The Path of a Warrior Spoiler Page

A new set of 3 novellas will be published April 9, 2019. It will contain stories about Redtail, Tawnypelt, and Shadowstar. Let the discussion begin 😊

Feb 19th, 2019: Page has been updated to be a spoiler page!

Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Feb 13, 2020 update: Now featuring the right names on the cover!


  • Hey y’all. I’m here now, no need to worry 😛 My library finally got me the book and I’ve read it 😛

    So, what are all the debates so far??? 😛 Opinions??? Anything???? Give me the drama 😛

    Watch as this gets ignored haha 😛

  • Hey guys, if you didn’t see Kate’s latest post, Mothwing is getting a novella, and there’s a new manga as well coming..

    • Yaas Mothwing!! She definitely has been deserving her own for such a long time! Yay finally!

  • Hey Kate, can we assume that Raven Pelt took the title of Ravenstar after Shadowstar lost her last life?

  • Kate, in this novella, Redtail kills Oakheart instead of the boulder crushing him. Which is the real one?

  • Dear Kate,

    Tall Shadow have some romantic intrest or mate, during her life?

    Their relations with Pebble Heart during last novel seems quite cute and trusted, what about him?

  • What is the genders of storm fur and brooks new kits I know one was a female but the other wasn’t said

    • Their new kits are Pine That Clings to Rock and Feather of Flying Hawk. Pine is actually a tom, but Feather’s gender is actually unconfirmed.

      • Pine isn’t really new, he’s been around since Sign of the Moon. I believe you meant Breeze That Rustles the Leaves? They’re described as a lithe, pale brown she-cat.

  • I got the book from the library and read it, finally.
    I think these are some of my favorite novellas, although I feel like Redtail’s Debt didn’t have enough pages to really develop Redtail’s relationship with Tigerclaw and come to a realistic conclusion as opposed to Redtail just suddenly standing up to the cat he’d been in debt to his entire apprenticeship to his time as a warrior without a hint of fear or guilt. And I’m glad we got an explanation for how Shadowstar lost her last life in a battle she started—that seemed a bit out of character for her, so it’s nice to get that cleared up.
    Also, I haven’t read Lost Stars yet, but I have a feeling Shadowkit is going to be one of my favorite characters; he’s so polite and inquisitive. I also hope whatever strategy he talked about with Stoneteller for dealing with his visions is actually used some in the Broken Code. I’ll have to wait and see when Lost Stars gets to my library.

    • I remember when that “fact” popped up. On one hand I hope so too, but I also like the idea of Blackstar being a single guy who is platonic life partners with Russetfur.

  • Dear Kate,

    Does ThunderStar regret for protecting Quick Water? Does he say at least “sorry for my mistake” to Tall Shadow (when he joined StarClan ofcourse)?

    (And what about Clear Sky).

    With respect.

  • Will Willow pelt get a novella now both her siblings have and it could explore her relationships with others or I think dark stripe should get one

    • I don’t think Willowpelt will be getting a novella anytime soon, as its been confirmed that in 2020 the novellas will be focusing on Tree, Mothwing, and Pebbleshine and that in 2021, the novellas will be focusing on Daisy, Blackstar (I assume), and someone that hasn’t been confirmed, though there are hints that it might be about a more evil character (like in the DF). However, she might get a novella one day, though I doubt it as she’s more in the background than some other characters.

  • Okay, so I’m A LITTLE behind on my books but I finally finished this book!

    What I liked:

    -Redtail interacting with Willowpelt

    -Pretty much the whole Redtail and Tigerstar drama

    -How we FINALLY saw the tribe again!

    -Dovewing standing up to Tigerstar, AND MORE TAWNYPELT+ her with Rowanclaw

    -More DOTC

    -Seeing more of StarClan, how they can see the future, etc.

    What I didn’t like:

    -The MAJOR inconsistency of Redtail killing Oakheart, instead of the boulder killing Oakheart. That was pretty much the first major plot EVER in Warriors 🙁

    -How we didn’t get to see any RedxBrindle or Redtail acknowledging Sandstorm/paw as his daughter. I would’ve even just accepted a simple sentence.

    -How this novella was all about Shadowkit and not really Tawnypelt. Some of Tigerheart’s Shadow and the majority of Lost Stars was about Shadowkit/paw’s connection to StarClan, and the majority of the new arc will be about it too.

    -I would’ve preferred if Tawnypelt’s novella was about her struggling to fit in ShadowClan with Tigerstar as her leader.

    -How early Shadowstar died, I would’ve thought she would be careful about her nine lives, but it seemed like she died not long after Thunderstar’s Echo. You’d think it would be Skystar or maybe Thunderstar who would lose their nine lives first.

    -Why it was Quick Water who did it, I feel like it would just make more sense if it was some other cat from SkyClan who didn’t know Shadowstar very well… Quick Water and Shadowstar have known each other for a VERY long time, just seems out of character.

    My overall opinion is the novellas were pretty good, but not my favourite. HOWEVER Shadowstar’s Life is one of my favourites.