Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate, do you know who ShadowClan’s new deputy is?
And if you do and can’t (or won’t) tell us, can you at least tell us if it’s a younger or older cat so we can narrow it down?
Still hoping for Tawnypelt.
Same here.
I want Snowbird! Or Grassheart. Just please not Dovewing!
I don’t think she could be chosen, since I don’t think she’s trained an apprentice yet.
If it’s Dovewing I will actually riot.
I doubt it though, she’s a queen and also hasn’t had an apprentice.
Dovewing?! Please no!
I think he will choose one of his newphews: Juniperclaw or Strikestone. I want Tawnypelt, though. He can’t just ignore his momma like that.
It might be weird because she is his mom and all… but she is the most logical choice. I’m thinking Rippletail or Juniperclaw. Not Dovewing. Please StarClan.
Tawnypelt is really old, though. If you put Tawnypelt in as deputy , it might work, but she’s only got a few more moons on her until she retires. Same with Brackenfur and Thornclaw.
But her brother who is the same age is currently ThunderClan’s leader with no signs of retiring soon.
So, Jayfrost made me think of this. Here’s a list of all the cats currently alive in AVoS that were alive in the first series (not including the ones that died in TAQ, TAS, etc.)
( I didn’t include SkyClan in this because we didn’t know who was alive when)
aaaah so I finally got and read the book so I can be here and do my usual rambling review with theories sprinkled in and boy do I have some thoughts 😀
First of all, I thought it was amazing. Well done, Kate! It was extremely well-written and had tons of plot, tension, drama, character and relationship building, and foreshadowing. It was really hard to put down! (haha bad I have homework tonight that I was supposed to start two hours ago and haven’t 😛 ) I honestly wasn’t super excited for this one (I was excited though) because Shattered Sky felt like the end of an arc and I wasn’t sure how you could pick up from that aside from tying up loose ends. But it was done really well! Now Shattered Sky doesn’t feel like as much of a conclusion, which is great since there are still two books to go 😀
all right, where do I begin?
Ivy and Fern. Okay, how I feel about this ship still stands. I don’t like it. I like Ivy single and kitless, as an independent she-cat. I don’t like that every she-cat in ThunderClan is getting a mate and/or love interest. Fern for Ivy is better than some, but still wouldn’t be my choice. I’d just have her stay a Single Pringle 😛 However, I adored Fernsong in this book. He was very devoted to Ivypool and was following her around on most patrols, especially the one looking for her sister. It wasn’t shown, but I think it’s cute that he was probably comforting her offscreen. Also, I loved how he’s gonna go into the nursery for her. Not only does it break gender stereotyped boundaries, which I am always in favor of, it shows a lot of his character. He’s really mature and devoted and I love that. I also like how they’re acknowledging that Ivypool isn’t the type to settle down in the nursery, but Fernsong is, and that’s okay. They can still work things out. Out of all the scenes this ship was shown in, that was my favorite. I really hope that this paves the way for more toms to become queens. Ivypool and Fernsong’s situation will definitely come up in future mates, and some toms are just more suited for the nursery. I hope there comes a time that when a she-cat and a tom decide to have kits, they choose which one of them wants to stay in the nursery, and that there can be permanent queens like Ferncloud and Daisy who are toms. The mother really doesn’t have to be there for the nursing period anyway, she can just come to them when they need to nurse. It’s amazing. I love it.
Twig and Fin. One of my favorite pairings. Tbh in AVOS there haven’t really been many pairs that I’ve intensely shipped, but I’m intensely shipping this one. They’re adorable! At first I was a bit annoyed by it because there seem to be a lot of random new ships in this book and it felt stereotypical and cliche, but as it developed it grew on me. I love how Dewpaw slyly got them to hang out when Finpaw was in the medicine den. Finpaw’s decision to come to ThunderClan with Twigpaw was rash and will have consequences, but it was adorable and I loved his devotion. I was also really happy that they’re not making it into another stereotypical forbidden relationship. And how Finpaw’s in ThunderClan, so he can learn about Halftail! I really hope someone tells him about him or Halftail visits him sometime. He’d be so happy. Finpaw is also just a great character in general and he’s already become one of my favorites.
I loved Violetshine in this book. She’s so mature, but she’s still very bouncy and thoughtful. It was heartbreaking when Twigpaw left for ThunderClan because her separation anxiety is going to start coming up again. But I know she’s meant to be in SkyClan with Hawkwing. She’s flourished, and she flourished on the journey too. She’s grown into such a great character. I honestly won’t be surprised if she becomes leader of SkyClan someday. She has the makings for a great leader, thoughtful and mature, but full of energy and kindness, firece, and willing to defy others to do the right thing. Her chasing after Needletail was really sad, and every time I really wanted Needletail to turn around and talk to her. I was really happy when she finally found Tree and was able to talk to her.
Tree! I’m so happy! I really liked him in the short I saw with him at the end of SS. I’m so happy he’s a main character. He’s such a great character. He’ll make a great Clan cat. His gift is really interesting and I have a lot of questions and theories on it. (I posted those in my predictions post on the River of Fire spoiler page, but if you want me to post them here I will ^^)
I have to talk about Molewhisker. He was adorable in the journey. It obviously made him so happy. I hope he gets to go on another journey soon. I don’t think he’ll become a member of SkyClan, as I don’t think that it was hanging out with the SkyClan cats that made him happy (although that could be the case, although that’s kind of disappointing). I think it was going out and doing something important, exploring, etc. He had a role to play, and he was out exploring and doing great things for SkyClan. He was being a hero in his own way. I really liked him. I hope we get to see that side of him again. I wonder if there’s pressure on him in ThunderClan that we don’t really get to see. After all, his apprentice pretty much failed warrior training and then became a medicine cat. That must be a bit saddening.
JASPER!!! Aggressive ginger cat who is a fighter and has prejudiced views of our protagonist group? Jasper from Steven Universe much? (the gender is wrong though, but Jasper is one of the more masculine of gems tbh). I was SO HAPPY. I know it’s probably not a SU reference because I don’t think the Erins know SU, but I could be wrong. I’m choosing to believe that maybe it was a reference. 😀 (alert alert alert! Jasper has copied Amethyst and shapeshifted into a cat! Warriors/SU crossover! 😛 )
I really didn’t like Sparkpelt and Larksong. It was extremely rushed, just shoved in our face, out of nowhere, and mostly offscreen. If I’m going to ship them (which is entirely possible because I have no idea what dynamic they have together. But I think it’s cute because their names rhyme! Also, I was a bit confused when Alderheart and Sparkpelt talked about him not being happy with her because she was spending all her time with him. I thought he was unhappy with her because she wanted SkyClan to leave? Also, I thought it was really sweet how she followed him and saved him. I, too, miss their close relationship and I hope not only will they regain it, but we’ll see a lot of it!
I’m really sad about what happened to RiverClan. RiverClan is my favorite Clan along with SkyClan (and Wavepaw’s in it 😛 ) so I love seeing them and seeing them flourish. They’ve been the background Clan this series and I don’t like it one bit. The whole closing borders thing was very out of character for Mistystar. I wonder if there’s something we don’t know that’s happening inside the borders. If only Dovewing still had her powers and hadn’t left so she could check! I honestly think Mistystar is losing her spark and is going to die soon, as in this series. I’m really sad to see her go, but I’m excited for a chance to see more of Reedwhisker, to see him as leader, and to see more of RiverClan in general. I really hope that her dying isn’t the cause for the borders to reopen. I want to see Mistystar deal with it, go on with her life, and then die. (Or she could just retire I’m cool with that I love Mistystar)
Just some unrelated thoughts that aren’t long enough for their own paragraph: I really liked seeing Loki and Zelda again, even if it wasn’t for long. I hope we see more of them in the future books, and that Zelda can be with Violetpaw again. I wish we’d seen Minty and Jessy, I really want to see them again soon. I found it funny that a great storm happened near the beginning and end of Rowanclaw’s leadership. I wonder if it’s a bit of a metaphor for more than just the great storm that’s coming, which I think it is. Every cat seems to think Tree will save them, but in TS didn’t it say to beware him? That might be personal for Tigerheart and Dovewing as there’s probably going to be a lot of drama when they get back, but maybe he’s going to cause some tragedy. I hope it’s by accident. I don’t want Tree to be a bad guy. As I said above, I really like him and want him to be a protagonist. I loved the names of Tinycloud’s kits. They’re names that have been used only in minor characters a long time ago and I think they’re great names! I hope they get really good warrior names too. I also liked the names of the lost SkyClan apprentices. When they were first spotted I groaned because I thought there actually might be a sixth Clan, which is cliche, a plot device, and just completely out of the blue. I’m glad they’re not. When Frecklewish escaped and the Twoleg was trying to get her back, I actually identified more with the Twoleg than with Frecklewish. I have a cat who’s kept indoors because indoor cats live longer and are healthier than outdoor cats, and I felt a pang in my heart because I knew I would be heartbroken if Melodie ran away. I was sad that Cypresspaw and Wavepaw weren’t shown, but there was basically no RiverClan anyway. I also think that not enough attention to RiverClan was paid given the situation they were in, but a lot was happening so I get it. I thought there was gonna be more drama involving SkyClan having no medicine cat, so I was a bit disappointed but I thought it was handled well, and I’m glad to have Frecklewish and Fidgetpaw back, especially now that Twigpaw’s not gonna be SkyClan’s medicine cat (she was my personal pick). The Hawk/Twig/Violet family belonging moments were adorable and one of my favorite parts of the book, but now whenever I reread it they’re gonna be bittersweet because of Twigpaw leaving for ThunderClan 😛 I wish that we’d seen more of Bumblestripe and how he’s dealing with Dovewing being gone and then Tigerheart leaving too. Also, Scorchfur’s behavior strikes me as off. He was always the one stirring up trouble and tried to blind Tawnypelt! His own Clanmate! It reminds me of the Dark Forest training days. I really hope it’s not that, because we already had two series focused on that, but I do think there’s something here we don’t know about. Also there was no Wavepaw I’m sad 🙁 oh well. I’m so happy that Cherrytail and Cloudmist came back! I was hoping they would but I was a bit worried they wouldn’t or that something would’ve happened to them. Cherrytail is pretty old (but not old enough to die don’t you dare Kate 😛 ). Also I’m so happy Barley is still alive and well and we saw him! He handled Molewhisker really well and made him happy. I wish Ravenpaw could’ve been there to talk with Molewhisker about ThunderClan and just see him again.
*reads Ivy and Fern part* *screams* YESSSSSSSSS SINGLE IVY!!!
Scorchfur was a pretty big antagonist in this book!
single ivyyyyyyyy
I agree with almost every word you said
Yes he was. I was actually impressed and pleased that a more minor character had such a strong personality and strong beliefs. He’ll make a good villain, even if he doesn’t have to be a major violent one! Or, ooh, if he has a character arc and becomes good, that’d be nice too…
Yess minor character arcs pleeeeaasee
him trying to claw Tawnypelt’s eyes was a big red flag for me though
Oh my gosh yes! But I didn’t really like Scorchfur at all (I never really have). I know he has reasons, but it’s no excuse to be a massive traitor! I think he’s a real jerk. Does anyone agree with me, cause I don’t want to seem like a hater.
Great review 🙂
I agree with basically everything you just said. Especially the SparkXLark part. And the RiverClan part. I was really sad as well. I would like Ivypool to be a single mother however, I want her to have kits! Only if her kits are like her though…
ooh yesss mini Ivypools 😛
i wanted violetheart
Interesting name choice. I would have liked that, too.
I personally enjoyed Violetheart and Twigpelt for their names but it did not happen.
I noticed an error, in chapter 17 on pages 229 and 230 it says “As he spoke, Lionblaze raced back through the entrance. Molewhisker, Birchfall, and Larksong followed, Lilyheart behind them” which happens during the storm while Molewhisker is still with Hawkwing’s patrol. They don’t get back to the lake until chapter 21.
Haha, I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Nice.
Kate probably meant Mousewhisker. Another reason why I wanted Molewhisker to be named Moleclaw instead.
This happened with Belleaf too. She was said to be on the journey but she wasn’t
YAY I’m getting it!
Posting this again with some added extras…….
Questions for Kate:
Is it true that Hollyleaf was originally going to be the blind one instead of Jayfeather?
And if she were named Crowkit, what would you have liked (thought) her warrior name to be?
If she were part of the Three, what power would she have had or what power would you give her??
What warrior name would you have given Ravenpaw? Idk somewhere on a warrior fact it said Ravenwing, even though that’s already a cat.
Would you think Redtail was/would be a good father to Sandstorm and good mate to Brindleface if he had lived longer (I’m hoping he would have)?
Was Redtail’s and Brindleface’s relationship a good one (like did they really care about each other like FirexSand and other couples or was it just a SpiderxDaisy thing)??
Is FeathertailxReedwhisker canon (true) or not? I think it’d be cute but it probably isn’t real……
Will Mothwing get a love interest? Or did she in the past but it was never revealed (I feel like she won’t though so idk why I’m asking 😛)
Did Grasspelt have a crush on Briarlight (it seemed a lot like he did)??!
Who is your fav warrior cat couple?
Do you watch/know Marvel (lol not cat related but whatevs)??
Will there be more novellas (unless that is a W.A.S. thing)???
If Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves did become mates and if they had kits (unlikely, but I’m just wondering what you think), what would their kits be named and what could they possibly look like? Others have answered this in their opinions but I’m asking yours now. 🙂
Will Lakeheart and Lizardtail’s true kits ever be confirmed??!! (their kits confuse me)
Am I asking too many questions? 😛
I wish we could have seen more of Redtail 😕 I liked him (especially his bushy red tail and his gutted ears. His fursona actually inspired mine), even though we never saw much of him (sorry that wasn’t really a question, haha)
It’s fine if you can’t answer all of them 🙂
I’ll try to answer these since Kate is busy.
I’m pretty sure Jayfeather was always going to be the blind one.
I’m not Kate, but Crowfrost sounds nice to me even if it is already a canon name…maybe Crowleaf.
Again, not Kate. But I think visions of the future would be cool. And not just potential futures, but she could follow what path she wanted (cough, becoming Clan leader, cough) by taking the right steps because she knew how it would end up.
Not Kate, but Ravenheart is what I would have chosen for him. It really fits his personality. Ravenwing is also nice, it doesn’t really matter if there’s another canon Ravenwing.
Not Kate, but I’m not sure. He may have been too busy with deputy duties, but that didn’t stop Shellheart from being a good father to Crookedstar? So I guess he would have. We know so little about him so it’s hard to say for sure.
We don’t know. They had 0 scenes together.
It’s pretty sad. It could be canon for all we know, but from my view of things, I kind of doubt it.
Mothwing doesn’t seem the type to want a mate to me. Plus, Kate recently said “no mates for medicine cats”. Guess they’re not going the forbidden love story route anymore.
Maybe he did. Or maybe they were just friends? I don’t know. He only had one quote about Briarlight, and that could have been purely in a platonic way, could have been romantic.
I’m not Kate, so I’m not sure. I think she said once she really likes Gray Wingx Turtle Tail…
I’m not sure if she watches Marvel, sorry.
I don’t think so, which is unfortunate. Vicky was writing those, and she’s done with Warriors.
There are contradicting opinions on whether or not they are mates. Kate says not on her watch, Vicky says they did become mates. It’s up to the reader, I guess. She’s not been shown with him in StarClan, so I don’t think so. I like the idea of a mateless Hollyleaf as well. They couldn’t have kits…they’re both dead.
I think Harekit, Gorsekit, etc are going to be the “real” kits, sadly. There has been too much confusion. But Kate recently said she’d try to fit them in the narrative as much as possible, so we’ll see? Wavepaw and Cypresspaw are better names, though. (Wavesplash is a totally cool name).
There is no such thing as too many questions.
Me too. Redtail was cool from what we saw of him. Maybe he should get a short story in the future?
Cool thx JayJay! 🙂 (I like saying that for some reason. Sorry if it’s too weird though or makes you uncomfortable. It’s one of my nicknames for people/cats with “jay” as their prefix)
Okay, I am new here, but i am a big fan of squirrelflight, so Kate, why not make a super edition for Squirrelflight and probably make her have more kits, and make Ashfur come and threaten her!
Redtail is getting a Novella called Retail’s Debt along with two other novella’s called Tawnypelt’s Clan and Shadowstar’s Life. Squirrel flight is getting a Super Edition called Squirrelfight’s Hope.
Redtail is getting a Novella called Retail’s Debt along with two other novella’s called Tawnypelt’s Clan and Shadowstar’s Life.
I can’t remember which but I know one of the Erins is a HUGE fan of Marvel, I’m pretty sure she has it up there in her passions along with Warrior Cats of course. Fun fact – the entire scene where Ravenpaw tells Barley he’s always had loyalty with warriors (can’t remember the quote or book…this isn’t going very well) was actually inspired by one of Bruce Banner’s lines (Can’t remember this either! I’m terrible at this!!)
Kate, if you could choose, what would you name Violetshine and Twigbranch?
Also, what is your favorite ship from this new arc?
Kate said she would have chosen Twigshade for Twigpaw, but I personally would have preferred Twigshine/Twigheart. Violetshade fits Violetpaw better imo.
I’m not sure what she would have picked for Violetshine, though. Maybe she’s fine with her canon name?
I’m pretty sure her favorite ship is FernxIvy, but I can’t say for sure.
I would have liked Twigshine and Violettail or Violetshine, since the sisters are so close.
True, like Bluefur and Snowfur…
I once did a tiny roleplay where Twigpaw was my best friend (before she became a warrior), and I made her warrior name Twigheart.
Kate, Since Alderheart certainly has feelings for Needletail. Does Needletail felt the something?
I don’t think so, at least not for the first half of the arc. In The Apprentice’s Quest and Thunder and Shadow, Needletail seemed closer to Rain. When Rain died in Shattered Sky, Needletail felt grief for Rain and even more fear of Darktail, and there was no clear evidence that she had true feelings for Alderheart. Too bad for Alderheart.
Of course, this is only my opinion. I might be right or wrong. Seems that we will have to wait and see…
Kate, do you want arc 7 to follow the modern Clans or DOTC? Do you know which one we’re following yet?
I’m pretty sure it will be the modern cats but I secretly want to carry on with Dawn…
Me too.
I sent in some cadbent pics Kate.
Thank you 🙂
*cadvent pics
If it is the modern Clans, then I want the POV’s to go to one of Dovewing’s kit and one of Ivypool’s kits.
Though I wouldn’t say no to SkyClan getting a POV. I like them.
I haven’t read DotC yet (well I’ve read the first few chapters of The Sun Trail and I found it kinda boring [at that moment. Sorry. It’ll probably get better but yeah]) so I’m perfectly fine with it continuing on modern day 🙂
I’d like to see Twigbranch and Violetshine’s story being carried on…or maybe their family’s stories. Anyone up for their kit’s stories? That i’d like to see. 🙂
I think that you should add a new character to warriors series 7, Dewwhisker, Alderhearts apprentices apprentice ( Light brown Tabby Tom with short tail and green eyes ) pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase!!!
And here are some questions
1: will Squirrelfight become leader? 🐈
2: Where did scourge go when he died since he doesn’t believe in StarClan? 🐈
3: will Breezepelt go to StarClan? 🐈
I’m not Kate, but I’ll answer these:
1. I don’t have knowledge on the cat age range for retirement, but I find it incredibly difficult to believe that Squirrelflight will outlive Bramblestar nine times and still be fit enough for leadership.
2. I think the Erins said to use our imaginations? Not entirely sure but they did confirm that it isn’t the Dark Forest or StarClan.
3. It looks like he’s on the path to redeeming himself; he’s become a father and apparently is now on good terms with Crowfeather. Hopefully Crowfeather’s Trial will better deal with his character.
I actually strongly beleive that Squirrelflight isn’t meant ro be deputy either. Her actions have proven just how (what’s the word?) biased she is. She’s also a Mary Sue for me and I just don’t agree with her holding a leadship rank. I feel someone like Berrynose or even Rosepetal could have been better.
I really think in tiger’s shadow pouncekit and lightkit, shadowkit warrior/med names{IT Shadowkit becomes the skyclan med}
Lightkit/Lightpaw/Lightheart{In honner of firestar}
Pouncekit/Pouncepaw/Pouncefire{In honner of Bouncefire}
I would like Shadowkit to be apprenticed to Puddleshine and become Shadowsight
Lightkit could be Lightleap
Pouncekit could be Pounceleaf (Hollyleaf!)
I like those! I was thinking Pounceclaw (after Rowanclaw), Lightpool (after Ivypool, requested by Dovewing) and Shadowstripe.
Kate, you said that Alderheart have feelings for Needletail. Does Needletail felt the same thing with Alderheart?
Who can tell with Needle?
What about her relationship with Rain the rouge? I hope that she doesn’t have any relationship with him because he was NOT a good cat & mate. I will not forgive him for killing Sharpclaw.
I’m pretty sure Darktail was the one who killed Sharpclaw… But Rain was a follower of his…
Rain helped Darktail kill Rain i believe.
I am now making kits for Ivypool and Fernsong!
Palmkit- pale yellow tabby tom with blue eyes- Palmleaf
Moonkit- silver tabby she-cat with white underbelly- Moonshine
Yellowkit- yellow tabby tom- Yellowpelt
And Finally Wingkit- pale silver she-cat with white paws and tail tip- Wingflap- named after Dovewing (who may or may not have arrived in Shadowclan with Tigerstar yet)
Anyone else have ideas?
I think we need some good names that are fresh and unique to the Warriors world, that are pretty short, unlike dandelion- and juniper- and stuff like that. We could do gale- or bone- or rise-, early- etc. We need some good names!(Bonefeather, Riseflower, and Earlyfoot are my OC’s!)
Got it!
Here are some names that haven’t been used or are good and haven’t been used often (and possible warrior names):
Palmkit- Palmleaf, Palmfur, Palmnose
Blizzardkit- Blizzardfang, Blizzardstripe
Swiftkit- Swiftstrike, Swiftclaw
Duskkit- Duskstorm, Duskfur
Heartkit- Heartsong, Heartflame
Starkit- Starfire, Starmist, Starstripe
Clearkit- Clearpool, Clearwave
Aspenkit- Aspenleaf, Aspendew
Flaxkit- Flaxpelt, Flaxtail
Bristlekit- Bristlefang, Bristlespots
Dapplekit- Dapplestone, Dapplefur
Mottlekit- Mottletail, Mottlefoot
Brushkit- Brushfire, Brushnose
And Finally Firkit- Firstep, Firwhisker, Firtail
Everyone else, I challenge you to make as many names that haven’t been used or used much in the warriors series as you can: Go!
Flipkit-Flipwing(in memory of Dovewing)
I would avoid Bristlestar if possible. I want Ivystar. I don’t like Bristlekit and Thriftkit’s names personally. Although Flipkit is great.
No offense, but Ivypool’s kits name are: Bristlekit, Thriftkit, Flipkit.
Hey Kate, among Tigerheart and Dovewing’s kits, who is your favorite. I’m all for Shadowkit.
I haven’t decided yet. Shadowkit has the bigger role, but I generally prefer less special cats. Their personalities just take longer to filter through.
That’s great to hear. I love Shadowkit.
What role will Shadowkit play in the Warriors series? 🐈