I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Dawnkit pairs Dark Forest antagonists with a deadly sin.
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Hello Kate!
Since you wrote Crookedstar’s Promise:
Crookedstar gets one of his lifes from a male apprentice called Lightningpaw. What do you think did he look like?
And when Crookedkit runs away because he broke his jaw he comes to live with a tom called “Fleck” that teaches him how to eat and hunt properly with his jaw. Fleck tells him that a tom named Domino, who was kin of him, also had a broken jaw.
How did Domino look like? And in wich way was he relatet to Fleck? I think Domino and Fleck were brothers and because of that Fleck knew all about how to handle a broken jaw because he helped his brother^^
I can’t remember! It was a long time since I wrote the book, but I’m guessing Domino was a black and white cat. Can you imagine descriptions for the others?
I think Lightningpaw was a golden tabby tom and the stripes were a little sharp like lightning and the golden colour would also fit his name.
Black and White fits Dominos Name so good! Do you think he is the brother of Fleck? It would fit so well!
I can’t say for sure if he’s Fleck’s brother, but let’s imagine he is for now 🙂 And your description of Lightningpaw is fabulous! 😀 Love it.
But Domino would be white with black spots 🙂
has Hawkwing’s Journey been written yet? If not can you tell Cherith to put Egg in there lol.
It’s so sad that sandstorm dies but at least she can be with firestar!
Why won’t Sparkpaw’s warrior name be Sparkfire?! I read in the book that Sparkpaw looks really similar to Firestar, and I immediately thought that she should be Sparkfire in honor of Firestar!
HarperCollins rejected the name. No clue why though.
Probably because it was redundant. I love the suffix -fire, but Sparkfire just sounds, as I just mentioned, redundant. I mean, imagine cats with names like Icefrost, Roseflower, Oaktree, etc.
Actually I really like Roseflower and Icefrost 😛
Hey Amber, I was reading a fanfiction called Blue Moon on Fanfiction.net and one of the reviewers was Amberstorm233! Was that you?
Yup. On deviantart and other mediums, I’m Amberstorm233.
Oh, cool! 😀
SparkFire is a name of some company.
Welcome to the Warriors Discussion Page/ Ask Kate Questions Page!
So true.
Seeing as Alderpaw resembles Squirrelflight and Sparkpaw resembles Firestar in coat color, did Dandelionkit and Juniperkit resemble Bramblestar or his family?
Well Warriors doesn’t really use genetics very often, but it’s possible. ^^
Hi Kate, just wanted to ask, what is Poppyfrost’s eye color?
I don’t remember!
I know Alderpaw’s warrior name is Alderheart but I want to know Sparkpaw’s soooooooo bad! Alderpaw’s is a little boring in my opinion and I want something interesting for Sparky! 🙂 😀
How did you know already?? And yeah… Alderheart… *yawn*
The blurb for TSS. I like Alderheart 🙂
I think it was confirmed that Sparkpaw will be named Sparkpelt.
Aw, could’ve been Sparkstorm.
I wanted it to be Sparkstorm.
Before I even knew about the whole Sparkfire thing I wanted it to be Sparkfire or Sparktail. If it’s Sparkpelt I’m actually pretty happy. even though you all say it’s overused its not. Every single name now is like fall and pool and feather and bush and tuft and all these crazy things. I don’t disapprove of the unique names but when you look at the allegiances there are like 2 cats with claw as a suffix. I’m actually happy a semi-main character gets a boring name. They all get great ones. The cats, especially kind of annoying ones like Sparkpaw, need something to balance out their OPness. But I am annoyed that Needlepaw won’tbe Needlefrost, Needlestorm, or Needlefern! WHYYYYYYYYYYY! Those names are so good! If her name is like Needlefur or Needletail or *cringe* Needlewhisker, I would flick her name every time I saw it in TSS.
I wish it was Alderleap or Alderleaf. Alderheart. It sounds good but its just too… you know… Like it been already used for a main character. Fireheart/Firestar. And he was like the biggest Gary Stu, on the outside, ever! It is just too overrated.
Hello. Just wondering – will Needlepaw take place further in the series? And, does this series have anything to do with the Ancients or Early Settlers? Just wondering, because I have a notebook full of theories haha.. 😀
I want Alderpaw to help Littlecloud because then there would be a main arc in Shadowclan and I would love that. But Needlepaw is annoying and I don’t want her and Alder to be a couple
Well if the clans come together in the end I wouldn’t mind them being mates and it would probably be one of the more developed forbidden couples. Also I would really like to see Shadowclan’s pov! Their my favorite clan!
Please nooooooo…. THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FOUR CLANS!!!!!! plus I doubt Thunderclan and Shadowclan can ever get along!
Hmm… we’ll have to see about that. I would actually like to see just one gigantic clan, named after me of course XD I’m just kidding… but one big clan would be cool. And cats are going to have arguments and fights.
I will seriously scream if she and Alderpaw end up a forbidden couple… We all see it coming…
I actually hope it happens. I feel like this is one of the very few forbidden relationships that actually has some good development. I also really want Alder/Needle kits.
I’m hoping for something that has never happened before… that a forbidden relationship will work out! 😛
Yeah! I started shipping then as soon as Alderpaw’s met Needlework at the gathering! I kinda hope they’ll become the next forbidden couple
Yeah! I started shipping then as soon as Alderpaw’s met Needlepaw at the gathering! I kinda hope they’ll become the next forbidden couple
ALL HAIL ALDERXNEEDLE! ALL HAIL ALDERXNEEDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I anticipate their kits names with my super phsyicic powers.
Silverkit/Silverheart of ShadowClan-Silver tom with amber eyes (From Bramblestar).
Redkit/Redstep of ThunderClan-Dark ginger she-cat with white paws and tail.
Birchkit/Birchwing of ThunderClan-Light gray she-cat with bright green eyes.
Mousekit/Mousepelt of ShadowClan-Reddish-brown tabby she-cat with deep green eyes.
I love the book but I have how the three where just forgotten, mostly Lionblaze. Only thing said about him is how strong he looked then how Bramblestar stood taller and prouder than him. I felt the same way when Firestars daughters where the new main characters, Firestars was still around but not as much. I guess I just don’t like change.
How is Darkest Night so far?
Fabulous! 😀
Hyyyyyyyyype! We don’t even know when it’s coming out but hyyyyype 😛
I think Mapleshade has gone for good…new editorial team, new focus…
I hope she really is gone for good. I don’t really want to see her anymore. Though she might be in PC and SH. But at least she won’t be in the main series.
Kate, if she is gone can you put in at least 2 more female villains. She’s the only one! Ooh they’re names should be Willownose and Thrushclaw!