• Results

    1. Riversong (this reminds me of Doctor Who)- Wavepaw and Mistlepaw
    2. Riverlily-Aspenkit
    3. Riverberry-Petalfrost

    1. Shadowflower-Wavepaw
    2. Shadowheart-Brightstorm
    3. Shadowstalk-Aspenkit

    1. Windpetal- Petalfrost
    2. Windwhistle- Willowkit
    3. Windstorm-Wavepaw and Mistlepaw

    1. Skyfall (isn’t this an Adele song?)- Mistlepaw
    2. Skyshade-Brightstorm
    3. Skyblossom- Willowkit

    1. Thundercloud- Brightstorm and Mistlepaw
    2. Thunderpool-Aspenkit
    3. Thunderblaze- Willowkit

    Because I’m so lazy I’m not going to do the leaderboard. Instead I’m just going to tell you the winner.

    And the winner …………………………………..Brightstorm with 104 points. Congrats Brightstorm!

    I don’t know if I’m going to do another, but if there is a certain game you want me to do tell me and I’ll consider it.

  • Results time 🙂

    Stonepaw: Stonesplash (Willowkit, Wavepaw)
    Cloverpaw: Cloversnow (Iceflower)
    Berrypaw: Berrybush (Aspenkit)
    Beepaw: Beeflight (Runningleaf)

    Theme was ShadowClan cats in AVOS who joined the rogues. Aspenkit, Wavepaw, Owlheart, and Runningleaf got the theme right, so they’ll get an extra point.

    Wavepaw: 8
    Owlheart: 5
    Aspenkit: 4
    Lupinepaw: 3
    Brightstorm: 2
    Mist: 2
    Runningleaf: 2
    Snowpaw: 1
    Mistypaw: 1
    Russetfeather: 1
    Willowkit: 1
    Iceflower: 1

    Next round!

    Also a theme

    Longpaw-slender, long-legged gray tabby tom with rippling stripes and clear blue eyes
    Jaypaw-small, dark blue-gray tom with pale blue eyes
    Snowpaw-soft-furred white tom with leaf-green eyes
    Frecklepaw-dappled brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes

  • Results!

    Leopard’s Roar by Bright Flash in Storm Cloud
    Dappled Leaves by Mistlepaw
    Dark Flame by Oatpaw
    Blazing Fire by Wavepaw

    New cats!

    #1 – pale gray tabby she-cat with dark flecks and green eyes
    #2 – sleek furred white she-cat with soft fur and blue eyes
    #3 – pale golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes
    #4 – pale ginger tabby she-cat with bright yellow eyes

    There is a theme this time. Your hint is: these cats were all a certain rank at a certain time.

    Mistlepaw – 23 points
    Mistypaw – 19 points
    Wavepaw – 22 points
    Bright Flash in Storm Cloud – 19 points
    Iceflower – 13 points
    Frostflower – 6 points
    Owlheart – 6 points
    Lupinepaw – 4 points
    Oatpaw – 3 points
    Snowpaw – 3 points
    Petalfrost – 2 points
    Jayfrost – 1 point
    Willow Beside Small Stream – 1 point

  • I feel like I have been super inactive on this page. 🙁

    Here’s a bunch of names for you all! (Please rate/describe/use!)


    I was also thinking; animals/fruits and flowers could be used for names! Here are some ideas:


    Anyway, feel free to do WHATEVER you like with these names! (You could even eat them! 😛 )

    • I love Littleblossom, Sunshade, Streamfeather, Foxsplash, and Bearclaw! Cindertail (kit) is a BlogClanner. For your fruit thing, I think Strawberry ad Blackberry are too long, Fox-, Running-, and Violet- have already been used, and Dog- should not really be a prefix for a cat Clan, but the rest are nice!

    • Cindertail is a BlogClanner 🙂

      (I will definitely eat them! 😛 )


    Thank you and congrats to everyone who participated this round 😽💟🎊😸🎉

    So we did things a little differently with the bonus points this round. Instead of claiming the 10 points for a correct guess at our theme for themselves, ❄️🌸Iceflower❄️🌸, 🐾Russetfeather🐾, and ❄️🌻Frostflower❄️🌻 donated their bonus winnings to two fellow players of their choice!

    If they donated to you, be sure to say thanks!

    And our theme was… THE SECOND OR THIRD MATE OF A CAT! (Whitestorm with Willowpelt, Poppyfrost with Berrynose, Star Flower with Clear Sky, Spiderleg with Daisy, Reedshine with Appledusk, and Patchfoot with Clovertail)

    Congrats to those who guessed correctly 🎉😸🎉

    Now, let’s see what creative descriptions and names you guys came up with for our three families:


    Whitebranch, a broad-shouldered white tom cat with gray patches with powerful hindquarters and tough paw pads, a dark black nose and sky blue eyes. He has a long jagged scar on his flank from when he fell out of a tree when he was an apprentice and slashed it on a tree branch. Described by Russetfeather.
    Poppyheart, a sleek, slender, soft-furred, mottled, pale tortoiseshell-and-white splotched she-cat with a pure white underbelly, a long, thick, bushy, plumy tail, small black paws, a slight burn mark on the side of her face, white-tipped ears, small dark red-and-black markings on her pelt that resemble poppy flowers, and bright, brilliant, light green eyes the color of poppy leaves. Described by Mistlepaw.

    AND, their kits:

    HOLLYKIT, a slender snowy white she-cat with long, sleek fur and leaf-green eyes. Named by Iceflower and Frostflower.
    FOXKIT, a muscular ginger tom with gray patches over his ears, front legs, and tail base, and amber eyes. Named by Aspenkit and Snowbreeze.
    MOSSKIT, a fluffy gray and white tom with a white face, underbelly, and paws and amber eyes. Named by Mistlepaw.
    FRECKLEKIT, a small tortoiseshell (ginger, dark gray, and golden brown) and white she-cat with a white chest, front legs, and muzzle, large ginger splotches down her back, and dark green eyes. Named by Owlheart.


    Flowerbreeze, a silky furred cream she-cat with pale brown ear tufts and a nick out of her right ear. She has brown toes on her fore-paws and scars on her muzzle and shoulder. She has blue-green eyes. Described by Snowbreeze.
    Spiderstripe, a skinny black tom with thin silver stripes, darker gray points, one brown ear, and amber eyes. Described by Aspenkit.

    AND, their kits:

    HAZELKIT, a small cream tabby she-cat with brown stripes, a white muzzle and toes, and bright blue eyes. Named by Frostflower.
    THORNKIT, a long furred dark brown tom with a pale brown underbelly, black flecks across his pelt and ear tips, and amber eyes. Named by Russetfeather.
    BRACKENKIT, a pale brown tabby tom with wide, jagged black stripes and dark golden eyes. Named by Mistlepaw.


    Reedstalk, a dark brown tabby tom with russet paws, stripes, ear-tips, and underbelly. He has short fur and dark green eyes. Described by Frostflower.
    Patchcloud, a a small pale grey and white she-cat with tan paws and kind gentle caring blue eyes. Described by Owlheart.

    AND, their kits:

    MISTYKIT, a lithe pale gray and white she-cat with white legs and face and brilliant dark green eyes. Named by Iceflower.
    ROBINKIT, a fluffy dark reddish brown tabby tom with barely visible dark gray stripes and pale blue eyes. Named by Aspenkit.
    RUSSETKIT, a long-legged white she-cat with reddish brown splotches across her pelt and soft blue eyes. Named by Mistlepaw and Frostflower.

    I’m actually writing a fanfic about our SkyClan and WindClan families from this round so I’ll be posting about those soon! Here’s a little bonus/sneak peek for our SkyClan family: Poppyheart named all her kits after her deceased family, these were her parents and siblings (who will appear in the fanfic):

    -Hollysong, a long furred white she-cat with black patches over her ears, back, and chest, a plumy tail, and pale green eyes.
    -Foxfang, a sleek furred red tom with black paws, a pale brown underbelly, and yellow eyes.
    -Mosskit, a splotchy black and white tom with small paws and golden eyes. Warrior name would have been Mossleap.
    -Frecklekit, a fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with pale brown and dark ginger patches across her pelt, a fluffy white tail, a black speckled muzzle, and green eyes. Warrior name would have been Frecklesnow.

    Alright enough self-promotion 😅

    Everyone got a solo winner this round 🎊😽🎊 A special shoutout is in order for 🌿MISTLEPAW🌿 who earned the most independent points this round and to 🌳ASPENKIT🌳 for both gaining the most bonus points (independently and donated) and for moving the most on the leaderboard this round 🎉😸🎉😸🎉😸🎉

    Frostflower: 71 points.
    Wavepaw: 70 points.
    Owlheart: 69 points.
    Iceflower: 68 points.
    Russetfeather: 67 points.
    Aspenkit: 54 points. (+5) (+5) (points donated by Iceflower and Russetfeather)
    Mistlepaw: 51 points.
    Mistypaw: 51 points.
    Snowbreeze: 51 points.
    Lupinepaw: 28 points. (+5) (points donated by Russetfeather)
    Willow: 27 points. (+5) (+5) (points donated by Iceflower and Frostflower)
    Snowpaw: 14 points. (+5) (points donated by Frostflower)

    *Frostflower, you never specified which two players you wanted your bonus to go to so it went to the two players with the least points on the board, sorry 😅

    Wew, ❄️🌻FROSTFLOWER❄️🌻 has pulled ahead of the veteran champion 🌊WAVEPAW🌊 with 💜OWLHEART💜, ❄️🌸ICEFLOWER ❄️🌸, and 🐾RUSSETFEATHER 🐾 all jockeying to get ahead. But the game is far from over and anything can happen on this race to 100 POINTS!

    Next round, we have a theme, that everyone is eligible for to get 7 BONUS POINTS for themselves!

    Here’s the hint for the theme: Living or dead, these cats all share a special kin.

    Happy guessing 😉

    And here’s our new batch of families:

    In ShadowClan…a family of five:

    Tinyblossom, a she-cat. Despite her size, she is one of the most fearless cats in the Clan. She uses her size to her advantage and has become known as the cat to watch out for when in a battle with ShadowClan. She is also an excellent teacher and often helps train and assess apprentices. Though she adores her kits, she is pining to leave the nursery and go back to her warrior duties.
    Beetlewing, a tom. A bit of a clown, he’s always a kit at heart. He makes hunting patrols into friendly competitions that help apprentices hone in their skills and takes his close Clanmates out for night expeditions. He helps everyone to relax and have fun, even in times of great tension. The leader even joins in sometimes.

    AND, their kits:
    1 – A gray tortoiseshell (pale ginger, silver gray, and dark gray) she-cat with a silver underbelly, a pale ginger face and front paws, and pale green eyes.
    2 – A long furred ginger she-cat with gray flecks across her pelt, gray ears, and bright blue eyes.
    3 – A dark gray tom with a silver flash on his chest, a fluffy tail, and holly green eyes.

    In RiverClan…a family of seven:

    Hawkflight, a tom. A bit rough around the edges but has a soft spot for all his Clan. He is very reserved because his father, Hawktail, trained pressured him to become deputy and leader, so he wouldn’t speak for fear of displeasing his father. Hawktail was killed in battle, and afterwards with the weight of expectation lifted, he’s finally beginning to open up and speak his mind.
    Brokencloud, a she-cat. A very deep and empathetic cat, Hawkflight confided in her about his father’s ambitious nature being driven by overhearing the medicine cat telling the current leader not to choose him as deputy, as StarClan had sent a warning. Though he never could work up the courage to stand up to his kin as she often pleaded with him to do, she did everything she could to make life somewhat happy for him and was overjoyed when he finally asked her to be his mate.

    AND, their kits (the first four, and then another litter of just one later on):
    1 – A glossy dark brown tabby she-cat with darker stripes, a golden brown underbelly and chest, and green eyes.
    2 – A large sleek black tom with one white patch on one shoulder, large paws, and golden eyes.
    3 – A long furred golden brown tom
    with white patches across his pelt and bright green eyes.
    4 – A glossy furred black she-cat with a white patch on her chest, white ears and paws, and amber eyes.
    5 – A silky dark brown and white tabby she-cat with black stripes, a white face, underbelly, and front paws, and soft green eyes.

    In ThunderClan…a family of four:

    Flamewhisker, a she-cat. A swift and agile hunter, she caught a crow larger than she was on her first hunting assessment alone. She loves the thrill of the hunt and is on at least one hunting patrol per day. When she isn’t hunting, she loves to decorate her nest with flowers. She loves her mate and sons fiercely, and always defends them when they’re doubted by their Clanmates.
    Duststorm, a tom. A Half-Clan cat, he was born in WindClan but his mother died in kitting so he was brought to live in his father’s Clan at a moon old. He was teased by his denmates all throughout his kithood and apprenticeship, but then earned their trust and respect by saving two of him fellow apprentices from a fox when they became tangled in a thorn bush.

    AND, their kits:
    1 – A pale sandy brown tabby tom with darker stripes, a fluffy short pelt, and yellow eyes.
    2 – A mottled dark ginger tabby tom with faint brown crisscrossing stripes and ice blue eyes.

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

    Good luck and have fun!

    • seriously guys i didn’t deserve all those bonus points ;_; but thanks!

      Tinyblossom- Small, lithe calico she-cat with silky fur, a short, plumy tail, and leaf-colored eyes
      Beetlewing- Stout black tabby tom with gray flecks, a round face, and amber eyes
      Poppykit, Tawnykit, Sorrelkit
      Gingerkit, Emberkit, Flamekit
      Hollykit, Ashkit, Crowkit

      Hawkflight- Broad-shouldered light brown tom with white flecks, a small scar on his back, and hazel eyes
      Brokencloud- Large dark brown she-cat with black points, gray ears/tailtip/paws, and golden eyes
      Tigerkit, Falconkit, Alderkit
      Ravenkit, Badgerkit, Patchkit
      Furzekit, Canarykit, Brackenkit
      Amberkit, Nightkit, Shadekit
      Leafkit, Birchkit, Mousekit

      Flamewhisker- Lean, long-legged flame-colored she-cat with a white muzzle/chest/tailtip and sparkling yellow eyes
      Duststorm- Thin pale gray tom with darker gray and black patches, a long, fluffy tail, and deep blue eyes
      Kestrelkit, Burkit (notareferencestopgivingmethatlook), Sparrowkit
      Foxkit, Maplekit, Oakkit

      idk cats that are related to rogues/loners/kittypets?

    • Tinyblossom-slender, small, short-furred, dark gray-and-white patched she-cat with very small, gray blossom-shaped markings, a bright pink nose, strong, powerful haunches, a long, thin, wiry black-tipped tail, thorn-sharp claws and teeth, slashed ears, and bright, azure-blue eyes the color of sunlit water

      Beetlewing-large, glossy-furred, broad-shouldered, dark gray, almost black tom with a thick, shiny pelt, a short stumpy tail, jet-black markings on his sides that resembles beetle wings, long, spiky-furred legs, pointed, broken tabby stripes along his head, tail, and legs, and clear, dark amber eyes

      Nutkit, Fallowkit, Nettlekit, Flashkit
      Amberkit, Duskkit, Dustkit, Sparkkit
      Boulderkit, Rockkit, Hollykit, Ripplekit

      Hawkflight-broad-faced, thick-furred, long-legged, dappled ginger, brown, golden, and white tom, a pelt the color of hawk feathers, long, sharp, talon-like claws, a thick, dark ginger tail, a mottled white underbelly, slashed ears, criss-crossed scars on his muzzle, a long scar that reaches from his neck to his tail-base, and brilliant, sky-blue eyes

      Brokencloud-long-legged, lean, fluffy, mottled tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with split, white cloud-shaped patches, a black tabby-striped tail, sliced ear-tips, a pale tawny-brown underbelly and chest, white fur clumping around her paws, a bushy, plumy tail, and stormy, pale fiery amber eyes

      Brackenkit, Bramblekit, Vinekit, Ivykit
      Beetlekit, Shadowkit, Patchkit, Darkkit
      Thornkit, Sunkit, Finchkit, Sandkit
      Hollykit, Crowkit, Blackkit, Nightkit
      Lilykit, Branchkit, Applekit, Twigkit

      Flamewhisker-lithe, wiry, patchy-furred, bright ginger-and-white mackerel tabby she-cat with sun-colored ginger splotches, long, pale whiskers, a fluffy, bushy, plumy, white-tipped tail, reddish-brown markings like flames, a triangular face, small, neat ears, a snub nose, and bright amber eyes the color of fire

      Duststorm-spiky-furred, broad-faced, large, gray-and-brown speckled tom with dusty gray spots, a thick, plumy white-tipped tail, muddy brown splashed paws, a slender figure, white dapples along his flank, fur that stands on end like thistles, a scarred muzzle and underbelly, and stormy, olive-green eyes

      Thrushkit, Cedarkit, Hollowkit, Sandkit
      Redkit, Hawkkit, Oakkit, Emberkit

      I worked extra hard on these 😀

      But…. idk the theme

      Tinycloud, idk, Hawkfrost, Brokenstar, Flametail, Dustpelt

      Don’t see any kin connection

    • That is an amazing game! I’d love to join, should I wait till the next round though, I doubt I’d get high on the leader board 😛

    • They’re all related to Firestar or Bramblestar? Hint?

      Tinyblossom: a small tortoiseshell ( grey, silver, and ginger) she-cat with white toes and a torn ear she has fiery green eyes
      Beetlewing: a silver tabby tom with ginger stripes and playful blue eyes
      Tawnykit Dawnkit Blossomkit
      Smokekit Sandkit Flamekit
      Streakkit Stormkit Oakkit
      Hawkflight: a big dark brown tom with darker stripes and big paws he has a white spot on his chest and shy amber eyes
      Brokencloud: a small black she-cat with long ragged fur and golden flecks she has golden paws and gentle leaf green eyes
      Flowerkit Morningkit Darkkit
      Nightkit Blackkit Ravenkit
      Lionkit Brackenkit Hopkit
      Duskkit Echokit Whisperkit
      Minnowkit Ripplekit Bouncekit
      Flamewhisker: a tall dark ginger tabby she-cat with long legs and a fluffy tail she has bright yellow eyes
      Duststorm: a sleek sand tabby colored tom with darker stripes that crisscross all over his pelt he has ice blue eyes
      Fluffykit Gorsekit Frogkit
      Foxkit Eaglekit Firekit

      • It’s not so much they all are related but they’re all kin of a certain kind of cat. They all also appear in super editions and/or the main series.

    • Is it cats that had a leader as a parent? If it is give my points to Lupinepaw and Willow.

      Tinyblossom – petite long-furred ginger, black, and white tortoiseshell she-cat with a long fluffy tail, a bright red nose, and leaf green eyes
      Beetlewing – tall, broad-shouldered pale gray tom with faint white stripes, a nicked ear, and friendly blue eyes
      Kits – #1 – Streamkit, Doekit, Silverkit
      #2 – Newtkit, Ashkit, Cinderkit
      #3 – Toadkit, Boulderkit, Talonkit

      Hawkflight – dark brown tabby tom with a white chest and paws with white stripes and piercing yellow eyes
      Brokencloud – sleek furred black she-cat with large white patches on her pelt with a black nose and bright amber eyes
      Kits – #1 – Mothkit, Willowkit, Fawnkit
      #2 – Nightkit, Blackkit, Nettlekit
      #3 – Eaglekit, Rowankit, Hailkit
      #4 – Mosskit, Poolkit, Pinekit
      #5 – Driftkit, Brightkit, Acornkit

      Flamewhisker – flame colored tabby she-cat with a darker chest and paws with brilliant green eyes
      Duststorm – dusky brown tom with a light chest and dark amber eyes
      Kits -#1 – Snadykit, Duskkit, Falconkit
      #2 – Stormkit, Spiderkit, Honeykit

    • Tinyblossom – Tiny, fluffy, feathery grey she-cat. She has soft, plush fur, a long, thin tail, and tufty ears. Her legs are long and she has small white paws. She has white, petal-like spots, white ear-tips, a white patch over her left eye, and clear, sea-blue eyes.
      Beetlewhisker – Flame-coloured tabby tom with brown splotches, he has thick, glossy fur, and a light, thin build. He has brown splotches on his back, and a short brown tail. He has long whiskers, a sharp, angular muzzle, and a torn ear. His eyes are large and pale green with silvery-blue flecks.
      Kit #1 – Splashkit, Dandelionkit, Larchkit
      Kit #2 – Specklekit, Flamekit, Lightkit
      Kit #3 – Volekit, Minnowkit, Slatekit

      Hawkflight – Smoky grey tom with black patches and thin, whispy fur. He has a long white-tipped tail, and a black face. He has wide, soft paws and shiny yellow eyes.
      Brokencloud – Soft-furred golden-brown she-cat with mackerel tabby stripes, a long, feathery tail. She has a snowy-white underbelly, chest and throat, and a thin face. Her fur is thick and shiny, and she has shiny, deep fern-green eyes.
      Kit #1 – Pinekit, Sparrowkit, Tigerkit
      Kit #2 – Nightkit, Cloudkit
      Kit #3 – Lionkit, Goldenkit, Frostkit
      Kit #4 – Amberkit, Maplekit, Shellkit
      Kit #5 – Flowerkit, Duskkit

      Flamewhisker – Muscular russet tabby she-cat with frizzy, messy fur, white flecks, a white leg, and bright blue eyes. She has strong hind legs, a short white tail, a darker ginger ear, and a pale pink nose.
      Duststorm – Light, creamy brown tabby tom with a black face and paws. His ears are long and tufty, and his fur is medium-length and soft. He has soft amber eyes.
      Kit #1 – Swiftkit, Gorsekit, Brackenkit
      Kit #2 – Frozenkit, Robinkit, Redkit

    • what? dude come on. NONE of my stuff is here XD
      I had Foxkit, Mistykit, and Brackenkit too. :/
      And Poppyheart is also a BlogClanner (which I said…)
      I guessed the theme, and I gave my bonus points to Mistypaw and Lupinepaw

      Tinyblossom: Small, short-furred gray speckled she-cat with darker spots, short legs, small ears with darker tips, a long, thick tail with a darker tip, and bright green eyes. She has darker paws and a black splotch across her chest.
      Beetlewing: Stocky, thick-furred, black-and-white tom with a long, thick tail, large ears, long legs, and bright amber eyes.
      Kit 1: Stonekit, Dapplekit, Blazekit, Shimmerkit
      Kit 2: Firekit, Stormkit, Leafkit
      Kit 3: Rockkit, Hollykit, Grasskit

      Hawkflight: Broad-shouldered pale brown tabby tom with small ears, long legs, a long, thick tail with a black tip, black ear-tips and paws, and a black flash on chest. He has strikingly bright sky-blue eyes and a black nose.
      Brokencloud: Small, long-furred white she-cat with black spots and ears, two black paws, a black tail-tip, and deep blue eyes. Her fur is fluffy and white like a cloud, and “broken” by the black spots, hence her name.
      Kit 1: Duskkit, Robinkit, Sunkist
      Kit 2: Nightkit, Goldenkit, Splashkit
      Kit 3: Brackenkit, Emberkit, Oakkit
      Kit 4: Ravenkit, Amberkit, Frostkit
      Kit 5: Breezekit, Mosskit, Mudkit

      Flamewhisker: Slender, agile, lithe pale ginger tabby she-cat with longer, fluffy belly fur, long legs, small paws and ears, and a long, thin tail. She has bright, fiery amber eyes, a darker tail-tip, and long whiskers.
      Duststorm: Stocky, thick-furred brown tom with darker flecks, black ear-tips, paws, and patches, and bright green eyes. He has small ears, large paws, and a short, thick tail. He also has black flecks mixed in with the dark brown ones, giving his pelt a dusty look.
      Kit 1: Sandkit, Lightningkit, Birchkit
      Kit 2: Blazekit, Icekit. Pinekit

      I thiiiink the cats are Tinycloud, Beetlewhisker, Hawkfrost, Brokenstar, Flametail, and Dustpelt, but I don’t see any kin connection… hint?

      • I’m so sorry Wavey 😓 I didn’t see your entry for some reason but I’ll give you those points in the next round!

        As for the theme, it’s not so much they all are related but they’re all kin of a certain kind of cat. They all also appear in super editions and/or the main series.

        • Huh, maybe it didn’t go through. Weird.

          Uhummmmm…. are they all related to cats who aren’t in their Clan?

          • No…some of them are but that’s not the theme 😛

            Here’s a hint: they’re all toms.

    • Just a question, I don’t really understand the game but I think the theme is cats descended from Skyclan? Could you explain the game to me? Sorry ‘3’

      • No it’s totally alright! I was totally confused the first time I saw one of these.

        Basically this game is called Name That Family (NTF for short) and the purpose of the game is to name and describe a family of cats from one of the Clans. The parents have names and a description of their personality/past but do not have a description. The kits are described with their physical characteristics (fur color/pattern, eye color, gender, etc.) but don’t have names.

        The challenge is to come up with possible names for the kits that make sense with their description and their Clan. About five possible names for each kit are allowed. Names like -Troutkit and -Otterkit really only make sense for RiverClan, while -Gorsekit and -Heatherkit are usually only used by WindClan. Many names can be used in any Clan though! Also if a kit is a silver tabby, then a name like Gingerkit won’t likely get you any points.

        For the parents, the challenge is to create a description for the mother and father that matches with their kits. If the kits are a brown tabby tom with black stripes and amber eyes and a gray she-cat with black paws and green eyes, then it wouldn’t make much sense if their mother was a bright orange tabby with hazel eyes and their father was a black and white tuxedo cat with blue eyes. Their names often give hints as to what their description might be like (for example, a cat named Redfern will probably have some shade of ginger/red on them).

        The description I think is the best fit with the descriptions of the kits for each parent wins and the person who submitted it gets 3 points.

        The name I feel matches each kit the best wins and often more than one person has the name, and each player who has that name as a suggestion for that particular kit gets 3 points.

        Bonus points are awarded for different amounts by guessing the theme of the round correctly. Hints for the theme can be asked for and clues to what it is are found in the prefixes for the adult cats. (Example: Snowstorm and Mosswhisker, Bluewing and Stonecreek, Mistyflight and Stormpetal would all be hints that lead to the theme, Bluestar’s kin.)

        Hope that helps clear things up 😊

    • Tiny: Very small, muscular brown-and-white tabby she-cat with several small scars crisscrossing on her brown-splashed muzzle and petal-shaped pupils in her green eyes
      Beetle: brown-and-gray tom with black patches all over him, a light brown tabby-striped tail, and amber eyes
      Dapplekit, Sorrelkit, Poppykit, Acornkit
      Pebblekit, Sunnykit, Cherrykit, Yarrowkit
      Lightningkit, Slatekit, Flashkit, Creekkit

      Hawk: Long-furred mottled gray-and-brown tom with dark gray slashes on legs and huge yellow eyes
      Broken: gray-and-black tortoiseshell she-cat with white splotches on her pelt and ice-blue eyes
      Fallowkit, Brackenkit, Doekit, Fawnkit
      Eaglekit, Crowkit, Frostkit, Goldenkit
      Thornkit, Lionkit, Sunkit, Foxkit
      Hollykit, Ravenkit, Nightkit, Snowkit
      Owlkit, Oakkit, Otterkit, Leafkit

      Flame: fiery orange tabby she-cat with translucent long whiskers that glows in light and huge, startling amber eyes
      Dust: dark brown tom with small pale brown flecks, a brown mottled, scar-covered muzzle, and green eyes

      Sandykit, Fluffkit, Mudkit, Duskkit
      Icekit, Russetkit, Squirrelkit, Stagkit

      The theme is…leaders’ kits? (Tiny Branch-Skystar, Beetlenose-Hailstar, Hawkfrost-Tigerstar, Brokenstar-Raggedstar, Flametail-Rowanstar, and Dust Muzzle-Windstar/Gorsestar)

    • Oops! Sorry I forgot to give the points away! I didn’t see it. Thanks for doing it for me!

      Yay!! First place!!!!! 😀 <3

      Tinyblossom: Small, long furred, tortoiseshell (ginger, white, and silver) she-cat with small paws, a white-tipped tail, gentle sky-blue eyes, and a small pink nose.
      Beetlewing: Strong, dark gray tom with thick fur, thin silver stripes, paws, tail-tip, and underbelly. He has a long feathery tail and holly-green eyes.
      Kit #1: Blossomkit, Poppykit, Dawnkit
      Kit #2: Rainkit, Sunkit, Finchkit
      Kit #3: Hollykit, Flashkit, Ivykit

      Hawkflight: Big, dark gray tom with broad shoulders, pale ginger stripes, a ginger underbelly, long, sharp claws, and faint battle scars along his muzzle and pelt. He has dark golden eyes.
      Brokencloud: Soft, ginger she-cat with long, silky fur, cloud-shaped white patches along her pelt, a long, white-tipped tail, and soft green eyes the color of young grass.
      Kit #1: Tigerkit, Robinkit, Fawnkit
      Kit #2: Cloudkit, Lionkit, Nightkit
      Kit #3: Sunkit, Grasskit, Emberkit
      Kit #4: Hollykit, Goldenkit, Eaglekit
      Kit #5: Hazelkit, Grasskit, Finchkit

      Flamewhisker: Small, dark ginger tabby she-cat with small white paws, a white underbelly, pale ginger stripes, and caring amber eyes.
      Duststorm: Big, sandy-brown tom with dark brown flecks speckling his pelt, a long, thick tail, and ice-blue eyes.
      Kit #1: Sandkit, Sunkit, Lionkit
      Kit #2: Mottlekit, Icekit, Leopardkit

      Theme: Kits of leaders!!!! 😀 😀

    • Congratulations on starting a fan fiction! I don’t think I can top anybody else’s amazing lists, but I’ll see what I can do.

      Family one:
      Tinyblossom: Wiry and small, light gray silky furred she-cat with light white vague blossom shapes scattered over her fur, a tail like a whip, sharp teeth, and scars across her haunches. She has eyes the color of green thorns.
      Beetlewing: A glossy-furred dark gray, almost black tom with a thick, short pelt, silver-gray ear tips and muzzle, a splash of pure black on his chest, and eye marks shaped like beetle’s wings. He has clear blue eyes like the sky after it storms.
      Kit one: Sweetkit, Olivekit, Dappledkit, Gingerkit, Flowerkit
      Kit two: Frecklekit, Sparkkit, Flamekit, Ashkit
      Kit three: Stormkit, Rainkit, Cloudkit, Crowkit, Ripplekit

      Family two:
      Hawkflight: A large sleek ginger-brown tom with talon-like claws, a golden scarred muzzle, a thick dirty white rippled tail, and sharp amber eyes like flint in the sunset.
      Brokencloud: A long furred, soft white she-cat with light jagged brown stripes all over her back. She has a rosy pink nose, light blue-gray ears, and eyes the color of a sunlit lake in the wintertime.
      Kit one: Brackenkit, Tigerkit, Falconkit, Bramblekit, Hazelkit
      Kit two: Barkkit, Twigkit, Patchkit
      Kit three: Thornkit, Sandkit
      Kit four: Dapplekit, Maplekit, Poolkit
      Kit five: Birchkit, Whitekit, Snowkit, Leafkit
      Family three:
      Flamewhisker: A lithe ginger she-cat with fur the color of fire when the sun hits it. She has glossy golden tipped ears and sun colored flecks across her chest. She has brown knee-high stockings and pale long whiskers. A long tail like a wolf’s tail that’s white and rippled with light ginger. She has sparkling icy amber eyes.
      Duststorm: A dappled pale brown tom with dusted sandy toes and faint sandy stripes on his hind legs. He has a nick in his right ear and a scar on his chest from saving the two apprentices. He has stormy blue-silver eyes.
      Kit one: Gorsekit, Sparrowkit, Thrushkit
      Kit two: Mudkit, Brownkit
      Phew! That took a hour and a half.
      The theme: Cats who were kits of leaders/loners/kittypets? Hint please!

  • Resultsss~~

    The theme is Bluestar, Mapleshade, (Or maybe Spottedleaf is okay), Silverstream, and Leafpool, she-cats with forbidden love. Congrats to Wavey, Lupinepaw, Snowpaw, Brightstorm, Mistlepaw, Owlheart, Willowkit, and Dewpaw who got the theme right! Frostflower got the cats but not the theme of the forbidden love so I’ll give you two points for the theme.


    #1 Indigobreeze (Mistlepaw)
    #2 Skywater (Snowpaw)
    #3 Streamcloud (Lupinepaw)


    #1 Driftcloud (Brightstorm)
    #2 Softtail (Willowkit)
    #3 Sorrelcloud (Aspenkit)


    #1 Quietstream (Frostflower)
    #2 Silvermist (Wavey)
    #3 Poolshine (Brightpaw)


    #1 Duskpoppy (Owlheart)
    #2 Hazelstream (Willowkit)
    #3 Oliveheart (Mistlepaw)


    #1 Frostflower-28 points
    #2 Wavey-27 points
    #3 Willowkit-25 points
    #4 Snowpaw-24 points
    #5 Brightstorm, Owlheart-22 points
    #6 Mistlepaw-19 points
    #7 Willow-15 points
    #8 Lupinepaw-9 points
    #9 Dawnheart-8 points
    #10 Asterpaw, Darkkit-7 points
    #11 Flashtail-6 points
    #12 Brightpaw-4 points
    #13 Dewpaw-3 points
    #14 Aspenkit, Russetfeather-2 points
    #15 Shadowpaw, Foxpaw-1 point
    #16 Oatpaw-

    1. You can give each apprentice/kit 1-4 names.
    2. If you made up the name by your own, you get 2 points, if you share it, you get 1 point.
    3. For Tribe names and Ancient names, first place gets 2 points, and the rest get 1.

    ❄Frostflower❄ and 🌊Wavey 🌊are dangerously close to the goal-30 points!!! But 🌳Willowkit🌳, 🌨Snowpaw🌨, 🌩Brightstorm🌩, and 🦉Owlheart🦉 are close behind!
    Next round, anyone who had less than 20 points guesses the theme correctly will get 4 points, while anyone who had more than 20 points will donate the points to two players they wanted to.

    Next round~


    Canon names: Thornclaw, Thorntooth
    Canon names:Fleetfoot
    Canon names: Goldenflower
    Canon names: Petalfur, Petalnose, Petalfall, Petaldust

    Have fun!

  • Results! The theme was cats with disabilities(blindness, deafness). Iceflower, Aspenkit, Owlheart, Wavepaw, Blizzardpaw, Lupinepaw, Russetfeather, Brightstorm, and Mistypaw(pretty much everyone) guessed the theme, they’ll get an extra point.

    Longpaw: Longbranch (Iceflower, Aspenkit, & Russetfeather)
    Jaypaw: Jaymist (Wavepaw, Russetfeather, & Brightstorm)
    Snowpaw: Snowbriar (Brightstorm)
    Frecklepaw: Frecklesong (Russetfeather & Owlheart)


    Wavepaw: 10
    Owlheart: 7
    Aspenkit: 6
    Brightstorm: 5
    Russetfeather: 5
    Lupinepaw: 4
    Mistypaw: 3
    Iceflower: 3
    Mist: 2
    Runningleaf: 2
    Snowpaw: 1
    Willowkit: 1
    Blizzardpaw: 1

    Next round! No theme this time.

    Amberpaw-sleek orange tabby she-cat with a pale ginger underbelly and sun-colored amber eyes
    Canon Names: Ambermoon, Amberclaw, Amberleaf

    Rosepaw-soft-furred dark red-ginger she-cat with spiky-furred brown legs and leaf-green eyes
    Canon Names: Rosetail, Rosepetal

    Foxpaw-broad-shouldered dark ginger tom with a very bushy fox-like white-tipped tail and amber eyes
    Canon Names: Foxclaw, Foxheart, Foxleap, Foxwhisker, Foxnose

    Acaciapaw-thick-furred pale pinkish-gray tabby she-cat with a pale pinkish-red underbelly and paws and sky-blue eyes
    Canon Names: None

  • Hello. I like helping people, so I’m coming up with names for people to use in their fan-fiction. Anyone can use these names. 😛 there are a few tribe names

    Foxsprint- neat clean tom with reddish brownish fur and a white tail tip. Fastest tom in the clan.

    Marshleap-light orange tabby she-cat with green eyes

    Cliffchip- mottled black tom with amber eyes

    Frost That Covers Flower-Silverish grayish tabby she cat with amber eyes

    Harepelt-light brown tom with blue eyes

    Poppyclaw- battle scarred black she-cat

    Troutwhisker- gray tom with green eyes

    Greenbush-white she-cat who’s fur sticks out at all angles with green eyes

    Sunwhisker-fire colored tom with wild whiskers

    Lushmeadow- beautiful orange tabby she cat with green eyes

    Stonestream- Dark gray tom with long silky tail

    Waveswoop- Handsome dark brown tabby tom with battle scarred muzzle

    Shadow That Falls From Sky- black she-cat with unusual blue eyes

    Timbermoon-light brown tom

    Adderleaf- (medicine cat) dark brown tabby she cat with black stripes

    Speckledfur- dappled brown tom with green eyes

    Mudfoot- white tom with brown paws

    Littlewing- small white she-cat with black ear tips

    Lilyclaw- gray she-cat with blue eyes

    Nightswirl- black tom with unusual white swirl patterns on his fur

    Dawnlily- Light brown tabby she cat with beautiful green eyes (yeah yeah yeah i know its my user….)

    Curvetail- white tom with curved tail

    Wolfscreech- mottled dark brown she-cat

    Fernwhisker- Tortoiseshell tom (yes i know thats rare.)

    Roseflame- Firey red she-cat

    Stormheart- Handsome gray tom

    Sleepinglily- white she-cat with blue eyes

    Nettlefish- shiny black tom

    Tinytail- small light brown she-cat with stubby tail

    Twinetail- orange tabby tom with long tail

    Sandyfur- Sand colored she-cat

    Squirrelnose- brown tom with amber eyes

    Lakedawn- light brown she-cat with white tail tip

    Rock That Blocks Flowing Water- dark gray tom

    I’ll be be back with my notebook of warrior names….hehe……


  • Really? cause i thought in one of the newer books like bramblestars storm they used twine or something like that to help briarlight out of the flood in the camp. either that or something else and used twine to describe it. oh, well. thanks walso what does canon mean?

    • Canon means that the name had been used in the series. Like Stormheart was a warrior in SkyClan.

  • Mwah ha ha ha!! My mission is to rule the Warrior Names page!! Actually I’m just kidding we share it here, and I love all the names you guys come up with i use them in my fan fiction. Heres more from me., and again anyone can use, them I just liek making up names. I dont know what canon means, so if i do canon names, its not my fault, if the meaning is bad.
    Frogsplash- dark brown tom with black speckles

    Breezepoint- Sharp, clean, black she-cat with shint fur

    Plumwood- dark gray tabby tom with amber eyes

    Hazelcrest- light brown she-cat with long scar down her back

    Flickerleap- light orange tabby tom with blue eyes

    Flamerun- dark brown tabby she-cat

    Deernettle- brown tom with white spots


    I have to go, but i’ll have more tomorrow, its 10:00 pm for me, so, bye

  • Writing a Mapleshade backstory fanfic and these are the allegiances I have currently (I’m just focusing on ThunderClan and RiverClan). RiverClan’s family trees aren’t expanded on as much but hey, whatever works. I used a few suggestions from people so hopefully I did your names/descriptions justice! Tell me what you think 😊



    Oakstar: Sturdy dark brown tom with amber eyes, a dark reddish brown chest, ears, and paws, and a broad face.


    Briarwhisker: Large, sleek, mottled dark ginger and brown tabby tom with sharp yellow eyes and black stripes. Rainfeather’s mate.


    Oatspeckle: Golden she-cat with cream-colored mottles across her pelt and pale golden eyes. APPRENTICE, Ravenpaw


    Rabbitfur: Gray tabby tom with pale gray stripes, a silver face and chest, and green eyes. Father of Rainfeather and Bluefang.

    Beetail: Dark brown tabby tom with barely visible black stripes, pale brown paws, muzzle, and chest, and clear amber eyes. APPRENTICE, Thrushpaw

    Nightleap: Lean black tom with a white patch on his chest and dark blue eyes. Ravenpaw and Ivypaw’s father.

    Darkfern: Small, dark gray tabby she-cat with snow-white paws and pale green eyes. Ravenpaw and Ivypaw’s mother.

    Bloomheart: Thick furred gray tabby tom with blue eyes and darker stripes.

    Flutterbreeze: Fluffy dark ginger and white she-cat with russet splotches down her back and blue eyes. Briarwhisker’s sister. APPRENTICE, Ivypaw

    Dawnfeather: Pale orange she-cat with a white underbelly, four white paws, and pale blue eyes.

    Bluefang: Skinny, blue-gray tom with black flecks and stormy blue eyes. Rainfeather’s brother and Rabbitfur’s son. APPRENTICE, Seedpaw

    Thorntuft: Thick furred pale brown and white tuxedo tom with long claws and green eyes. Father of Thrushpaw and Seedpaw.

    Willowsong: Fawn-colored tabby she-cat with darker stripes, a cream underbelly and paws, and dark yellow eyes. Mother of Thrushpaw and Seedpaw.


    Ravenpaw: Thick furred small black tom with dark blue eyes. Medicine cat apprentice.

    Thrushpaw: Fluffy pale brown tabby tom with bright green eyes, dark brown stripes, and long front claws.

    Ivypaw: Dark gray she-cat with white toes, black flecks across her pelt, a bushy tail, and pale green eyes. Ravenpaw’s sister.

    Seedpaw: Light brown and white tom with white front legs, chest, and face and dark yellow eyes.


    Rainfeather: Fluffy silver she-cat with soft blue eyes, white paws and ears, and blue-gray flecks across her pelt. Mother of Briarwhisker’s kits (Briarkit, a dark ginger tabby tom with blue eyes, Deerkit, a silver tabby she-kit with black stripes and pale blue eyes, and Maplekit, a thick furred mostly dark ginger tortoiseshell and white she-kit with a fluffy white tail and yellow eyes.)

    Goldenflight: Golden tabby she-cat with a cream colored muzzle and paws, a rosy pink nose, and dark green eyes. Expecting Oakstar’s kits.


    Rowanleaf: Big, flaming orange tom with dark brown flecks, paws, tail-tip, and emerald eyes. Briarwhisker and Flutterbreeze’s father.

    Feathersong: Fluffy, lightly-framed, wiry, pale gray and white splotched she-cat with a thick, bushy, plumy, feathery silver tail with a white tip, a soft white muzzle, tiny dark gray paws, broken tabby stripes along her neck and legs, and pale sky blue eyes. Bloomheart’s mother.

    Gingerstep: Black and orange tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes and patchy fur. Mother of Dawnfeather.



    Otterstar: Sleek brown tabby she-cat with black stripes, a thin long tail, and yellow eyes.


    Darkpool: Thick furred black she-cat with ice blue eyes and a glossy pelt.


    Echosnout: Black and white she-cat with a white muzzle, chest, legs, and underbelly, a white blaze down her forehead, and dark amber eyes.

    Cloudberry: Long furred white she-cat with bright golden eyes and a broad flattened muzzle.


    Spiketail: Dark gray tom with pale green eyes and a paler gray underbelly. APPRENTICE, Eelpaw

    Mistyflight: Light gray she-cat with black patches over her ears, chest, and tail base, a feathery pelt, and blue eyes.

    Turtlefoot: Silvery white tabby tom with small front paws, pale gray stripes, and yellow eyes.

    Milkfur: Glossy furred white she-cat with leaf green eyes and a bright pink nose. APPRENTICE, Splashpaw

    Quailwing: Pale brown tabby she-cat with thick glossy fur and dark green eyes. APPRENTICE, Rainpaw

    Twigclaw: Fluffy gray and white tabby tom with amber eyes, darker brown stripes, and a thick glossy pelt. APPRENTICE, Applepaw

    Emberblaze: Long furred russet tabby tom with brown stripes and dark blue eyes.

    Troutleap: Splotchy silver gray and white tom with green eyes and a thick glossy pelt. APPRENTICE, Sandpaw


    Eelpaw: Gray and black tabby she-cat with pale green eyes and swirled black stripes.

    Splashpaw: Fluffy pale gray tom with blue eyes and silver ear tips.

    Rainpaw: Skinny thick furred black tom with blue eyes.

    Applepaw: Glossy pale brown tom with broad shoulders, a thick short pelt, and pale holly green eyes.

    Sandpaw: Pale brown and white she-cat with white legs, tail-tip, and face and dark green eyes.

    Firecloud: Tortoiseshell (dark orange, gray, and brown) she-cat with bright blue eyes and large dark orange splotches across her pelt. Mother of Twigclaw’s kits; Reedkit, a fluffy dark orange she-kit with a striped tail and legs and bright blue eyes, and Wavekit, a gray and orange tabby she-cat with darker gray stripes and amber eyes.


    Oakspots: Skinny mottled dark gray and brown tom with golden eyes.

  • Hi I need help deciding names for a thunderclan and shadowclan leader. Which ever cat gets the most votes I will use. I am also looking for unique warrior names to use in a warrior fan fic if you have any suggestions or want me to use your warrior name then just ask. Thanks


    Silverstar- Beautiful silver she-cat with white paws and blue eyes
    Gingerstar- A fierys ginger she-cat with a single white paw and dark greenie amber eyes
    Hawkstar- Dark brown tabby tom with red paws and amber eyes
    Darkstar- pitch black tom with yellow eyes


    Crowstar-black tom with white paws and blue eyes
    Amberstar- bright orange she-cat with darker stripes and amber eyes (Sister to Emberfall/star)
    Snakestar- a brown tom with black tabby markings and grey paws he has one blue eye and one amber eye.
    Emberstar- black she-cat with a single red patch around her left eye, blue eyes. (Sister to Amberflame/star)