• This was one of the only Warriors books that made me cry :’) The other one was Crookedstar’s Promise.

  • My favorite arc was D.O.T.C. I loved how Clear Sky saved Gray Wing’s kit and how Clear Sky stopped seeming like the villain

  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRAY WING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, so, so ,so sad!!!!!!!!!!

  • OH MY GOD. I just finished the books, and I cried. They were so amazing, but… Gray Wing’s death… why? Why? WhY? *Cries again* Luckily, I managed to run in the bathroom before I cried. XD
    Kate, Kate, Kate, you KILLED ME!!!! 😛 But, seriously, I loved them. The whole story was so touching. Did anyone else want to squeeze Clear Sky after he reformed and realized all his mistakes? And after he apologized to Thunder, and became a great father to his new kits? Oh, Clear Sky. And, I hated Star Flower at first, but she brought out the good in Clear Sky. And I loved Gray Wing’s kits! Wow. Just wow. That whole book was SUCH a roller coaster. This was actually the first warriors book that made me literally have to cry. Crookedstar’s promise and Bluestar’s prophecy did kinda, but i didn’t actually CRY. This one was killer. Yeah, I just looked up at my screen, and realized I’m ranting. But …. Gray Wing…. He was my favorite from start to finish..
    Anyway, I better stop ranting and go cry again. 😛


    • And, I was just thinking, I LOVE Gorse Fur too. In a way he reminds me of a friend I have. Endlessly patient. 😀 He was a great mate for Wind Runner! Although I do think she can be a little to wary, but at least we all now know where WindClan got that from! 😛 And who else LOVED the way Gray Wing named the clans? I did. <3

  • I cried like many others did when Gray Wing died at the end. His infinitely significant role as one of the Early Settlers that shaped the founding leaders and the 5 clans of the forest due to his love for his fellow Tribemates, his family and friends. His only true desire was to live a quiet, happy and peaceful existence with all the cats in the forest. I certainly hope we see more of him in other stories past, present and future of the Clan cats.

  • I agree about Greywing’s death being the saddest. We knew he had some health problems since the fire. When he called the groups clans it made me cry😭

  • Graywing was my favorite character, so sad when he died.😢 He was so tactical and methodical, it just made him a great character.

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