• Results!

    Bright Frost by Iceflower
    Mud Stripes by Frostflower
    Rustling Leaves by Mistlepaw
    Soft Flames by Wavepaw

    New cats!

    #1 – tan tabby she-cat with dark amber eyes
    #2 – light brown tabby tom with a white chest and blue eyes
    #3 – light gray-spotted dark gray she-cat with blue eyes
    #4 – black tom with white paws and blue eyes

    The theme was cats with the prefix Moth-! Mistlepaw was the first to correctly guess the theme, but Mistypaw and Brightstorm also guessed correctly! Great job everyone!

    Mistypaw – 17 points
    Wavepaw – 13 points
    Mistlepaw – 12 points
    Iceflower – 10 points
    Bright Flash in Storm Cloud – 8 points
    Frostflower – 6 points
    Lupinepaw – 4 points
    Snowpaw – 3 points
    Owlheart – 3 points
    Petalfrost – 2 points
    Jayfrost – 1 point
    Willow Beside Small Stream – 1 point

    • Setting Sun, Amber Pebbles, Dusk Clouds
      Snow Flash, Rabbit Tuft, Bramble Stripe
      Rain Speckles, Dappled Stones
      Frost Foot, Dark Sky, Rabbit Shadow

    • 1. Hay Whisker, Yellow Dawn, Soft Sand, Bracken Flower

      2. Twig Claw, Oak’s Shade, Snowy Briar, Thorn Pelt

      3. Spotted Minnow, Leopard Heart, Raining Dawn, Stream’s Ripple

      4. Crow’s Song, Night’s Echo, Darkened Cloud, Raven Foot


      Fallen Branch, Shaded Log
      Splashing Wave, Lapping Water
      Smoky Sky, Night Shadows
      Bounding Rabbit, Darkening Night

    • #1: Rustling Oaks, Night Flames, Fallen Twigs
      #2: Snow Splash, Scraped Bark (tree bark), Light Rain
      #3: Soot Spots, Fallen Stones, Rushing Stream
      #4: Snowy Raven, Splashing Crow, White Paws

    • Sandy Eyes, Small Fin, Tan Scar
      Frozen Stream, Hawk’s Cry, Dust Breeze
      Dappled Fog, Misty Brook, Pebble Soul
      White Foot, Ice Rock, Broken Frost

  • sOOOOOOoOoOooOOOooOOOooOOOooOOOooOoooOooOooOOOOoooooOOooo

    Let’s make a list of RiverClan prefixes
    Cause we can
    RiverClan prefixes = Prefixes only RiverClan really use


    anyone have any more?

  • Names that have to do with singers XD

    Hollysong (Hollyn)
    Tobyleap (TobyMac)
    Macflight (TobyMac)
    Gracedance (Jamie Grace)
    Ryanstep (Ryan Stevenson)
    Brittfall (Britt Nicole)

    XD I am very weird

  • New Game!
    Describe that Leader! (DTL)
    I will give out 4 leader name and you can come up with 1 description for each. Do not copy!
    It will be a race to 15!

    Guess the Theme Too!

    1) Icestar
    2) Drystar
    3) Rainstar
    4) Leafstar

    • Nature?

      Icestar – Pale silver, almost white she-cat with slightly darker spots, a white dash on her chest, and brilliant pale blue eyes.

      Drystar – Dusty brown tabby tom with a white tail, a white splotch on his nose, and yellow eyes.

      Rainstar – Grey tabby she-cat with a dark grey stripe that runs from her nose to the tip of her tail, a nicked ear, and sharp, clear amber eyes.

      Leafstar – Long-legged dark brown tom with thick, glossy fur, wide paws, cream-coloured ear-tips, and holly-green eyes.

    • Icestar – broad shouldered white tom with a black tipped tail and light blue eyes.

      Drystar – sandy brown tabby she-cat with dark brown stripes and green eyes

      Rainstar – small light gray she-cat with white spots and whiskers with bright yellow eyes

      Leafstar – long-furred orange, white, and black tortoiseshell she-cat with pale amber eyes


    • Theme is nature/weather/seasons

      Icestar: Thick-furred, stocky, small white tom with very pale, barely visible gray spots, ear-tips, and muzzle, a short, thick tail, and large paws. He has small ears and pale, ice-blue eyes.
      Drystar: Tall, slender, short-furred light brown tabby she-cat with barely visible stripes, a long, thin tail, and large ears. She has small paws, long legs, and brilliant blue eyes.
      Rainstar: Lithe, thick-furred dark silver-blue tabby she-cat with small ears, darker flecks, and a thick, fluffy tail. She has a paler belly and muzzle and dark blue eyes.
      Leafstar: Short, long-furred pale ginger dappled tom with large, wide paws, a short, thick tail, and small ears. He has short, furry legs, a thick underbelly and tail, and white stripes down the top of his head to his tail. He also has bright, leaf-green eyes.

    • Icestar: Thick furred pale silver tom with bright yellow eyes, a long swooping tail, and a long battle scar across his back. Leader of SkyClan and warrior name was Icecreek.

      Drystar: Pale sandy brown and white tabby she-cat with a white underbelly, chest, and paws, dark blue eyes, and a feathery short pelt. Leader of WindClan and warrior name was Dryfeather.

      Rainstar: Silver gray tabby tom with jagged black stripes like lightning, a thick sleek pelt, and ice blue eyes. Leader of RiverClan and warrior name was Rainstrike.

      Leafstar: Lithe tortoiseshell (ginger, black, and brown) she-cat with ginger patches across her pelt like fallen leaves, black paws, a bushy brown tail, and pale green eyes. The leader of ShadowClan and warrior name was Leafspots.

      Theme is late autumn/winter weather?

    • Icestar- Sleek white she-cat with gray splotches and ice blue eyes
      Drystar- Skinny dark gray tom with a brown tailtip, long whiskers, and yellow eyes
      Rainstar- Thick-furred blue-gray tom with a black tail, paws, and gray eyes
      Leafstar- Slender tan-colored she-cat with darker flecks and leaf-green eyes


    • Nature!

      Icestar-sleek, slender, glossy-furred, very pale silvery-white she-cat with barely visible pure white markings on her back that resemble shattered ice, small, pointed, silver-tipped ears, a light frame, a long, thin, tabby-striped tail, a pink nose, and bright, clear, ice-blue eyes the color of a leafbare/winter sky

      Drystar-long-legged, broad-shouldered, thick-furred, pale golden-brown tom with small, distinctive black spots, a lean, whippy tail, shredded ears, grayish-brown paws, a scarred muzzle and flank, a pelt the color of savanna grass, and brilliant, stormy, pale gold eyes the color of a midday sun

      Rainstar-short-furred, lithe, lean, pale silvery-blue-gray tabby she-cat with small gray flecks that resemble raindrops, a dark, stormy-gray cloud-shaped patch on her chest, a small nick in one ear, thick fur clumping around her neck, and cloudy, watery, pale blue eyes the color of rainwater

      Leafstar-long-furred, wiry, small-framed, light tawny-brown tabby she-cat with pointed, torn, leaf-shaped ears, faint golden tabby stripes, a thick, plumy, bushy ginger tail, small white leaf-shaped patches, dark shady-gray paws, and large, round, light green eyes the color of sunlit leaves

    • Seasons?

      Icestar: a silver tabby she-cat with grey and white spots and stripes she has ice blue eyes
      Drystar: a small dust colored tom with black stripes and green eyes
      Rainstar: a grey/silver she-cat with dark grey paws and leaf green eyes
      Leafstar: a brown tabby she-cat with a white chest and paws a fluffy tail and bright green eyes

  • DTL (Describe that Leader)!

    Icestar- Iceflower with: Pale silver, almost white she-cat with slightly darker spots, a white dash on her chest, and brilliant pale blue eyes.

    Drystar- Wavepaw with: Tall, slender, short-furred light brown tabby she-cat with barely visible stripes, a long, thin tail, and large ears. She has small paws, long legs, and brilliant blue eyes.

    Rainstar- Brightstorm with: Silver gray tabby tom with jagged black stripes like lightning, a thick sleek pelt, and ice blue eyes. Leader of RiverClan and warrior name was Rainstrike.

    Leafstar- Iceflower with: Long-legged Dark brown tom with thick, glossy fur, wide paws, cream-colored ear-tips, and holly-green eyes.

    Iceflower- 2 points
    Brightstorm- 1 point
    Wavepaw- 1 point

    Wavepaw was correct with seasons (Icestar=Winter, Drystar=Summer, Rainstar=Spring, and Leafstar=Fall/Autumn)!

    Brightstorm was half correct with Autumn/Winter!

    New Names
    No Theme

    1) Stonestar
    2) Runningstar
    3) Rabbitstar
    4) Fishstar

    ⭐️ 🍀 GOOD LUCK 🍀 ⭐️️

    • Stonestar – Mottled grey tom with a long, fluffy tail and yellow eyes.
      Runningstar – Sleek, long-legged smoky grey she-cat with white legs and pale green eyes.
      Rabbitstar – Black-and-white tom with large ears, thick, tufty fur, and big, dark, cobalt blue eyes.
      Fishstar – Silver tabby tom with barely visible stripes, white flecks, black ears, and sunny yellow eyes.

    • Stonestar: Short, thick-furred pale gray tabby tom with a fluffy, thick tail, short legs, and small ears. He has a white muzzle, underbelly, and tail-tip, pale blue eyes, and large paws.
      Runningstar: Lean, slender, short-furred dark ginger tabby tom with darker ear-tips, paws, underbelly, and tail-tip. He has a long; thin tail, small paws, and dark green eyes.
      Rabbitstar: Stocky, short-furred white she-cat with black ears, muzzle, chest, and tail-tip. She has small paws and ears, a long, thin tail, and fiery amber eyes.
      Fishstar: Sleek, thick-furred blue-gray she-cat with darker flecks, ear-tips, and paws. She has small ears, wide, large paws, and brilliant blue eyes. She also has a long, thick tail and a wide, notably flat head.

    • Stonestar: Smokey gray tom with a thick, fluffy pelt, a pale silver underbelly and ears, and bright blue eyes. Leader of ThunderClan and warrior name was Stonetuft.

      Runningstar: Lithe ginger tabby she-cat with orange stripes, a white muzzle and paws, a russet underbelly, and leaf green eyes. Leader of WindClan and warrior name was Runningpoppy.

      Rabbitstar: Mottled brown and cream tabby she-cat with thin dark brown, almost black stripes, a cream colored flash on his chest, muzzle, and paws, and dark amber eyes. Leader of ShadowClan and warrior name was Rabbitwhisker.

      Fishstar: Pale brown and gray splotchy tom with pale green eyes, a long glossy pelt, and small dark gray spots on his chest and tail. Leader of RiverClan and warrior name was Fishleap.

    • Stonestar- Large dark gray tom with lighter patches, white paws, and amber eyes
      Runningstar- Long-legged light brown tabby she-cat with black muzzle, tailtip, and green eyes
      Rabbitstar- Small dark brown she-cat with silver underbelly, eartips, a stumpy tail, and golden eyes
      Fishstar- Fluffy white tom with a silver stripe running down his back, small black splotches, and blue eyes

      Doubt I’m gonna win cause I fail at detailed descriptions DX

    • Stonestar – thick-furred dark gray tom with a large ruff and a lighter gray paws and tail with piercing yellow eyes. Warrior name was Stonestep.

      Runningstar – long-legged lithe pale brown she-cat with white spots on her hindquarters and extremely pale blue, almost white, eyes. Warrior name was Runningfawn.

      Rabbitstar – small light gray tom with a white bobbed tail and long white whiskers with leaf green eyes. Warrior name was Rabbitspring.

      Fishstar – long-furred pure black she-cat with a nicked left ear and pale amber eyes. Warrior name was Fishstorm.

    • Stonestar: Huge, broad shouldered dark gray tom with a white underbelly and white tufted ears, a short, lighter gray, fluffy tail, and amber eyes.
      Runningstar: Tall, brown tabby she-cat, thin, sleek fur and a long tail, white tipped tail, yellow eyes.
      Rabbitstar: Skinny, orange tabby tom. small, white paws, dark ginger stripes, white underbelly, leaf-green eyes.
      Fishstar: SIlver, slightly fluffy pelt, dappled pale silver, left front paw is a pale silver, ice-blue eyes.

    • Stonestar: Huge, broad shouldered dark gray tom with a white underbelly and white tufted ears, a short, lighter gray, fluffy tail, and amber eyes.
      Runningstar: Tall, brown tabby she-cat, thin, sleek fur and a long tail, white tipped tail, yellow eyes.
      Rabbitstar: Skinny, orange tabby tom. small white paws, dark ginger stripes, white underbelly, leaf-green eyes.
      Fishstar: SIlver tom, slightly fluffy pelt, dappled pale silver, left front paw is a pale silver, ice-blue eyes.

    • Stonestar- thick furred gray speckled tom with broad shoulders an black paws and piercing blue eyes.

      Runningstar- lithe, ginger she-cat with emerald green eyes a thin white stripes.

      Rabbitstar- Graceful, tan colored she-cat with dark brown paws and bright leaf-green eyes.

      Fishstar- Silver tabby tom with black stripes, underbelly, and paws. He has dark sea-green eyes.


    • Awwww mine didn’t get moddded fast enough (or I just suck at this)

      Stonestar-thick-furred, broad-faced, lean, dark stone-gray tabby tom with snowy-white flecks, black stone-shaped patches, a deep nick in one ear, a scarred muzzle, a plumy, bushy silver tail, a silver-tinged muzzle, a long-furred pure white chest, and clear, brilliant, watery grayish-blue eyes the color of water running over stones

      Runningstar-lithe, long-legged, slender, pale grayish-brown tabby tom with black stripes, a narrow muzzle, small, neat ears, dark gray paws, a long, wiry tail, a pure white underbelly, small golden-brown dapples, golden fur tinged around his neck, and bright, stormy, fiery amber eyes the color of a dusk sky

      Rabbitstar-long-furred, plump, sleek, snowy-white tom with gray-tipped fur, a short, stumpy, fluffy white tail, a gray-brown speckled flank, large, pointed ears, a dark gray nose, strong, powerful haunches, white fur dusted on top of his head, and large, round, dark gray eyes like that of a rabbit’s

      Fishstar-short-furred, glossy, wiry, pale orange-ginger dappled tom with dark golden markings that resemble fish scales, a thin, long-furred tail, dark ginger legs, golden-orange patches around his face, and cloudy, misty, pale blue eyes the color of riverwater

    • Stonestar: a big grey tom with broad shoulders and blue/grey eyes
      Runningstar: a lithe tan she-cat with long legs and green eyes
      Rabbitstar: a light brown tabby she-cat with long fur and amber eyes
      Fishstar: a small silver Tom with ice blue eyes

    • Stonestar- fluffy long haired light grey tom with deep amber eyes and white feet (warrior name would be Stonetuft)
      Runningstar- sleek, lean dark brown tabby she-cat with a light grey, almost white, patch of fur on her chest and bright yellow eyes (warrior name would be Runningsnow)
      Rabbitstar- cream she-cat with black feet and eartips and jade green eyes (warrior name would be Rabbitdusk)
      Fishstar- ginger tabby tom with white spots down his back and dark blue eyes (warrior name would be Fishdapple)

      Idk why I put the warrior names 🙂

  • Can I start a Name That Kit? (If that is what it is called.)

    1: Black and white she-cat patched she-cat with copper eyes. (OC Description)
    2: Fluffy yellow tabby tom with amber eyes. (Another OC Description. XD)
    3: Bushy-furred cream tom with darker muzzle and tabby stripes.
    4: White she-cat with vibrant blue eyes and black tail tip.

    There is no theme, by the way. There will be 5 rounds, and the winner will get 1 point in the next NTK. 🙂

  • Results
    Everyone guessed the theme.

    1. Blueshine- Shadowfox
    2. Bluestorm- Shadowfox and Petalfrost
    3. Bluebird- Mistlepaw

    1. Whitepool- Shadowfox and Aspenkit
    2. Whitefeather- Brightstorm and Wavepaw
    3. Whitecloud- Shadowfox, Mistlepaw, and Wavepaw

    1. Grayfall- Brightstorm
    2. Graywhisker- Aspenkit, Shadowfox, and Petalfrost
    3. Graypetal- Aspenkit

    1. Blackheart- Shadowfox
    2. Blackmist- Aspenkit
    3. Blackflower- Brightstorm and Petalfrost

    1. Brightstorm-81
    2. Wavepaw-79
    3. Shadowfox-55
    4. Willowkit-53
    5. Mistypaw-52
    6. Mistlepaw-48
    7. Frostflower-31
    8. Aspenkit-27
    9. Snowpaw-20
    10. Petalfrost-18
    11. Willowstream -18
    12. Flashtail-14
    13. Dawnheart-12
    14. Brightpaw-12
    15. Lupinepaw-9
    16. Oatpaw-9
    17. Asterpaw-8
    18. Russetfeather-6
    19. Sunpaw-5
    20. Darkkit-4
    21. Moonkit-4
    22. Breezefire-3

    You can make 1-5 names per cat. You can use the same name as someone else, but don’t copy people and don’t frame people for taking your name.
    Point system
    I’ll pick the top 3 names. If you win the number 1 name and it’s yours alone you get 3 points. If you win the number 2 or 3 name and it’s yours alone you get 2 points. If you share a name with anyone you get 1 point.


    • Maplepaw: Maplefall, Mapleleaf, Maplecloud
      Tigerpaw: Tigerstorm, Tigersun, Tigerblaze
      Darkpaw: Darkstem, Darkflame, Darkfang
      Hawkpaw: Hawkflight, Hawkleap, Hawkfeather

        • 😆 I forgot! Theme is….. Cats that played important roles that went to the dark forest? (Hawkfrost, Mapleshade, Tigerclaw, and Darkstripe)

    • I also had Blackflower 🙂

      Maplepaw: Mapleflower, Maplefall. Maplesplash, Maplestorm

      Tigerpaw: Tigerstrike, Tigerleap, Tigerstep, Tigersong

      Darkpaw: Darksky, Darkstorm, Darkcloud, Darkfeather. Darkstalker

      Hawkpaw: Hawkfeather, Hawkflight, Hawktalon, Hawksong

      Theme is major villains from the Dark Forest who are all from ThunderClan or have ThunderClan blood (Mapleshade, Tigerstar, Darkstripe, Hawkfrost)

    • Woo! 1st!

      Maplestorm, Mapletail, Mapledawn, Maplebreeze

      Tigerfang, Tigerstripe, Tigerleap, Tigerpelt

      Darkbird, Darkcloud, Darkhawk, Darkfern

      Hawkflight, Hawktalon, Hawkdapple, Hawkshade

      The theme is cats from the Dark Forest (Mapleshade, Tigerstar, Darkstripe, and Hawkfrost)

    • Theme: Dark Forest Cats (Mapleshade, Tigerstar, Darkstripe, Hawkfrost)
      Maplegaze, Mapleflight, Mapleclaw
      Tigerlight, Tigerpelt, Tigerdawn
      Darkflame, Darkfire, Darkcloud
      Hawkdusk, Hawksong, Hawksky

    • Mapleshadow, Mapledawn, Maplestream
      Tigereye, Tigerfire, Tigerstripe
      Darkshade, Darksun, Darksong
      Hawkflight, Hawkstep, Hawkwingdawn
      The theme is Dark Forest cats!
      (Ack I typed cars at first 😛)

    • Ooh! I haven’t played in awhile! 🙁

      Mapleflower, Maplebreeze, Maplestorm
      Tigershade, Tigerstorm, Tigershadow
      Darkshade, Darksky, Darkstorm
      Hawkflight, Hawkbreeze, Hawkstorm

      theme: Villans of ThunderClan that went to the DF? Mapleshade, Tigerstar, Darkstripe, Hawkfrost

    • mapleclaws, mapleleaf, maplewing, mapleshadow
      tigerpelt, tigerclaw, tigerfrost, tigertail
      darkclaw, darkshadow, darkpool, darkpelt
      hawytalon, hawkclaws, hawkwing, hawkfeather

    • Mapleleaf,mapleflight,maplewing

      The theme is dark forest Cats who all come from thunderclan

    • Maplesplash,Maplewish,Mapleshadow,Maplegaze,Maplelight
      Theme:dark forest cats(Mapleshade,Tigerclaw/star,Darkstripe,Hawkfrost)

    • Dark Forest Cats?

      Maplesong, Mapleheart, Mapleflower
      Tigerfang, Tigerfoot, Tigerleap
      Darknight, Darkcloud, Darkheart
      Hawkflight, Hawktalon, Hawkscreech

      Wait.. why is everyone saying villains from ThunderClan…. Hawkfrost is from RiverClan

  • Theam of riverclan cats
    Mistystripe – grey shecat with dark black stripes
    Puddlepaw-brown tabby tom whith white socks
    Willowreed- silver shecat with blue eyes and white patches
    Lillytail -tan tabby shecat with green eyes and a white tailtip

  • I have more fan fiction names! But I’m not finished with it yet . . . but here are the characters!
    I’ll post more soon!

  • Results for my Name That Kit!
    (Sorry if it is too early, but lots of you commented)

    #1 Kit: 1: Eclipsekit by Breezeshade! 2: Flowerkit by Owlheart! 3: Cloudkit by Dewpaw, Wavepaw, Willowpaw, and Frostflower!
    #2 Kit: 1: Canarykit by Aspenkit! 2: Shinekit by Frostflower! 3: Sparkkit by Misty!
    #3 Kit: 1: Milk-kit by Breezeshade, Willowpaw, and Russet feather of Thanksgiving Turkey! 2: Buzzardkit by Dewpaw! 3: Nutkit by Brightstorm!
    #4 Kit: 1: Sheepkit by Russetfeather! (Is that u?) 2: Blizzardkit by Russetfeather! 3: Dovekit by Dewpaw!

    Dewpaw: 21
    Brightstorm: 19
    Russetfeather/Russet Feather Of Thanksgiving Turkey: 18
    Frostflower: 18
    Willowpaw: 18
    Wavepaw: 15
    Owlheart: 15
    Aspenkit: 15
    Mistlepaw: 15

    This round will have a theme, so as well as making epic names, you need to guess it. 😛 Whoever gets it right will get 2 points.

    1: Red-brown tom with green eyes.
    2: Pale fawn-and-white she-cat with amber eyes.
    3: Sturdy brown tom with amber eyes.
    4: Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes.
    Good luck! 🙂

  • DTL (Describe That Leader)!

    (Note: If there are 5 or more players you will not win 2 points.)

    Stonestar- Russetfeather with: Thick-furred dark gray tom with a large ruff and lighter gray paws and tail with piercing yellow eyes. Warrior name was Stonestep.

    Runningstar- Mistletail with: Lithe, long-legged, slender, pale grayish-brown tabby tom with black stripes, a narrow muzzle, small, neat ears, dark gray paws, a long, wiry tail, a pure white underbelly, small golden-brown dapples, golden fur tinged around his neck, and bright, stormy, fiery amber eyes the color of the dusk sky.

    Rabbitstar- Dewpaw/Dewberry with: Skinny, orange tabby tom with small white paws, dark ginger stripes, white underbelly, and leaf-green eyes.

    Fishstar- Aspenkit with: Fluffy white tom with a silver stripe running down his back, small black splotches, and blue eyes.

    You guys are GOOD! I had the hardest time choosing!

    Iceflower- 2 points
    Brightstorm- 1 point
    Wavepaw- 1 point
    Russetfeather- 1 point
    Mistletail- 1 point
    Dewpaw/Dewberry- 1 point
    Aspenkit- 1 point

    Next Round!
    Guess the theme!
    1) Ashstar
    2) Stormstar
    3) Heatherstar
    4) Cinderstar

    Have A Four-Leaf Clover! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

    • Ashstar: Lean dappled pale tom with pale silver spots across his pelt and leaf green eyes. Leader of ThunderClan and warrior name was Ashpelt.

      Stormstar: Smokey gray she-cat with a thick, long pelt, nicked ears, a silver underbelly and chest, and pale yellow eyes. Leader of ShadowClan and warrior name was Stormfeather.

      Heatherstar: Golden brown tabby she-cat wth thin crisscrossing darker brown stripes, white paws, and amber eyes. Leader of WindClan and warrior name was Heathercloud.

      Cinderstar: Large dark ginger tabby tom with gray patches over his ears, chest, and tail, faint reddish brown stripes, and dark blue eyes. Leader of SkyClan and warrior name was Cinderstripe.

    • Ashstar- Thick-furred gray tom with white flecks on his pelt and bright blue eyes. Formerly Ashdapple.
      Stormstar- Battle-scarred silver tom with a dark gray stripe running down his back, one blind eye, and amber eyes. Formerly Stormfrost.
      Heatherstar- Small light brown she-cat with darker and white splotches, a long tail, and light gray eyes. Formerly Heatherstripe.
      Cinderstar- Lean pale gray tabby she-cat with white paws and sparkling blue eyes. Formerly Cinderflight.

    • Ashstar – short-furred pale gray tabby she-cat with white spots and light blue eyes. Warrior name was Ashflower.

      Stormstar – large, broad-shouldered, long-furred dark brown tabby tom with a white chest, large paws, and dark green eyes. Warrior name was Stormflash.

      Heatherstar – pale cream-colored she-cat with dark brown paws and tail with bright yellow eyes. Warrior name was Heatherthorn.

      Cinderstar – long furred black tom with a large ruff and extremely fluffy tail with dark gray spots on his chest and hindquarters. Warrior name was Cinderspots.

      Can I have a hint?

    • Ashstar: a big dappled gray tom with broad shoulders and dark grey paws his tail is fluffy and the tip of it is black he has ice blue eyes warrior name was Ashburn
      Stormstar: a dark grey tabby tom with black stripes and flecks he has piercing green eyes warrior name was Stormfang
      Heatherstar: a small light brown tabby she-cat with black and white stripes a white paw and leaf green eyes warrior name was Heathermist
      Cinderstar: a sleek grey she-cat with white spots and black paws she has pale blue eyes warrior name was Cinderdusk

    • Ashstar: Thick furred gray tabby tom with black flecks and ice blue eyes. Warrior name: Ashstorm

      Stormstar: Dark gray tabby tom with broad shoulders and striking amber eyes. Warrior name: Stormbreeze

      Heatherstar: Small, tan she-cat with long silky fur and white stripes. Yellow eyes. Warrior name: Heatherleaf

      Cinderstar: Jet-black she-cat with silver splashes and frosty blue eyes. Warrior name: Cindersplash


    • Ashstar – Lithe, graceful silver she-cat with black patches and white flecks. She has soft, feathery fur, a long tail, and huge blue-green eyes. Warrior name was Ashwillow.

      Stormstar – Tall, muscular blue-grey mackerel tabby tom with a short white tail, long, thin legs, thick, smooth fur, and yellow eyes. Warrior name was Stormwhisper.

      Heatherstar – Small, delicate golden-brown she-cat with white legs, a white muzzle, and barely visible tabby stripes. She has a long, thin muzzle, feathery ears, a thick tail, and holly-green eyes. Warrior name was Heatherleaf.

      Cinderstar – Dark, smoky grey tom with black points, nicked ears, a long scar on his neck, and unruly, tufty fur. He has a black ear and pale, milky yellow eyes. Warrior name was Cindershade.

    • Ashstar-thick-furred, broad-shouldered, large, dark ash-gray tabby tom with small, darker markings like soot, small, pointed ears, sleek black stripes, a pale silver underbelly, a pink nose, a battle-scarred muzzle, a plumy black tail-tip, and large, brilliant blue eyes the color of blue fire

      Stormstar-sleek, long-legged, wiry, dark stormy-gray tom with a bushy, plumy black tail, a triangular face, white fur dusted on top of his head, a face that narrows towards his muzzle, a long scar that stretches from his neck to his tail, ebony-black storm cloud-shaped patches around his eyes, a clear, pale yellow eyes the color of lightning

      Heatherstar-slender, short-furred, glossy, light brown tabby she-cat with tiny dark brown paws, a long, winding, white-tipped tail, a smoky white chest and belly, a narrow, gray-dusted muzzle, long legs, distinctive, small golden dapples along her flank, and bright, watery, lavender-blue eyes the color of heather

      Cinderstar-long-furred, broad-faced, small, dark smoky-gray she-cat with a long, fluffy, bushy, plumy tail, a black-streaked pelt, a silver muzzle, jet-black paws, gently tapered ears, a snub nose, a pure, snow-white underbelly, thick fur clumping around her tail-tip and muzzle, and cloudy, stormy, pale sky-blue eyes

      Theme is… Warriors love triangles? Stormfur, Ashfur, & Squirrelflight? Heathertail, Cinderheart, and Lionblaze?

  • Alright, I’m gonna revive my NTA

    Chestnutpaw-dark brown tabby tom with a cream-colored underbelly and amber eyes
    Canon Names; None

    Lavenderpaw-light brown tabby she-cat with dark paws, a white tail-tip, and lavender-blue eyes
    Canon Names: None

    Marigoldpaw-small tortoiseshell-and-white splotched she-cat with green eyes
    Canon Names: None

    Hillpaw-lean, pale gray tabby tom with a white underbelly and pale green eyes
    Canon Names: None

    • Chestnutpaw: Chestnutleaf, Chestnutfall, Chestnutstem, Chestnutflower

      Lavenderpaw: Lavenderleaf, Lavenderberry, Lavenderstem, Lavendersky

      Marigoldpaw: Marigoldleaf, Marigoldstem, Marigoldsong, Marigoldbreeze

      Hillpaw: Hillbreeze, Hillflower, Hillsong, Hillgrass

    • Chestnutbelly Chestnutsky Chestnuttooth
      Lavendereyes Lavenderpelt Lavendermoon
      Marigoldclaw Marigoldfall Marigoldpool
      Hillflower Hillgaze Hillspark

    • Chestnutfur, Chestnutleaf, Chestnutstorm, Chestnutshade

      Lavenderstem, Lavenderpetal, Lavendertail, Lavenderwing

      Marigoldfern, Marigoldbreeze, Marigoldshine, Marigoldpatch

      Hillstep, Hillgorse, Hillbreeze, Hillwhisker

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