To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Is it such a crime to have 4 cats? 😛
We used to only have two, and Cloudypaw’s design is based on my old cat, Casper. We currently have four cats. There is one kitten, one teenage cat, one adult, and one grumpy old man kitty. 😛 Their names are Mochi, Max, Hank, and Buchi. Mochi and Buchi are Tuxedos, Max is a mix of a few different breeds but kind of looks like a serval (Or at least his belly) Hank is an all-black cat apart from his white paws, and a marking on his chest that looks like a heart.
Honestly we got 3 of them over covid since my family doesn’t leave the house at all, and thsoe three were all strays as well! 🙂 We usually foster cats, and Mochi and Max imprinted on us, so ke kept them. 😛
R.I.P Casper (2016)
R.I.P Sailor (2022)
In total we have had about 6 cats, but not at the same time.
Of course it’s not a crime 😛 The more floofballz the better IMO
I am planning on having more than 10 😛 Ofc it’s not a crime!
nope it’s definitely not a crime – i know of people who own about 15 cats xD
Does anyone else have a cat who plops down to lay down? Mine will let himself fall over on his side. It’s pretty funny.
My cat just spreads herself across the floor, even if it’s in the middle of where we’re walking!
My dog always does that lol
Guess what?! My dog actually SURVIVED a BATH!!! who knew it was possible!? my dog is legit the one dog that is absolutely terrified of water! I got the bath running and she walked in and then she like moonwalked out! it was rlly funny do your guyses pets like the water?
Really?? She actually survived? :DD Dogs are so funny when they get near water <3
My guinea pig hates bath time too! When he hears the water running, he'll turn on his puppy eyes and try to escape by climbing up on me. That piggy can really stretch! <3 He'll only stay in the water for a longer time if he has a snack, so we always have to prepare apples and parsley and some of the things he enjoys so I can clean him properly. And when he's done, we wrap him up and he's a Coffee Burrito :3
In the summer when we were at my grandmother's, we had to give Simba a bath. Everyone got soaked to the skin 😛
My piggies loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee parsley!
My guinea pig mittens is so sweet!
When I stick my hand into her cage she comes over to sniff it!
Then, I move my hand around the cage, and she follows it!
One time, she was sniffing me, and then she jumped up, and put her front paws on my arm!
She bit onto my pajamas, and started to pull!
We are bonded together!
My other piggy, muffins, runs. She sniffed me once, but that’s it.
But when we take her out of the cage for taming time, (which I will explain in a second) she is transformed into a sweet, little darling who will never try to run from us.
Taming time is something my family does to help warm our pigs up to us!
We noticed that they where scared of us, so my mom found a video about taming time.
After watching the video, we started a new training proses that we do every day. We take the pigs out, feed them, lift them up and down, scratch their heads and chins, and feed them lots of treats.
Btw, we do this on a table. Yesterday, we where having taking time with mittens, when she started walking strait of the table! She was really really REALLY close to walking of the table, but fortunately, I shot out my hands, to catch her just before she fell off. I would be so heartbroken mittens fell off the table and got hurt. I’m so glad she didn’t.
Well that’s good to hear XD
Mara is a Bengal, so she actually quite likes water! Baths still kinda freak her out, but like, when she was a kitten for example she would sometimes hop in the shower with me lol. They’re funny like that
Daredevil is a bengal too but he hates water!!! But when he was a kitten he loved it!!! The reason he hates water is that he once went into the bath and got socked!!!!
Basically the same story with my cat, Kimallee, who is a Bombay.
When she was a kitten, she loved water!
But one day…..
I was taking a bubble bath and she fell in and got soapy.
She hates soap!
Daredevil is a bengal too but he hates water!!! But when he was a kitten he loved it!!! The reason he hates water is that he once went into the bath and got socked!!!!!
Daredevil is a bengal too but he hates water!!! But when he was a kitten he loved it!!! The reason he hates water is that he once went into the bath and got socked!!!!!!
All of my pets, cat and dog, LOVE water, when I get the shower running they’re begging to get into it 🤣 But none of them hate water which is good because we live close to a lake.
my dog will just shiver and stare at me with pleading eyes 😛 it’s pretty funny
My dog loves water and my cat hates it!!!! My cat is called Daredevil and my dog is called Maggie!!! Maggie loves water and Daredevil hates it and the chickens are scared of it!!!!!!!
Your cat sounds really great!!! And I am not your cat! And I am definitely not a cat!!! Ok I am your cat but don’t tell anybody!!! And if you are reading this and you are not Orangepelt please don’t tell anyone!
one of the joys of having a dog is the greeting I get when I get home from school (or anywhere, really). Pepper’s tail will wag so much it looks like it’s going to fall off. even if I’m gone for fifteen minutes, she acts like I’ve been gone for the whole day.
yes same with my dog pepper!
My dogs name is Pepper too!
what a coincidence so is mine ( 😛 )
oh wow such an original name XD
Yeah, Holly’s the same way! She acts as if we’ve been gone for years 😛
Hello this is my first time on adiscussion page and I don’t know what really to say so I’m going to tell you my pets. I’m going to also tell you something weird or special about them cause why not:D
Pepper- a border collie yellow lab who is absolutely awesome and cute. Also whenever she gets a toy she will like bunny hop/pounce on it and it is just so pure!
Cappuccina- A tortoiseshell cat with white. She is the smallest cat I’ve ever seen like she is 5 and is like very small I don’t know how to describe it (ask Mossi or Bearpaw next time you see them) also warning do NOT give her cat nip!!!
Sunny- A bright yellow tetra fish she is my fish and for some reason is always hogging the heater EVEN THO IT’S WARM ENOUGH IN THE TANK!
Lianne- A clear/white tetra fish she is like the boss or queen of the tank and loves food so when it’s time to eat she will zoom to the top of the tank. She is Mossi’s fish.
Buzzy- A neon orange tetra fish. He is probably the shyest of all of them and likes to hide In the buildings we put in. He also likes to play tag with Lianne. Bearpaw’s fish
Jumper- A african dwarf frog who is always swimming around the tank and just chilling on top of the water with his legs spread out in a just chill mode. He is Mossi’s
And last but not least Cork- an African dwarf frog who is very small and always smashing his face into the rocks and hiding under shells we put in. He is Bearpaw’s.
Also if you guys are confused we are all sisters 🙂
Ok like how do you make that heart! I can’t find the backwards E anywhere!!
its a three lol
I feel stupid
no, it’s nothing to feel stupid for! <33 we all do it sometimes 🙂
I’m feeling real dumb right now, THAT WAS A BACKWARDS HEART??? Lol
Hmmm… <333
My cat was very unimpressed when I rickrolled him. :'( lol
Cats do not understand the greatness of rickrolling
My cat was very unimpressed when I tried to pat her, I ended up with a scratch on my hand. Sometimes she can just do some weird things.
Honestly, my kitten Crystal is the same. She is such a playful floofball that if you play with her too long she gets kinda Darktail-ish. Nuff said.
-Onyx out 💎
My cat thinks he is in charge of everything and bosses Clawheart’s cats around and same times scratches Squirrelstar’s dog when Maggie is in his room!!!
Hahaha! Just the usual cat eh! My cat always stands at her food bowl and expects you to give her some.
I have four She-cats, the oldest one is Savanna- a surprisingly small calico. She was a stray. And the little bit younger one is Athena- She is a mix of a bengal and a shorthair i THINK, im not sure tho… the second youngest is Leaf- a cute lil one year old kitty, who is a bengal, and the youngest is Crystal- a dihlute tortie with a white paw, She is our newest lil girl. We also have a dog( by we i mean me and my sister Nara AKA Mushroomspot, who is a Fan but shes NOT on the blog- her name is a family Joke lol). Anyway… our dogs name is Oak, she’s a Border collie who knows how to say(bark) her name! 🙂
Savanna is a cool name!
So my dog has really fluffy feet (her name is Cass) and has been dubbed: Hobbit Bear (she is a mini golden retriever and very fat) and my other dog (Daph) looks like if you took an arctic fox and mixed it with a troll therefore she is a Troll Fox
Awwwww cute!
My dog is occasionally called Seahorse for no reason whatsoever
Who else’s dog when they sleep will lay on their back with their legs sprawled out?
that is what my cat does XD
Oh yes 😀
everyone, meet my pets! I will be telling you all the warrior names I have given them as well!
Maddie: Brindlecloud: a small long haired dark tortie she-cat with golden-green eyes
Leo: Lionpaw: A cat with not exactly long hair, but it’s not short either. Cream pelt with white chest, belly, and paws. golden eyes and long tail and legs.
Burke: I have no idea, tell me some name ideas pls: a grey tom with barely visible tabby markings and a white chest, nose, belly, and paws. (this one is currently no longer with us😥)
None of my cats are special breeds, Maddie and Burke were SPCA adoptions/ rescues and Leo was an adoption as a kitten. I need names for Burke and a warrior name idea for Leo.
R.I.P Burke 2020
When my 2 cats were still alive they would always try to eat our fish at dinner , and my family would lock them in the basement until we finished eating. Somehow they always managed to escape. Just goes to show cats can unlock AND open doors, it was madness growing up 🙂 one of them used to use my room as a litter box when I was younger 😀
took a photo of my cat’s toe beans the other day:
I’m not comfortable with sharing a real picture of Cheesecake, the 11 and a half old golden retriever, on the blog, but here’s a dog that looks ALMOST the same!
She’s cute!
I love Cheesecake and she’s actually laying by my feet as we speak, awaiting thousands of belly rubs!
She’s getting old though…..
I’m not comfortable with sharing a real picture of Cheesecake, the 11 and a half old golden retriever, on the blog, but here’s a dog that looks ALMOST the same!
She’s cute!
I love Cheesecake and she’s actually laying by my feet as we speak, awaiting thousands of belly rubs!
She’s getting old though….