Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate, two questionssss.
First, will we see Darktail’s cats ever again? Yarrowleaf and the other ShadowClan cats?
And secondly, will we ever see the cats taken by Twolegs in Hawkwing’s Journey ever again?
Because after Darkest Night, those two Clans could use a few extra cats…
We’ll have to wait and see!
Violetshine is really pretty but…
You’re right Kate, Twigshade is way better 😛
I liked Twigheart, Twigshine, or Twigleaf.
Kate, so twigpaw’s name isn’t twigbranch? Maybe? Please?
I agree with those statements…. I think Twigshade is a pretty name.
It just occurred to me that the phrase “Wait and See” was written on page 52 of Darkest Night. LOL
Hopefully, Pebbleshine will return to the clans and reunite with her mate and kits. I really don’t want to see HawkxPebble ending up the same way as SharpxCherry did (with one parent dead and the family scattered… as of DN, Cherrytail and Cloudmist do return). There isn’t enough evidence to prove Pebbleshine dead, so I hope she isn’t gone. She wasn’t seen in StarClan yet, and her body was never found. Everything currently is just an estimate because no book had proven that she is dead.
The reunification of Pebbleshine and Hawkwing is like my biggest wish in Warriors right now…
I wonder if she’s even dead. Her body was never found, so…..maybe she got captured again?
Same. I really liked Pebbleshine in HJ and I hope we get to see her again. 🙂
I have a theory: Pebbleshine had 3 kits, like Hawkwing dreamed about, and they were all born in a tunnel. Scared for them, Pebbleshine took one of them to a two leg nest far away and when she returned for the others (twig/Violet) they were gone! so she returned to live with the third kit and is waiting for him/her to grow up so she can take it to the clans. Mostly, this is a wishful-thinking theory, but it could happen, idk. What do you guys think?
I mean, that would be pretty sweet. But this series basically circles around a reunion of family, and it would be too cheesy for everyone to be reunited.
True. 🙁 🙁 🙁
I can dream though.
And boy, I dream a lot.
What happened to Cinderheart’s kits? Should she have had them by now?
Same! 😉
Hey Kate! From 1 to 10, how much do you like the Fin x Twig ship (1 being the worst and ten being the best)? I would say 10. I love that combo so much!
8 (The minus two because of Twig who I find a little dull)
I agree
Hey, Kate. Someone told me that Fallensnow is canon. Is it okay with you if I still have Fallensnow as one of my characters? She’s female and a deputy of Blizzardclan.
I’m never sure what canon means. I don’t remember a Fallensnow in the allegiances for the books. And as far as I’m concerned, you can do whatever you like with the names. I don’t see why being canon puts a name out of bounds. It’s like only allowing one person in the world to be called Mike.
Canon means that it is in the books.
i could be wrong, since i always screw up with stuff 😛
Canon means something that definitively exists within the world of the story. For example, Bramblestar is a canon character of the Warriors series, because he appears in the books. The fact that he is dark brown with amber eyes is canon, because it has been mentioned in the text of the books. The fact that Jake’s mother is named Crystal is canon ever since she appeared in Pinestar’s Choice. If you, as the author, or Cherith, or one of the editors, were to say that Jake’s father was a tabby named Brutus or Cecil or whatever, it would be accepted as canon, because you as the author, or one of the editors, are the creators of Warriors and the creator of what is canon, therefore your word is considered enough to make something canon (if you say it as a definitive fact, anyway, “I think” or “maybe” isn’t enough to make something canon, at least according to the guidelines on the Warriors Wiki). However, if a fan decides to name one of Cloudtail’s kittypet siblings Lotus or something, that is not canon, because it was not stated in the books, and was not confirmed by one of the creators of Warriors.
As for Fallensnow, she was a minor character that didn’t actually appear in the series, but was mentioned briefly in the prologue of SkyClan’s Destiny as one of the SkyClan warriors who was killed by the rats, which was one of the reasons Spiderstar decided to give up and disband his Clan, since their attack against the rats had failed and cost warriors’ lives. I remember that name in particular because it struck me as rather unique and pretty. ^^
And I quite agree about using names from canon. Canon names like Frecklewish and Ashfur and Larksong have been used for more than one cat, so clearly there’s nothing in the series to support the idea that names can’t overlap. And there’s so many names that’ve been used in the series already, sometimes it’s hard to remember which names are used. ^^
Thanks, Jayie 🙂
Cannon means that it’s official and in the published warrior books. And Fallensnow was a cannon cat. 🙂
But I agree. Just because a name is cannon doesn’t mean you can’t use it.
Fallensnow was never in the allegiances. They’re (we don’t know the gender) a cat from when SkyClan disbanded in the past. Fallensnow was killed by rats,
There was a Fallensnow in Skyclan who only got mentioned once in Skyclan’s Destiny. Thanks for letting me use the name (it’s one of my favorites 🙂 ).
It is a beautiful name 🙂
There was a Fallensnow in ancient SkyClan, before the Clan disbanded. Lol, in all honesty we never really see the cat and they’re only mentioned to have died. It’s in the prologue of SkyClan’s Destiny.
That’s great! Basically, they weren’t even really a character so I can just use it. I have another one that was a little more recent than that, though. Blizzardwing…. Still, I think that it doesn’t matter as much because they aren’t really in the new books (well… They just aren’t in the new books at all).
I’m in high school and I have to do a big country project. Is it OKAY if my group makes references to Warriors? Thanks, Kate.
You don’t have to ask about making a warriors reference! 😉 Everyone uses references all the time without permission.
Well, that’s good to know! Thanks.
I forgot about my game here, sorry guys. Let’s forget that round…
New game! I give you a couple and you give them kits. Just for fun, sorry, no leaderboard. (I can’t be bothered to find the last rounds underneath all these comments.)
Couple: TWIGXFIN yes the best new couple ever.
Okay, sorry. Go go go! Make them cute little kitties!
Okay, TwigxFin kits, here we go!
1. Gracklekit – > Gracklepaw – > Grackleflight: A light grey tom with darker grey legs and face.
2. Rootkit – > Rootpaw – > Rootheart: A light brown she-cat with green eyes.
3. Petalkit – > Petalpaw – > Petalclaw: A dilute tortie she-cat with green eyes.
Poolkit, a sleek dark gray tom-kit with green eyes and lighter colored legs. Future name Poolstep.
Meadowkit, a splotchy brown and gray she-kit with thick glossy fur and yellow eyes. Future name Meadowtuft.
Dustkit, a pale ginger tabby she-cat with thin reddish brown stripes and amber eyes. Future name Dustflower.
TwigXFin’s Kits:
Brookkit – silver she-cat with amber eyes (Brookshine)
Dunekit – Sandy gray tom with pale ginger paws (Dunebreeze)
Tundrakit – pale gray tom with amber eyes and white paws, underbelly, and muzzle (Tundrasong)
I hope you like these!
Flaxenkit-light brown she-cat with dark ginger legs and green eyes-oldest in litter-outgoing- future name Flaxentail
Lilykit- gray she cat with yellow eyes-youngest in litter-shy- future name Lilyshine
Pebblekit-gray tabby tom with green eyes-second-to-last born-serious- Future name Pebblestripe
Pinekit-dark ginger tom with yellow eyes-second-born- fun-loving- future name Pinefur
I put their descriptions first and their main personality traits and warrior names last. Tell me what you think Moonpaw who is Moonbreeze
Ooh I just finished so I can be here now! It was a good book. Lots of cool scenes. I loved the ending, especially the closure with the dead ShadowClan warriors. I still love Violetshine and Alderheart. Twigpaw’s alright, she’s gotten better, but I’m still not a huge fan. Great job on the book, Kate! (I think she wrote it?)
Yeah, Kate wrote DN. 😀
I love the name Violetshine! <3 😀
TwigXFin is so precious… and cute…. <3
SparkXLark… LOL, I could totally see this!
IvyXFern… well, you saw this coming…
Okay, so how, how, how, how, how was my favorite character in the entire series(Ivypool) slapped with a shallow tom that we know nothing about? Sure, he's nice, sweet, and a stay-at-home dad type, but he has no experience, doesn't understand Ivypool, and he'll totally quelch her fire. My personality is almost the exact same as Ivypool's and let me tell you one thing – I would never marry a sweet, gentle person who doesn't understand things that I've been through. I have nothing against people with Fersong's personality, but those types of people tend to not mix well with stubborn, independent people. It's just like a mouse and cat – to stay alive, the mouse will obey the cat. Okay, that may be a bad example and a bit extreme, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say.
At any rate, your opinion is your own. 😉 But, as a closing remark, I'd like everyone who's read this to list ten alive she-cats who are single(doesn't matter which Clan).
Ten she-cats who are alive and single:
– Violetshine
– Ambermoon
– Hollytuft
– Leafshade
– Honeyfur
– Havenpelt
– Shimmerpelt
– Bellaleaf
– Blossomheart
– Cloudmist
That are actually main in some way. For instance, Ambermoon, Hollytuft, Leafshade, Honeyfur, Havenpelt, Shimmerpelt, and Cloudmist are not main anymore. 😉
Then, I don’t really know.
Okay, but how many character would you categorize as being main characters, anyway? 😛 There aren’t that many of them, especially in this arc.
Exactly!!! The Erins want every main cat to find LOVEEEE and have KITTTSS when it’s not necessary. I’d consider main-ish characters cats who ACTUALLY HAVE AT LEAST three pages of lines.
That wasn’t really the point I was making, I was just saying there really aren’t a lot of cats to be considered main cats these days, this arc in particular is really focused on just the protagonists. 😛 I agree that it would be nice to have more she-cats not need to have a mate, but I feel like you’re kinda rejecting every example that people are giving you. 😛
Agreed 😌 Just chill Sky 😛 Ivypool having a mate and possibly all she-cats isn’t the end of the world. 😉 I honestly really don’t care what the Erins plan to do because I’ll know I’ll love it anyways (I love Warriors – do not question it). You should respect their decisions and accept how they do things. I know that it can be a bit frustrating and I understand that, but they are the authors of the books and I’m pretty sure they know what they’re doing. 🙂 Sorry if I sound rude! But that is your opinion and this is mine and not everyone on God’s green earth (😛) can agree on everything (haha).
Well, I have my opinion and I’m not afraid to express it, so….
I LOVE it when people use Haven in a Warrior’s name. It sounds super cool. 🙂
Ooh, also Cherryfall, I think. She’s mainish, especially In TAQ. I love her though and would prefer she not had a mate, but whatever. 🙂
CherryXStorm. 😉
Using your reasoning, Stormcloud has no development and Cherryfall is a strong character who doesn’t need a mate.
Not true, actually. Cherryfall has been shown to enjoy gossip and she is very bubbly. Stormcloud has lots of development in Bramblestar’s Storm and is a majpr-ish character. Boom.
I still don’t get why it’s SO TERRIBLE RAHHH that Ivypool has a mate. I think Fernsong is a good fit, he just needs a chance. I’d disagree with the ‘people tend to not mix well’ because there are cats who have different personalities and they make great couples. For example, Ferncloud and Dustpelt. Like I said before, I think it’d be boring if every mate pairing had similar personalities and were all alike. It’d be like being mates with themselves. It’d just be silly. People just want something to be angry about.
Also, I got bored and made a list of (mostly) every alive cat who’s single.
Mistystar (rip… blackclaw?)
Leafstar (rip billystorm)
Lilyheart (rip snowbush, your death was a waste)
Daisy (rip spiderleg, even tho he sucked as a dad)
Obviously not including Kits and Apprentices bc I’m not gonna be THAT guy.
I included those who had mates that died or broke up.
80% of those cats are ridiculously minor, so they don’t count. The ones with dead mates also don’t count.
Also, IvyXFern haters don’t just want something to be mad about. They genuinely dislike the IvyXFern ship and have their reasons. It’s like if you expressed your opinion and I replied, “Hahaha people like you just want something to be mad about XD.”
Sorry I did the same thing.
I told you, I just made the list out of curiosity. Does having a mate make a cat less important? Or less interesting? No, it does not. And yes, it does seem like many of the “haters” are looking for something to be mad about. I genuinely don’t get the backlash at it. Now, Thorn/Blossom, that’s a total trash ship. But Fern/Ivy actually makes sense and over time, I hope you’ll see it.
ThornXBlossom is a great ship with a great backstory. So please don’t call any shkps trash ships. How would you feel if I called FrnXIvy trash?
You can genuinly dislike the dislike, but I support it and there is nothimg you can do about that. Also, all the ThornXBlossom haters are just looking for things to complain aboug. Happy now? You can see what affect your own argument makes.
I never said having a mate made any cat less impotant or interesting. But it’s just finding the right mate. I don’t think Fernsong is a gold choice, at all, and would much rather see Ivypool single or with a spunky mate who we actually see some development in.
Remembrr to be kinder when debating.
Not much backstory. They fought together in the DF and then suddenly we hear she’s having kits. No build up. Nothing. I have legit complaints with the Thornclaw/Blossomfall relationship. First off, age. He’s like as old as Graystripe. And Blossomfall treats other cats terribly. Honestly, not a worse cat to pair with Thornclaw.
As for Fernsong, he is the right mate. He will balance out Ivypool instead of just being a male version of her. Also, she needs someone, like Kate said, who will love her no matter what and be at her side no matter what. See Elmwhisker’s and Fallensnow’s comments, as they both say it perfectly.
Reading your comments, it looks like you trash things that you don’t like and immediately hug things you do like, which is ironic, in my eyes.
What I got from your paragraphs:
The first paragraph – I hate this it’s trash couple
The second paragraph – I LOVE it look at what everyone else said!
They should connections in the books, far more than most DF trainees. It wasn’t surprising when they became mates. And since when does age matter???
The Erins always say contrasting things. Using one of their comments to support your point is like if you were a Republican and you pulled out a person from a group of Democrats and Republican friends to support your point. You wouldn’t pull out a Democrat because they have an opposing opinion. So, apologies, but I don’t think that that piece of info was extremely valid. If we use your logic, Ivypool is also too old and pretty closely related to Fernsong. I don’t think that Ivypool can be totally herself with any cat who hasn’t been through what she has been. If Fernsong says, “I understand,” she can’t know that he really does. I also have legit complaints about FernXIvy – you’re not the only person who can find legit complaints, 😉
Lol there’s no point. I said one thing about Thorn/Blossom and thats the only part you listened to… And in my second reply, I was explaining why I felt that way and gave reasons lol. I used one sentence to agree with other users, so I don’t get why you’re being so dramatic about it. I gave perfectly good reasoning and I never said “I LOVE IT” or any of that, but thanks for putting words in my mouth over something as silly as a fictional ship. And we could assume Blossom/Thorn connected in the Dark Forest, but it was never shown. With that argument, you can assume Fern/Ivy connected “off screen”. Your last bit about democrats/republicans is gibberish. Using one of the /authors/ to support my point is surely valid. Much more so than how you “feel” about Fernsong “understanding”. I never said anything about them being related, so idk where you brought that in from. And they’re much closer in age than everyone says??? But ya, keep goin.
Actually, snippets of BlossomXThorn had on-screen time. If you read between the lines, it was easy to tell. Fernsong, however had NO development AT ALL on-screen.
PS – I’m going to keep going.
Hey guys! 😀 Things are getting a bit heated between you two, so I’m going to have to ask you both to bury the hatchet and move on from this discussion.
Also, while we appreciate and encourage debate on the Blog, any sort of snide comment or rude remark is not welcomed here. We ask that you please be respectful of others opinions, and more mindful of your tone in the future. ^^ Thank you! 🙂
Okay, thanks, Sunny! We’ll agree to disagree.
Nice to know someone agrees with me. 😉
And how about you can be kinder when debating too? And just so you know, I have no opinion on either ship
Well, you’ve shown that you like FernXIvy. I actually said that, and I want to repeat it because I was genuinely hurt a bit when Nighthawk called it a “trash ship.” I’m also a bit hurt now.
It was a simple phrase. But ya, lets move on like Sundance asked.
I agree with you. I think that the FernXIvy ship is genuinely cute and Ivypool needs a trustworthy mate after what happened with the Dark Forest. She needs to be happy for once (Dovewing, rejection, Dark Forest etc.). I think Fernsong will make her feel happy after all that she’s been through. 🙂
Idk I feel like Ivy kind of needs someone like Fern who is soft and gentle to balance out her fiery side. Some peace in her life after all that’s happened. Someone who’s gone through a lot could make a good best friend, but as mates that may just make them feel sad about everything. Idk
Sad about everything? I wish Ivypool had a tough mate who had been through something near the same as she has. She’d know that when he says he understand, he really does.
I mean like they will know that they fit together because they both had traumatic pasts. Just being with each other will be a reminder. Fernsong being the way he is, and having experienced no trauma eliminates the possibility of that happening everytime they see each other.
Violetshine in SkyClan. That is all I have to say before I take my “I just read every single warriors book all over again because I was bored” nap.
I’m fine with the mate thing, because it is a part of life. My only issue is that mates and kits are becoming the center of these books, and, let’s face it, we didn’t begin to read Warriors because they were just a romance novel with cats. My only other issue with it is now that it’s the center of the books, there’s a big kit boom (baby boom) period where a large amount of kits are born within a certain time span. I’d say this boom began slightly after Omen of the Stars, since that’s when about half of today’s warriors were being born. However, since romance is becoming the center of the books, there are less and less skirmishes and battles, and its more avoiding hazards like monsters. This creates an issue where less cats are dying. Soon the clans will be run over with cats, or maybe not. I just feel like the Erins have to pull back on the romance level just a tad.
Agreeing with Nighthawk! 🙂 That way they balance each other out.
Viloetpaw became Viloetshine Not Viloetshade.
I kinda felt bad for Bumblestripe…I hope he gets a mate eventually. he’s a little boring, but he’s a good cat and deserves a mate…even if it’s not the one he wanted (cough cough DOVEWING cough)
What fallensnow said…
Plus Briarlight!
And there are lots of cats who had mates who are dead.
Mistystar (mystery mate)
Hmmm… my mind is blank
And Leafpool! She isn’t with Crowfeather anymore.
Med. cats!
I’m done.
Wait no…
Is Sedgewhisker single? I think
Whitetail is I think
Larkwing and Featherpelt (some random WindClan warriors nobody cares about that I think are single. 😁)
Duskfur is?
Minnowtail maybe?
Fallowfern? I forget. Does she have a mate?
Icewing! She is single and does something in the series! *more gasps* 😁😁😁😁😁😸😸😸
I may have just scanned the Darkest Night Alliances. Completely.
Icewing is not single. In fact, she is mother to A LOT of kits. 😉
Cats who were widowed do not count, and neither to ridiculously minor ones. That cancels out about 98% of your listed cats.
Sorry. I just felt like doing this. And you’re right about Icewing. But Briarlight. She’s kind of not minor right? But then there’s BriarXJay…
Well,BriarXJay isn’t real, so yes, Briarlight is single and major-ish.
Also,Leafpool and Crowfeather still harbor feelings for each other, so Leafpool is not single.
Medicine cats do not count.
Technically you never said they didn’t… okay yes I know the don’t. I just had fun here.
I prefer JayXHalf.
Mistystar’s mate is Blackclaw for the inquiring minds that want to know 😉 And Sedgewhisker isn’t single – her mate is Emberfoot and their daughters are Larkwing and Fernpaw. Whitetail also has a mate who is/was Onestar and their daughter is Heathertail.
Depending on which cat you are talking about, Shimmerpelt from Crookedstar’s Promise isn’t single – her mate is Piketooth and their kits are Blackclaw and Skyheart. If you are talking about the one right now (which you probably are), then yes she is single.
Lakeheart has a mate and he is Lizardtail. Their kits are very confusing for once they were Cypresspaw and Wavepaw and now they are back to Softpaw, Gorsepaw, Harepaw, and Dapplepaw.
Fallowfern’s mate is Waspwhisker and their kits are: Plumwillow, Nettlesplash, Rabbitleap and Creekfeather. 🙂
Waspwhisker is gone. Sorry but I never remember any of this stuff.
I like Twigfin/Finbranch
When Sparkpelt has Larksongs kittens I suggest a few names they should have depending on their color or gender.
Firekit (After Firestar)
I love those names! What do you think of…
or Wrenkit