• Results!

    Twisted Brambles by Mistlepaw
    Whispering Flames by Wavepaw
    Gliding Moth by Bright Flash in Storm Cloud
    Frosted Ferns by Iceflower

    New cats!

    #1 – golden she-cat with black spots and dark green eyes
    #2 – golden-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
    #3 – sleek furred pure black she-cat with amber eyes
    #4 – ginger she-cat with thick black stripes and green eyes

    The theme was cats outside the Clans who were parents to Clan cats. Hal was Raggedstar and Scorchwind’s father, Jake was Firestar’s father, Sasha was Mothwing and Hawkfrost’s mother, and Princess was Cloudtail’s mother. No one got it correct but Mistypaw and Brightstorm got the cats correct and Mistlepaw got the theme but not all the cats so they will each get two points! Great guesses everyone! There is no theme this time.

    Mistlepaw – 20 points
    Mistypaw – 19 points
    Wavepaw – 19 points
    Bright Flash in Storm Cloud – 16 points
    Iceflower – 13 points
    Frostflower – 6 points
    Owlheart – 6 points
    Lupinepaw – 4 points
    Snowpaw – 3 points
    Petalfrost – 2 points
    Jayfrost – 1 point
    Willow Beside Small Stream – 1 point

    • 1: Rising Sun, Night Spots, Golden Ferns

      2: Whispering Bracken, Fallen Twigs, Blazing Log

      3: Night Breeze, Flying Raven, Whispering Flames

      4: Blazing Fire, Glowing Coals, Waxy Leaf

    • Spotted Feather, Leopard’s Roar, Golden Branch, Dawn Sky

      Honey Flower, Sunbathed Meadow, Shaded Bracken, Finch’s Wing

      Night Gaze, Fern’s Shadow, Crow Song, Dark Wind

      Blazing Stripe, Bright Tiger, Red Fern, Robin Flight

    • 1. Leopard Spots, Twisted Vines
      2. Crackling Flames, Golden Leaves, Bright Dawn
      3. Raven Song, Night Petal
      4. Tiger Leap, Hawk Shadow

    • Shadowed Sun, Starlit Sky, Fading Light
      Tangled Bracken, Dappled Leaves, Crackling Flames
      Starry Night, Falling Darkness, Moonlit Night
      Dying Embers, Shaded Maple, Maple Leaves

        • XD

          I actually wasn’t thinking of that though.

          All the -shade suffixes

          Shaded Fern
          Shaded Rock

    • Dancing Flames, Shaded Sun, Black Clouds

      Quiet Birds, Pale Sun, Scorched Bracken

      Holly Berries, Black Sun, Dark Storm

      Tiger Leaves, Dark Sunset, Red Raven

    • Lion’s Spots, Black Dapple, Crying River bubonic plague XD
      Dappled Sun, Rising Sun, Golden Dawn
      Night Drizzle, Owl’s Cry, Darkened Pool
      Flaming Badger 😛, scorching Scars, Jagged Storm

    • golden she-cat with black spots and dark green eyes: Ember Sun, Sun Whisper, Lion’s Smoke
      golden-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes: Bracken Feather, Twig Blaze, Amber Dusk
      sleek furred pure black she-cat with amber eyes: Jet Leaf, Hornet Gaze, Dark Flame
      ginger she-cat with thick black stripes and green eyes: Bee Leaf, Jade Stripe, Mallow Call

  • Results 😀 Unfortunately, no one guessed the theme(I guess I should make it easier), but the theme was kits who were stillborn(born dead)(Cricketkit, Duckkit, Quailkit, Wishkit)

    Cricketpaw: Cricketsong (Brightstorm, Wavepaw, & Snowpaw)
    Duckpaw: Duckwing (Aspenkit, Wavepaw, & Mistypaw)
    Quailpaw: Quailsnow (Owlheart)
    Wishpaw: Wishsong (Wavepaw, Lupinepaw)


    Wavepaw: 5
    Aspenkit: 2
    Owlheart: 2
    Brightstorm: 2
    Snowpaw: 1
    Mistypaw: 1
    Lupinepaw: 1

    Next rounddddd

    There is another theme

    Ashpaw-thick-furred, dark smoky-gray she-cat with a broad face and clear blue eyes
    Sunpaw-sleek, splotched tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with hazel eyes
    Cedarpaw-long-furred, dark gray tom with a white underbelly and amber eyes
    Owlpaw-glossy, light brown tabby tom with small paws and amber eyes


    Dark Shadows: Smokey gray tabby tom with dark gray stripes, long white limbs, and ice blue eyes. (Described by Brightstorm)
    Pale Roses: Tall, long-furred very pale ginger, almost white, she-cat with white ear-tips, muzzle, and belly, and pale, rosy-amber eyes. (Described by Wavepaw)

    Their kits:

    Kit 1: Broken Ice (Named by Iceflower)
    Kit 2: Emerald Rose (Named by Owlheart)
    Kit 3: Swaying Ferns (Named by Wavepaw)

    Quiet Ferns: Short-furred jet-black she-cat with a splash of white on her chest, white muzzle, ears, and tail-tip, small ears, and pale green eyes. (Described by Wavepaw)
    Storm Shadows: Dark grey mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes. (Described by Iceflower)

    Their kits:

    Kit 1: Red Blossom (Named by Asterpaw)
    Kit 2: Rowan Leaves(Named by Mistlepaw)

    Hall of Fame:

    ROUND 1: Wavepaw
    ROUND 2: Brightstorm


    1- Brightstorm (6 points)
    2- Wavepaw (3points)
    3- Iceflower (2 points)
    4- Asterpaw (1 point)
    4- Owlheart (1 point)
    4- Mistlepaw (1 point)

    Next Round:

    Dancing Flames: A she-cat. Mates with Swift Rain.
    Swift Rain: A tom. Mates with Dancing Flames.

    Kit 1: Small, jet-black she-cat with long silky fur, bright ginger paws, and leaf-green eyes.
    Kit 2: Dark gray tabby tom with thick fur, black ear-tips and paws, and dark green eyes.
    Kit 3: Petite, dark ginger she-cat with black paws and a long, plumy tail. Pale, blue-green eyes.

    Dark Leaves: A tom. Mates with Black Frost.
    Black Frost: A she-cat. Mates with Dark Leaves.

    Kit 1: Big, white tom with large, dark gray patches, a light gray underbelly, and dark blue eyes.
    Kit 2: Long-furred pale gray tabby she-cat with white paws and black stripes. Pale blue eyes.

    • Dancing Flames: Ginger she-cat with darker streaks, a white muzzle, big hazel eyes, and a thick, feathery tail.
      Swift Rain: Dark grey tom with black spots, white legs, fluffy ears, long whiskers, and bright yellow eyes.
      Kit #1 – Crow Tuft, Black Feather
      Kit #2 – Budding Twig, Yew Stripe
      Kit #3 – Leaping Spark, Robin Cry

      Dark Leaves: Grey tom with mottled tabby stripes, a white chest and underbelly, fluffy fur, and dark green eyes.
      Black Frost: White she-cat with black specks, black ears and feet, and icy blue eyes.
      Kit #1 – Stone Spots, Blue Shells
      Kit #2 – Snowy Feather, Silver Sky

    • Dancing Flames: Dark ginger tabby she-cat with swirled black stripes, a thick short pelt, black ear tips, and bright green eyes.

      Swift Rain: Long silly furred gray tom with black patches over his ears, paws, and tail, pale blue eyes, and a plumy tail.

      1 – Black Flame, Night Blaze, Dark Ember, Sun Step

      2 – Shaded Rain, Gray Leaves, Striped Fish, Murky Stream

      3 – Squirrel Leap, Russet Storm, Scorched Bracken, Red Whisker

      Dark Leaves: Dark gray and white tom with a white underbelly, paws, and ears, and dark blue eyes.

      Black Frost: Long furred black tabby she-cat with barely visible dark gray stripes, a pale gray underbelly, and bright pale blue eyes.

      1 – Snowy Leaves, Dew Pelt, Owl Swoop, Foggy Sky

      2 – Silver Wing, Gray Frost, Quiet Brook, Misty Rain

    • Dancing Flame: a bright ginger she-cat with yellow stripes and spots she has emerald green eyes
      Swift Rain: a lithe silver tom with grey freckles and long whiskers he has pale blue eyes
      Night Silk, Flaming Leaf
      Tumble Storm, Stone Cold 😛
      Dark Leaves: a dark brown almost black tom with piercing blue eyes
      Black Frost: a lithe black she-cat with ice blue eyes
      Low Belly 😛, cloud Breeze
      Water Rose, Owl Frost

    • Dancing Flames: Slender, lithe, short-furred pale ginger tabby she-cat with long legs, large ears, a long, thin tabby tail, small paws, and dark, fiery amber eyes.
      Swift Rain: Stocky, short, thick-furred dark blue-gray tom with darker paws, ears, and tail-tip, a long, thick tail, small ears, and pale blue eyes.
      Kit 1: Night Flames, Waxy Leaves, Flying Sparks
      Kit 2: Stormy Night, Fallen Stones, Shaded Grass
      Kit 3: Blazing Fire. Crow’s Fire, Splasing Sea

      Dark Leaves: Very dark gray, almost black, slender, thick-furred tom with a darker underbelly and tail-tip, dark green eyes and large paws.
      Black Frost: Petite, short-furred jet-black she-cat with white flecks, ear-tips, tail-tip, and muzzle, pale, ice-blue eyes, and a long tail with a thick, furry tip.
      Kit 1: Frosted Stones, Thin Ice, Snow Splash
      Kit 2: Icy Stones, Raven’s Feather, Morning Snow

    • Dancing Flames: lithe, wiry bright ginger she-cat with vibrant green eyes, very dark ginger paws, and long, nimble legs and a short pelt.
      Swift Rain: wiry, muscular pale gray tom with black flecks like drops of rain, deep, stormy blue eyes, and snow-white paws and tail.
      Kit 1- Night Sun, Holly Blaze, Creeping Fox
      Kit 2- Thunder’s Roar, Ashen Leaves, Shaded Stones
      Kit 3- Bright Sparks, Shining Water, Blue Flame

      Dark Leaves: stocky, short-furred very dark gray tom with tufted ears, white over his muzzle and chest as well as dark, forest-green eyes
      Black Frost: slender, graceful, long-legged jet-black she-cat with a white splash on her chest and pale ice-blue eyes
      Kit 1- Shadowed Snow (why not), Blizzard Pelt, Snowy Pines
      Kit 2- Pale Skies, Cloud Brook, Silver Rose

  • Results
    Everyone guessed the theme correctly.

    1. Sorrelmist-Brightstorm
    2. Sorreldawn-Mistypaw
    3. Sorrelfire-Mistypaw and Wavepaw

    1. Firepetal-Brightstorm
    2. Firescorch-Mistlepaw and Willowkit
    3. Firewing-Mistypaw

    1. Fernlily-Willowkit
    2. Fernheart-Shadowfox
    3. Fernpool- Brightstorm and Petalfrost

    1. Hollywhisper-Willowkit
    2. Hollythorn-Brightstorm
    3. Hollydusk- Mistypaw

    1. Brightstorm-96
    2. Wavepaw-91
    3. Willowkit-83
    4. Mistypaw-71
    5. Shadowfox-65
    6. Mistlepaw-55
    7. Aspenkit-42
    8. Frostflower-34
    9. Snowpaw-23
    10. Petalfrost-21
    11. Flashtail-19
    12. Willowstream-18
    13. Dawnheart-12
    14. Brightpaw-12
    15. Oatpaw-12
    16. Asterpaw-11
    17. Lupinepaw-9
    18. Dewberry-6
    19. Russetfeather-6
    20. Sunpaw-5
    21. Darkkit-4
    22. Moonkit-4
    23. Breezefire-3
    24. Icekit-0

    Looks like this is going to be the last round. Who will reach 100 points first?

    There’s a really easy theme try and guess it!

    • Riverblossom, Rivercloud, Rivershine, Riverstone

      Shadowtail, Shadowheart, Shadowfur, Shadowpool

      Windfeather, Windstripe, Windripple, Windflower

      Skyheart, Skyshade, Skydusk, Skydawn

      Thunderleap, Thundercloud, Thunderstorm, Thunderstrike

      It’s the five Clans/the five original leaders (River Ripple, Tall Shadow, Wind Runner, Clear Sky, and Thunder).

    • Riverpaw: Riversplash, Riversong, Rivershine, Riverfrost

      Shadowpaw: Shadowflower, Shadowclaw, Shadowstorm, Shadowfeather

      Windpaw: Windstorm, Windbreeze, Windsong, Windfeather

      Skypaw: Skyshine, Skyflight, Skycloud, Skystorm

      Thunderpaw: Thunderstorm, Thundersong, Thunderflight, Thunderstrike, Thunderflash

      Theme is founding leaders/Clans

    • Founding leaders 😀

      Riverflow, Riverdapple, Riversong, Rivertail
      Shadowmist, Shadowmoon(does that count as canon?), Shadowstorm
      Windsong, Windstorm, Windfoot
      Skyfall, Skystorm, Skyclaw
      Thundercloud, Thunderstorm, Thunderbolt(PIKACHU THUNDERBOLT)

    • Riversplash, Rivermist, Riverbreeze, Riverdapple, Rivershine

      Shadownight, Shadowsky, Shadowsong, Shadowwhisper, Shadowflame

      Windbreeze, Windfern, Windwhistle, Windfrost, Windbird

      Skycloud, Skyshine, Skyflight, Skylight, Skyblossom

      Thunderstrike, Thunderclap, Thunderfang, Thunderblaze, Thunderstone

      First leaders of each clan (River Ripple, Tall Shadow, Wind Runner, Clear Sky, Thunder)

    • Riverbreeze, Riverberry or Riverflight
      Shadowwing, Shadowscar or Shadowfang
      Windcloud, Windheart or Windpetal
      Skywing, Skyfrost or Skyflight
      Thuderbelly, Thuersong or Thunderfang
      Theme: Founding Leaders

    • THE CLANS!!! 🙂
      Riversplash, RIverdusk
      Shadowclaw, Shadowgaze
      Windtail, Windfoot
      Skycloud, Skycloud
      Thunderfang, Thunderheart

  • Results 🙂

    Mist, Lupinepaw, and Owlheart got the theme right, it was cats slain in battle, so they will get an extra point.

    Ashpaw: Ashsmoke (Owlheart)
    Sunpaw: Sunsplash (Lupinepaw)
    Cedarpaw: Cedarberry (Wavepaw & Mist)
    Owlpaw: Owlscreech (Russetfeather)

    Wavepaw: 6
    Owlheart: 4
    Lupinepaw: 3
    Brightstorm: 2
    Aspenkit: 2
    Mist: 2
    Snowpaw: 1
    Mistypaw: 1
    Russetfeather: 1

    By the way, to help people in the future, I’ll be looking for special, sounding-good prefixes, not normal ones like -tail or -claw or -fur

    Theme this time as well :D(The descriptions don’t matter)

    Stonepaw-sleek, broad-shouldered, dark mottled gray tom with a snowy-white chest and water-blue eyes
    Cloverpaw-slender, long-legged, light brown she-cat with gray markings on her flank and bright green eyes
    Berrypaw-small, dark ginger she-cat with white fur dusted on top of her head and leaf-green eyes
    Beepaw-lean, broad-faced golden-and-black tabby tom with fluffy brown fur around his head, a thick black stripe on his face, and sun-amber eyes

    • ShadowClan cats?

      Stonefrost, Stonebreeze
      Clovertuft, Cloversnow, Cloverhawk
      Berryfrost, Berrycloud
      Beestripe, Beefluff, Beesong

    • Stoneshade, Stonebrook, Stonespeckle, Stonedapple

      Cloverbreeze, Cloverfern, Cloverbird, Cloversplash

      Berrythorn, Berrydust, Berrycloud, Berrywhisker

      Beestripe, Beewing, Beefeather, Beeshade

      Things found in a garden? Hint?

    • Stonefeather, Stonefoot, Stoneblaze, Stonestrike, Stonesplash

      Cloverheart, Cloverdawn, Clovergaze, Cloverwish, Cloverleaf

      Berrywhisker, Berrydew, Berrywillow, Berrysplash, Berryfleck

      Beesting, Beetalon, Beeclaw, Beestripe, Beeshine

    • Stonewater Stonefall Stonegaze Stonedove
      Cloversmoke Cloverdusk Clovermist Cloverbird
      Berrydust Berrysky Berrysnow Berryscar
      Beestripe Beefuzz Beestrike Beefire


    • All ShadowClan cats. (If you want more specific, all new aVoS ShadowClan cats 😛 )

      Stonebird, Stonestreak, Stonedawn
      Cloverlily, Cloverjay, Cloverecho
      Berrystumpytail 😉 , Berryblaze

      • Part of it, but not the main

    • Stonepaw: Stonesplash, Stonefall, Stonestorm, Stonefeather

      Cloverpaw: Cloverleaf, Cloverberry, Cloverwing, Cloverbreeze

      Berrypaw: Berryleaf, Berryflower, Berrystem, Berryshine

      Beepaw: Beestrike, Beestripe, Beesong, Beethorn

      Is it ShadowClan cats who left for the rogues in AVOS?

    • ShadowClan cats in TAQ who went to the rouges?
      Beebreeze, Beeflight, Beeshimmer
      Berryleaf, Berrydusk, Berrywhisker
      Cloverspot, Cloverstem, Cloverpatch
      Stonedapple, Stonefeather, Stonewing

  • Welp


  • Hey, I am wondering if I should change my name. Here are the options:
    Birch . . . uh . . . something.
    Or, just keep my current name, Snowbreeze!

  • Okay so I’m going to be trying to write fanfics again and I have a few ideas from the little character blurbs I’ve written for my NTF. So far I have:

    – Leopardtooth and Birchflower of WindClan and the tragedy that brought them together

    – Poppyheart of SkyClan and her life growing up with survivors guilt after her family died in a fire.

    – Mapleshade backstory where she has an abusive father and is driven to murder by several tragedies and not just the death of her kits.

    These will probably just be one-shots so no chapters. I need some help for making characters! For the Mapleshade one I’ll be using canon characters but will need some original ones too (I already have her family planned out, sorry). So if you guys can suggest some toms and she-cats for ThunderClan, SkyClan, and WindClan, that’d really help me out 😊

    • Ooh! Sounds interesting! 😀


      Darkfern: Small, dark gray tabby she-cat with snow-white paws and pale green eyes. She is gentle and kind-hearted.

      Rowanleaf: Big, flaming orange tom with dark brown flecks, paws, and tail-tip. He has fierce emerald eyes. He is fiercely loyal to his clan and is ready to go into battle.

      Tigerflower: Tall, dark russet she-cat with thick black stripes, a long plumy tail, and very long, thick fur. She is aggressive in battle but is very calm and quiet around friends and family.

      Bluefang: Skinny, blue-gray tom with black flecks and stormy blue eyes. He is quiet and serious.

      I’ll do more later. ^^ 😃

    • SkyClan

      Brightflame-sleek, slender, flat-faced, bright orange-ginger dappled tabby she-cat with a white flame-shaped patch on her chest, dark gray ears, long, sleek, plumy, bushy, white-tipped tail, small, neat paws, a flame-colored pelt, and bright, fiery amber eyes

      Rainwater-broad-shouldered, thick-furred, lithe, dark smoky-gray tabby tom with a snow-white chest and underbelly, small, darker gray mottled markings that resemble rain drops, scarred ears, a narrow muzzle, short legs, and clear, watery-blue eyes


      Lightningheart-long-legged, long-furred, glossy, golden tabby tom with jagged, lightning-shaped black tabby stripes, jet-black paws, and ears, a kink in his tail, very pale white-tipped fur, a white splash on his chest, and brilliant, starry-amber eyes

      Feathersong-fluffy, lightly-framed, wiry, pale gray-and-white splotched she-cat with a thick, bushy, plumy, feathery silver tail with a white tip, a soft white muzzle, tiny dark gray paws, broken tabby stripes along her neck and legs, and pale, sky-blue eyes


      Breezetail-small, lean, short-furred, pale silver-gray she-cat with white-speckled, windblown head fur, a long, wiry tail, a broad, flattened face, a pink nose, small black spots, pure white streaks along her pelt that resembles windblown clouds, and stormy, dark blue eyes

      Hareleap-compact, plump, long-legged, dark hazel-brown tom with a snowy-white chest, a short, stumpy, fluffy, gray-brown tail, large, pointed ears, a black nose, a snub nose, strong, powerful haunches, small black patches around his eyes, and dark gray eyes

    • WindClan:






  • Results!

    Kit #1!

    Cloudykit by Petalfrost, and. . .

    Drizzlekit by Aspenkit!

    Kit #2!

    Molekit by Lupinepaw, and. . .

    Ryekit by Mistypaw!

    Kit #3!

    Bubblekit by Willow, and. . .

    Ravenkit by Wavepaw!

    Kit #4!

    Scorchkit by Snowbreeze and Mistypaw, and. . .

    Weaselkit by Brightstorm!

    Next round! There is a theme this time.

    Kit #1 – Brown tabby she-cat with white markings and amber eyes.
    Kit #2 – Scrawny, thick-furred, tufty dark grey tom with knotted, long fur, and bright amber eyes.
    Kit #3 – Mottled brown tom with a paler belly and chest and yellow eyes.
    Kit #4 – Lithe, short-furred snow-white she-cat with green eyes.

    1. Brightstorm (21 points)
    2. Willowstream, Mistypaw (19 points)
    3. Wavepaw (18 points)
    4. Owlheart (13 points)
    5. Frostflower (11 points)
    6. Mistlepaw (10 points)
    7. Lupinepaw (9 points)
    8. Dawnheart, Aspenkit (6 points)
    9. Petalfrost (5 points)
    10. Oatpaw (2 points)
    11. Dawnpaw, Shadowpaw, Robinpaw, Snowbreeze (1 point)

    Good luck and have fun! 🙂

  • Yay! Results time!
    Dark brown tabby tom (Brambleclaw)
    1. Nightstripe by Aspenkit
    2. Darkhawk by Brightstorm
    3. Darkscar by Willow

    Tortoiseshell she-cat (Tawnypelt)
    1. Dappleleaf by Mistypaw
    2. Sedgecloud by Mistlepaw
    3. Poppybreeze by Aspenkit

    Silver tabby she-cat (Feathertail)
    1. Softbreeze by Mistypaw
    2. Ripplesong by Mistlepaw
    3. Mistbreeze by Owlheart

    Dark gray tom (Crowfeather)
    1. Emberwind by Mistypaw
    2. Ashdusk by Brightstorm
    3. Rockstorm by Wavey

    Mistypaw- 10 points
    Aspenkit- 5 points
    Brightstorm- 5 points
    Mistlepaw- 5 points
    Willow- 2 points
    Owlheart- 2 points
    Wavey- 2 points
    Snowcloud- 1 point

    Next round!
    Again, for those who are just joining the game:

    Winning name gets 3 points, second place 2, third place 1, and any lower than that, well better luck next time!
    Shared names get you one point, canon names get you zero unless it’s a supremely minor character. Theme guessed correctly gets you an extra point.

    Cat #1- hard-muscled blue-gray she-cat with sparkling ice-blue eyes
    Cat #2- hefty bracken-colored tom with amber eyes
    Cat #3- solid, long-furred white she-cat with wide dark blue eyes
    Cat #4- silver-gray tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

    There is a theme, slightly harder than the previous round 😀

    Good luck! 😀

  • Mistlepaw // Misty // Mistletail // Mistleturkey // Mistlegoose // Mistle That Dangles Over Pumpkin Pie // Trollface says:

    I have a brand new OC…. 😉


    Trollface-white cat with a troll face

  • Guys guys guys halpppppp
    Idk if I should change my fursona.
    So i want to change it to a fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with a white tail tip and silver eyes *and she has an adorable flower crown*

    • Sunshade-sleek, broad-faced, slender, dappled golden she-cat with bright ginger dapples, darker brown paws, a pure white muzzle and ears, a long, sleek, bushy, plumy, golden tabby-striped tail, broken, pointed tabby stripes along her head and legs, and bright, fiery, sun-colored amber eyes, deputy of WindClan

      Lilydance-lithe, long-legged, long-furred, pale, smoky pinkish-rose-gray she-cat with white-tipped fur, a white tail-tip and paws, distinctive darker gray mottled markings that resembles lily petals, a narrow muzzle, a barely visible pinkish-orange tail-base, and clear, brilliant, lily pad-green eyes, a queen of RiverClan

      Nettlefire-broad-shouldered, large-framed, glossy, pale gray-and-ginger tabby tom with a brownish-ginger dappled underside, a jet-black tabby-striped tail, white fur tinged on his muzzle, distinctive dark ginger speckled markings on his flank that resembles flames, and stormy, cloudy, nettle-green eyes, a warrior of ThunderClan

      Alderleaf-small, short-furred, lightly-framed, dark reddish-ginger tabby tom with narrow, pointed russet stripes, a snow-white muzzle and underbelly, brown mottles along his flank, grayish-brown-tipped ears, a pink nose, a triangular face, and large, watery, pale leaf-green eyes, a warrior of SkyClan

      Thornfoot-thick-furred, lean, skinny, golden-brown tabby tom with a graying backside, thick, spiky fur clumping around his paws, large, pointed ears, knotted, tangled fur, a black=striped tail, a very narrow, thorn-like muzzle, brown patches circling his eyes, and cloudy, rheumy amber eyes, an elder of WindClan

      Dapplespots-sleek, wiry, lightly-framed, dark tortoiseshell-and-white dappled she-cat with white splotches, dark smoky-gray mottles, a white tail-tip and chest, a spotted black flank, long legs, a broad, flattened face, fur tipped with black to give her a shadowy appearance, and bright, clear, indigo-blue eyes, deputy of ShadowClan

    • Sunshade – ThunderClan (I see her like Sunstar’s daughter, like if Sunstar died tragically and had a mate with kits but they weren’t born yet and only one survived type of deal)
      Lilydance – RiverClan
      Nettlefire – ShadowClan
      Alderleaf – RiverClan
      Thornfoot – ThunderClan
      Dapplespots – WindClan

      Great names! 9/10! (I personally don’t like the name Dapplespots. That’s why it’s with WindClan…)

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