Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate, this might be the wrong page to ask on, but why do you think Graystripe will chose Silverstream in StarClan?
I don’t know the answer to this question! It would be a bit hard on Millie, don’t you think?
Finpaw x Twigpaw <3
Also I'm sad Twigpaw didn't become Twigheart *tear*
Ooh, Twigheart is really pretty!
I wanted Twigshine and Violetwing, in honor of each of their parents.
Twigheart is a pretty name! I always imagined their names to be Twigpool and Violetcloud.
I hope that Fidgetpaw’s medicine cat name will not Fidgetspinner…
Yes that would be so weird 😛 Maybe Fidgetleap, or Fidgetwhisker? I like those for him.
I…don’t think cats know…what a spinner is.
Am I wrong? Did I miss something?
I kinda thought his name would be either Fidgettail or Fidgetfoot
Agreed. No offence of those who are passionate for those objects, but we don’t need the irrationality of having unimportant Twoleg toys intervene with the Warriors universe. After all, they don’t know what the toys even are…
oh god no
Kate, would you write a short story about Dovewing and Tigerheart’s romance to explains how they restore they’re relationship during that Twigpaw search party mission during Shatter Sky?
I would love to see that scene too, but I think it’s more tantalising to let readers invent the scenes themselves 🙂
Can you do it in the not so distant future if the fans demand it? You could even ask Vicky if she can write the story for old time sake.
Kate, since you confirmed in Bramblestar’s Storm that Spiderleg still love Daisy. Does Daisy felt the same way especially his death and afterwards?
I can’t speak for Daisy. I can only report what she says. And so far, she’s not talked about the way she feels about him.
Daisy, it’s not healthy to bottle all your feelings inside.
Kate, first off Happy New Year, second off, a question about Tree:
So, Tree is a polydactyl cat like Spider Paw and he is yellow like Honey Pelt. Do you think it’s possible Tree could be a descendant of one of these two? I know he’s a loner, but Honey Pelt was SkyClan and SkyClan did separate in the past. so it’s still possible.
Also, for some reason I really like the idea of him being related to Sharpclaw’s sister, Flower. I don’t know why, I just do. And since she does have SkyClan blood , it goes with what I said up above. I hope we do meet his mother and sister though.
I just read the book yesterday!! One question:
When Snowbush breaks his leg, we do not see Brightheart or Cloudtail. These are his own parents! If I were them I would be fussing over him. But only his mate does that. Brightheart and Cloudtail aren’t even seen grieving for him when he dies. Do you know why?
P.S: Great book! One of my favourite books that came out in a while 🙂
Oops, oversight by me. Sorry!
Speaking of Snowbush, Kate. Did he ever feel any fatherly feelings for Twigbranch? She never seemed to interact, and he’s never really crossed he thoughts until he died. How dod he truly feel about her?
He just wasn’t that involved. 🙁
Kate, in Shattered Sky when SkyClan is coming back to StarClan, there was a mottled she-cat staring intently at Alderheart. The she-cat was specifically stated to be SkyClan. Since it’s confirmed not to have been Frecklewish, was this cat Pebbleshine, Twigbranch and Violetshine’s mother? I still think Pebbleshine was there when Twigbranch nearly drowned as a kit in Thunder and Shadow as well. She heard a voice at that point if you recall.
Was Honeyfur, Lilyheart’s daughter, named after Honeyfern? I know Lilyheart never met her older sister, but it’s still possible.
I know I’m not Kate, but I believe that the cat there was Pebbleshine. At least, I like to think it’s her 🙂 And I agree with you, it is possible that she named Honeyfur after Honeyfern.
I don’t! Then she’d not be alive! (They killed Needletail so they can’t take Pebbleshine from us) imagine how happy Hawkwing would be!
I really think you’re right Snowflower. I thought it was Pebbleshine too. If it was her, though, I wonder why she didn’t speak.
hey is tigerheart’s shadow before or after darkest night? in what order should i read the two books?
Darkest Night starts before Tigerheart’s Shadow. Tigerheart’s Shadow starts in the middle of Darkest Night and then I think ends about halfway into River of Fire. But I read Tigerheart’s Shadow first, so it really doesn’t matter 🙂
The evens overlap, but in my opinion, you should read Darkest Night first.
It takes place during Darkest Night and River of Fire. You should read Darkest Night first, but both will give you spoilers for the other.
I agree with you
hey Kate, What if bloodclan comes back and finds a leader that is a dog slayer that also hates the Clan cats, I was thinking his name would be Ghost that brings BloodCan back together stronger and better and can track down the Clans by using his amazing tracking skills, and by using old scents, he can find cats from huge BIG AMAZING distances, everyone bows down to their new amzing leader, GHOST. I am litterally praying to my dear Lord that you will read this and you agree, please, please, please, I will love you if you do this please
Sorry that was my cousin giving huge discription, but still I want you to do this thank you : )
my cousin changed are name