• Ugh Rip. Why do I feel like Twig and Violet are kind of the new Dove/Ivy. I only say this because everyone seems to like Violet more (the one with a more… dramatic I guess, background) than Twig.
    I hope Twig doesn’t get as much hate as Dove does.

  • My game got buried… here’s a repost!
    I forgot about my game here, sorry guys. Let’s forget that round…
    New game! I give you a couple and you give them kits. Just for fun, sorry, no leaderboard. (I can’t be bothered to find the last rounds underneath all these comments.)
    Couple: TWIGXFIN yes the best new couple ever.
    Okay, sorry. Go go go! Make them cute little kitties!

    And here’s the ones I have so far so I don’t forget about them. Sorry if you didn’t want me to post your reply… I just want to make sure I judge them!

    November 17, 2017 at 10:29 am
    Okay, TwigxFin kits, here we go!
    1. Gracklekit – > Gracklepaw – > Grackleflight: A light grey tom with darker grey legs and face.
    2. Rootkit – > Rootpaw – > Rootheart: A light brown she-cat with green eyes.
    3. Petalkit – > Petalpaw – > Petalclaw: A dilute tortie she-cat with green eyes.

    Brightstorm (Bright Flash In Storm Cloud)
    November 17, 2017 at 3:06 pm
    Poolkit, a sleek dark gray tom-kit with green eyes and lighter colored legs. Future name Poolstep.

    Meadowkit, a splotchy brown and gray she-kit with thick glossy fur and yellow eyes. Future name Meadowtuft.

    Dustkit, a pale ginger tabby she-cat with thin reddish brown stripes and amber eyes. Future name Dustflower.

    November 17, 2017 at 6:08 pm
    TwigXFin’s Kits:
    Brookkit – silver she-cat with amber eyes (Brookshine)
    Dunekit – Sandy gray tom with pale ginger paws (Dunebreeze)
    Tundrakit – pale gray tom with amber eyes and white paws, underbelly, and muzzle (Tundrasong)

    I hope you like these!

    • Eh, it’s a young ship and they’re both (technically) apprentices.

      But, if I made some kits up on the spot:

      Hawkkit-brown tom with ginger paws like hawk’s talons and blue eyes, named after Hawkwing (Hawkswoop)

      Galekit-gray she-cat with silver stripes and green eyes (Galestorm)

      Silverkit-silver and ginger tabby tom with green eyes (Silversun or Silverstrike)

    • Okay, FinxTwig kits:

      1st litter:
      Thistlekit ——–>Thistleleaf (I don’t think we’ve had a Thistle since Thistleclaw)- A sandy ginger she-cat with russet stripes on her hindquarters and piercing blue eyes
      Blackkit ————>Blackfur (A nice, simple name since all the names these days are so elaborate) A jet-black tom with a quiet mouth and white muzzle. Calming hazel eyes, ladies’ man type

      2nd litter
      Gorsekit ———> Gorsefoot (A very traditional name in contrast to all the odd uber/industrial names nowadays)- A sandy colored tom with a brown muzzle and green eyes
      Firekit ———–>Firefall (In homage to the great Gary Stu Firestar!!!!!)- Fiery orange tom with icy blue eyes
      Burnetkit ——–> Burnetfoot (This just is a very… refreshing name)- Russet colored she-cat with beautiful blue/green eyes and blonde streaks along her back.

    • Here’s some kits!
      Falconkit- dappled brown and gray she cat with green eyes, becomes Falconbloom(possibly meddie?)
      Oakkit- brown tom with light blue eyes, becomes Oakwing
      Dawnkit- gray she cat with light green eyes and brown speckles, becomes Dawnspark

  • Twigbranch and Finpaw’s future kits. There’s gonna be some lil’ kitties for the future, am I right? I mean they are literally the PURRFECT couple <3

    Brookkit – pale silvery gray she-kit with ginger legs, fluffy fur and green eyes(Brookstream, warrior or medicine cat possibly?)
    Pebblekit – sleek dark gray tom-kit with dark yellow eyes and pebble-like specks along his back that are ginger(Pebblesplash, medicine cat possibly?)
    Branchkit – thick-furred pale brown tom-kit with darker coloured legs, a long, winded tail and deep green eyes(Branchfall/step, warrior possibly?)

    Maybe four kits? The more the merrier!
    Spottedkit – a splotchy gray and brown she-kit with a paler muzzle, chest and underbelly with darker legs, wide ears and bright yellow eyes(Spottedheart)

    I hope you like these!

  • Ok, so all the single she-cats in ThunderClan. (No med. cats)
    Sparkpelt (maybe, I’m only counting official mates.)

  • A few weeks ago, I was a bit salty about Ivypool having a mate. Now that I think about it, Fernsong is a good match for her. He seems like the kind of cat who would be there to listen to her, and help bring her out of any possible episodes of PTSD (from the Battle with the Dark Forest of course). Fernsong would most likely already know about her past as every cat now knows of the Great Battle, and he is a cat full of compassion to look past her dark history and the things she had to do, yet still loves her. Perhaps it is a good thing she doesn’t have a fiery tom with her because then they would be clashing contantly, and Ivypool would be dealing with more suffering. Another note, if something traumatic happens to any cat Fernsong is close to, Ivypool would be strong enough to help him through it. Not only that, Ivypool would be able to boost his spirits and cheer him up as he does for her. As for the kits part, Ivypool made a wise decision to wait till after leafbare, and in the current series because there are way too many cats in ThunderClan. I’m surprised the entire Clan hasn’t hunted all the prey in the territory yet.

  • Okay, I think that Fernsong is not the ideal mate for Ivypool, still. He has no development or anything like that. However, he is compassionate and a loving tom, so I guess that’s good for Ivypool. But other than that, I would prefer someone else – as loving and compassionate, but more… I dunno, spunky, I guess?

  • I gotta be honest Tigerheart’s Shadow messes up the timeline. I like it and all other books it is just that.

  • Kate, I have to asked will Alderheart will have a mate? I know that medicine cat shouldn’t have mate but we both know that rule are meant to be broken/bend especially a lot in this case. Also, in the Darkest Night book I strangely noticed that there hasn’t been a lot of male romantic relationships recently. Only females (she-cat) relationship like with Twigpaw&Finpaw, Violetshine&Tree, and maybe Sparkpelt&Larksong are focusing in this book.

        • she can still be bi…. and Violet/Tree isn’t confirmed yet… *crosses fingers*

          • Or we could stop just picking cats to be LGBT just for the sake of having a character who is. I hope Harper Collins and the EH team maintain their position of not involving that in the books, simply for the fact it’d be only for the novelty of having it in the books. The reading level of these books is Grades 4 – 8. And while many of us are above that age, these books are on the shelves in schools and public libraries. Let the kids enjoy the books and not have all of this sociopolitical nonsense in an elementary level book series.

            I’m unaware this is an unpopular opinion, and while I respect the LGBT community, I’d rather keep the books a good, solid series that will light the interest of reading in kids, as it did me, and not disinterest them because it’s loaded with someone’s personal agenda. I won’t be responding to attacks on me because of this, or anything of the sort.

            • I don’t believe having an LGBT character qualifies as “sociopolitical nonsense.” I think that having LGBT characters in the books would help kids become normalized to the thought of things like this. It might even help a child who is LGBT come to terms with their identity. Hatred and bigotry is a learned trait. No child is born hating anything. I think we should promote the spread of love and acceptance instead of trying to remove an entire group of people from the media.

              • However, as many would argue, cats can scent. Imagine that you smelled a girl that you didn’t know. You want to go up to them and introduce yourself and end up using feminine pronouns. This person hates being called anything but they/them and totally pissed off at you.

                I also agree with Nighthawk. While I don’t think LGBT+ should be age-limited, it’s too confusing for warriors to have that.

                • It wouldn’t be confusing to a young kid unless they were not exposed to LGBT before. If they have questions, they can ask their parents, who hopefully aren’t awful and judgmental.

              • PS – I’m totally fine with BarleyXRaven being hinted because it was never directly stated. I think that ship is cute. 🙂

              • You may be right however, including an LGBT+ cat would result in the books being banned in some countries 🙂

            • Kids understand LGBTQIA+ stuff better than adults do, and it’s not fair to keep it from them. They can be just as LGBTQIA+ as they would be as adults, and it’s very important to have that stuff in children’s media. Besides, it’s no worse than having gore. If it’s okay to have gore in the books, why isn’t it okay to have LGBTQIA+ people and relationships? They’re not a bad thing, they’re not nonsense, and they’re certainly not sociopolitical. It’s not even political. It’s feelings and identities just as much as heteronormative characters are.

              • However, as many would argue, cats can scent. Imagine that you smelled a girl that you didn’t know. You want to go up to them and introduce yourself and end up using feminine pronouns. This person hates being called anything but they/them and totally pissed off at you.

                I also agree with Nighthawk. While I don’t think LGBT+ should be age-limited, it’s too confusing for warriors to have that.

                • If it’s the first time they meet, they’d have no reason to be angry. It’s just like cats meeting for the first time and introducing their name because the other cat doesn’t know it – they’d introduce their gender/pronouns. What’s complicated or confusing about that?

                • That person would have to do that all the time with new cats, so it’s not like “OMG YOU CALLED ME A GIRL WHEN YOU DIDN’T KNOW UGHHHHHH!” It would be understandable if they knew. but since they’re just meeting they wouldn’t. It’s the same as if you see someone wearing more feminine clothing or who has feminine body parts. Warriors has six series. It’s already confusing. The Erins aren’t going to exclude something for being confusing.

                • There is absolutely no reason why you cannot read Young Adult books. Also, that would mean that the six already existing series would still be in Kids, and the librarians and bookstore workers wouldn’t know to suddenly move them to Young Adult. But as long as there is no mating scenes or whatever, adding LGBTQIA+ characters wouldn’t change them to Young Adult.

            • I think that, kids being kids, it might not be a good idea. I’m not saying it’s a bad one, and I support LGBTQ 1000%, but some parents don’t want their kids exposed to it. However, on the other hand, kids below a fifth grade reading level shouldn’t be reading these books due to some of the themes of religion (StarClan, etc. IDK, parents can be protective sometimes), blood/gore, violence, and romance (especially in OotS, and AVoS). Even though most of these thematic elements are mild, as I said before, kids being kids, it might go down pretty badly. I don’t mean in any way, shape or form disrespect, disregard, or anything related to that towards LGBTQ-supportives, since I support the idea of people can like who they want to like, and it shouldn’t be a big deal. Like I said before, I support this idea 1000%.

            • Why is including identities that exist in real life into a series considered an “agenda”? :/ That’s like saying including women in a series is an agenda because they’ve been historically oppressed. It’s not an agenda. It’s just reality. LGBT people exist. With these cats being so human-like in their intelligence and their relationships with each other, LGBT warriors probably exist too. It’s a bigger agenda /not/ to portray them considering that then it is /to/ portray them. And it’s absolutely not nonsense to include representation for identities that exist. LGBT kids read these books too, and it’s kinda rude to imply it’s nonsense for them to want to see representation of themselves in the books they read.

              • I dunno. It’s really debatable as to adding in LGBTQ characters, especially since HUGE controversy would come out all over media, and then parents will probably begin to snatch those books out of kids’ hands before you can say mouse. I guess another reason why not to is because cats are instinctive. When you compare cats to humans instinctively, humans are really stupid, because they are born with nearly no instincts. About 98% of our brain capacity is learned stuff. However, cats feeling attractiveness towards one of the opposite sex is a born instinct. But since humans have something called influence, their instinctives such as feeling attractiveness towards another person of the opposite sex can be extremely tossed around a bit. Another thing to think about is that in the cave man days, when attractiveness was literally how people survived by passing down their family line. Now, Earth is overpopulated with humans and so it doesn’t matter as much. That’s why LGBTQ probably wouldn’t work out in Warriors. However, the romances in AVoS are all over the place, and at this point we don’t even see clearly any relationships and it takes a matchmaker to figure it all out. I will say, I have a feeling BlogClan debating over this issue has… possibly influenced the series to lean towards LGBTQ indirectly.

                • If the parents are prejudiced enough to do that, that’s their problem. Real cats of course rely more on instinct than humans, but the cats in these books act way more like humans than real cats. And humans aren’t the only animals to have non-straight relationships, so it’s not just a human thing.

                • I’m kinda on the fence on if Warriors should include an LGBTQ character. Part of me says yes, so it exposes kids to life, and part of me says no because of the media backlash that could possibly turn Warriors into a Banned Books series. IDK, so many people think LGBTQ is a bad thing and people should be straight, which is stupid (personal opinion, don’t judge). Another thing is some people will call you gay or lesbian just because you support the cause of LGBTQ. That’s not true, because I’m on the LGBTQ side all the way, but I’m not lesbian.

                • I mean, it would honestly be fine if two cats of the same sex were mates, but it never really said that they were mates in the books, and it was just “assumed.” One thing that couldn’t happen is two females or two males having kits together, because that just isn’t genetically possible. Actually, it is. You can have a kit as long as you have a male calico (Because their chromosome would be XXY). This is a disorder that happens in humans where humans are born transgender. It is then possible for that calico to have kits, depending if they developed the right way. Also, if we had a female with the XXY chromosome, it would be possible to have kits due to the Y chromosome. This is really tricky genetics, though. Also, if two females had kits together without their significant other having an XXY chromosome, their kits would be 100% female. There would be no male, due to the absence of the Y chromosome.

                • What’s wrong with it being stated openly? It’s no better or worse than a tom and a she-cat being mates. And yes, they couldn’t have kits genetically, but there’s ways around that. They could adopt orphaned kits, or find a willing tom or she-cats to help them have kits, which is the route I tend to take in fanfic. And not all mates need to have kits anyway.

                • They could have kits with cats who aren’t their mates if that many cats were LGBT. 😛 With how overpopulated ThunderClan is, I don’t think we’re at that point of a few LGBT cats were added. And being in a relationship is not just about having children. Not every can have or wants to have children, straight couples included.

                • Well, true. I dunno. It’s really confusing, because you have to think about mates, kits, genetics, etc. if you even wanted to dream about an LGBTQ relationship. I think kids should be presented with the fact that LGBTQ people are real and then they can make their decision on if it’s ok or not, and they have a personal, non-influence opinion.

                • Not every cat in the Clan would be same-sex. That’s just as unreasonable as every cat being straight. Not every cat in the Clan has kits anyway. It’s not that big of a deal.

                • I agree with Beech but ya. Okay what I learned is that I think this argument will never end and so let’s just end it at the fact that EVERYONE WILL BE BIASED TORWARDS SOMETHING!!! THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS AN UNBIASED PERSON. Okay? There. I am leaving now……😛

            • i mean lgbt+ people aren’t just political subjects or things on an agenda, they’re… people.

              warriors has:
              – murder
              – extreme gore
              – extreme religion
              so i don’t think adding lgbt+ characters would make the content any more controversial than it already is lmao

              and headcanons are headcanons, dude. if someone wants to headcanon violet as bi, then it’s their opinion, it’s not some kinda queer agenda

  • I think that TwigXFin was one of the most-developed at best ships we’ve seen in this arc. Not saying that no other ship was awesome to read… TwigXFin was just ONE of the best.

  • Hey, someone, since I’m kinda too shy to edit the page on the Warriors Wiki about Finpaw, could someone edit it? There’s no Darkest Night section for him yet, and he has a semi-major role in the book, mainly with Twigpaw.