
    When suddenly
    I couldn’t think of anything interesting
    and everyone should totally suggest a Warrior Games page

    Anywho, have Names de la Normal, feel free to rate, give descriptions

    also to the future stalker me isn’t this comment cringey i don’t care because everything will always be cringey to future stalker me
    also if you’re lup goa way and stop looking for my old comments


    too lazy to come up with more

  • Here are some names I came up with! Feel free to use them!

    Minnow that struggles up stream: Minnowstream
    Wolf that slinks through shadows: Wolfshadow
    Pebble that rolls down hill: Pebblehill
    Leaf shadow over puddle: Leafshadow, Leafpuddle
    Frosty leaf that falls from tree: Frostleaf
    Dewy moss that grows by creek: Dewmoss, Mossycreek
    Ice that freezes twig: Icetwig

    Hope you liked them!

    • Minnowstream was my first account that had a warrior username 😛

      Mossycreek is fabulous! 😀
      actually no 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10

    • Minnowstream and Mossycreek are great! I love Dewy Moss that Grows by Creek, but you could do without the Dewy, it’s a little long 🙂

  • Random names to rate/describe/use cause I’m bored

    • I thinkkkk songbird is canon 😛 anyway

      Mistysky ~ 9/10
      Heatherheart ~ 7/10
      Snowdrop ~ 7.5/10
      Roseclaw ~ 7/10
      Sparklefire ~ 9.5/10
      Dappleblaze ~ 9/10
      Birchbranch ~ 7.5/10
      Sunnyshadow ~ 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10
      Flameflight ~ 8/10

      Best name ~ Sunnyshadow
      (honestly sunnyshadow is just outstandingly beautiful)

    • Snowdrop and Songbird are canon 🙂

      • Well Snowdrop is a kittypet and since there are only so many kittypet/rogue names out there and she’s not major I don’t really count that 🙂

  • Random names I came up with!


  • Brightnight

    Stick Point
    Vein Stream
    Rain Frost
    Morning Flower
    Snowflake Fall
    Sharp Edge
    Green Leaves
    Red Weather
    Golden Bird
    Spark Splash

    Moon of Darkest Nights
    Lion that Stalks Silently
    Sun of Morning Light
    Fern that Blows Beneath Stars
    Gold that Flakes Like Paper (Fool’s Gold)
    Sparkle of Glowing Sky
    Watcher of the Night
    Running Wind in the Day
    Snapping Sound of Twigs Underfoot

    Feel free to rate, describe, or use anytime!

    • I love Morningrain, Spark Splash, Golden Bird, Lion that Stalks Silently, and Sun of Morning Light! Robinwing and Morning Flower (Morningflower) are canon and Fallingleaves is super close to Fallen Leaves 🙂

    • Brightnight: 9/10 Tall, strong and broad-shouldered ginger-and-white she-cat with large paws and thick, strong hindquarters. She has tabby stripes on the ginger patches, a bright, rose-pink nose, and a round, small face. She has wide, dark night-blue eyes, a plumy, long and thick-furred tail, thick, fluffy fur, and a ginger patch over her right ear and eye. She is from WindClan, and is fiery and loyal. She dreams of having a mate and kits, and is a tough and strong warrior. She can be snappy or rude, but is loyal and caring at heart. She cares for her younger sister, Sundew, and will defend her from anything.

      Sundew: 10/10 Tall, willowy and thin ginger she-cat with white paws, ear-tips, a white tail-tip, and a splash of white on her chest. She has long, thin legs, and a plumy, long tail. She has small paws and an angular, thin face with a long muzzle and large ears. She has faint tabby stripes running down her sides, and fluffy, thick fur. She loves to run, and is a great hunter, using her long legs to her advantage. She is from WindClan, and just recently came out of her apprenticeship. She is loyal and outgoing, making friends in her clan easily. She is very close to her older sister, having their parents gone has formed a bond between them. When Sundew was just a kitten, they died in a fox attack, leaving the two alone.

      Robinwing is canon. 🙂

      Nightfrost: 8/10 Small, sly and delicate-framed black-and-white spotted she-cat with small paws, large ears, and thick, soft silky fur. She has a black nose, white muzzle, and white paws. She has bright, small willow-green eyes, and a round, soft face. She is from ShadowClan, and is harsh, strong, and tough. She will not back down from any challenge, and her size makes no difference. She is one of ShadowClan’s strongest, smartest warriors, having trained many apprentices in her time. She dreams to one day be deputy of her clan.

      Dayshine: 9/10 Small, bright and bubbly golden-brown spotted tabby she-cat with broad shoulders, strong legs, large ears and a unusually long muzzle and tail. She has darker spots all over her body except her face, with thick, sleek fur that makes it easy for her to swim. She has warm, honey-colored amber eyes and webbed toes. She is from RiverClan, and is sweet and fierce. She is very kind, bubbly, and gentle around her clanmates or friends, but when one of her clanmates is threatened, or in battle, she will fight as fiercely as any other cat, and would die to protect them.

      Morningrain: 10/10 Thick, strong gray-and-white dappled she-cat with large feet, a thick, plumy tail, and large haunches. She has a rounded face and thick, silky fur, with bright, innocent blue-gray stormy eyes. She has flecks of white scattered across her pelt, and wide eyes. She is a powerful foe, with power and force behind her paws. She is from ThunderClan, and is stubborn and loud. She always goes along on her own way, does whatever she wants, and no other cat can convince her not to. Unless.. She took a mate, Grainfeather, and his quiet, simple ways convinced her to work with her clan. She had two kittens with him, Wisekit, a small gray tom, and Ripplekit, a broad-shouldered, large gray-and-white she-kit.

      Grainfeather: 8/10 Dusty, brown-gray dappled tomcat with a skinny, small build, a long, vine-like tail, and thick, sleek fur. He has broad shoulders, a skinny, angular face, and small, wise hazel-green colored eyes. He is from ThunderClan, and is wise and quiet, loyal to his clan. He is always the voice of wisdom, advising the younger cats and keeping the clan’s wits about them. He fell in love with Morningrain, and her stubborn, noisy ways. He took her as his mate, and helped her to see that the clan was just as important as she was. He recently became a father to her two kits, Wisekit and Ripplekit.

      Poppywing: 10/10 Small, delicate-framed and petite red tabby she-cat with a splash of white on her chest. She has small paws, large ears, and short, stumpy legs. She has thick, silky fur that sometimes weighs her down in the rain. Despite having short legs, and finding it hard to climb, she is a great hunter, and a smart young cat. She is from SkyClan, and is proud and serious, and always enjoys to teach the younger cats in the clan. Despite not having an apprentice yet, she helps the other mentors withe them, and is known as the clan mentor.

      Dewdrop: 9/10 Broad-shouldered, thick-furred gray tabby tom with white paws, a darker tail-tip, and a plumy tail. He has large, slightly clumsy paws, small ears, and a thick, short muzzle. He has a paler belly and muzzle, and has strong legs He has warm, dew-colored blue eyes. Dewdrop is from RiverClan, and is clumsy and slow on land. He struggles with fighting and land hunting, yet when he enters the water, its like he has become a fish himself, moving with speed, grace, and intelligence. He is also known to be the only cat in RiverClan who can hold his breath for more than a minute.

      Drizzlewing: 10/10 Large, powerful white-and-silver patched tabby she-cat with nimble paws, sharp ears, and wide, bright green eyes the color of forest moss. She has long back legs, a long, plumy tail, and silver patches all across her back and sides. She has one silver paw. She is from RiverClan, and is sister to Dewdrop. She is bright and amusing, the laugh of the clan.

      Fallensky: 7/10 Thin, sickly brown tom with mangy fur and bald patches scattered across his body. He has an illness that makes him lose his fur, and have a bedraggled, mangy look. He has small paws, small ears, and a thin tail. He has amber, rose-colored eyes and one white paw. He was from ShadowClan, but was thrown out to die when he attacked his own clanmates. He is cruel and hateful, blaming Starclan and the world for his illnesses.

      Chalkcloud: 6/10 Large, powerful, strong and broad white, thick-furred tom with a plumy, short tail. He has large paws that have hints of gray on them, and pale, small blue eyes. He is from WindClan, and is grumpy yet brave and loyal. He frequently goes out to be on his own, preferring peace and quiet to war and battles.

      Coalclaw: 9/10 Small, thin and sly black tom with peircing green-blue eyes. He is small and quick, slipping through the shadows with ease. He is from ShadowClan and is sly and witty, using his intelligence for his advantage, outsmarting and outpacing his opponents in battle. His mate is Cloudynight, and he recently became a father to her kits.

      Cloudynight: 10/10 Broad-shouldered, strong and powerful white she-cat with silvery-gray paws, tail-tip, ears, and muzzle. She has thick, silky fur and stands out in the dark woods of shadowclan like a tree in twolegplace. She has come up with several unique hunting tactics, however, to manage and still be able to hunt with ease in the dark forests. She is from ShadowClan, and is stubborn and fierce, training harder and faster than all of her other clanmates, She became mates with Coalclaw, and recently gave birth to his kittens, Dustkit, a gray tabby she-cat, Duskkit, a black-and-white she-kit, Cinderkit, a silver she-kit, and Whitekit, a white, fluffy she-kit.

      I loved all the names!!!!! They were all great! 😀
      Can I use the tribe names and Drizzlewing? Thanks!

  • Hey cats! I am currently writing a fan fiction, and thought I would post my character’s names here! Let me know if I should post part of the fan fiction!
    Water . . . I forgot. *HEHHEH* could someone help me with this one? She is a shy yet strong cat who stands up for what she believes in. She is gentle and kind.
    Loudmouth (Oh gosh)
    WARNING: Names may change over time.

  • Here are some names to rate or use 🙂



  • I Results
    Everyone guessed the theme correctly.

    1. Cloudtuft- Brightstorm
    2. Cloudleap- Oatpaw and Petalfrost
    3. Cloudheart- Mistlepaw

    1. Nightshimmer- Brightstorm
    2. Nightbreeze- Aspenkit, Shadowfox, Petalfrost, and Wavepaw
    3. Nightlight- Mistlepaw

    1. Hailstorm- Shadowfox, Petalfrost, Wavepaw, and Mistlepaw
    2. Hailshine- Oatpaw
    3. Hailcloud- Brightstorm and Petalfrost

    1. Sundapple- Brightstorm
    2. Sunscorch- Mistlepaw
    3. Sunbriar- Oatpaw

    1. Tallwillow-Brightstorm
    2. Tallflower- Petalfrost and Wavepaw
    3. Tallwhisker- Petalfrost and Aspenkit

    1. Wavepaw-73
    2. Brightstorm-73
    3. Willowkit-53
    4. Mistypaw-52
    5. Shadowfox-43
    6. Mistlepaw-43
    7. Frostflower-31
    8. Snowpaw-20
    9. Willowstream-18
    10. Aspenkit-18
    11. Flashtail-14
    12. Petalfrost-12
    13. Dawnheart-12
    14. Brightpaw-12
    15. Lupinepaw-9
    16. Oatpaw-9
    17. Asterpaw-8
    18. Russetfeather-6
    19. Sunpaw-5
    20. Darkkit-4
    21. Moonkit-4
    22. Breezefire- 3

    There’s a theme try and guess it!

    • They’re all colors!

      Blueripple, Bluefrost, Bluewing, Bluedawn

      Whitefeather, Whitewillow, Whitepetal, Whitespots

      Grayfall, Graycloud, Graysky, Graybird

      Blackfur, Blackpool, Blackflower, Blackwhisker

    • Blueshine,bluewing,bluestream,bluestorm

      They’re all corlors

    • Colors!

      Bluewater, Bluebird, Bluesky
      Whitesnow, Whitecloud, Whitesky
      Graystorm, Grayhaze, Grayfur
      Blacknight, Blackstorm, Blackspots

    • I also had Sundapple 🙂

      Bluepaw: Bluesky, Bluemoon, Bluefrost, Blueflower

      Whitepaw: Whitesky, Whitecloud, Whitepetal, Whitefeather, Whiteflower

      Graypaw: Graysky, Graydawn, Graycloud, Graystorm

      Blackpaw: Blackstorm, Blacksky, Blackfire, Blackfeather

      The theme is colors/pelt colors 🙂

    • They’re all colors!
      Bluecloud, Blueheart or Bluestorm
      Whiteflower, Whiteflame or Whitefrost
      Grayfang, Graysong or Graywhisker
      Blackpool, Blackflower or Blackstorm

    • Bluefrost,Bluesplash,Bluedrop,Bluebrook,Bluemist


    Thanks to everyone who submitted this round 🎉😸🎊❤️😽

    Let’s all give a warm welcome to Aspenkit who joined us this round!

    While we had 100% correct guesses for the them this round, only 3 players got the highest bonus of 10 POINTS, and they are:


    All other players still got a not too shabby 5 BONUS POINTS 🎊😸🎊

    And our theme was: CATS WHO LEFT THE CLANS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY (Stormfur, Turtle Tail, Pinestar, Ravenpaw, Graystripe, and Hollyleaf)!

    Now then, let’s see what you came up with for the names and descriptions for our lovely families:


    Stormfeather, a thick furred, gray tabby tom with broad shoulders, black paws, and ice-blue eyes. Described by Frostflower.
    Turtlemist, a snowy white she-cat with soft fur and black and silver splotches, a long, fluffy tail, a black spot over one eye, and pale green eyes. Described by Iceflower.

    AND, their kits:
    STONEKIT, a thick furred gray tom with a white patch on his nose, one white paw, and dark green eyes. Named by Aspenkit, Wavepaw, Mistlepaw, and Russetfeather.
    NIGHTKIT, a pure black she-cat with long, thick, glossy fur aind bright leaf green eyes. Named by Wavepaw, Mistlepaw, Russetfeather, and Mistypaw.
    CARPKIT, a mottled gray and white tabby tom with darker gray stripes, pale blue eyes, and a short glossy pelt. Named by Mistypaw.
    FROSTKIT, a black she-cat with white patches over her face, tail, and back, white front legs, and blue eyes. Named by Iceflower and Wavepaw.


    Pinefoot, a russet she-cat with brown splotches, tufted ears, large brown paws, and amber eyes. Described by Aspenkit.
    Ravencloud, a lean, small, ragged-furred, ebony-black tom with a white cloud-shaped patch on his chest, a white tail-tip, ears, paws, and muzzle, a long scar that stretches from his shoulder to his tail, sleek, dark gray dappled markings like raven feathers, and large, unblinking, cobalt-blue eyes the color of a cloudy night sky. Described by Mistlepaw.

    AND, their kits:
    SPECKLEKIT, a pale brown she-cat with yellow eyes and small pale gray spots across her pelt. Named by Frostflower.
    PATCHKIT, a white tom with one large patch of black over his ears and stretching to halfway down his back and green eyes. Named by Iceflower.
    BADGERKIT, a broad-shouldered splotchy brown and white tabby tom with dark brown stripes and pale green eyes. Named by Owlheart.
    BROOKKIT, a pale gray she-cat with faint brown stripes on her legs and tail, amber eyes, and tufted ears with brown tips. Named by Mistypaw.


    Grayclaw, a lean, extremely skinny dark gray tom with sleek fur and dark yellow eyes. Described by Russetfeather.
    Hollythorn, a night-black she-cat with faint ginger stripes on her legs and tail and fierce green eyes. Described by Frostflower.

    AND, their kits:
    AMBERKIT, a tortoiseshell (ginger, black and gray) she-cat with bright green eyes, large ginger patches across her pelt, and a black muzzle. Named by Aspenkit.
    FLINTKIT, a gray tom with large black paws and sharp amber eyes. Named by Mistypaw.

    A shoutout to Frostflower, Iceflower, Mistypaw, Aspenkit, Mistlepaw, Owlheart, and Russetfeather who were our solo winners this round 🎊😽🎊

    And a special shoutout to ❄️FROSTFLOWER❄️ for having two winning descriptions this round 🎉😸🎉

    Wavepaw: 54 points.
    Mistypaw: 51 points.
    Iceflower: 49 points.
    Frostflower: 46 points.
    Russetfeather: 42 points.
    Owlheart: 40 points.
    Mistlepaw: 33 points
    Lupinepaw: 23 points.
    Aspenkit: 19 points.
    Willow: 17 points.
    Snowbreeze: 16 points.
    Snowpaw: 9 points.

    🌊WAVEPAW🌊 is stil in the lead with 54 POINTS, just over halfway to the goal of 100 POINTS! But 🌬MISTYPAW🌬 and ❄️🌸ICEFLOWER🌸❄️ are right on her tail. And the newcomer 🌳Aspenkit🌳 jumped the most on the leaderboard this round. It’s still anyone’s game though!

    Our next round has a theme, and it’s a tricky one 😛 Pay attention to the adult cat’s prefixes to figure it out. ANYONE WHO GUESSES CORRECTLY GETS 7 BONUS POINTS.

    Here’s the hint: All these cats are very different, but all share one thing in common.

    Now, let’s get to our lovely new families:

    In ThunderClan…a family of four:

    Tallfern, a she-cat. A shy but well-rounded warrior, equally good at fighting and hunting. She always worries that she will say the wrong thing, but whenever she does speak up her words are just what needs to be said. She loves to climb trees and can’t wait to teach her kits.
    Crowsong, a tom. A bit of an odd-ball in the Clan, he always tries to create new techniques of hunting and fighting. However, these experiments more often then not end without being a success. Tallfern is the only one who encourages him, and he loves her deeply for always believing in him.

    AND, their kits:
    1 – A lithe black tabby she-cat with ice blue eyes, silver-gray stripes, and a thick feathery pelt.
    2 – A smokey gray she-cat with a paler gray underbelly, long legs, and sky blue eyes.

    In WindClan…a family of seven:

    Leopardtooth, a tom. A cat who has seen many battles, he is wise and cautious about every move and the leader and deputy both often counsel with him because of his gift of analyzing situations. He saw his first mate, Finchsong, be killed in a battle with ThunderClan and as a result is very protective of his mate and kits. His kits find him to be overbearing, but he means well.
    Birchflower, a she-cat. A kind, gentle cat who prefers to serve her Clan by helping in the nursery, though she is fierce like any warrior. She’d had a crush on Leopardtooth since she was an apprentice and he was a newly made warrior. She felt guilty when he fell in love with her after Finchsong’s death, but the other she-cat came to her in a dream and told her that she made her former mate happy in ways that she could not since she walked with StarClan. Now she is content and happy with her family.

    AND, their kits (two litters at different times, the first three then the other two):
    1 – A dappled golden tabby she-cat with pale ginger spots and yellow eyes.
    2 – A brown tabby tom with a white flash on his chest, darker brown stripes, and blue eyes.
    3 – A large golden tom with a thick, short pelt, a white muzzle and paws, and pale blue eyes.
    4 – A pale ginger tabby tom with orange stripes, a fluffy tail, and golden eyes.
    5 – A brown and white tom with a thick shaggy pelt and pale yellow eyes.

    In RiverClan…a family of five:

    Tigertail, a she-cat. A fiery and bold warrior like the great cat she’s named for, she was made the Clan deputy after she saved two apprentices from drowning during a storm surge and the river flooded. She values Clan loyalty above all else and is always ready to defend her home.
    Swiftclaw, a tom. A calm and well mannered cat, he cools his mate’s sometimes hot temper. He often plays with kits, sits and talks to elders, and volunteers to stand guard over the camp at night, even in leaf-bare.

    AND, their kits:
    1 – A dark ginger tabby she-cat with dark brown stripes, an orange underbelly, amber eyes, and a thick plumy tail.
    2 – A white and dark brown tuxedo tom with dark green eyes and a thick oily pelt.
    3 – A white she-cat with leaf green eyes, dark ginger ear tips, one dark ginger paw, and a dark ginger tabby striped tail.

    If you have any questions please ask!

    Good luck and have fun!

    • Tallfern – Silver she-cat with black patches, a white muzzle, silky, long fur, and magnificent heather-blue eyes.
      Crowsong – Skinny, inky black tom with tufty fur that never lays flat, long legs, a nicked ear, and amber eyes.
      Kit #1 – Petalkit, Mistykit, Streamkit
      Kit #2 – Pigeonkit, Cloudkit

      Leopardtooth – Golden-brown tom with thick, shaggy fur, long whiskers, darker spots, and long legs. He has glossy fur, lighter paws, and bright yellow eyes.
      Birchflower – A short, small ginger she-cat with big blue eyes, brown speckles, a white patch over one eye, and a tufty tail.
      Kit #1 – Honeykit, Goldenkit
      Kit #2 – Barkkit (like tree bark, not a dog’s bark 😛 ), Oakkit
      Kit #3 – Lionkit, Sandkit, Rowankit
      Kit #4 – Tigerkit, Sunkit
      Kit #5 – Larchkit, Mudkit, Tawnykit

      Tigertail – Sleek, glossy-pelted russet tabby she-cat with white paws, chest, and ear-tips. She has a short, stubby tail and bright yellow eyes.
      Swiftclaw – Brown tabby tom with white legs, thick fur, a long, thin muzzle, and forest-green eyes.
      Kit #1 – Maplekit, Seedkit
      Kit #2 – Nutkit, Duskkit, Rootkit
      Kit #3 – Snowkit, Redkit, Dawnkit, Fernkit

    • Tallfern-small, long-legged, lithe, pale tawny-brown tabby she-cat with narrow black stripes, a long, winding, plumy, black-tipped tail, snowy-white paws, gray-tipped ears, a narrow build, distinctive grayish-brown markings that resemble leaves, sleek fur, and clear, brilliant, pale leafy-green eyes the color of shaded fern leaves

      Crowsong-lean, short-furred, glossy, pure white tom with dark smoky-gray tabby splotches, a small nick in one ear, a narrow black muzzle like a crow’s beak, very sharp, curled, talon-like claws, a dark gray nose, a thick, bushy, feathery black tail, and sharp, piercing, pale yellow eyes the color of the moon

      Ravenkit, Nightkit, Moonkit
      Skykit, Silverkit, Streamkit

      Leopardtooth-sleek-furred, broad-faced, slender, dappled golden tom with distinctive leopard-like black spots, a long, hooked tooth, long legs, a wiry golden tabby tail, pink ears, a pale yellow underbelly, black paws, and bright, stormy, sun-colored amber eyes the color of a setting sun

      Birchflower-wiry, thick-furred, lightly-framed, pale silver-gray she-cat with small black patches, distinctive light brown tabby splotches the color of birch wood, darker gray markings around her head like flower petals, a very long tail, a deep, V-shaped nick in one ear, and cloudy, leaf-green eyes the color of birch leaves

      Brightkit, Sunkit, Sparkkit
      Splashkit, Mudkit, Puddlekit
      Lionkit, Scorchkit, Blazekit
      Emberkit, Burnkit, Flamekit
      Gorsekit, Bramblekit, Thornkit

      Tigertail-broad-shouldered, triangular-faced, long-furred dark brown tabby she-cat with black tiger-like stripes, an orange-brown tabby tail, a scarred muzzle, white fur dusted around her face, thorn-sharp claws, a broad face and back, and fiery, gleaming, pale amber eyes like that of a tiger’s

      Swiftclaw-lithe, small-framed, long-legged, dark brown-and-white splotched tom with strong, powerful haunches, a broad back, a long, straight tail that streams out when he runs, a small scar across the bridge of his nose, short fur, a black patched face, and bright, clear, sky-blue eyes

      Maplekit, Amberkit, Russetkit
      Harekit, Houndkit, Marshkit
      Berrykit, Crimsonkit, Gingerkit

    • Tallfern – long legged black she-cat with a white chest, paws, and tail tip with light green eyes
      Crowsong – short, lean bodied dark gray tom cat with a short tail and light amber eyes
      Kits – #1 – Violetkit, Featherkit, Frostkit
      #2 – Smokekit, Mistkit, Doekit

      Leopardtooth – thick-furred golden tabby tom with dark brown flecks and a long jagged tooth with yellow eyes
      Birchflower – pale ginger tabby she-cat with a white chest and paws with dark green eyes
      Kits – #1 – Likykit, Wrenkit, Sunkit
      #2 – Stagkit, Ryekit, Flykit
      #3 – Gorsekit, Sandkit, Beechkit
      #4 – Firekit, Cloudkit, Rootkit
      #5 – Buzzardkit, Midgekit, Milkkit

      Tigertail – short-furred russet tabby she-cat with white stripes and pale green eyes
      Swiftclaw – pale brown muscular tom cat with long legs and dark blue eyes
      Kits – #1 – Otterkit, Rainkit, Stormkit
      #2 – Mudkit, Heronkit, Beekit
      #3 – Sweetkit, Brightkit, Storkkit

      The theme is cats that’s siblings died.

    • Tallfern: Tall, thick-furred black she-cat with a dark gray tail-tip, paws, and ears, dark green eyes, and a thick, fluffy tail,
      Crowsong: Slender, short-furred black tom with a long, thin tail, small paws and ears, and fiery amber eyes.
      Kit 1: Nightkit, Featherkit, Icekit
      Kit 2: Smokekit, Skykit, Mistkit

      Leopardtooth: Broad-shouldered, stocky, short-furred chestnut-brown tom with darker spots like a leopard, a long, thin tail, large paws, and amber eyes. He has large paws with long claws and his muzzle is white and crossed with scars.
      Birchflower: Tall, slender pale ginger tabby she-cat with long, paler belly fur, paler ear-tips and tail-tip, small ears and paws, and a long, thin tail. She has a thick, fluffy tail-tip and pale green eyes.
      Kit 1: Dapplekit, Brackenkit, Blazekit
      Kit 2: Twigkit, Frostkit, Rainkit
      Kit 3: Sunkit, Snowkit, Streamkit
      Kit 4: Flamekit, Orangekit, Goldenkit
      Kit 5: Lightningkit, Oakkit, Cloudkit

      Tigertail: Tall, long-furred, broad-shouldered dark brown tabby she-cat with black stripes, black ear-tips, paws, and tail-tip, and brilliant blue eyes. She has a long, thick tail, large paws, and small ears.
      Swiftclaw: Slender, nimble jet-black tom with a splash of white on his chest, a white muzzle, ear-tips, and tail-tip, and pale amber eyes. He has small paws and a whip-thin tail.
      Kit 1: Firekit, Foxkit, Amberkit
      Kit 2: Patchkit, Pinekit, Oakkit
      Kit 3: Snowkit, Blazekit, Leafkit

      Theme is cats that have lost their siblings (Tallstar and Finchkit, Crowfeather and Eaglekit, Leopardstar and her unnamed kit siblings, Birchfall and Hollykit and Larchkit, Tigerstar and Mistkit and Nightkit, and Swiftpaw and his unnamed kit sibling). Plus the first and last pairing are based off cats from the same Clan. Idk if that was intentional or not.

      • Thanks for submitting Wavey!

        Also, not to say that your guess for the theme is correct, but Crowfeather, Leopardstar, and Swiftpaw’s siblings have been named and revealed on Vicky’s Facebook 😆

        Crowfeather: Hillkit and Downkit (down like bird fluff). Eaglekit was an earlier litter of just him.

        Leopardstar: Carpkit, Waterkit, and Oatkit. I guess Brightsky named them in StarClan?

        Swiftpaw: Lynxkit (really really love this one because it makes Lynx- canon 😛 )

    • Family one:
      Tallfern: A slender, lithe, long-legged light cream she-cat with faint light brown stripes, you have to get close to see them. She has a black tail-tip and gray ears and one pure gray hair right on her heart. Her paws are a bit scarred from climbing trees so often. She has leafy green eyes.
      Crowsong: A small smokey black tom with a silver muzzle. His fur is never neat and his tail is matted. He has a slight twist to his mouth from a hunting technique gone wrong. He has blue eyes that are a bit crooked, yet he looks friendly and nice.
      Kit one: Ashkit, Ravenkit
      Kit two: Smokekit, Stonekit, Rainkit
      Family two:
      Leopardtooth: A dappled golden tom with a scarred shoulder. He once had well-groomed fur but it slowly fell apart because of lots of battles he’s been in. He has littered black spots around his paws that come up his legs but slowly fade. He has light ginger spots on his chest. He has amber eyes.
      Birchflower: A wiry pale white and light ginger she-cat with silky fur. She has light brown tabby splotches in shapes that slightly resemble flowers. She has a tiny nick in her right ear. She has creamy yet clear green eyes.
      Kit one: Spotkit, Goldenkit
      Kit two: Snowkit, Twigkit, Frostkit, Barkkit
      Kit three: Lionkit, Lightningkit
      Kit four: Sandkit, Sunkit
      Kit five: Barkkit
      Family five:
      Tigertail: A sleek, agile orange-red tabby with dark gray stripes and cream ear tips. She has a long lustrous whip-like cream tail with a faint orange splotch at the left bottom side. She also has a large groove in her ear and a scar on her shoulder. She has amber eyes.
      Swiftclaw: A ginger and light brown tuxedo tom with a thick furred tail and a smooth pelt. He has white fore-paws and green eyes. His tail has ginger stripes.
      Kit one: Maplekit, Amberkit
      Kit two: Seedkit
      Kit three: Flowerkit, Dappledkit
      Phew! It took me a good half hour to come up with these!
      The theme: Hmm . . . Cats who wanted to love but couldn’t? Something about love? Cats who lost their siblings? I say cats who lost their siblings. I don’t know!

    • ThunderClan:
      Tallfern- Long-legged cream she-cat with faint brown stripes, tiny black spots on her nose, and amber eyes
      Crowsong- Spiky-furred black tom with dark gray paws, eartips, and golden eyes
      Icekit, Ravenkit, Breezekit
      Thistlekit, Smokekit, Ashkit

      Leopardtooth- Lean gold tabby tom with darker flecks, one white paw, and amber eyes
      Birchflower- Small tortoiseshell she-cat with short legs, a fluffy tail, and green eyes
      Honeykit, Sunnykit (lol), Beemoviekit
      Tigerkit, Pinekit, Woodkit
      Lionkit, Lightningkit, Yarrowkit
      Applekit, Gingerkit, Flamekit
      Bearkit (oh my), Marshkit, Owlkit

      Tigertail- Broad-shouldered ginger she-cat with a long tail, a large scar running down her leg, and green eyes
      Swiftclaw- Thin white tom with black splotches, tufted ears, and sky blue eyes
      Foxkit, Squirrelkit, Blazekit
      Branchkit, Volekit, Sparrowkit
      Cloudkit, Maplekit, Frecklekit

      Not sure

      • They all had this experience early in their lives. Thanks for the names Aspenkit!

    • Cats who lost their siblings as kits?

      Tallfern: a small lithe tan and cream tabby she-cat with a white front paw and bright sky blue eyes
      Crowsong: a big dark grey almost black tom with long fur and legs he has piercing ice blue eyes and a random white spot on his chest
      Pebblekit Shinekit Nightkit
      Smokekit Mistkit Mousekit
      Leopardtooth: a big golden tabby tom with long fur and amber eyes
      Birchflower: a sleek brown and white she-cat with a fluffy tail and kind blue eyes
      Yellowkit Lionkit Scorchkit
      Brackenkit Bumblekit Pouncekit
      Flamekit Sunkit Rustkit
      Dapplekit Firekit Hopkit
      Mudkit Splashkit Puddlekit
      Tigertail: a brown tabby she-cat with broad shoulders and speckled with white she has leaf green eyes and a scared muzzle
      Swiftclaw: a ginger tabby tom with orange stripes and a oily pelt he has amber eyes
      Plumkit Sandkit Fernkit
      Bramblekit Duskkit Applekit
      Dawnkit Springkit Minnowkit

    • Tallfern: Tall, black she-cat with dapple white patches along her pelt and long, silky fur. She has emerald eyes.
      Crowsong: Swift, dark gray tom with black stripes and paws and a silver underbelly and chest-fur. He has dark, stormy blue eyes.
      Kit 1: Featherkit, Ravenkit, Frostkit
      Kit 2: Smokekit, Skykit, Sootkit

      Leopardtooth: Large, golden tom with black spots dappling his pelt, thick fur, and striking yellow eyes.
      Birchflower: Dark brown tabby she-cat with black paws, a pale pink nose and warm sky-blue eyes.
      Kit 1: Sunkit, Leopardkit, Lionkit
      Kit 2: Flashkit, Tigerkit, Pinekit
      Kit 3: Lionkit, Emberkit, Blazekit
      Kit 4: Squirrelkit, Goldenkit, Flamekit
      Kit 5: Wolfkit, Mudkit, Splashkit

      Tigertail: Graceful, ginger she-cat with faint white stripes and a long, bushy tail. She has leaf-green eyes.
      Swiftclaw: Thich-furred white tom with dark gray flecks and black paws. Amber eyes.
      Kit 1: Maplekit, Sorrelkit, Goldenkit
      Kit 2: Acornkit, Nutkit, Twigkit
      Kit 3: Sunkit, Snowkit, Lilykit

      Theme: Cats whose brothers and sisters died (Tallstar, Birchfall, etc.)

  • Bluepaw- Blueheather, Bluefire, Bluedapple
    Whitepaw- Whitedawn, Whiteflame, Whitefrost
    Greypaw- Greydusk, Greywillow, Greyleap
    Blackpaw- Blacknose, Blackflight, Blackstep

    Theme is cats that had their mates die/something dramatic happen to them? (Bluestar+Oakheart, Whitestorm+Brindleface, Greystripe+Silverstream, Blackstar+Talloppy)

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