To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Lol this page hasn’t been used in ages! It’s dead 🙁
Funny things about my pets:
1. Archie.
My golden retriever Archie likes to carry shoes around the house bc he likes to chew on them. And when he does, he wags his tail AND shakes his butt.
2. Oliver.
My cat Oliver is a psychopath. He will randomly run up his cat tower and press his face against the window’s to look at birds.
3. Wrigly. (Deceased)
My old dog Wrigly (German Short-haired Pointer) used to accidentally kill rabbits when he played with them which isn’t really funny I just wanted to point it out.
(He sadly got hit by a car three years ago.) :(((((((((((((((
4. Harper. (Deceased)
My old hermit crab Harper was ginormous. (No offence Harper.)
(She fell out of her shell (I think) last year.) :(((((((((
5. Bruce Wayne. (Deceased)
(Okay, technically he was my brother’s hermit crab, but still.)
Bruce Wayne was once so scared that he pinched me. (I was mad at him.)
(He also fell out of his shell.) :(((((
Comment if you would like some funny things about my family members pets! <33333
Aww, they all sound amazing <3
i love funny pet stories! your pets sound awesome
Oooh yes I would love some funny stories!
I’m sorry for your (and your brother’s) losses. May StarClan (God but I prefer StarClan) bless you. Have a great day.
I have a funny little hedgehog called Loki. He’s really cute and has bushy white eyebrows like a grandpa 👴🏼!
aww hedgehogs are really cute:)🦔And the emoji is too.
I have a dog named bug he is not the smartest sometimes he runs into doors and don’t worry he’s fine but he is still the best
That seems like a goofy dog:)
*Sighs* I wish I had one🫤
I feel ya Sandbreeze, I’m allergic 🙁
My cat tried jumping up onto my desk yesterday. Unfortunately she missed the spot, hit her belly on the side of the desk, and fell. When she fell, she scratched my leg and now I have two cuts from her. I was just minding my own business lol
Who else’s dog is afraid of their cat?
i left my headphones on my desk and my cat chewed on the cord. and broke it.
(._.) why
so I had a male cat and a female cat i don’t see what the female cat saw in him but he acted like a dog and then ended up having the cutest kits who also acted like dogs I think the creator of pets mixed cat brains and dog brains up at this point
I have a dog! He’s a cute golden retriever pup.
Aww that’s cute! What’s his name?
Ima just-
but I was like “NOPE”
Now I have a dog, my very own 28 fish, turtle, and gecko! We are about to get another dog and a few beta fish for my siblings and another gecko and me an axolotl!
No fair!! My mom is probably the most NO PETS EVER THEY STINK SO BADLY kind of person:/
What is your favorite dog breed. Mine is a Pitbull (American Pitbull Terrier)
I love pitbulls! They’re very underrated! I love Australian Shepards and Corgis!
Yeah, I love pitbulls. I don’t get why they say they’re dangerous or something like that.
Ello guys!!! just realized this page EXISTED and I have a Lil kitten and she has 2 collars, a red one and a blue one. When the red one is on, she’s in cuddle mode, when the blue one is one is on, she is in *RUN AWAY I HATE EVERYONE THEY ALL WANNA RUNOVER ME WITH THEIR HUGE FEET* mode.
Last night, my cat woke me up when it was midnight and wouldn’t stop meowing until I got up. I ended up sleeping on the sofa and getting in trouble 😛
Meow!! Meow!! MeOw!! Mrow. MrOw. Purrrr. Mrow