A Vision of Shadows Discussion Page

Hello BlogClan! Creampaw noticed that there was a lot of discussion on the Path of Stars Spoiler page and suggested I give you a page for speculation and discussion about the sixth series.


Great idea, Creampaw! Here it is 😀

Speculate as much as you like!

PS. I won’t answer any questions about what will happen in A Vision of Shadows, so don’t ask! 😀


    I. AM. SO. HYPED.




    The third book is called……………………

    Shattered Sky

      • no
        it’ll be called
        don’t ask

        jayie the swift how

    • I’m so looking forward to Shattered Sky! It’s gonna be. On. My. BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Here is a spoiler:
    (Please please please don’t claw my ears off for this!)

    The blurb for the third book (Shattered Sky) says that Shadowclan gets their butts kicked by Darktail’s rouges.
    My theory is that Shadowclan moves in with Thunderclan and Alderpaw and Needlepaw fall in love. Because forbidden love MUST happen in Warriors…
    I bet a lot of you who don’t read the wiki are pretty devastated about this, I know I was when I read it! (WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER SKYCLAN!!!!!)

    • Spoiler Alert for The Shattered Sky blurb

      I also believe that Violetkit will go back to Lilyheart in ThunderClan. I have a small thought that three Clans will be driven away from their territory, and then they will meet SkyClan as the only Clan remaining lives on, and bring them with them back to the Lake territories to help. I also have a thought that half of ShadowClan will scatter around the Clans, and the other towards the Twolegplace.

    • Interesting theory. Do you mean that Shadowclan is moving in with Thunderclan permanently? It probably wouldn’t happen, but still…
      We do not need another Skyclan, and I think that if Darktail and his rogues move in, it will be the forest clans vs Bloodclan battle all over again…

  • Okay, so when I read the Shattered Sky blurb and saw the dreaded words “ShadowClan has fallen”, I immediately raced around the house yelling at whoever I knew to report the news. Here were their reactions:

    Mom: That’s nice, dear.

    Brother: Nooo! (has an expression that clearly says “Uh oh, please do not start crying like you did when Gray Wing died”)

    Friend: Fallen? Do you mean dead?
    Me: Maybe…
    Friend: Then that’s wonderful!
    Me: WUT
    Friend: that’s how they’re gonna end the series -kill everyone off and hope everyone is too sad to think about being angry!

        • I don’t think he is. I think Darktail is their father and a she-cat rogue was there mother. A SkyClan cat would never do anything as foolish as running across the Thunderpath to finf prey, they would hunt in the trees, so a rogue would most likley be with them. The mother and Darktail were probably a Daisy-Spiderleg kind of thing, and the queen left because he was abusive to queens, kits, and elders. She rested with ger litter in the tunnel and somehow died.

    • Maybe he’s the father? 😮 Hawkpaw (a SkyClan apprentice in Ravenpaw’s Farewell [who everyone speculates to be Hawkwing as an apprentice]) is dark gray, and Twigkit is gray. There’s also a female SkyClan apprentice in the RF called Cloudpaw that’s white. Since Violetkit is black-and-white, she might’ve gotten her white from Cloudpaw. There’s also a few more female SkyClan apprentices that have white markings, so they could possibly be their mother. But I have pretty much no knowledge on cat genetics, so… 😛

    • ‘Cause we need something to speculate around, I guess. And I’m also guessing that almost everyone forgot about this and the Hawkwing’s Journey Discussion page 😛

  • In a month or more I suspect there’ll be speculations about TSS

    And Kate, are you writing both Darkest Night and a SE? I noticed you said that on the TAS spoiler page.

  • I think I know the cats on the cover of The Shattered Sky!
    The black and white beauty is Violetkit and the gray one is Twigkit. I adore how Violetkit looks by the way. <3
    I do wonder who their parents are, but I also think it would be better we do not know sometimes. Hawkwing is probably not their father, it is mentioned no where in the blurb, no 'great loss of someone close' or of someone he loves. The mother could be any regular she-cat, but I find it strange that any Clan cat would leave their kits unattended in a potentially dangerous environment. A SkyClan cat is very aware of the dangers of Thunderpaths, so she would just hunt in the trees, but there was no signs of foxes, badgers, blood, or anything else that would indicate a battle. So this she-cat just vanished, and the strangeness of Alderpaw and Needlepaw not seeing a body while trying to cross baffles me. Twigkit and Violetkit just seemed to appear out of nowhere. I'm not going to go on the color of their potential parents, I'm going to do what I just did and try to find out where they came from.
    I'm going to take a guess that Darktail fathered them, and then abused the mother like he did the other queens and elders, so the mother and her kits left the gorge rogues. They rested in the tunnel beneath the big Thunderpath and she went up and was somehow killed or abandoned her kits for an easier life, or she went too deep in the tunnels and fell into a deep pool in a sewer and could have drained. Then Alderpaw and Needlepaw found them, you know what happens after that.

  • Okay, now that TaS is released, I think it’ll be a bit easier to make speculations…


    -I think Rain might try to attack Darktail again, and then maybe gain leadership.

    -I think Violetpaw might turn evil (and who wouldn’t want the PoV of one of the bad guys (or in this case, bad she-cat 😛 ) ? )

    -The Clans might team up to drive the rogues out, and the ShadowClan traitors might be exiled. But I think the rogues might stick around for a bit longer, maybe ’till book 4.

    -Sometime later in the series, Twigpaw and Violetpaw might be sent back to SkyClan to “clear the sky.” Or maybe clearing the sky just means to get rid of the rogues… But I’m not sure if that would need an entire prophecy.