• I really like how every cat’s personalities are starting to solidify in this book.

    Finpaw’s cool, I guess, but he fits the term “dumb, young and in love”. I can’t believe he left his family over a girl. I just wish Twigpaw’s chapters weren’t so romance oriented. That seems to destroy characters, especially in Dovewing’s case.

    Ivypool’s overrated and this is coming from someone who likes her. People give her too much credit when she honestly didn’t do much in OotS. People on those unofficial forums bring up really good points and this is one of them.

    I love Twigbranch the more I get to read about her. I’m not big on Violetshine, though. She keeps putting Needletail on a pedestal and fails to realize Needletail is the reason why she had a crappy life.

    Overall, I like filler books when the characters are interesting, so I enjoyed this one.

  • I think there was an error on page 254 of Darkest Night. Somewhere on the page, it says “Violetpaw could see there was something wrong.” Violetpaw was still on the patrol with the missing SkyClan cats at the time. I’m pretty sure they meant Twigpaw and not Violetpaw.

  • Kate, where do you think scourge and Darktail went when they died, and I think Alderhearts apprentice should be Dewwhisker, or Fuzzytail.
    And I think you should right a book about a dark forest cat with unknown history for example Shredtail, Silverhawk, Redwillow, Maggottail or Rushtooth. 🐈

  • I think you should make some books about some dark forest cats with unknown history like Silverhawk, Shredtail, Redwillow, Rushtooth, or Maggottail.

  • Welp, After Reading This Book I am thoroughly disappointed. I am sorry to say but this is probably the worst warriors book I have ever read. There was so much wasted potential with Needletail, and really a cat that can see the dead? Sigh… sounds like some kind of fanfiction. I know the Erin Hunter’s probably did not agree with the majority of the community’s ideas for Needletail but honestly! That book was horrible, I just hope River Of Fire is better, I mean with an epic title like that it better be good :> Still a huge fan of Warrior Cats and will never stop reading, writing, and drawing Warriors!

  • Hey Kate, When will Sparkpelt and Larksong have kits? I mean their like the perfect couple!
    I also have been thinking of names; Sunkit, Lilykit, Blazekit.

  • Tree x Violetshine???? I DON’T WANT IT!!! WHY?? Because i see Violetshine like a asexual she-cat..why every fermale need a Tom?? Why the strong she-cats have mate??? Can’t they do a live of loyalty?? Pls don’t make Violetshine whit him!!! Violetshine need to be a good warrior, Tree can be a good medicine cat for me

  • Is this book out in paperback yet?? Cause I usually wait until Warriors books are in paperback until I buy them haha (the only hardcover I have at the moment is River of Fire because it came out on my birthday and my mom got it for me for my birthday so ya).