• Results!

    Hay Whisker by Bright Flash in Storm Cloud
    Snow Splash by Wavepaw
    Night Shadows by Mistlepaw
    Broken Frost by Owlheart

    New cats!

    #1 – broad-shouldered dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
    #2 – flame colored ginger tabby tom with leaf green eyes
    #3 – tawny colored she-cat with light blue eyes and dark brown colored tail and paws
    #4 – light brown tabby she-cat with a white chest and paws with light green eyes

    There is a theme this time! Hint: What these cats have in common is about their kin

    Mistypaw – 17 points
    Wavepaw – 16 points
    Mistlepaw – 15 points
    Bright Flash in Storm Cloud – 11 points
    Iceflower – 10 points
    Frostflower – 6 points
    Owlheart – 6 points
    Lupinepaw – 4 points
    Snowpaw – 3 points
    Petalfrost – 2 points
    Jayfrost – 1 point
    Willow Beside Small Stream – 1 point

  • Results! Sorry it took so long! 😛

    Kit #1!

    Nettlekit by Brightstorm, and. . .

    Poppykit by Petalfrost!

    Kit #2!

    Gorsekit by Oatpaw, and. . .

    Fluffkit by Mistlepaw!

    Kit #3!

    Pigeonkit by Aspenkit, and. . .

    Hailkit by Brightstorm!

    Kit #4!

    Doekit by Mistypaw, and. . .

    Twigkit by Wavepaw!

    The theme was ThunderClan medicine cats (Spottedleaf, Jayfeather, Goosefeather, Leafpool) 🙂

    Next round! There’s no theme this time.

    Kit #1 – Fluffy white tom with faint grey speckles and yellow eyes.
    Kit #2 – Ginger tabby she-cat with small, tufty ears, a brown tipped tail, and green eyes..
    Kit #3 – Graceful silver she-cat with thick black stripes, a white forepaw, and emerald-green eyes.
    Kit #4 – Cream tom with black patches, a black splotch over one eye, and amber eyes.

    1.. Brightstorm (20 points)
    2. Willowstream (18 points)
    3. Mistypaw, Wavepaw (17 points)
    4. Owlheart (13 points)
    5. Frostflower (11 points)
    6. Mistlepaw (10 points)
    7. Lupinepaw (8 points)
    8. Dawnheart (6 points)
    9. Aspenkit (5 points)
    10. Petalfrost (4 points)
    11. Oatpaw (2 points)
    12. Robinpaw, Shadowpaw, Dawnpaw (1 point)

    Have fun! Tell me if I missed anything. 🙂

    • Kit 1: Lightningkit, Specklekit, Mistykit

      Kit 2: Flamekit, Brackenkit, Leafkit

      Kit 3: Silverkit, Ravenkit, Emeraldkit

      Kit 4: Lightkit, Patchkit, Blazekit

    • Rainkit, Snowkit, Specklekit, Creekkit

      Poppykit, Robinkit, Dawnkit, Rosekit

      Streamkit, Brookkit, Featherkit, Frostkit

      Weaselkit, Sandkit, Patchkit, Bumblekit

    • Rainkit, Fogkit, Mistkit
      Tuftkit, Fluffykit, Redkit
      Silverkit, Ripplekit, Bubblekit
      Foxkit, Lionkit, Falconkit

    • Mudkit, Marshkit, Fogkit
      Tuftkit, Maplekit, Amberkit
      Waterkit, Clearkit, Mistkit
      Solarkit, Sunkit, Shadowkit

    • Snowkit, Blizzardkit, Cloudkit
      Gingerkit, Goldenkit, Sparkkit
      Dovekit, Streamkit, Pebblekit
      Duskkit, Sunkit, Blazekit

    • Snowkit, Blizzardkit, Leopardkit
      Molekit, Stagkit, Fawnkit
      Sorrelkit, Streamkit, Splashkit
      Sandykit, Duskkit, Harekit

    • Ashkit Fallenkit Frostkit
      Sandkit Brightkit Sparkkit
      Splashkit Quietkit Badgerkit
      Patchkit Blackkit Duskkit

    • You missed Snowbreeze: 0 points. Just kidding. 🙂
      Kit one: Pebblekit, Eaglekit, Specklekit, Dewkit
      Kit two: Flamekit, Sandkit, Sparkkit
      Kit three: Silverkit, Ripplekit, Streamkit, Leafkit, Splashkit
      Kit four: Patchkit, Creamkit, Scorchkit
      Sorry for the joke up above.

  • Well, HOI THERE! I’ve decided to do a game thingie…but since I’m wayyyyyyy tooooooooo laaaaaazzzzyyyyyyy I’m going to only do three rounds. And um, um, um the first place prize…will be…I dunno, your very own character in my fanfiction? 😛 (It so happens that I need ONE MORE SKYCLAN CAT and can’t think of a good enough name…gee, how convenient 😛) (Or if you think that idea is mouse-brained well you get a virtual plushie of your very self XD)
    But yeah! This is a Name That Warrior game (because Warriors) soooooo here goes!
    There is a theme…and they will get increasingly harder…MWA HA HA HA

    Winning name gets 3 points, second place 2, third place 1, and any lower than that, well better luck next time! 😀
    Shared names get you one point, canon names get you zero unless it’s a supremely minor character. Theme guessed correctly gets you an extra point.
    Let’s get started!
    PS- If I got the description wrong, I offer my apologies in advance!

    1) broad-shouldered, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes, with a torn ear and pelt rippled with battle scars
    2) lean tortoiseshell she-cat with sparkling green eyes (sorry for extremely short description)
    3) slender silver-tabby she-cat with soft blue eyes and a plumy tail
    4) small, lithe very dark gray tom with hard blue eyes and a perpetually grumpy expression (if this doesn’t give the theme away I don’t know what will XD)

    Yay! Good luck! 😀😀😀

    • Shadebriar, Darkhawk, Mudstripe, Duskflight

      Runningpoppy, Twigflower, Dappledwhisker, Sparrowtail

      Minnowpool, Ripplefur, Silverclaw, Fogfeather

      Pricklenose, Ashdusk, Nightbreeze, Icegaze

      The theme is the chosen cats for the quest for Midnight (Bramblestar, Tawnypelt, Feathertail, and Crowfeather)

    • The theme is the cats who left to find midnight!
      Bramblepatch, Darkscar, Falconclaw,
      Leafwing, Blossomwillow, Sweetpetal
      Featherbreeze, Winddusk, Dawnlight
      Crowwing, grumpyoldcat, Mistfang, Darkfrost.

    • Mudfang, Marshpelt, Oakscar
      Leafspots, Dapplewing, Sedgecloud
      Clearpool, Ripplesong, Fallingwater
      Smokefur, Nightstorm, Darkcloud

      Cats who were chosen to go on the journey to the sun-drown-place?

    • 1) Tigersong, Mudfang, Pineblaze

      2) Dapplesky, Leafpetal, Morningsky

      3) Stonesplash, Mistysky, Silversplash

      4) Stormsplash, Rainsky, Rockstorm

      Theme is cats who were chosen to find Midnight (Brambleclaw/star, Tawnypelt, Feathertail, Crowpaw/feather)

    • Bramblescar Brackentooth Darkcloud
      Tawnyleaf Spottedpool Whisperfang
      Feathersun Silvernight Mistbreeze
      Crowsnap Nightfang Duskheart Grumpyface

      The theme is Bramblestar, Tawnypelt, Feathertail, and Crowfeather. Cats who were chosen to go to sun-drown place.

    • Tigerflame, Hawkfire, Dustcloud
      Leafswift, Poppyflower, Morningdawn
      Featherpool, Streamshine, Silversky
      Crowflight, Nightmoon, Darkwing
      The theme is the cats who go to find Midnight.

    • Theme is cats chosen to go to the sun-drown place (Bramblestar, Tawnypelt, Crowfeather and Feathertail)
      Tigerscar, Dustwhisker or Hawkclaw
      Poppyleaf, Sorrelheart or Brindlewhisker
      Featherwind, Softwhisker or Cloudbreeze
      Smokefeather, Darkwind or Ashwing

  • Hey! So, I’m SO sorry that results have taken this long! I was supposed to get the last round out on Halloween… that didn’t happen ( 😛 ) so here are the final results! I made them awhile ago and when I was writing my fanfic, I accidentally deleted the results so I forget the final points ( 🙁 ) but I remember who the winner is… 😀

    The champion of Game 2 is…. *drumroll* BRIGHTSTORM!!!! 😀 😀 Congrats! You will get a 5 point bonus for this new round if you want to play! 🙂

    Hall of Fame:

    ROUND 1: Wavepaw!
    ROUND 2: Brightstorm!

    New Round! Name that Ancient Family!

    So I will be starting a NTAF! 🙂 Rules:

    ~I will give the you the parents and you describe them
    ~I will give the kits’ descriptions and you give them Ancient Names.
    ~Please no cheating! If you have the same name as someone else, it’s okay but just don’t cheat on purpose. Thank you!
    ~ 1-4 names per kit please!
    ~As always, have fun! And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me!

    Round 1:

    Dark Shadows: A tom. Mates with Pale Roses.
    Pale Roses. A she-cat. Mates with Dark Shadows.
    Kit 1: Dark gray tabby tom-kit with white paws and ice-blue eyes.
    Kit 2: Pale brown she-kit with dark brown stripes, a pale pink nose, and emerald eyes.
    Kit 3: Smokey gray she-kit with pale brown splotches and silky fur. Leaf-green eyes.

    Quiet Ferns: A she-cat. Mates with Storm Shadows.
    Storm Shadows: A tom. Mates with Quiet Ferns.
    Kit 1: Snow-white she-kit with russet ear-tips and hazel eyes.
    Kit 2: Black tom-kit wit faint russet stripes and a bushy tail. Amber eyes.

    Good luck! 😀

    • Dark Shadows: a black tom with grey flecks and dark piercing blue eyes
      Pale Roses ( I love this name): a small pale tabby she-cat with white paws and a pink nose she has gentle pinkish colored eyes
      Frosted Crow, Dark River, Icy Breeze
      Emerald Rose, Bright Sky, Pink Rain
      Silky Leaf, Night Sparks, Darkened Forest
      Quiet Ferns: a lithe brown tabby she-cat with long legs and fur that gets caught on every bush despite that she is surprisingly sure footed when running on the moor she has green eyes the color of ferns
      Storm shadows: a big smokey grey tom with really big paws and broad shoulders he has dark green eyes
      Hazel Wind, Russet Snow, Scorched Frost
      Bushy Trees, Bloody Badger, Red Sun

    • Dark Shadows – Inky black tom with silver paws and amber eyes.
      Pale Roses – Cream-coloured she-cat with dark brown points, a long tail, and kind green eyes.
      Kit #1 – Broken Ice, Soot Stripes
      Kit #2 – Swirling Dust, Swaying Bracken
      Kit #3 – Smoke Swirl, Bright Leaves

      Quiet Ferns – Soft-furred white she-cat with ginger tabby patches and a short tail, and dark blue eyes.
      Storm Shadows – Dark grey mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes.
      Kit #1 – Rose Shadow, Snow Splash, Feather Frost
      Kit #2 – Sun Streaks, Fox Tail

    • Congrats, Bright! 😀

      Dark Shadows: Small yet stocky very dark brown, almost black, tom with barely visible black spots, dark amber eyes, and small black ears.
      Pale Roses: Tall, long-furred very pale ginger, almost white, she-cat with white ear-tips, muzzle, and belly, and pale, rosy-amber eyes.
      Kit 1: Storm Splash, Gray Clouds, Sparkling Ice
      Kit 2: Oak Flower, Bracken Leaf, Emerald Lakes
      Kit 3: Smoky Sky, Dark Leaves, Swaying Ferns

      Quiet Ferns: Short-furred jet-black she-cat with a splash of white on her chest, white muzzle, ears, and tail-tip, small ears, and pale green eyes.
      Storm Shadows: Tall, stocky, broad-shouldered, thick-furred dark gray tom with black patches, ear-tips, paws, and tail-tip, a short, thick tail, short legs, and dark blue eyes.
      Kit 1: Snowy Fox, Cloudy Sunrise, Frosty Breeze.
      Kit 2: Night Fox, Running Squirrel, Sunset Raven

    • Wow I won 😸 Thanks so much and congrats to everyone who played!

      Dark Shadows: Smokey gray tabby tom with dark gray stripes, long white limbs, and ice blue eyes.

      Pale Roses: Long, silky furred pale brown she-cat with a dark brown underbelly and ear tips, a white muzzle, and bright green eyes.

      Kit 1: Dark Rain, Shaded Frost, Gray Cloud, Icey Step

      Kit 2: Striped Rose, Twig Leaf, Sparrow’s Wing, Willow Branch

      Kit 3: Shadowed Dawn, Long Petal, Pine Flower, Smoke Fur

      Quiet Ferns: Small russet tabby she-cat with white legs, muzzle, and chest, dark ginger stripes, a long swooping tail like a fern branch, and hazel eyes.

      Storm Shadows: Fluffy black tom with a white underbelly and paws, a plumy tail, and sharp amber eyes.

      Kit 1: Snow Ember, White Hazel, Red Ear, Pale Blaze

      Kit 2: Tiger’s Shadow, Night Breeze, Dark Wing, Faded Sun

    • Congratulations, Bright!

      Dark Shadows: strong dark gray tom with black flecks and piercing ice-blue eyes
      Pale Roses (amazing name btw): small long-furred white she-cat with soft rosy pink eyes and a pale pink nose
      Kit 1- Wolf Song, Jay’s Call, Shadowed Snow
      Kit 2- Willow Leaf, Heather Wind, Swift Hare
      Kit 3- Willow Shade, Flowing Breeze,

      Storm Shadows: thickset mottled dark gray tom with a torn ear, battle scars across his pelt, and amber eyes
      Quiet Ferns: lithe pale ginger she-cat with snow-white paws and sparkling green eyes
      Kit 1- Swirling Leaves, Red Blossom, Sunset Sky
      Kit 2- Raven Swoop, Black Flame, Squirrel Tail

    • Congratulations, Bright!

      Dark Shadows: strong dark gray tom with black flecks and piercing ice-blue eyes
      Pale Roses (amazing name btw): small long-furred white she-cat with soft rosy pink eyes and a pale pink nose
      Kit 1- Wolf Song, Jay’s Call, Shadowed Snow
      Kit 2- Willow Leaf, Heather Wind, Swift Hare
      Kit 3- Willow Shade, Flowing Breeze,

      Storm Shadows: thickset mottled dark gray tom with a torn ear, battle scars across his pelt, and amber eyes
      Quiet Ferns: lithe pale ginger she-cat with snow-white paws and sparkling green eyes
      Kit 1- Swirling Leaves, Red Blossom, Sunset Sky
      Kit 2- Raven Swoop, Black Flame, Squirrel Tail

    • Dark Shadows-slender, short-furred, slim, dark smoky-gray tom with very dark shadow-gray streaks rippling across his pelt, pale silver-tipped fur to resemble moonlight, small, neat ears, a long, winding, jet-black tail, sharp claws, a broad, flattened face, and deep, stormy blue eyes the color of shadowy clouds at night

      Pale Roses-sleek, long-legged, glossy, pale pinkish rose-cream dappled she-cat with a soft, snowy-white underbelly and chest, a long, straight, plumy tail, spiky fur clumped in some areas around her pelt like rose thorns, cloudy white splotches, and bright, brilliant, leaf-green eyes the color of sunlit rose leaves

      Moonlit Night, Stormy Waters, Moonlit Ice
      Shaded Leaf, Rustling Fern, Twisted Ivy
      Smoky Sky, Sodden Leaves, Muddy Thorns

      Quiet Ferns-small-framed, thick-furred, wiry, pale misty-gray tabby she-cat with thick, winding, darker gray stripes, a nick in one ear, a bushy, fluffy, white-tipped tail, a narrow muzzle, small darker gray dapples that resemble fern leaves, and clear, pale, fern-green eyes

      Storm Shadow-long-furred, broad-shouldered, large, dark stormy-gray-and-silver tom with jet-black points, a striking pink nose, a scarred head, a muzzle white with age, jet-black-tipped fur to give him a shadowy appearance, strong, powerful haunches, and cloudy, dark stormy-blue eyes the color of a midnight sky

      Snowy Branch, Frosted Berry, Snowy Leaf
      Rowan Leaves, Fox Muzzle, Pouncing Fox

    • Dark Shadows: Dark gray, almost black tom, barely visible black stripes, one white paw, grass-green eyes.
      Pale Roses: Pale brown tabby she-cat, silky fur, dark brown stripes, ice-blue eyes.
      Kit 1: Dark Frost, Raven’s Wing, Icy Gaze
      Kit 2: Pale Sky, Bracken Stripe, Emerald Leaf
      Kit 3: Pale Smoke, Frosty Leaf, Smokey Cloud

      Quiet Ferns: Black she-cat, bushy tail, hazel russet ear tips, hazel eyes.
      Storm Shadows: White tabby tom, russet stripes, amber eyes.
      Kit 1: Russet Breeze, Snowy Wing, Hazel Twig
      Kit 2: Stone Shade, Amber Storm, Little Storm

      • Raven´s Wing (Ravenwing) is canon and Amber Storm (Amberstorm) is a BlogClanner 🙂

  • Welcome Dewberry and Icekit.
    Pretty much everyone guessed the theme.

    1. Maplewish- Willowkit
    2. Maplefern- Aspenkit
    3. Maplefrost- Aspenkit

    1. Tigersong-Wavepaw
    2. Tigerblaze- Aspenkit and Willowkit
    3. Tigerscar- Aspenkit

    1. Darkberry- Mistypaw
    2. Darkfeather- Wavepaw and Mistypaw
    3. Dakstream- Shadowfox

    1. Hawkblaze- Willowkit
    2. Hawksplash- Mistypaw
    3. Hawkpool- Aspenkit

    1. Wavepaw-87
    2. Brightstorm-84
    3. Willowkit-63
    4. Mistypaw-61
    5. Shadowfox-60
    6. Mistlepaw-51
    7. Aspenkit-39
    8. Frostflower-31
    9. Snowpaw-20
    10. Petalfrost-18
    11. Willowstream-180
    12. Flashtail-19
    13. Dawnheart-12
    14. Brightpaw-12
    15. Oatpaw-12
    16. Asterpaw-11
    17. Lupinepaw-9
    18. Russetfeather-6
    19. Sunpaw-5
    20. Darkkit-4
    21. Moonkit-4
    22. Dawberry-3
    23. Breezefire-3
    24. Icekit-0

    There’s a try and guess it!

    • Sorrelmist, Sorrelclaw, Sorrelflower, Sorrelwhisker

      Firebreeze, Firepetal, Firecloud, Firepoppy

      Fernpool, Fernstem, Ferndusk, Fernbrook

      Hollythorn, Hollyfern, Hollystep, Hollyshade

      ThunderClan cats who died in the Battle of The Dark Forest?

    • Theme:cats who died in the battle against the dark forest?(Sorreltail, Ferncloud, Hollyleaf, Firestar)
      Sorrelcloud,Sorrelwing, Sorrelsong, Sorrelstream, Sorrelgaze
      Fireblaze, Firelight, Fireflame, Fireclaw, Firescorch,
      Fernlily, Fernflower, Ferndapple, Fernleap,Fernfrost
      Hollywhisper, Hollybreeze, Hollymist, Hollysong, Hollyflight

    • Sorrelstream,sorrelstream,sorrelfur
      The theme is Cats from thunderclan who died in the great battle(sorreltail,Firestar,ferncloud,hollyleaf)

      • Oh i just noticed i said sorrelstream two times i meant sorrelheart at one of Them

    • Sorrelpaw: Sorrelflower, Sorrelstem, Sorrelberry, Sorrelfire

      Firepaw: Firestorm, Firebreeze, Firesky, Fireblaze

      Fernpaw: Fernpetal, Fernstem, Fernberry, Fernflower

      Hollypaw: Hollypetal, Hollyfeather, Hollystem, Hollybranch

      Theme is ThunderClan cats that died in the battle with the Dark Forest (Sorreltail, Firestar, Ferncloud, Hollyleaf)

    • Sorrelstem, Sorrelsplash, Sorrelsong
      Fireshade, Firepool, Firebreeze
      Fernscar, Fernstep, Fernleap
      Hollycloud, Hollymist, Hollydust

      Theme: Cats from Thunderclan who died in the great battle?

    • Sorrelheart, Sorrelfern, Sorrelnose
      Fireblaze, Firescorch, Firebolt(lol)
      Fernwing, Fernbranch, Fernbreeze
      Hollybranch, Hollysong, Hollyfrost

      Cats who died in the Dark Forest battle.

    • ThunderClan cats who died in the Great Battle (Sorreltail, Firestar, Ferncloud and Hollyleaf)
      Sorrelflight, Sorrelwing or Sorrelcloud
      Fireflight, Firestorm or Firebreeze
      Fernbeeze, Fernwing or Fernpool
      Hollywing, Hollypool or Hollystorm

    • The theme is the cats who died in the Great Battle.
      Sorrel-leaf, Sorrelcloud, Sorrelpool
      Firespark, Fireleap, Fireflower
      Ferndrizzle, Fernwing, Fernfrost
      Hollyfire, Hollynight, Hollyberry

  • Okie sooo ummmmmmm

    I need a comment to comment
    Commenting commenty comment

    What’s your favorite warrior name you’ve ever come up with?

  • Resultzzzz

    Chestnutpaw: Chestnutfall (Wavepaw & Aspenkit)
    Lavenderpaw: Lavendermoon (Owlheart)
    Marigoldpaw: Marigoldfern (Brightstorm)
    Hillpaw: Hillsong (Wavepaw)


    Wavepaw: 2
    Aspenkit: 1
    Owlheart: 1
    Brightstorm: 1

    Theme this time 😀

    Cricketpaw-lean, long-legged grayish-brown tabby tom with white legs, long whiskers, and green-yellow eyes
    Duckpaw-thick-furred, glossy, dark brown tom with darker markings like feathers, a white-rimmed neck, a black stripe on his golden head, and blue eyes
    Quailpaw-sleek, fluffy, pale gray tom with thin, horizontal black tabby stripes, a white head fur, and sky-blue eyes
    Wishpaw-slender, short-furred, pale orange she-cat with very faint golden dapples and pale yellow eyes

  • The results of NTF are almost here (sorry I’ve been really busy 😛 ) but in the mean time here are some random names:


    Rate/use/describe 😊

  • Ok since there is a new page and some of you have gotten 30 points, I am now ending Name That Tribe Cat.So for our final results:
    For Blossom:
    Blossom of Morning Light- Brightstorm
    Blossom Drifting on Gentle Breeze- Owlheart
    Blossom that Shines with Dew- Mistlepaw

    For Birch:
    Lark Singing on Silver Birch- Mistypaw
    Birch that Burns at Dawn- Owlheart
    Birch Leaves Covered in Frost- Iceflower

    For Thorn:
    Thorn that Hangs from Bush- Brightstorm
    Sharp Thorn in Flowing River- Frostflower
    Thorn covered in Grass- Owlheart

    Congratulations to Iceflower, Owlheart, Wavepaw, Frostflower and Mistypaw who correctly guessed the theme. The theme was Blossomfall, Birchfall, and Thornclaw; cats who trained in the Dark Forest.

    Mistypaw:34 points
    Congrats Misty! 😀

    Owlheart:28 points (so close!!!!!)
    Frostflower:25 points
    Brightstorm:24 points
    Iceflower:18 points
    Willow:13 points
    Brightpaw:10 points
    Mistlepaw:10 points
    Dawnheart:6 points
    Robinpaw:5 points
    Foxpaw:5 points
    Runningleaf:4 points
    Flashtail:4 points
    Lupinepaw:1 point
    Snowpaw:1 point


    Congrats and thanks to all those who participated this round, you guys all rock 😽🎉❤️🎊😸

    Let’s give a warm welcome back to ❄️🌬SNOWBREEZE❄️🌬 who rejoined us this round!

    Congrats to Wavepaw, Frostflower, Owlheart, and Snowbreeze who all guessed the theme correctly and got 7 BONUS POINTS 🎊😸🎊 Most everyone guessed it at least half right but didn’t quite phrase it the way I needed it to be…but you still got 4 BONUS POINTS!

    And the theme was…CATS WHO WERE THE ONLY SURVIVOR OF THEIR LITTER (Tallstar, Crowfeather, Leopardstar, Birchfall, Tigerstar, and Swiftpaw)!

    Now, let’s see what you all came up with for our families:


    Tallfern, a silver she-cat with black patches, a white muzzle, silky, long fur, and magnificent heather-blue eyes. Described by Iceflower.
    Crowsong, a small smokey black tom with a silver muzzle. His fur is never neat and his tail is matted. He has a slight twist to his mouth from a hunting technique gone wrong. He has blue eyes that are a bit crooked, yet he looks friendly and nice. Described by Snowbreeze.

    AND, their kits:
    FEATHERKIT, a lithe black tabby she-cat with ice blue eyes, silver-gray stripes, and a thick feathery pelt. Named by Russetfeather, Wavepaw, and Frostflower.
    SMOKEKIT, a smokey gray she-cat with a paler gray underbelly, long legs, and sky blue eyes. Named by Russetfeather, Wavepaw, Snowbreeze, Aspenkit, Owlheart, and Frostflower.


    Leopardtooth, a broad-shouldered, stocky, short-furred chestnut-brown tom with darker spots like a leopard, a long, thin tail, large paws, and amber eyes. He has large paws with long claws and his muzzle is white and crossed with scars. Described by Wavepaw.
    Birchflower, a short, small ginger she-cat with big blue eyes, brown speckles, a white patch over one eye, and a tufty tail. Described by Iceflower.

    AND, their kits:

    LILYKIT, a dappled golden tabby she-cat with pale ginger spots and yellow eyes. Named by Russetfeather.
    BARKKIT, a brown tabby tom with a white flash on his chest, darker brown stripes, and blue eyes. Named by Iceflower and Snowbreeze.
    SANDKIT, a large golden tom with a thick, short pelt, a white muzzle and paws, and pale blue eyes. Named by Iceflower and Russetfeather.
    APPLEKIT, a pale ginger tabby tom with orange stripes, a fluffy tail, and golden eyes. Named by Aspenkit.
    GORSEKITKIT, a brown and white tom with a thick shaggy pelt and pale yellow eyes. Named by Mistlepaw.


    Tigertail, a short-furred russet tabby she-cat with white stripes and pale green eyes. Described by Russetfeather.
    Swiftclaw, a lithe, small-framed, long-legged, dark brown-and-white splotched tom with strong, powerful haunches, a broad back, a long, straight tail that streams out when he runs, a small scar across the bridge of his nose, short fur, a black patched face, and bright, clear, sky-blue eyes. Described by Mistlepaw.

    AND, their kits:
    SEEDKIT, a dark ginger tabby she-cat with dark brown stripes, an orange underbelly, amber eyes, and a thick plumy tail. Named by Iceflower.
    BRAMBLEKIT, a white and dark brown tuxedo tom with dark green eyes and a thick oily pelt. Named by Owlheart.
    FLOWERKIT, a white she-cat with leaf green eyes, dark ginger ear tips, one dark ginger paw, and a dark ginger tabby striped tail. Named by Snowbreeze.

    Almost everyone got solo winners this round 🎉😽🎉

    Also a big shoutout to ❄️🌸ICEFLOWER❄️🌸 for having 2 winning descriptions this round and to 🐾RUSSETFEATHER🐾 for having a record 5 winning descriptions/names 🎉❤️🎊

    Wavepaw: 70 points.
    Iceflower: 62 points.
    Russetfeather: 61 points.
    Frostflower: 59 points.
    Owlheart: 53 points.
    Mistypaw: 51 points.
    Mistlepaw: 39 points
    Snowbreeze: 35 points.
    Aspenkit: 25 points.
    Lupinepaw: 23 points.
    Willow: 17 points.
    Snowpaw: 9 points.

    🌊WAVEPAW🌊 is now 8 POINTS ahead of the rest of the leaderboard, followed by ❄️🌸ICEFLOWER ❄️🌸, 🐾RUSSETFEATHER🐾, and ❄️🌻FROSTFLOWER❄️🌻! Owlheart, Mistlepaw, Snowbreeze and Aspenkit are further down but they certainly aren’t out in this race to 100 POINTS!

    Next round, things are going to be a bit different.

    Our top 4 players on the leaderboard (Wavepaw, Iceflower, Russetfeather, and Frostflower) will still be playing for points, but their bonuses will be split between two other players of their choice.

    (So if I’m Brightstorm and I guessed the theme correctly and I chose Aspenkit and Mistlepaw to give my bonus to, then they would each get 5 extra points from the total bonus of 10 point bonus)

    Any winning descriptions/solo names these four come up with will still earn points just for them.

    So, our next theme, worth 10 BONUS POINTS FOR A CORRECT GUESS, is once again a little tricky but here’s you hint:

    All these cats came after another in the role they all have in common.

    Look at the prefixes of the adult cats for more clues 😉

    Here are our new families:

    In SkyClan…a family of six:

    Whitebranch, a tom. The brother of the current leader of SkyClan, Rainstar, he tends to throw his weight around with the other warriors because he thinks himself equal to the deputy due to who he is kin with. Despite this, he is a loyal and swift warrior and is known as one of the best climbers in the Clan, hence his name.
    Poppyheart, a she-cat. She was raised without her parents or siblings, as they died in a fire when she was four moons old. She only survived because she’d snuck out of camp trying to follow a patrol. She grew up with survivor’s guilt but eventually grew into a compassionate and strong cat. All her kits are named in honor of her parents and lost siblings.

    AND, their kits:
    1 – A slender snowy white she-cat with long, sleek fur and leaf-green eyes.
    2 – A muscular ginger tom with gray patches over his ears, front legs, and tail base, and amber eyes.
    3 – A fluffy gray and white tom with a white face, underbelly, and paws and amber eyes.
    4 – A small tortoiseshell (ginger, dark gray, and golden brown) and white she-cat with a white chest, front legs, and muzzle, large ginger splotches down her back, and dark green eyes.

    In ShadowClan…a family of five:

    Flowerbreeze, a she-cat. A bit of a hot-tempered cat, she thinks that the warrior code should be followed to the letter with little wiggle room. As a result, she often is outspoken against cats who think otherwise. The only cats she isn’t critical of are her mate and kits, whom she loves as fiercely as she loves ShadowClan. She’s actually a rather insecure cat, but she pushes that aside to always follow orders and serve her Clan, after voicing her opinion of course.
    Spiderstripe, a tom. A calm, collected warrior who can lay quiet in wait for prey for ages until it comes out of its den. He seems like the total opposite of his mate and many wonder how they stand each other. He sees the concerned nature of Flowerbreeze’s criticism and often calms her worries, as she is quite insecure despite her outspokenness. He helps her hope for the best, as she does in turn for him.

    AND, their kits:
    1 – A small cream tabby she-cat with brown stripes, a white muzzle and toes, and bright blue eyes.
    2 – A long furred dark brown tom with a pale brown underbelly, black flecks across his pelt and ear tips, and amber eyes.
    3 – A pale brown tabby tom with wide, jagged black stripes and dark golden eyes.

    In WindClan…a family of five:
    Reedstalk, a tom. He began life outside the Clans as a loner, but was adopted by WindClan after her and his sister, Daisypetal, fled to the moors after their den was attacked by a badger and their mother was killed. It took the Clan a long time to fully trust them, but he is now a well-respected and exemplary warrior.
    Patchcloud, a she-cat. A light-hearted and warm cat, she always has something kind to say to her Clanmates even in the darkest of times. She soothes the elders and kits when they’re distressed, encourages young apprentices during their first battles, and always stands up for her leader’s decision. She was the first to treat Reedstalk and his sister like Clanmates, and the two fell in love as young warriors.

    AND, their kits:
    1 – A lithe pale gray and white she-cat with white legs and face and brilliant dark green eyes.
    2 – A fluffy dark reddish brown tabby tom with barely visible dark gray stripes and pale blue eyes.
    3 – A long-legged white she-cat with reddish brown splotches across her pelt and soft blue eyes.

    Please ask any questions if you’re not sure about something!

    Good luck and have fun!

    • SkyClan:
      Whitebranch- Lean, long-legged white tom with sandy-colored stripes, a long, fluffy tail, and dark green eyes
      Poppyheart- Long-furred, stocky ginger she-cat with black eartips, tailtip, paws, muzzle, and brilliant yellow eyes
      Juniperkit, Jaykit, Streamkit
      Berrykit, Foxkit, Flamekit
      Sootkit, Ashkit, Dovekit
      Tawnykit, Brackenkit, Mothkit

      Flowerbreeze- Slender, silky-furred snowy white she-cat with a long muzzle, one sky-blue eye, and one pale green eye
      Spiderstripe- Skinny black tom with thin silver stripes, darker gray points, one brown ear, and amber eyes
      Gorsekit, Sandykit, Honeykit
      Pinekit, Woodkit, Branchkit
      Twigkit, Sparrowkit, Rootkit

      Reedstalk- Lithe light brown tom with a white face, legs, and tailtip, large, tufted ears, and icy blue eyes
      Patchcloud- Short, thick-furred black she-cat with large white patches in the shape of clouds, a stubby tail, and bright green eyes
      Fernkit, Blossomkit, Ivykit
      Russetkit, Redkit, Robinkit
      Dawnkit, Gingerkit, Brightkit

      I dunno… Cats who died from greencough?

    • Cats that are another cat’s second/third/etc mate?

      Whitebranch – Large, muscular fluffy white tom with grey splashes. He has long, nicked ears, a scar on his muzzle, and long legs. He has big, pale green eyes..

      Poppyheart – Sleek, dark tortoiseshell (dark brown, cream and ginger) with tufty white ears. She has a thin, long muzzle and short, thick fur. Her tail is feathery and thick, and she has long whiskers. She has honey-coloured eyes.
      Kit #1. – Hollykit, Frostkit, Palekit
      Kit #2 – Sunkit, Gorsekit
      Kit #3 – Mousekit, Troutkit, Cloudkit
      Kit #4 – Splashkit, Maplekit, Patchkit

      Flowerbreeze – Dark brown she-cat with black points, a scar on her shoulder, soft, fuzzy fur, a short, tufty tail, and amber eyes.

      Spiderstripe – Light brown tabby tom with cream paws, thin, mottled stripes, long legs, a white muzzle, and ice-blue eyes.
      Kit #1 – Heatherkit, Sandkit
      Kit #2 – Shadekit, Yellowkit, Hawkkit
      Kit #3 – Stonekit, Duskkit

      Reedstalk – Pale grey tom with white paws, a white blaze, and bright blue eyes. He has thick, untidy fur, long whiskers, and a thin, whippy tail.

      Patchcloud – Fluffy white she-cat with ginger tabby patches, a long tabby-striped tail, wide ears, a short, angular muzzle, and shining green eyes.
      Kit #1 – Sagekit, Dovekit, Mistykit
      Kit #2 – Tigerkit, Foxkit
      Kit #3 – Breezekit, Flamekit

      If I got the theme right, I’d like to give my bonus to Aspenkit and Willow. 🙂

    • Whitebranch – broad-shouldered white tom cat with gray patches with powerful hindquarters and tough paw pads, a dark black nose and sky blue eyes. He has a long jagged scar on his flank from when he fell out of a tree when he was an apprentice and slashed it on a tree branch.
      Poppyheart – very pale ginger tabby she-cat with patches of brown and faint white stripes with a long fluffy tail and leaf green eyes
      Kits – #1 – Snowkit, Sweetkit, Palekit
      #2 – Ashkit, Stormkit, Eaglekit
      #3 – Softkit, Beechkit, Heronkit
      #4 – Mottledkit, Leafkit, Sorrelkit

      Flowerbreeze – cream-colored she-cat with black spots and ears with incrediblely sharp yellow eyes
      Spiderstripe – dark brown tabby tom with a short tail and dark brown paws and tail with dark amber eyes. He has a slash right under his left eye from a fight with a RiverClan cat.
      Kits – #1 – Milkkit, Juniperkit, Songkit
      #2 – Thornkit, Cedarkit, Nutkit
      #3 – Jaggedkit, Blackkit, Nightkit

      Reedstalk – thick furred heavy-set brown tom with huge paws and a large ruff with dark green eyes. (He doesn’t fit in the normal WindClan cat description since he was a loner)
      Patchcloud – white she-cat with large ginger patches on her flank and paws with tiny gray flecks on her hindquarters.
      Kits – #1 – Sleekkit, Rabbitkit, Ryekit
      #2 – Driftkit, Rubblekit, Pigeonkit
      #3 – Breezekit, Dewkit, Cinderkit

      Is it cats that had more than one mate? If it is I’ll give points to Aspenkit and Lupinepaw.

    • OH MY GOODNESS I am so happy right now! Congratulations to everybody else who got points!
      Family one:
      Whitebranch: A slightly muscular snowy white tom with light golden brown stripes rippling down his back like a birch tree. He has ;light gray ear tips and eyes the color of dark green birch leaves.
      Poppyheart: A slim yet wiry ginger and russet colored she-cat with a fluffy chest and white hind legs. She has dark brown splotches down her back that slightly look like poppy petals and black ears. She has honey – like amber eyes and a feathery tail.
      Kit one: Snowkit, Softkit, Frostkit, Creamkit, Featherkit
      Kit two: Gingerkit, Lionkit, Flamekit, Patchkit, Foxkit. Musclekit (Just kidding)
      Kit three: Ashkit, Cloudkit
      Kit four: Sweetkit, Tawnykit, Brackenkit, Sandkit, Dappledkit
      Family two:
      A silky furred cream she-cat with pale brown ear tufts and a nick out of her right ear. She has brown toes on her fore-paws and scars on her muzzle and shoulder. She has blue-green eyes.
      Spiderstripe: A skinny black tom with jagged brown stripes and a pale gray tail tip. He has light amber eyes.
      Kit one: Birchkit, Branchkit, Lilykit, Flowerkit, Milkkit
      Kit two: Sootkit, Pinekit, Blackkit
      Kit three: Tigerkit, Rootkit
      Family three:
      Reedstalk: A brownish-red tom with matted fur. He has a pure brown tail and green eyes. A tooth sticks out slightly from his jaw.
      Patchcloud: A lithe, smooth and long furred white she-cat with gray-blue patches that look like rain clouds scattered across her pelt. She has pale, soft, sparkling light blue eyes.
      Kit one: Fuzzykit, Berrykit, Ivykit
      Kit two: Pinekit, Russetkit
      Kit three: Leafkit

      The theme . . . cats who died or saw someone die from greencough or sickness? Cats who had second mates? Hint please!

    • Gorsekitkit?? 😀

      Whitebranch-broad-shouldered, large-framed, long-legged, dappled dark muddy-brown tom with pure snowy-white splotches, a very long, straight, tabby-striped, branch-like brown tail, a pink nose, a pale tawny-colored belly, a deep, V-shaped nick in one ear, very sharp claws, a scarred muzzle, and clear, pale, leaf-green eyes the color of mint leaves

      Poppyheart-sleek, slender, soft-furred, mottled, pale tortoiseshell-and-white splotched she-cat with a pure white underbelly, a long, thick, bushy, plumy tail, small black paws, a slight burn mark on the side of her face, white-tipped ears, small dark red-and-black markings on her pelt that resemble poppy flowers, and bright, brilliant, light green eyes the color of poppy leaves

      Frostkit, Snowkit, Dewkit
      Duskkit, Dustkit, Marshkit
      Sedgekit, Mosskit, Willowkit

      Flowerbreeze-lithe, small-framed, short-furred, pale ginger-and-white patched she-cat with small petal-shaped dappled ginger markings, a torn ear, a long, stem-like wiry tail, a triangular face, darker, shady-gray paws, a strikingly pink nose, small black spots, and stormy, cloudy, leaf-green eyes

      Spiderstripe-long-limbed, glossy, long-furred, dark smoky-gray, almost black tom, tabby-striped legs, a very short stumpy tail, a scarred pelt, jet-black points, a circular face, a graying muzzle, shredded ears, unusually long, sharp claws, a broad back and shoulders, and large, glowing, dark red-amber eyes like that of a spider’s

      Dawnkit, Rosekit, Lilykit
      Bramblekit, Thornkit, Spikekit
      Tanglekit, Brackenkit, Thistlekit

      Reedstalk-long-legged, slender, sleek, dark brown tabby tom with a very long, straight, reed-like, plumy brown tail, pointed black tabby stripes, small, reed-shaped gray-brown patches, thick fur clumping around his tail-base and paws, small, neat ears, and bright, slitted, dark green eyes the color of reed leaves

      Patchcloud-soft and silky-furred, broad-faced, jet-black-and-white splotched she-cat with a pale silver muzzle, a black tail with a white tip, very small ears, a cloud-shaped patch on her chest, feathery whiskers, dark smoky-gray mottles along her neck, and watery, clear, pale, sky-blue eyes the color of a greenleaf sky

      Hazelkit, Ivykit, Waterkit
      Redkit, Emberkit, Ashkit
      Russetkit, Maplekit, Amberkit

    • Whitebranch: A big, muscular,thick-furred white tom with broad shoulders, dark gray patches, and dark, holly-green eyes.
      Poppyheart: A lithe, tortoiseshell (ginger, pale brown, and black) she-cat with small paws, a slender face, and bright amber eyes.
      Kit 1: Hollykit, Frostedkit, Swiftkit
      Kit 2: Sunkit, Lionkit, Maplekit
      Kit 3: Patchkit, Hailkit, Stormkit
      Kit 4: Amberkit, Sunkit, Lilykit

      Flowerbreeze: Soft, cream-furred tabby she-cat with dark brown paws, a long feathery tail, and bright golden eyes.
      Spiderstripe: Long-legged, dark brown tom with jet-black paws, thick fur, and calm, sea-blue eyes.
      Kit 1: Skykit, Sandkit, Hazelkit
      Kit 2: Rainkit, Mudkit, Rockkit
      Kit 3: Tigerkit, Shadekit, Robinkit

      Reedstalk: A dark brown tabby tom with russet paws, stripes, ear-tips, and underbelly. He has short fur and dark green eyes,
      Patchcloud: Fluffy, white she-cat with russet patches, a long plumy tail, small dark brown paws, and sky-blue eyes.
      Kit 1: Flowerkit, Dovekit, Ivykit
      Kit 2: Foxkit, Tigerkit, Redkit
      Kit 3: Russetkit, Hailkit, Sorrelkit

      Theme: Ooh, cats that were/are a cat’s second (or more) mate? 🙂

      • Thanks Frostflower! Who do you want to get your bonus points if you guessed correctly?

    • Whitebranch : a big muscular tom with white long fur and grey freckles he has a scar along his neck and bright amber eyes
      Poppyheart: a lithe ginger, black, brown, and gold tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and ears she has leaf green eyes
      Snowkit Poolkit Frostkit
      Firekit Bouncekit Dustkit
      Cloudkit Fluffkit Twitchkit
      Freckelkit Wishkit Spottedkit
      Flowerbreeze: a tall cream colored she-cat with pale brown spots and dark blue eyes
      Spiderstripe: a small dark brown tabby tom with black stripes and golden amber eyes
      Dawnkit Palekit Frostkit
      Darkkit Gorsekit Pinekit
      Jaggedkit Ratkit Mousekit
      Reedstalk: a russet colored tom with dark grey splotches and dark green eyes
      Patchcloud: a small pale grey and white she-cat with tan paws and kind gentle caring blue eyes
      Leafkit Hopekit Dovekit
      Foxkit Redkit Thornkit
      Swiftkit Tallkit Splotchkit

      Cats who had multiple mates.

  • Uhhhhhhh….

    I’m bored so I’ll make some names

    Dapplesong-soft-furred, small, delicate, dark dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with small white paws and dark water-blue eyes
    Ivybranch-sleek, slender, long-legged, pale silver-gray-and-brown splotched she-cat with darker gray tabby stripes, a smoky white chest, a long, straight, ivy-like tail, and bright green eyes
    Rowanleaf-broad-faced, large, thick-furred, dark, mottled ginger, brown, and black tom with a thick, bushy orange tail and fiery amber eyes
    Stormwater-long-furred, lean, lithe, smoky-gray tabby tom with a fluffy white chest in the shape of a storm cloud, jet-black stripes, and stormy blue eyes
    Russetclaw-short-furred, glossy, pure snowy-white she-cat with dark ginger patches and paws, a torn ear, and pale golden eyes
    Snakeheart-skinny, sleek-furred, pale silver-and-black tabby tom with a pale gray chest, a very long snake-like tail, and snake-green eyes
    Coppertail-silky-furred, wiry, coppery grayish-orange-brown she-cat with black fur along her spine and tail, and warm, coppery amber eyes

  • Alright guys, here’s a special round of Name That Kit 😛

    I need a warrior name for this cat. He’s a wiry light brown mottled tabby tom with long, white legs, a long, thin tail, a white tail-tip, and dark blue eyes. He’s shy and while he tries to be tough and brave, he’s rather anxious and socially awkward. He’s really a sweet cat, and often very concerned for his Clanmates.

    Let the games commence! 😛

    (This is for a roleplay character I can’t find a good name for I need help 😛 )

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