Hold on to you hats….
The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars
(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)
Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!
Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!
May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!
Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Also poor Twigy had to do a stupid oath. 😢🙁😫
Honestly tho ThunderClan under the possessed Bramblestar remind me of my school.
I think the best candidate for Bramblestar’s possessor is Ashfur due to his fondness of Squirrelflight and dislike for her children. However, I think the possessor is acting too petty to be the mastermind behind this arc. I feel that at a portion of ancient Skyclan still hasn’t forgiven the clans for driving Skyclan away as well as their imperfect welcoming of them to the lake. That would explain why Skyclan doesn’t have any codebreakers (i know tree was listed previous book but not this time), and why they didn’t suffer as much during the leafbare of Lost Stars.
Regardless of who is who, this book really didn’t reveal too much, other than Starclan not returning with newleaf (which wasn’t a surprise) , and that the possessor is awful.
I dont think it’s ashfur because he / bramblestar still kicked Squirrelflight out of the clan. And Ashfur was seen happily in starclan before. And the erins even said that Hollyleaf and ashfur made up.
Ashfur coulda been faking all of it…most likely what happened
Kate, can we have a Veil of Shadows discussion page, mayhaps?
A little spoiler?
Why Berrynose and Bumblestripe!!!!!! nOOOOOOO They were fine cats…
I can’t believe Twigbranch was a codebreaker though…
I came here to see who’s dead and berrynose is literally one of my favourites so I’m kinda sad now ahah 😛
HAHA I feel so sad for them though…
It’s good that Berrynose is now deputy though…
yay! i predicted shadowpaws name!
I made a animation about squirrel flight! Is shows how much she lost! https://youtu.be/VQe7nfxxn5M
That was probably one of the most darkest of the books I’ve read :3
Okay, here’s my theory.
Whoever is fake Bramblestar is…
A new villain.
Snowtuft? One of those DF cats that we never got a backstory on? I forgot the others’ names.
1. Ashfur can’t be it because he’s in StarClan and Shadowsight said it didn’t sound like StarClan. And also, Ashfur wasn’t obsessed with the code. And I think he’s chill now that he’s in StarClan and has redeemed himself.
2. It’s not Tigerstar or Brokenstar
They’re gone gone.
3. Darktail, I don’t think so. Wouldn’t that be so soon after the last arc?
My other option is Thistleclaw. He was kind of creepy to Squirrelflight and especially Bristlefrost. Thistleclaw was a creep, right?
But again, it has to be someone who is obsessed with the code and codebreakers.
That’s why I think it’s a new villain, or one of the DF cats that didn’t die.
Maybe one of the DF cats? I know it was established that the villain is a “controversial character”.
I’m starting to suspect Goosefeather as the imposter…
I feel like Spottedleaf is the imposter…Here is why
Spottedleaf faded and where she went to was unknown.
I think that Spottedleaf was trying to find a way back to StarClan.
She saw an open body and went into it.
That is why the imposter is so worried about codebreaking.
Kate, could we please know who SE13 is about now that TST is out?
sorry nope!
I don’t think they are planning for it now… They just finished Squirrelflight Hope.
Wow, that ending! But poor Twigy got punished for no reason. 🙁 🙁 🙁
bruh she changed clans like, 39 times