Hold on to you hats….
The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars
(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)
Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!
Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!
May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!
Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Hi Kate Do you know who Sorrelstripe’s mate is or Reedclaw’s mate?
In my Allegiance list, Sorrelstripe has no mate and Reedclaw does have a mate, but it’s the list for TBC#4 so I don’t know if you’re meant to know who her mate is yet…
So we’re going to know who her mate is in Darkness Within? Nice!!
To Kate: Hi kate I was wondering if Jayfeather will ever meet Half-Moon again it was such a cute and cool relationship a reincarnated cat, and thank you so much for keeping Jayfeather alive I would not have known what I would have done without him HE IS THE BEST WARRIORS CHARACTER ESPECIALLY BECAUSE OF HOW FUNNY AND GRUMPY HE IS, SO PLEASE KEEP JAYFEATHER ALIVE FOR AS LONG AS IT IS POSSIBLE, (sorry firestar but I also like you too but I have to go with Jayfeather ^ ^)
I doubt we’ll be letting Jayfeather go any time soon. Although you never know. Worse things have happened. It would be lovely if he met Half-Moon again. Let’s wait and see what the future holds for our little blue-eyed grump.
If there was a trailer for it, it would be like
“I am your leader, I decide what the code is.”
-action music-
To Kate: What happened to Graymist? She last appeared in The Last Hope. Was she killed in The Great Battle? If yes, is she in StarClan?
Graymist? Ummm….yes? Maybe?
Kate, what happened to Millie!? If you can’t tell us here, do you at least know when it will be explained? Thanks!!
I’m sure we explain somewhere…just a quick line probably. But I can’t remember what it was. We’ll both have to W.A.S
Hi, I reread silent thaw like 15 times lol, and I love jayfeather forever GREATEST CHARACTER EVER AND SORRY FIRESTAR
SPOILER! Anyone remember that one shadowclan cat who called blazefire mitten? he died where might the cat have went, did he go to starclan just like how I am questioning shadowsight of where he went, I would love to take thoeries about what might happen to shadowsight or the shadowclan cat who died (sorry forgot his name) 🙂
By ”The Shadowclan cat who died” do you mean Antfur?
BTW, I love your theories about Shadowsight!
Thank you very much! shadow sight was always mysterious and I tried coming up with theories and silent thaw did me a favor
When will there be a Veil of Shadows spoiler page? Just eager to share my theories!
Check the front page now!
Kate, two things:
Congrats on The Silent Thaw hitting the top spot on the NYT bestsellers list! And Goodreads says that The Broken Code #4 is titled “Darkness Within”. Can you confirm this? 🙂
Thanks, Jaysnow. And I don’t know if that is the title. I haven’t asked…I will do next time I’m in contact with the team though!
Thank you for your timely response. 🙂
I do really hope it’s the title, it sounds absolutely awesome. Sounds like a horror movie title.
Who do you guys think would be a good mate for Harestar?
Maybe Sunstrike, since they were in the dark forest together?
Sunstrike isn’t around anymore, since she died in the battle.
Hey Kate will Harestar ever get a mate and have kits?
I don’t know, simply because our focus is mostly on Sky, Thunder and ShadowClan…
Thank you for answering Kate I love the warriors series and I hope to be an author someday.
🙂 There’s nothing to stop you. All you need is a pencil and some paper. (I am SO retro)
Sedgewhisker already has a mate, tho. Her mate is Emberfoot and their kits are Larkwing, Featherpelt and Fernstripe. Featherpelt had kits with Oatclaw, and the kits are Flutterpaw, Whistlepaw and Songpaw, and basically Sedgewhisker is already a grandmother. So yep.. i don’t think Sedgewhisker would cheat on Emberfoot with Harestar.
Kate, did Antfur go to StarClan? With the lost connection at the moment, I’m a little worried that he wasn’t able to make it there. And he does deserve StarClan since he was a great cat.
We’re going to have to wait and see if anyone can make it to StarClan now….
Ooh, suspense!
Congrats on the amazing book, and the bestsellers list! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I read it, I LOVE the horror themes that have been a large part of this arc so far. Shadowsight got the perfect name, I think.
ALSO did anyone notice that the mint scent on the cat that attacked Shadowsight probably implies that the cat is dead and possessed (Like Bramblestar)? Mint is rubbed on their dead, if I’m recalling correctly. Pretty creepy :0
🙂 Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the series.