• Question for Kate (or really anyone who knows the answer): When Darktail died, did he go to an afterlife? If he believed in that sort of thing, he could easily be in the Dark Forest. Same question, but about Scourge.

      • Who are Heathertail’s parents (It’s not Onestar and Whitetail)? Also, who are Darktail’s littermates? And why the heck is Lizardstripe in Starclan!?!? Lizardstripe’s totally evil as she didn’t love Brokenstar or any of her biological kits!

        • Onestar and Whitetail are literally the only possibility for Heathertail’s parents. Let’s have a short rundown of why.
          Let’s just go down the line from the allegiances of Sunset, because this is probably the time Heathertail was a kit. All of the apprentices are left out for obvious reasons.
          Onestar is likely. He seems to have a good relationship with Whitetail and proof of this could be Heathertail’s warrior name, maybe after her mother, hmm?
          Barkface is definitely not her father. Even if he was willing to break the code to mate with someone, there are like three she cats in WindClan at this time, and all of them are taken.
          Tornear is likely not, because he had kits with Ashfoot. However, who’s to say it didn’t happen again?
          Webfoot becomes an elder in the next book, so he’s probably too old to have kits.
          Owlwhisker probably isn’t her father. He’s like the side character of side characters, and his only function is really just to make WindClan one cat bigger.
          Weaselfur is like Owlwhisker as he isn’t in enough of the book to know his personal life.
          She Cats:
          Whitetail is very likely to be Heathertail’s mother, as she is a queen in Sunset, where we would generally expect her to either be expecting or nursing Heatherkit.
          Nightcloud is definitely not, as she has Breezepelt later on and it would’ve been mentioned if Heathertail and Breezepelt were siblings.
          Ashfoot probably isn’t because she is in a relationship with Tornear.
          A few things that put me off with this theory:
          Onestar made Whitetail Heatherpaw’s temporary mentor while he was in the mountains in Outcast. Kin don’t usually mentor each other, so if that was an oversight or not is up to you.
          Heathertail was never noted to feel any more grief than her Clanmates when he drowns in SS, which is strange considering he’s her father. Unless he was just a really terrible dad at the end. 😛
          To answer your other questions, all of Darktail’s littermates died during birth, and are unnamed (and likely never will be considering they will probably not go to StarClan.) Lizardstripe probably became a queen on accident, so her anger had her make bad choices. We don’t know what she did after YS, so we can’t be certain that she didn’t redeem herself in some way.
          Do you see what happens to me when I write post long comments? D:

    • Personally, I think Darktail went to the Dark Forest because of the deeds he did in his life and because he had knowledge of the place. I think the Erins confirmed Scourge didn’t go to the Dark Forest because he did not believe in StarClan.
      Warriors Wiki: Scourge does not walk in the Dark Forest because he does not believe in StarClan.[13]

  • Question for everyone but mostly Kate and sorry you are getting so many questions from me BUT: What do Juniperkit and Dandelionkit look like in Starclan, and who looks after them? I kinda hoped it would be Hollyleaf, Firestar, or Ferncloud raising them. And don’t hate me for this, but I think it would be cute if Ashfur was raising them to make up to everything he did to Squirrelflight.

  • TRIAL OF THE STARS (my idea!) So if Needletail is in the DF then WE NEED SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!!!
    Basically the Trial of the Stars would be some type of a forbidden thing that allows a DF cat to join Starclan but there has to be a battle between a DF cat and an SC cat that strongly is against the idea (this could be tied to Ashfur or something which would be cool) So someone like Rowanstar would work for her (Because he probably isnt the happiest with her) it wouldnt be some kind of battle to the Fade though. It could also be something like: Share dreams with some cat to deliver a prophecy.
    But anyways you guys tell me what you think!

  • Please tell me that Onestar’s apology was primarily meant towards Firestar. Did he believe they should have remained friends while on his last life? Are they friends in StarClan? I used to like him, and if Onestar’s confession did involve mainly Firestar, I hopefully can re-like him or dislike him less.

    • Hmmm . . . maybe. I guess Onestar realized that after he confessed, he’d been unfair to Firestar in some ways. I mean, it made sense for him to take control of his Clan that way, but he didn’t have to be THAT hostile. Hopefully they make up to each other in StarClan 🙂

  • So this is a spoilers page so we talk about the book? Well first of all I LOVE how twigpaw found a mate and I LOVE how she went back to thunderclan and if u have read tiger hearts shadow it tells about y dovewing and tigerheart went missing and I love this book and how tree has magic powers and I love spoiling XD sooooo ya and I hope that pebble shine comes bk and finds them bc we have no clue if she actually dies there was no blood or fur or anything anywhere so in the next book I want that HAPPNEN lol

  • I really want to know if Dovewing gets accepted into ShadowClan and what happens to her when her clanmates find out…

  • I can’t wait to read River of Fire! Soo many things will happen that I have been questioning before, like Silverpool’s.

  • From now on, i post in River of Fire spoiler page. Not that anyone cares, but if anyone needs me I’ll be there! 🙂

  • Loving the plot line, as of what I’ve seen from the outside (won’t get my hands on this book until April 😩) But uh… Twigbranch? Really? Isn’t a twig a branch? That’s like naming a cat Rainwater, or Brightlight… Hahaha I would’ve preferred something else, like Twigspring. 😛

  • Hello!!! Um so is my first time on a spoiler page (yay) I really liked the complexity of the fourth book. Twigpaw is dealing with her own emotions while Violetpaw is out on her adventure with Hawkwing. Alderheart is TOTALLY.FREAKING.OUT. because of the prophecy. The ending made me think of an article about Violetshine (Violet x Puddle) and i was like THE IRONY IS REAL 😝 because her warrior name IS Violetshine! Is it me or is -shine becoming a common suffix? Puddleshine, Willowshine, Pebbleshine, and now Violetshine. Twigpaw becoming Thunderclan surprised me, and made me sad because I wanted her to be Skyclan (#skyclan4eva) and Twigpaw’s warrior name Twigbranch… REALLY?! I was thinking Twigheart or Twigfur. I also was thinking about. Berrystumpytail when I read about Finpaw. Hmmm, Finstumpytail…. 😆 anyway any comments just comment I guess. Bye!!! *drops the ice cream cone*