I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate, how does the “reading” of books work?
Like, Shattered Sky isn’t published…so do you just read like a manuscript or something, or has Cherith written the full first draft so you can read it and be prepared for AVOS Book 4?
Is that how it works?
Kate, there is a cat on the cover of Shattered Sky with green eyes. Is this cat Dovewing or Needlepaw. I feel like it makes more sense to be Needlepaw.
Though I actually thought the cat looked like Moth Flight at first for some reason. Lol! c: Speaking of…
What ever happened to Moth Flight’s prophecy from MFV? The one about her kits being the blazing star and bringing the Clans together as a family once more?
Hi! I have a couple of questions!
So it was confirmed Ivypool and Fernsong would be mates. How do you think Ivypool would be if she became a queen and had kits? Would she still be a tail-kicking warrior?
I read somewhere you disliked Hollyleaf as a character; if that’s try, why don’t you like her? She seems to be a fan favorite so it’s interesting to know one of the writers didn’t like her.
Lastly, when reading Bramblestar’s Storm, I really liked Seedpaw. I was wondering if had survived, what do you think her warrior name would be? I like Seedflower, Seedflight, Seedpelt, and Seedfur.
Thank you!
Hey Katie, I really want to draw Sun Shadow with his two dead siblings Crow Muzzle and Dancing Leaf, but I want to draw them with their actual description, but sadly we don’t know how they look. I imagined Crow Muzzle as dark smoke-gray she cat with white splotches and a light gray muzzle, and Dancing Leaf as brown tabby tom with white chestfur, but that’s just my idea. How do they really look?
Kate, do you know who Super Edition 10 is about? (The one after Hawkwing?)
Not yet…
I’m sure you know, since you’re working on it, I think….
Nvm, ignore that comment.
Kate, I know you aren’t writing Thunder’s Echo, but do you know if Thunder’s nine lives ceremony will be in? I really want to know who gave him his nine lives.
No spoilers!
You’re writing Thunder’s Echo? I thought Cherith was….
I don’t write Warriors novellas.
Here’s an idea I had for one of the upcoming books: When the clans medicine cats share tongues with Starclan at the Moonpool they can’t find any cats who have died recently, not thinking much of it they go home and back to their regular lives. Later, cats in each clan who were close to those who have recently died start having dreams of fear and darkness and the cats they were close to calling for help. Disturbed, they each go to their medicine cats and tell them what happened. The next day the medicine cats call an emergency meeting at the Moonpool to speak with Starclan and try to find to missing cats. Starclan tells them that the Dark Forest is blocking cats from entering Starclan and keeping them as prisoners hoping to train them to add to their diminished ranks after the Great Battle. The medicine cats then travel to the Dark Forest but are stopped by Dark Forest warriors who said the dead warriors are theirs and Starclan and the clans by the lake would soon be nothing more than a memory. The medicine cats then wake up beside to Moonpool and head home to discuss the issue with the clan leaders. They resolve that nothing can be done at the moment and if the Dark Forest wants more warriors than the cats who have died will be kept alive. When Dark Forest cats start appearing in the forest attacking patrols trying to add more warriors to their ranks the clan leaders at the next gathering decide that all the cats who have trained in the Dark Forest should go to the Moonpool and join with Starclan to fight the Dark Forest and rescue the trapped cats.
Whew, that was long. Hope everyone likes it! 🙂
Ohh could I make a fanfic out of that? 🙂
This reply is a little late, but yes you can make a fanfic out of this! 😀
I had this idea and it doesn’t have really anything to do with TAQ but here goes.. What if Tigerheart was named after Tigerstar and Fireheart/star? Tawny named him after her father, hoping he would become a better warrior then Tigerstar. Well, don’t parents have a say in their kit’s names? What if she requested for his suffix to be -heart after Firestar? Maybe she wanted to name him after her first two leaders?
Kate, do you think Moth Flight will make an appearance in A Vision of Shadows? For some reason, I really want her and Alderpaw to meet.
Ooh, I hope so! 😀 That would be a lovely meeting.
Yes, yes it would. 🙂
Kate, a member on the official forum is saying that you said Leafpool would die in TAS, and that Needlepaw would be named Needlepool in her honor. I couldn’t find this statement. Is it true?
Here’s the exchange:
Fan: Kate, I’ve suspected for a while that Leafpool might die in ShadowClan while helping out Littecloud, and also because Thunderclan doesn’t really need three medicine cats.
Kate: Sadly, your suspicions have been correct….
It’s not true. I don’t do spoilers. I thought BlogClan knew that by now. Besides, “Sadly, your suspicions have been correct….” sounds SO NOT LIKE ME…I’d say something like, “Yeah, Fan. She totally croaks. She hijacks a lorry and drives it off a cliff to crush a twoleg sawmill that’s threatening the environment.”
Just for the record, I can’t remember what happens to Leafpool in TAS. My memory is THAT short. 😀
:’D What a way to go.
Just picture her clinging to that steering wheel as it plunges over the edge, fur on end, yowling “For StarClan!”
Jayfeather sits in the distance while sipping his pumpkin spice coffee. “If I could see, I’d give you an 8/10 for effort”.
Leafpool nods her head graciously to Jayfeather before exploding in a ball of fire.
She and Mothflight hold paws as they go, Thelma and Louise style.
Mothwing, sorry. Too many medicine cats that are moths 😛
Perfect! 😀 😀
Alderpaw races after his aunt while singing the Little Einsteins theme song and juggling banana cream pies.
Lol!! 😀 Very creative death… 😛
Kate, just one more question, but how much time is going to pass in Thunder and Shadow? I ask because according to the blurb of Shattered Sky Alderpaw already has his full medicine cat name. And medicine cats take a longer time then warriors to get their full name. So did he just get his full name early for some reason?
I would find it funny if both him and Sparkpaw did get their full names at the same time though.
No spoilers. 🙂
Ugh Kate, you know what I hate? When a new Warrior book comes out then you need to wait like 6 months for the next one to come out so you completely forget what the first ones about 😛
welp, it probably takes a lot of time for the erins to write, and then all the other marketing and cover stuff… (not saying that it’s not a little annoying. I WANT ALL THE BOOKS NOW)
Also, without the waiting, you’d get bored! Anticipation is the better part of pleasure. 😀
You know what’s even worse ..only being on the second book of omen of the stars ; (
But you have so much joy ahead of you! 😀 😀 😀
Well, it was worth a try. XD
Hey, Kate.
Do you know if Skystar will appear this arc?
I don’t know. I’m as excited as you about what will happen next!