Hold on to you hats….
The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars
(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)
Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!
Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!
May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!
Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Hey, Kate, question. In Skyclan’s Destiny, you meet this apprentice aged rogue named Egg, who then joins the clan. I can’t find any note of him dying or leaving the clan, but in Hawkwing’s journey, he’s not in the allegiance or mentioned at all. Where’d he go?
Egg rings a vague bell, but I don’t remember what happened to him…Poor Egg 🙁
Kate, I have a question. I know this doesn’t relate to The Silent Thaw but Idk where else to ask. Do you think Snowbush cared for Twigbranch as a daughter the way Lilyheart did? They never really interact but I thought maybe during the time skip before Twigbranch becomes an apprentice they did?
I don’t think Twigbranch’s relationship with Snowbush was as strong as her relationship with Lilyheart
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! SHADOWSIGHT CAN”T DIE!!!!!! WHY MUST BOOKS END LIKE THISSS! Great job, btw! I read this in like four days! I can’t wait for Veil of Shadows! Kate, do you (or anyone) know when Veil of Shadows will come out?
April 7, 2020 according to the Wiki
Ok! That is soo far away though…….
i know right
Told me please someone what means W.A.S. in Kate’s answers? Is it abbreviation of Warriors’s spirit?
It stands for Wait and See 🙂 Kate sometimes responds with this if someone asks a question that either has no determinate answer yet or has an answer that she can’t/doesn’t want to spoil! 🙂 <3
O, that way. Thank you
It is kind of hard to imagine of how long warriors has been running for, 17 years… and to get tot he point I understand it is a long time for veil of shadows to come out, but if you think about it, only around 4 months till it comes out, unlike other books which take a year just to release 1 book, you guys have to give some credit to the Erin Hunter group for them letting around 5 books come out in a span of almost a year, that is very cool and in reality, not long until the new book comes out. Silent thaw came out almost 7 months after lost stars but they are making veil of shadows come out a little more quickly even if they are still releasing a shadow in riverclan, daisy’s kin.
stop putting hate on bumblestripe and berrynose. who knows, they could be poccesed to…
Hey Kate! I have a question, did tui write the silent thaw
I’m not Kate, but I can answer this one 🙂 Yes, Kate was the one who wrote the Silent Thaw!
how do you figure out who writes which book? is it volunteres? or is it more complex?
Wait is the silent thaw out now?
Yes! 😀
Im sorry, but I meant to say tui. T sutherland and if she wrote the silent thaw, but it still answered my question 🙂
So far, Tui has only written “Secrets of the Clans,” one of the field book guides from way back in 2007! Otherwise, she sticks mostly to Wings of Fire 🙂
Hey Kate do you know which book the four apprentices in ThunderClan will get their warrior names?
Oh that’s good which book?
W.A.S. 🙂 (I actually can’t remember off-hand)
Ok thank you.
Kate, I have a really important question…………
I am making a book, as you know, and I was wondering if any part of it would be copying.
I asked this before, but ember told me to look up what is copyright infringement for literature, and I did,
But I got nothing.
The path to becoming an author is indeed hard 🙂
I’m no copyright lawyer. But basically, so long as you’re not profiting (making money) from other people’s ideas, nobody is going to worry.
I feel very stupid asking this……
Is the whole Ashfur being the impostor real or is it just a theory?
I think it’s just a theory? I haven’t actually read this book yet, but I don’t think we know who the impostor is yet.
The book doesn’t say…. But a lot of people are saying that it is Ashfur and so I decided to ask..
It is only a theory. Readers also think it could be Darktail, Sol, Clear Sky, Mudclaw, or other.
It’s just a theory, but it definitely has more evidence in favour of it than Darktail, Sol, or Clear Sky. Just one example is the possessor’s strange obsession of Squirrelflight and speaking as if he knows her. Who has known Squirrelflight before and hates her? Ashfur.
And before anyone brings up the possessor cares about the code, we can tell the possessor clearly doesn’t as he’s also breaking rules. He just wants to bring misery to the Clans, though he brings up good points that the cats need to consider.
Yes, but how could a Starclan cat possess a dead body? It’s never been implied that they could do something like that. Besides, Squirrelflight’s Hope confirmed that other evil spirits who aren’t clan-related want to hurt the spirits of the dead.
Hi Kate, I just finished reading ravenpaw’s farewell, well… it almost brought me to tears SPOILERS [deleted – way too spoilery for this page! 😛 ] I have a request, can you write a novella about barley or a scene where he meets ravenpaw again, and did he go to starclan?
That would be lovely but we might never know…. 🙁
Is Barley alive?
I don’t know
he was said to be old in hawkwings jouney wich takes place about the last hope soooo he is REALLy olld now or dead
Kate, I hope one day the clans can celebrate Christmas.
🙂 If only. Maybe they can celebrate ALL the festivals! Warrior Diwali would be cool.
Haha and the kits start singing “we wish you a merry christmas” to the elders!