I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
I hope the ibooks preview comes out soon. I can’t wait to read the prologue and maybe chapter 2 as well.
I think it will come out next week. But that’s just my two cents.
I’m so, so, so excited for the second A Vision of Shadows book to come out! I’ve read most of the Warriors books multiple times, and I absolutely love them! I find myself comparing my friend’s personalities to the cat’s personalities.
I had a question, but typing this made me forget it. It’s so annoying when you want to ask or do something, and then you forget it!!
Hello Kate!
I saw you told us Mallowtails look some weeks ago.
Cloud you tell me the look of her mother, Softwing, too?
She is said to be white with tabby patches. But I am not shure wich colour the tabby patches have.
I know you say tabby=brown all the time but somehow that doesn’t fit with her kits.
Her kit Dawnbright is white with patches of orange.
So are Softwings tabby-patches brown or orange or a totally different colour? (Red, gray, gold ect.)
The tabby patches are mackerel tabby.
I’m so sorry!
But “mackerel tabby” is just the way the stripes are ordered on the coat of the cat.
A “mackrele tabby” can also be brown, gray or red °-°
Really! I didn’t know that. I always assumed they had the green/brown colour of a mackerel because Willow, my only pure tabby. was a green/brown mackerel tabby. In which case, green/brown.
I have a question Kate. It’s not about this book or any of the books, but I was wondering… how do you make an article and then put it in the blog? I read the Submit Your Article thing, but I’m still confused. Do you make it on another website, and then paste the website? Do you type it all out somewhere? I have great ideas for an article, but I don’t know how to make it!
I’d recommend typing it in a text app on your computer (word or notepad or something), saving a copy onto your computer in case it gets lost in the ether, then copying an departing the whole article into the Post Content box of submission form on the article page. Don’t forget to include your name and article title too. I hope this helps 🙂 Good luck!
Kate, when will you start working on book 4? And do you know what the working title for it is yet?
In a month or so…don’t know the title yet…
Alright! I can wait a little while longer.
Thanks, Kate! I’ll try!
Kate, is there any possibility that Mousewhisker and Minnowtail were secretly a couple and went to the Dark Forest together? Mousewhisker was seen to have a crush on Minnowtail in The Sight.
Would you go to the Dark Forest for a crush?
Eh, humans do crazy things all the time.
He had a crush on her as an apprentice, so maybe they became mates later on? Perhaps they decided that it was easier to meet in the DF than in the real world and ended up getting stuck there like all the other trainees.
Ooh, nice plot twist, but it would be too sad for me!
I noticed something in “The Sun Trail”
In Chapter 15, when Moon Shadow went to the forest for some hunting (they still live on the moor), he was attacked by some rouges. The attackers were Night (Black she-cat with a white paw), Petal (yellow tabby she-cat) and Leaf (black-and-white tom). Clear Sky and Falling Feather helped chase the rouges away.
Later in the Bonus Scene of “The Sun Trail” about Petal and Fox, Petal tells this fight from her point of view. She talks shortly about Moon Shadow (black tom), Clear Sky (gray tom) and Falling Feather (white she-cat). Then she mentions the cats that were with her to attack the Moor-Cats. She says with her were Leaf and NIGHTHEART.
Now we notice, in Chapter 15 its “Night” and in the Bonus Scene its “Nightheart”, who was with Petal and Leaf. Does this mean that “Night” and “Nightheart” are the same cat and the name just got confused because you are used to the “normal” names? I mean its nearly the same name. I have no Idea if Kate reads that, but a tiny answer would make a curious fan very happy ^-^
Note: I wrote the fur and gender behind the cats because Petal only calls them “White cat, gray cat” and stuff and the other way around. But if you read the scenes it is clearly the same incident they describe.
Do you think Bee, Slash, One Eye and Ripplestar took part in the great battle (Dark Forest vs Clans) ? 🙂 Greetings
That would be interesting. But who knows if Bee, Slash and One Eye were still around, since Maggottail was stated to be the oldest DF member.
Wait, when?
In “The Forgotten Warrior”.
“The oldest of the leaders, little more than a faint shadow against the slimy trunk behind him, loomed threateningly over her.”
I have no clue why I like asking this question, I just do. It’s the short-fur and long-fur question…
Kate, do Twigkit, Violetkit and Needlepaw have long-fur or short-fur?
Short fur. Always short fur unless otherwise stated 🙂
Hm, alright! c:
By “always” do you really mean only the cats specifcally said to have long fur really have long fur?
All cats said to have thick fur, or where nothing is stated about the fur-length have short fur?
Just asking to be shure XD
In my imagination, yes. Other Erins may differ. But thick fur is thick fur as far as I’m concerned. Long fur is long fur. Just as thick hair is thick hair and long hair is long hair.
Kate can you tell us what happened to Egg???? Egg was the biggest beauty in all of Skyclan lol. He cant be dead..
Which books did Egg appear in? Why do I not remember him? Egg! Awesome!
Maybe went on a Eggventure 😉
Hahahaha! 😀 Wonderful!
I hope it was an eggciting eggventure!
Okay, I’ve gotta make a pun not involving the word “Egg”…
*yolk-related pun*
That would be Eggshell-ent! 😀
I egg-ree!
HAHA! 😀 Thank you! 😀
He appeared in SkyClan’s Destiny and joined SkyClan, but he didn’t appear in the SkyClan and the Stranger manga.
thank you! 😀
Egg was a rogue that joined SkyClan towards the end of SkyClan’s Destiny. He was adult age, I believe, but he was made Sharpclaw’s apprentice. He requested not to take a Clan name, as he preferred to be called Egg, and he asked to join the patrol helping Stick attack Dodge’s cats, because he wanted to prove his loyalty to SkyClan.
However, Egg never appeared in any SkyClan stories that took place after that book. We never saw him in the SkyClan and the Stranger mangas, or in Ravenpaw’s Farewell, he was never even mentioned. When Vicky was asked about it a while ago, she responded that she thought he became a warrior of SkyClan, but always with a loner’s perspective on Clan matters. I always did wonder why he never showed up again, and I wonder whether he’ll show up in A Vision of Shadows since SkyClan features more heavily now.
We clearly need more Egg.
I always thought so. ^^
Yes I have always been of this opinion too 😛
Kate is this series going to be the last thunder clan series because I wold really like a series based on a different clan I don’t really think it is fare that thunder clan always get the biggest roles and I think at least shadow clan should get to save all the clans ☺
Nice idea! But I doubt if we’ll ever wander far from ThunderClan…but never say never….
Oh OK and also if fire paw didn’t leave and stayed as a kitty pet how wold everything change ?
Fire wouldn’t have saved the Clan….
Oh and also crookedstars promise is one of my faves ?
YES! Crookedstar’s Promise is MY FAVORITE BOOK! <3
Oh sorry I wasn’t thinking straight it’s not everyday you get to talk to one of your hero’s 😧 (sorry if that sounded sappy ) I want to create manga when I’m older and warrior cats has helped my imagination a lot .thank for creating awesome books 😊 sorry for yourwasting time😓
I always think I want that, but then I think, but what about the Thunderclan cats? Will some of the cats there die deaths no one even knew about? Will characters be forgotten? Will people know almost no information about some cats? I could not bear sweet kits of some people’s 2 favorite characters being forgotten…
Egg appears in SkyClan’s Destiny.
He is a loner passing bye and liking SkyClan, so he is made Apprentice of Sharpclaw.
Leafstar wants to give him the name “Eggpaw” but he requests to just keep his name and is still calles “Egg”.
At first they are sceptical if Egg will really fitt into SkyClan, but later he prooves himself by hunting and fighting with the Clan and Leafstar is glad she took him in.
Thanks, Cookiemouth! 😀
SkyClan’s Destiny ^^
Thanks. A Cherith book. Which explains my ignorance!
I don’t think he is…
Kate, in the original allegiances for The Apprentice’s Quest you put on your original blog there was a WC she-cat named Ferntail who was listed as Crowfeather’s apprentice. She was a gray tabby she-cat and stated to be Sedgewhisker and Emberfoot’s kit. In the finished allegiances Ferntail was gone and replaced with Fernpaw, who is a dark brown she-cat. She is Crowfeather’s apprentice as well. So, are Ferntail and Fernpaw the same cat, but just with different appearances?
It would make sense. After all, Jaywing was changed to Jayclaw and Stonetooth was changed to Stonewing.
She is the same cat; we just altered her name to reflect her apprentice status.
Thanks! c: I guess I know what Fernpaw’s warrior name is, then.
Jaywing was in The Last Hope, at least the copy I got from the library
(yes I mean Jaywing and not Jay’s Wing)
and the new artwork for all the upcoming books is just 😱👼🏼😊
Yhuh. Oh, and I know the working title of Book 4 now…
What is it?
Darkest Night 😀
You have just reminded me how hungry I am! 😀 *heads for the cereal cupboard*
Ah, I always know I’ve been awake too long when I’m still awake and online when you start commenting, Kate. ^^ And I’m only halfway through updating the allegiances…
*Takes editor head off and puts motherly head on* Go to sleep! Allegiances can wait!
Wait, you never went to sleep? I just got up XD
But I am three hours behind you 😛
Of course I went to sleep. XD I went to sleep pretty much right after posting this comment as I realized I was too tired to keep working on the allegiances. ^^
Oh 😛
Oooh!!!!! I LOVE that!!!!! 😀
Is Tui writing it? http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/wingsoffire/images/a/a1/51vBn7v-D5L._SY300_.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150322160522
I have no idea.
Tui writes all the WoF books. its her series.
Darkest Night? That sounds awesome!
IKR? 😀
Ooh, why so dark? SkyClan going RIP?
Yessss omg *dies*