Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Can we just talk about that Rowanstar/claw, despite how much he messed up as leader in Thunder and Shadow and Shattered Sky, showed possibly one of the best instances of leadership ever in disbanding ShadowClan. I feel like he was originally a much more open minded cat like Bramblestar or Tigerstar 2.0 but after he became leader he felt like he had to fit the stereotypical “stubborn-to-the-bone-won’t-take-help-from-anyone-until-it’s-a-disaster-then-it’s-too-late-and-we’re-left-semi-destroyed” ShadowClan leader because that’s what the other Clans expect from ShadowClan. He followed what he thought the ShadowClan leader should do instead of his own instincts, leading to him ultimately becoming such a lame duck of a leader. But he finally trusted his instincts and in his last act of authority, did what was right for his Clanmates and I think he deserves a lot of credit for that.
Yes. Poor Rowanstar says he never expected to be leader, and took over at a time of crisis (Russetfur died just before the battle with the dark forest) because he felt a duty to do so. He tells Tigerheart this much. Onestar was better supported by his clan, otherwise he could have gone the same way.
After reading the bonus scene, I’m really curious about what happened to Dragonfly I kinda hope she comes back into the story!
There was a bonus scene? Who is Dragonfly?
For DotC/VoS books bought at Barnes and Noble, yes.
Twigleaf would have been a great name. Twigbranch is kind of weird.
How do we know that her warrior name is Twigbranch?
Her warrior name was revealed during the Barnes and Noble bonus scene.
Er… no it wasn’t. Kate revealed her warrior name on this page.
No, it was actually revealed on here on BlogClan.
sorry 😛
ahaha now it’s time to jump off a cliff of embarrassment 😛
why am i alive
I feel like people need to stop hating on some of the new ships. Just because a character has had little screen time doesn’t mean its an awful ship. You cant expect cats to develop if they dont get screentime and that is what the Erin’s are doing by pairing the relevant with the irrelevant. Its giving characters we know nothing about a chance to shine.
Ex)Larksong, will get some screentime and development. being Sparkpelt’s love interest.
Same with Fern.
And by screentime I mean a scene in the book lol
I’m hoping Sparkpelt might get a point of view in RoF so we can see more of SparkXLark 🙂
Finblaze, Finflight, Fineshade, and Finsplash are names…
Finsplash is a good name…
But maybe Fintail because of his tail? Probably not…
I’m guessing Finfish.
I like Finwing, Fintuft, and Finflight.
I thought it might be Finstep, but then again, I think all names with the suffix ‘step’ are cool. A.K.A. my warrior name 🙂
Finflight, to honor his home clan? Like Runningwind?
I got Darkest Night! I’m skimming through it but I have to say something:
I LOVE Violetpaw’s POV! I feel like it’s a bit more interesting than Twigpaw’s but I kinda think Alderheart’s is kinda boring…
Twig X Fin is awesome! I love it so much! 😀
I read it! Twigpaw has matured into a fine, practical young cat that tells cats to suck it up while encouraging them at the same time. Violetshine, well, she came off as whiny in this book opposed to the other ones. I’m glad she finally found a place to call home, though. Alderheart, his inner teenager is coming to light. He may just be bumped up from my neutral list….
TwigxFin was nice. The partners in crime pranking cats as they go is a nice image. I just didn’t like when Twigpaw compared him to Sandynose. That was a weird scene which made me groan reading it.
FernxIvy! Fernsong, a king!
I like Tree. He’s pretty cool.
Ivypool for leader #2k17
What was the bonas scene like? (I only get warriors books on iBooks so I never get them 😛).
I know that Twigpaw became Twigbranch, but was she brought back into ThunderClan with open arms? Was Finpaw accepted? Tell me tell me tell me!
The bonus scene is from the POV of Nettlesplash, and discusses his life with mintfur and the kits after SkyClan was driven out, and before Hawkwing’s return. They rescue a rouge named Dragonfly and she lives with them for a while before returning to Darkatail’s group. Just look it up, and you’ll be able to read the pdf of it.
The bonus scene was in Nettlesplash’s POV back at the gorge, after SkyClan left.
It was about nettlesplash and mintfur and their kits living by the gorge while darktail was there. They meet a rogue named dragonfly who was dying. They save her but she goes back to darktail. However, she is still their ally and keeps them safe and secret.
It is not revealed there that twigpaw gets her warrior name it was revealed on this page. It says nothing about thunderclan, sadly.
twigbranch’s warrior name should was revealed here whoops
i should die :’)
To be honest, I was a little disappointed in Violetshine and Twigbranch’s warrior names, to me it just doesn’t flow right :/
And I may have mentioned this before, but 2 years ago on the Quizup Warriors topic, just before TAQ was released, I made a post predicting that Alderpaw(heart) was going to be a medicine cat. A lot of people were like “I don’t think so, ThunderClan already has 2” but I was surprised myself when TAQ came out 😛 (Obviously I can’t exactly prove that, unless I scroll back 2000 pages on the Warriors theme page :P)
The bonus scene was about Nettlesplash and Mintfur’s stay at the Gorge. They later met a rogue named Dragonfly, who sick. Nettle and Mint told Dragonfly about some herbs that’ll cure her sickness. Dragonfly stays with the shipping and their kits while she recovers. After a little while, NettlexMint asks Dragonfly if she wants to join them or not. They told her that later she could join SkyClan. Dragonfly first objected, but then she said she’ll think about it. She told Mintfur that if she wanted to go back to Darktail’s camp, she would leave. The next morning, Mintfur and Nettlesplash found out that she left
A couple days later, Nettlesplash accidentally distracted Darktail and his patrol’s hunting. Darktail threaten Nettlesplash with harm if he did not give him 3 pieces of prey at sunset. Nettlesplash didn’t want Darktail to find his kits nor mate and harmed them. Dragonfly, who was on the patrol with Darktail, talked Darktail out of the condition and told him that Nettlesplash has already suffer enough and that he was suffering more alive than dead. Darktail eventually agreed and left Nettlesplash. Dragonfly repaid Nettlesplash and Mintfur’s kindness by preventing Darktail’s harm on NettlexMint’s family.
Finpaw was not rejected, that’s all I can say.
Twigbranch did not get her name in the book, but the name was confirmed by Kate(creater of BlogClan and one of the writers for Warriors).
Bramblestar seemed skeptical welcoming FinxTwig, but will accept them if they prove their loyalty again.
Hopes this answers your questions, Brightstorm.
Nice summary, Duststorm. 🙂
Hey, Kate, I have a question. Will we ever see Creeksplash again in River of Fire or AVOS6, if not then what happened to him?
I don’t see any sign on him, and I don’t know what happened to him… 🙁 sorry!
Do you mean Creekfeather? I don’t recall any Creeksplash.
Kate, who do you like more out of Violetshine and Twigbranch (the cats, not the names)?
I like them both for different reasons, but I guess I like Violetshine more because she’s more complex