I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Anyone else realize that Alderheart is named after Firestar? Cause he was Fireheart?
Huh, never noticed that! 😀
That’s what bugs me soooooooooo much about it. Firestar was to much of a Gary Stu. I know Alderheart isn’t but it’s just ugh.,.
Kate, does Skystar make an apperance this arc?
Hey Kate! Why are the five original leaders called Thunder Shadow River Wind and Sky? They’re names have stars at the end. And why after DotC does Tall Shadow start acting like Moon Shadow. How does Wise, Respected, Only speaking when the time is right, and a bit wary of outsiders joining the group for the safety of her friends and family but if they prove their worth she lets them join turn into untrustworthy of the cats she has known for moons alive and dead and snarky? And why is it put as a bad thing that Tall Shadow lost all her lives in battle. In the ultimate guide it says Firestar tried to do the same but lost one in greencough but theother eight in battle. ShadowClan isn’t evil! Please let Violetkit show that in her P.O.V.!
Kate, not a question about the book, but what are your thoughts on the official warrior cat forums closing?
HarperCollins has made the difficult decision to close the forums. It has been truly amazing to see all the love that message board users have shown for Warriors over the years.
Good thing a new forum was made.
What eye colour do Berrynose and Blossomfall have?
Berrynoses are most likely blue like his mothers or green like his brothers.
Blossomfalls parrents have blue and golden eyes.
I was just curious^^
Also, I wanted to ask if Leaftail was named after his brown fur colour (like a tree where leafes are on) or if something special is going on with his tail like a lighter tip or anything?
I’ve checked my Allegiance sheet and there’s no eye colour given for any cat, which means it hasn’t been decided yet…
Kate, could you give some more insight on Maggottail?
Maggittail is one of the oldest cats in the Dark Forest, but he is only mentioned once as beeing nearly faded and really evil. I always thought he is an ancient WindClan Warrior because WindClan somehow has no really evil known cats in the dark forest. And Antpelt can’t count to really super evil.
I’m afraid he has clearly been forgotten by everyone (including the Erins) which is why he is fading….
Why is Clawface in the dark forest! I know he killed yellowfang and was a rogue but Blackstar killed Stonefur and was a rogue too! HE went to StarClan. And Clawface only did it because he thought it was the right thing to do, Brokenstar told him to!
Ask StarClan. It was their decision.
Wait he didn’t kill Yellowfang he killed Spottedleaf. Sorry. Yellowfang was on my mind.
Dark Forest cat. Appears in The Forgotten Warrior.
Lorks a mercy – how do you remember so much!
Ahaha half a chance 😛 Warriors Wiki is my savior. I don’t even know what I ate for breakfast yesterday morning 😛
Thank StarClan. I thought I was feeble-minded.
Yeah its my savior too! Only problem is my old PC lags and glitches like crazy on it. I refresh one page about 3 times just to get to the trivia section!
Kate can you clarify that Shimmerpelt and Ottersplash from Crookedstar’s Promise went to StarClan? I’ve always really enjoyed them and would like it to be canon that they went to StarClan. Thanks!
Is there any reason why they shouldn’t have?
Le shrug
So is that canon? Can it be put on the wiki? That’s why I ask. And thank you!!!
Yes. 🙂
Well on warriros wiki it somehow says they’re alive. Oh and did the cats like Skyheart and Sunfish go to StarClan to? Or Rowanberry and Nutwhisker?
Oh and what clan did Brightspirit Braveheart and Shiningheart come from? I’ve always wondered! What’s your favorite clan? Mine is ShadowClan, but I think it’s kinda obvious! Will warriors continue after vision of shadows? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! I couldn’t bare for it to end!
Brightspirit, Braveheart and Shiningheart were SkyClan cats. It was said on the forum. But since its closed the Link doesn’t work anymore.
If they were loyal warriors, they would have gone to StarClan. It is for StarClan to decide.
On the Warriors Wiki, they won’t put a cat in StarClan unless their death was shown/confirmed in the books or an Erin says so, even if it’s cats who are obviously dead by now they don’t show up & the timeframe. 🙂
As I have always said, if it is not written, it has not happened, or not not happened. The probability wave function has not been collapsed.
They were definitely loyal warriors!
Hey Kate, I dont really want spoilers, I just want idk reassurance lol. I just really dont want you guys to abondon a few things.
1. Being the Dove and Tiger thing,m. Bramblestar’s Storm ended on an obvious cliffhanger and it wouldnt make sence if it was never touched on now.
2. Breezepelt betraying his clan in The Great Battle was a big deal, I feel like he was kind of forgotten about too, but maybe him having kits will change things.
Im just hoping you have something in store for those few. 🙂
Duly noted.
Ooh! Can Dove and Tiger have kits please! I’ve always loved DovexTiger and hated DovexBumble for some strange reason. 🙁 🙂
was it on purpose that a RiverClan cat had two kits named Nightkit and Breezekit. Sounds like Nightcloud and Breezepelt have a secret admirerer 😛
Just one of those things…
Hi Kate! What happened to Dawnpelt’s first litter? There is no way Sleekpaw, Strikepaw, and Juniperpaw could be her first litter. Dawnpelt was heavily pregnant throughout Bramblestar’s Storm while Cinderheart just got pregnant by the end of the book and her kits (Hollytuft, Fernsong, and Sorrelstripe) were warriors by The Apprentice’s Quest. Sleekpaw, Strikepaw, and Juniperpaw were newly made apprentices.
Is there a possibility that Stonewing and Wasptail are her first litter? It would make sense due to their coloration. Or did something else happen to them?
Ooh, I’m not sure!
Oh I would love Stonewing an Wasptail beeing her first litter *-*
Than they wouldn’t just pop up in the sorry like random rogues^^
I believe that Wasptail was from her first litter. Especially since Wasptail and Sleekpaw nearly look alike.
I’m pretty sure a cat named Berryheart was in her first litter. And I’m pretty sure her daughter is Needlepaw. Stonewing and Wasptail can’t because they’re new warriors and it’s been 18 moons. Hollytuft, Fernsong, and Sorrellstripe have been warriors longer than Stonewing and Wasptail as they became warriors when Alderkit was 1 or 2 moons. Stonewing and Wasptail were announced as warriors at alderpaw’s first gathering. Oh and Kate did you know that stonewing was the name of a WindClan cat on vigil the night ShadowClan drove them away from the old forest moor. He DIED! It’s kind of harsh to give his name to a ShadowClan cat if ShadowClan killed him.
Stonewing of WindClan was probably forgotten, like other SotC cats in stories.
Happy early blogclanniversary!
Happy 364 days late clanniversary 🎉🎊🎁🎂🎂🎂💥💥💥🎇🎆
Oh wait. berryheart is Snowbird’s daughter. Nevermind!
Kate, Just wondering – will Needlepaw take place further in the series? And, does this series have anything to do with the Ancients or Early Settlers? Just wondering, because I have a notebook full of theories haha..
For a second I thought you were saying I was and was very confused 😛
oh wait I jumbled up my words 😛
whats W.A.S.?
Ask BlogClan. 🙂
Wait and see. 🙂
Thank you Rosefur and Lup! I’ve always wondered!
I’m not shure wich eye colour Mousefur has.
She is describet with “eyes the color of sunlit ice.”
But is that ment to be the yellow that appears? Or does it mean icy blue? I’m just not shure if its a yellow or blue D:
Sounds blue to me. Or pale yellow. Hmmmmm.
Thats my problem :’D
Since she won’t turn up again I think you can decide, you wrote the “like sunlit ice” phrase^^
I think yellowish…
Really Kate? I feel like sunlit ice sounds like a really really pale blue. like in Antarctica or something.
Well it is sunlit so..
I’d say pale yellow considering Mousefur would have to have some white on her for blue eyes.
But anatomy doesn’t matter in Warriors…
Anatomy? I was talking about genetics, not anatomy…
I think that’s what Moonpaw meant.
Ah okay. With that said, I disagree with the video. I understand that it’s a fantasy novel, but it is still set in a realistic setting. Yes, her point is that these cats don’t exist in our world, however it’s close enough so that at least basic rules should apply. That means no bumble bee cats, less solid cats with blue eyes, less male tortoiseshells and cats at least looking something like their parents or even closer family members. The point is, this is close enough to the real world, despite cats getting nine lives, etc., there are still things that are realistic enough to warren at least some genetic accuracies. Not to mention, why is it a problem if someone want sot accurately do genetics? The way Moonkitti makes it out to be sounds like that is a bad idea or that people shouldn’t do it because it is bad -.-
Redtail had kits too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandstorm is cousins with Tigerstar!
Firestar, you’re related to 2 major villains!
Bramblestar, you’re related to Squirrelflight!
Graystripe you are cousins with your best friends mortal enemy! You have betrayed him! WhYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! 🙁
I’ve always imagined her with dark amber eyes for some reason 😛
Two words: the wiki. 😛
Well the wiki just interpreted this words as yellow but it was never espicially said if the phrase means yellow or blue.
As Moonpaw posted:
Kate, are Molewhisker and Cherryfall going to play major roles in the rest of the series? Or was that only for The Apprentice’s Quest?
I’m still kind of surprised that Molewhisker actually got a personality. Especially since he was always a background character. So, that’s probably why I’m wondering.
Who decided the publishing date for the shattered sky? Tell them THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from Shadowpaw! It’s on my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will we get Needlepaw’s P.O.V.? And how do the cats know what needles are? And why can’t Sparkpaw have Sparkfire as a warrior name? How do you become an Erin Hunter? I think Needlepaw’s warrior name should be either Needlefern, Needlefrost, or Needlestorm! Will Harrykit and Stormkit finally have their warrior names in Hawkwing’s journey? Firefern (Firekit) has hers already! Ad in what book does SkyClan join the lake? It says so in Hawkwing’s journeys blurb! Alderpaws full name should be alderleaf or alderleap! Why was there a Windflight in Bluestar’s Prophecy if ther is a Windclan. Sorry for this long comment! I love asking questions! Especially to authors! Please respond! 🙂
So sorry. If any of my questions need spoilers don’t answer them kay? Sorry!
Oh and for a whole year I’ve wanted to suggest the warrior name of Harrykit! If you can can you suggest Harrycloud or Harryfeather? Please! (Sorry I tried to write a letter to the Erin Hunters with all this stuff but forgot to send it!) Oh and if there is when will the bonus edition of the shattered sky available in Barnes and Noble because I want to know when to preorder it! So sorry for bugging you!
Pine needles
Editors’ decision, not mine. No reason given.
I am technically the original Erin Hunter, who set the writing style for all the others. 😉 I sent my cv to the company that created the Warriors concept around the time when they were commissioning a writer for the first series. They asked me to submit a sample; they fell in love with my sample and asked me to write the first 2 books in the series. I’ve been writing for Warriors ever since.
SO do I, but it’s not.
I don’t know.
I have no idea.
Pine needles
It was rejected by HarperCollins
It’s confirmed to be Alderheart.
Hey Kate, Lionpaw here… (don’t worry, I’m not asking for AVoS spoilers). So, there’s a Lionkit in ShadowClan, and that’s where my cat Liontail is from. They’re both she cats, and I’ve had this crazy idea for a while now… I don’t remember which of the Erins is writing the next three books that the titles were announced were, but I wondering if any of you had a warrior name picked out for little Lionkit? If not, I highly suggest Liontail… partially, well, mostly because I think I’d go nuts if that was her warrior name. So if you could please tell me if she has one picked out, that’d be great!
I probably won’t get to decide 🙁 But if I ge the chance to suggest Liontail, I will.
Yay, and thank you!
Hi Lionpaw!!!!!!
(I’m also Lionpaw!)
Hi everyone! Please tell me as much as you can about The Apprentices Quest because I kind if forgot a lot of stuff already and that’s why I’m here. =^m^=
Alderpaw is best cat
Sparkpaw is perfect
Needlepaw is a snob
They go on adventure to find SkyClan
They find mean cats instead
Alder and Needle get separated
Alder and Needle adopt kits!
Twigkit goes to ThunderClan and Violetkit goes to ShadowClan
Rowanstar is a meanie face
the end
Ummmm… First of all Needlepaw is awesome for MOST of the book. Yeah sometimes she’s annoying but I’m pretty sure she has a crush on Alderpaw. Which is why she might be acting so weird. And I’m pretty sure she’s scared and nervous and just trying to cover it up. And thinkabout it! ShadowClan deserved the kits just as much as ThunderClan, if not more, since it was NEEDLEPAW not Alderpaw or any of the other ThunderClan cats that found the kits. Maybe the reason why she ignored Alderpaw at the end was because he was trying to hoard them. It also must be pretty hard to be in the clan that everyone stereotypes as evil! Maybe Rowanstar came off as mean but he just wanted for his clan to have what was fair.
Yeah, but these kits are littermates. It seems cruel to split them up.
^ True.
Yes, it seemed fair for ThunderClan and ShadowClan to have one, but Violetkit and Twigkit only had each other, and they got separated… I also really feel bad for Violetkit, since she won’t be next to Lilyheart anymore, and will have to get used to a new foster mother. It isn’t fair at all for Violetkit and Twigkit…
Yeah, well , we split kits (2 moons) up from their littermates to be ‘adopted’
Yeah, but the cats in Warriors are more intelligent. It would be more like splitting up two young human siblings and making them join groups that might make them fight each other one day.
I agree. It would be like if they had split me and my twin up when we were babies and putting us in different families and we would have to fight each other someday.
It’s like splitting me and my twin Milkkit up. Forever.
I think it was cruel too. But I think it also made the book better. If everything at the end is all perfect and happy the book wouldn’t have as many cliffhangers and such. I feel bad for them too, but Bramblestar and Tawnypelt survived it and they’re still close. Two little kits can do it too! (But who else was kind of happy that ShadowClan got Violetkit? I think Twigkit is kind of a cruel name to give because she was as skinny as a twig. Sheesh its like saying “Hi, I’m Iwasnamedtwigkitbecausei’masthinasatwigpaw at a gathering. Alderpaw, why in the world did you do that?)
Oh yeah, I definitely like it as a plot point, I just think it was a cruel thing for the characters to do.
As for Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw, it was Tawnypelt’s choice to leave ThunderClan. These kits were given no chance and were forced apart. It’s not a fitting comparison.
Agreed, though I think Rowanstar’s a bit worse for forcing the issue. At least Bramblestar already knew the kits were happy and settled with the queen in his camp and would therefore have more incentive to keep them there. But yeah, it all just seems cruel.
Yeah. I think that They should have done something like one moon in ThunderClan, one moon in ShadowClan, and so on, until they were old enough to decide which Clan to be in.
That list I made was in jest. No need to get worked up defending Needlepaw and ShadowClan’s honor. 🙂
Oh I wasn’t worked up. I just… Uh… I don’t even know. I think I just… Wait one sec… Okay I just read over the comment… Yeah I think I was a bit worked up but that’s fine. You know why? Because conflicting interests make better conversations. And It did. 🙂
what is Needlepaw’s fur does anyone know?
Needlepaw isn’t a snob! She’s one of the best characters in the book 😀