Silent Thaw Spoiler Page

Hold on to you hats….

The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars

(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)

Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!

Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!

May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!

Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Official cover art


  • Why so many readers think it is Ashfur.

    No really, he is the last character who have same personality with personality of possessor. Darktail, Thistleclaw, Clear Sky, Sol they all have serious motive to impose Bramblestar, and fighting, ruling skills or at least ability to manipulate others, but Ashfur is a total loser with no such skills at all, and even more the top of his dreams is something like be mate with Squirrelflight and kill her father, children and Bramblestar but not this all about Warriors Code and Star Clan, Ashfur is to smallminded and weak for all that.

    • Most evidence points towards him, several things happen in both Lost Stars and The Silent Thaw lead to him being the one possessing Bramblestar. The ones you mention don’t have much relation with Squirrelflight (which Ashfur obviously does and clearly displays in TST). He’s probably been plotting this for a long time, waiting for the right moment.

  • Why so many readers think possessor is Ashfur.

    No really, he is the last character to be possessor. Darktail, Thistleclaw, Clear Sky, Sol they all have serious motivation to impose Bramblestar and fighting, ruling skills, or at least ability to manipulate others and strong autocratic personality that possessor for sure have and need to be successful.

    Ashfur is very plain is a warrior and have no leader skills at all, he has quite weak character to stand face to face against someone, and top of his dreams is to be mate with Belka and kill her father, children and Bramblestar. He is to small minded, weak and unskilled to all that about Warriors Code and Star Clan.

    • We think it’s Ashfur because:

      a:When the spirit is talking to Shadowpaw, ash is falling on him and clogs his mouth
      b:he says the trouble will fall on Bramblestar first, Ashfur hates Bramblestar because he stole Squirrelflight from him
      c:the voice is a tom
      d:Ashfur may have felt rejected again in StarClan (theory by Bright Guardian Akira) because Squirrelflight did not choose to stay with him and wanted to return to the living world to be with Bramblestar
      e:punishing Squirrelflight’s kin in TST
      f:Constantly being around Squirrelflight and showing he is imperfect, showing he hasn’t been used to having a mate (another theory stated by Akira)
      g:stating Squirrelflight hasn’t lost her fire since they were young, meaning Ashfur is most likely the one spirit possessing Bramblestar, Sol, Darktail, Thistleclaw, and Skystar/Clear Sky weren’t alive at this time and don’t know of their relationship
      h:being careless like Ashfur
      i:showing concern for Squirrelflight
      j:final one, when Bristlefrost overhears an argument with Bramblestar and Squirrelflight the imposter accidentally fails to impersonate Bramblestar and a new voice is heard. Ofc this is wide-open as we don’t quite know who it is (Bristle says she doesn’t know who)

      • Interesting but.

        «he says the trouble will fall on Bramblestar first, Ashfur hates Bramblestar because he stole Squirrelflight from him»
        – or possessor just need the body of strongest leader with strongest clan to be successful – Mistystar is too old, Leafstar and Rabbitstar not so strong, Tigeheart have very troublesome clan and hated by others – so Bramblestar the best choice – nothing personal just politic. (Even more to Thistleclaw Thunderclan is his own clan and for Clear Sky Bramblestar is his descendant).

        «the voice is a tom»
        – every cat I mention is a tom.

        «Ashfur may have felt rejected again in StarClan (theory by Bright Guardian Akira) because Squirrelflight did not choose to stay with him and wanted to return to the living world to be with Bramblestar»
        – in Belka Hope, Ashfur look as Broken and remorseful and even afraid to come and talk to Belka. He can feel everything but feel doesn’t mean to have enough confidence to act, especially in such way.

        «punishing Squirrelflight’s kin in TST»
        – punishment was very humane, especially for bloodthirsty ghost who come from the dead to revenge personally Belka and her family, also possessor punished for breaking Warriors Code and opposing him but not punish just because – and also what Ashfur can have against Branch, Mouthwing and Dovewing.

        «Constantly being around Squirrelflight and showing he is imperfect, showing he hasn’t been used to having a mate (another theory stated by Akira)», «showing concern for Squirrelflight»
        – Posessor for shure don’t know at least most of the cats at Thunderclan and it’s territory (Ashfur should know this) so that why possor in order not to fail on knowing simple things that Bramblestar should know for sure use Belka as Wikipedia. Also possessor understand that he can use Belkas authority and if he start to reject her it will look very strange for others.

        «stating Squirrelflight hasn’t lost her fire since they were young, meaning Ashfur is most likely the one spirit possessing Bramblestar, Sol, Darktail, Thistleclaw, and Skystar/Clear Sky weren’t alive at this time and don’t know of their relationship»
        – if possessor not an idiot he will do his best trying to look as old-good-Bramblestar for others. So for shure he will find out somefing about realition of real Bramblestar with his mates (it is not so hard – about Belkas character know all forest) and saying something like that.

        «being careless like Ashfur»
        – I don’t find where possessor careless, he is harsh, authoritarian and trying to control everyone one, but for shure not careless. Possessor can make mistakes in names or knowledge of territory because he don’t know this territory and most cats that live in clans.

        «final one, when Bristlefrost overhears an argument with Bramblestar and Squirrelflight the imposter accidentally fails to impersonate Bramblestar and a new voice is heard. Ofc this is wide-open as we don’t quite know who it is (Bristle says she doesn’t know who)»

        – Bristle doesn’t know, but Belka for shure will recognize Ashfurs voice (possessor start to speak his own voice).

  • Kate. You said formerly that you will try to squeeze Stormfur into the plot of AVoS, but he didn’t appear.
    Do you think he will be part of the plot of TBC?

  • Dear Kate.

    If You for example have a chance to save one cat from first to six cycle (plus super editions and novells about that characters) and and one cat from Dawn of Clans (plus supereditions and novels about characters). Who would You chose.

    With respect.

      • Oh, it was hard to chose – despite I know for sure who I will chose as one to be saved, it was hard to take candidates and left others with out of even chanses to be saved (even in a dialog that doesn’t make any influence on canon).

        For main cycles – Silverstream, Feathertail, Honyfern, Hollyleaf, Leafpool.

        For Dawn of Clans – Bright Stream, Storm, Sun Shadow, Lightning Tail, Hawk Swoop.

        /Especially hard it was when I decided between who include in list – Tall Shadow, Moon Shadow or Sun Shadow, because include all of them in the list where can be only five cats isn’t honest. But after answering to my self – what Tall and Moon Shadows chose if I asked them about that who of them they want to be saved – for shure Tall Shadow would chose Moon or Sun, and Moon will reject a chance and give it to his son/.

      • Addition/correction to “for shure Tall Shadow would chose Moon or Sun” – it is better to say – for shure Tall Shadow if there will be a question to her – save her live or someones other life – she will chose to save over cat. She is a heroic).

  • Kate, how do you feel about Cherith getting to write a Super Edition about Graystripe instead of you? Also, do you think this means he is going to actually die in The Broken Code?

    • IKR? And she got to do the Yellowfang one too! My two fave characters! But it’s just the way the schedule worked out and I totally trusted Cherith to do them justice 🙂 She did an awesome job.

      And W.A.S.

  • Since we have official confirmation that this will indeed be a future title, can we have a discussion page for it?

  • I’d love for this cat to be Ashfur as much as anyone here (and there are a lot of clues that point towards Bramblestar’s possessor being Ashfur), but the thing is, Ashfur is just too weak to posses another cat and take out StarClan….by himself, besides Silent Thaw gave us plenty of clues that point toward the imposer being….are you ready for this…Darktail.
    1. The way this cat talks when another cat is about to be punished (in a cheerful, SILKY manner) is just too Darktail.
    3. One cat said something along the lines of (and I’m paraphrasing here sorry ) ”He’s trying to divide us just like Darktail did with the Kin” Does anyone think that’s a dead give away or is it just me?
    4. He used food to lure a dangerous animal to kill another cat, and I know of only two cats that did this-Darktail, and Tigerstar. Tigerstar’s spirit is gone, that leaves Darktail.
    5. He had the Codebreakers swear an oath…the only villain who has done something similar was Darktail.

    • Agree, the imposter acts pretty much like Darktail …. Still think it’s Ashfur though. He might not be working alone and there might be a “mastermind” behind all of this…

  • To Kate: Hey Kate, i have two questions. I don’t know if you remember those cats, but…first, there were two cats in RiverClan, Foxnose and Shadepelt. They first appeared in The Apprentice’s Quest, and got killed in Shattered Sky. I just wanted to ask..are they siblings? Because Foxnose is a russet tabby tom, and Shadepelt is a dark brown she-cat, and if you think about it, they look pretty similar…so, are they siblings? And another you remember Hollowflight, the tom who trained in the Dark Forest, but got killed in The Last Hope? Did he go to StarClan? Also, Kate, sorry if i had too many questions, but i’m just curious..