To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Does anyone else have a cat with bunny feet. I’ve got a brown tabby with all white feet and a orange belly. She’s crazy
What’s her name? 😀
Love Is Love
I don’t think so. It depends. In my state you can only have 5 over 6 months, but it depends on where you are Cloudypaw
please remember the reply button next time 🙂
Oof the olden days when I just joined and didn’t know about the reply button
Remember to click the reply button <3
Love Is Love
I take care of some wil— uh I mean “street” cats. I was thinking we could give them warrior/medicine cat names.
Diamond – I have mentioned her already XD! Gray/silver and white tabby with amber eyes. She’s fierce and a natural leader, but the times I saw her hunting she never caught anything XD.
Darkness – Diamond’s sweetest daughter. She has pure black fur and pretty green eyes. She’s alert, but sweet with those she knows. Quick thinker.
Zorro – Diamond’s mate. He’s a spotted black and white cat with dark brown eyes. Very paranoid.
Ruby – Diamond’s sister. Ginger and white tabby she-cat with green eyes. She takes months to get used to someone but when she does she’s a purring sweetheart.
Crystal – Ruby’s only daughter (as far as I know). She’s got her grandmother’s gene as a black and white spotted cat.
Gold – Ruby’s mate, and Crystal’s father. Pure fluffy black cat with golden eyes.
Opal – Diamond and Ruby’s sister. Dark gray and white tabby with dark amber eyes. ( aka. a darker version of her sister XD)
Pearl – Darkness’s sister. Light ginger tabby she-cat with ocean blue eyes. She’s a lot like Ruby on personality.
Snowflake – Ruby, Opal, Snowstorm and Diamond’s mother. Spotted black and white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Whyte – Snowflake’s mate. Spotted balck and white tom.
Snowstorm – Diamond’s sister. Pretty tortoiseshell with green eyes. Sweet and lovely.
Ivy – Small pale amber tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Summer – Ivy’s son. Young (one year old) pale amber tabby tom with amber eyes.
Sapphire – Pretty silver and white tabby she-kit with blue eyes.
Unamed tortoiseshell – The newest add to the cat’s group. I first met her when she was a kit in a storm, but then saw her last week again, now a pregnant she-cat. Tortoiseshell with amber eyes.
They all sound adorable <3
that’s a loooooot of cats
Yup xD I can’t imagine how would an owner abandon them, but yeah, they say that’s what happened ;w;
Thankfully they live on an abandoned school and not on my house! – Even if I HAD space, I have two dogs xD That wouldn’t end well
My family decided to take one of our dogs with us on vacation. She looked around the tiny cabin we rented, went out on the porch, sat down, stared out into the woods, and then (still seated) barked like her like depended on it. She proceeded to come back inside and knock over every suitcase and backpack. Later on she found this huge stick by a lake and just carried it around for a while.
That’s fun!
I can see Cheeselue acting like that!
Cheeselue….as in CHEESECAKE?!?!?!?!?
Cute <3
Here’s our Alaskan Malamute dog, Malakai on holiday/staycation from a short while ago. 😛
(For those who can’t see it, it shows him lying down on the ground and looking at something (probably another dog 😛 ) in the outdoor seating area of a restaurant)
Malakai is adorable!!
He’s beautiful!
Am I the only one who gives my cats warrior names?
Kimallee is Nightleap!
Orlie is Medowwish!
Beautiful names!
Well my old cat Fidget was Fidgetstar, leader of FidgetClan 😛
No, I call my cat Ravenpaw but not out loud. I’m still in The Prophecies Begin on Forest of Secrets chapter (idk but less than ten) so idk any other black warrior cats.
Haven’t been here in a while.
Here’s a picture of Holly(wood), my dog:
Awwww they looks adorable!!
So adorable!! Also, love their name <3
So my dog attacked one of those soda can boxes. It was very cute
: )))))))
I don’t remember commenting on that.
It may be a different Silverkit! 🙂
What’s the weirdest nickname you’ve given your pet?
I’ve called my dog ‘bababooey’ on multiple occasions
She doesn’t even have a b in her name 😛
I’ve called my cat “flesh pillow” because he is just ginormous and I sometimes use him as a pillow. 😛
Cocoicinini 😛
I once called my cat Slobberjobs cuz he was dribbling when he was happy
idk probably “a demanding [insert swear word beginning with a]” (for context my cat is super demanding and constantly meows outside my bedroom door at 3am)
I used to call my dog ‘wheelbarrow dog’ and lift up her two back legs to make her a wheelbarrow. Turns out that hurts their backs, so I don’t do it anymore.
I tell my chinchilla he looks like a baked potato and a melting beach ball a lot 😛 also I constantly greet him with stuff like “hello squishy boy!!! squeeshy squooshy small soft round little baby boy!!!” so he probably doesn’t have a clue what his name is djshsjs
So I really don’t know what to say on this page since mostly everyone is talking about their dogs or cats and the cute stuff they do. I’ve been trying to get my mom to get me a dog for YEARS. Literally years. I can’t wait to move out so I can have two corgis or two golden retrievers.
But anyways…I do have a pet hamster named Sunny that’s really cute. I always like to make her tiny human food like those Youtube videos where they feed their hamsters tiny Mcdonalds and stuff like that.
Does anyone else think hamsters eating tiny human food is adorable too? I’m kinda obsessed with hamsters right now…
i used to watch those kinds of videos all the time back when i was about 6 or 7
Do your pets have a favorite mattress/bed? Because mine sure do.
My cat likes the extra mattress.
My dog also likes the extra mattress, but she’ll take my parents’ bed when it’s not out, which she conveniently is not allowed on. 😛
okay okay so some of y’all might not know this if you don’t have discord but I disappeared from BlogClan for a few monthsish and during that time I??? got a chinchilla???
I’m on my phone rn so I can’t grab picture links at the moment but he is. the roUNDEST softest sweetest boy and I love him
his name is Solstice and his middle name is Marina and his second middle name is Dalequan Bingle, he likes to eat oats and attempt to eat your fingernails, he likes to either stare intensely or actually yell at me if he wants attention and pets, he is a literal sphere, he likes to chew on giant sticks and run into things while holding them in his mouth, he enjoys throwing his furniture and his poop, and he likes to sit on my shoulders and occasionally my head!! he likes a lot of things haha
he is such a baby and he makes me really happy <333 if y'all would like I can give him some pets and snuggles and kisses and cheek rubs from you guys!!!
oh also my pfp is a drawing someone on art fight did for me of him sitting on my purrsona’s head!!! that’s what he looks like he’s black with a white nose spot and gray paws and ears
I think I saw some pictures of him on Art Fight! He is a bean <3
Give him some snuggles for me
My parents room has a sliding door to the backyard and one time we left it open and I saw my cat sitting just outside it and I think she was thinking “wow! this must be what it feels like to be a warrior cat!”. She’s an indoor cat and she has almost never been outside except one time I accidently locked her out and she was meowing her head off and I open the front door and she sprinted back in XD
Awww <3
She sounds like quite the character <3
haha she didn’t have the heart of Rusty <3
I never let my cat out either. My dad once put him in a little harness with a leash attached to it. Don’t yell at me or my dad, there’s a reason for that. He took our cat in the backyard to explore. I wasn’t there. How do I know this? My dad showed me pics and told about it. The leash got missing last year.