At last! Forgive the delay. Enjoy! 😀
At last! Forgive the delay. Enjoy! 😀
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
My own personal page (For now)
The revolution that transformed Brazil into a republic was SO uneventful that the few witnesses present didn’t know it happened, and the dethroned Emperor didn’t even care.
The inventor of chocolate chip cookies sold the idea to Nestle Toll House in return for a lifetime supply of chocolate.
I was expecting Russetfeather to be here 😛
I am here! A month later but here!
You finally find out that Goosefeather can see the future of each cat.
It’s very cool. Reminds me of other Medicine cats who had powers, Yellowfang and Shadowsight.
Has anyone else noticed that all the Bluestar’s Prophecy elders are there except Weedwhisker? I mean, he’s got to be alive by then or he’d be pretty young to be an elder.
Ikr! I love BLUESTARS PROPHECY, though.
So do I.
I loved Snowfur and she died, so that was the only thing I didn’t like.
Goosefeather’s apprenticeship went by so fast!
They kept his powers a secret even though everything he saw in the future that could happen, he could never change. I wonder if he saw his sister Moonflower’s death coming in Bluestar’s Prophecy.
I love this book. I’ve always liked Goosefeather honestly and this book made absolutely love him!!!!! ….And hate Stormtail…..
Stormtail was an fine father to Bluefur (before she became leader) and Snowfur, I guess.
THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING. GOD I HATE STORMTAIL WITH A BURNING PASSION!!! But I’ve always loved Goosefeather, and I think I’m one of the few.. sure he went crazy.. but that was because the grief of Moonflower and his power to see dead cats and all. Anyway, overall he was a pretty great character and an ok medicine cat before he lost his mind.
ummm….. Where’s Stonepelt in this?
….. and Weedwhisker…..this book really messed with the timeline….
There’s also no Sparrowpelt/Halftail…..
WOw. This book was epic! 😛
I found Moonflower to be a terrible sister in this book… she was also a pretty bad sister in “Bluestar’s Prophecy”…..
WAIT WHAT!? NO!! I really liked Moonflower! OOF!
But you could say she is a good mother to Bluestar and Snowfur, right?
Goosefeather was a really unusual character that seemed as if he was suffering from a severe mental breakdown to me when I first read Bluestar’s Prophecy. Some of his prophecies were so uncanny and spot on. When he declared that the vole Snowpaw had caught (her first catch) as an Omen of WindClan’s plans to destroy ThunderClan prompted a battle that ultimately killed Moonflower as result it was evident his mental state was declining.
Now after reading this story from his point of view, and the curse he carried within him from his unique abilities to see dead cats explains everything. His story needed to told and it was done well. And he did after all foresee Rusty coming along to join ThunderClan and his role later as the fire that could save the clan.
I’ve always wondered if the vole prophecy Goosefeather made was actually true. What if WindClan actually WAS going to attack them? No one can know…
Goosefeather could never change the future, so it is most likely true. He most likely saw his sister Moonflower’s death coming too.
I really liked how at the beginning he found the other kits and they’re just like “You cheated!” I honestly found that hilarious!!
Though I nearly SCREAMED when a prophecy from The New Prophecy came up. I was just like “YOU WERE DEAD!! WHY ARE YOU BEING TOLD A PROPHECY THAT WILL ONLY COME TRUE FAR PAST YOUR DEATH?!?!”
…okay, maybe I did scream just a bit…
That was basically why he regarded his gift of hearing prophecies as a curse. Too many prophecies, most of them never to happen/happening in his lifetime.