To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
No, my mum won’t let me have one because of my cat being a rodent killer (I mean seriously, I once woke up to find a dead mouse on my bed) but it’s great you have one! 😀
I have a monarch chrysalis and a monarch catterpillar which I am currently watching because it is turning into another chrysalis…
That’s so cool!! 😀
I have 2 guinea pigs
I do!
YAAS, I do!! Proud owner of 3 male rats, Mobius, Jango and Boba:)
Are they named after Boba Fett and Jango Fett? 😛
I have 2 guinea pigs named Brownie and Stella, they are so cute <33
My dog got the zoomies 😛
He ran laps around the house like 5 times in 7-ish minutes
Awww ❤️
Here’s a doc with my kitties.
awwww both of them are so cute and pretty!!!
Aww, they’re so adorable!! Beautiful precious cats! <3
Tiger looks just like my neighbor's cat Pixie <3
Thank you!! I love ’em so much. I might keep updating it and I might add in Shadow, my other cat.
Tiger was loafing on the stool. An evil loaf.😈
Awwwwwwwwww so cuteeee!
Awwwwwwwwwwww adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I luv kitties :3
I clicked the link but it said it got deleted 🙁
I have a cat called Knuckles (my profile pic ), a dog called Ozzie, who’s a Yorkshire Terrier – Jack Russel mix, and four fish called Flip, Flop , Wallace and Darwin!😀
I love their names XD
Also Knuckles is so cute and the name Flip Flop is so adorable.
My kitties, again.
Do you mind if I use this idea, showing my pets in a doc?
Whenever I go up the driveway to check the mailbox or something, my cat Max follows me and watches me until I go back inside. It’s so funny and cute. He meows and basically herds me down, he acts like a protective big brother ❤️
I have a cat that looks like Shadowsight (name is Binx like from hocus pocus) and another that looks like Tigerstar 1 (name is case like the tractor)
And I must tell you. They legit act like them. I’m sorry, but its the truth qwq
I have a t u r t l e named Crush from finding nemo, man he has issues
Pound it. noggin. duuude/ref XD
The thing is..he’s like that fr
I have two (practically three but he just doesn’t care about life 🙃) cats; Chesterman, a lilac Siamese who is adorable, and No believes this, but he has a sister named Tiki yet she is all black with a few white hairs on her chest and belly. Their sister Roxy was adopted out with their brother Obi (is it bad I forgot his name, lol?). I have a close bond with my Chester boi. Also two dogs but I talking cats rn XD.
I have a dog and a cat! My boi Jay might be in the next blog monthly!!!
I have a black cat… That’s it. He’s bootiful 🐈⬛🖤
I had a black tom cat with black around his belly. I’m not gonna mention his name because that’s probably not a good idea. I remember one morning I walked downstairs and saw catnip all over the ground from the entrance of the living room to the popcorn machine. I couldn’t find the ball it came from. He’s an artist with catnip. I didn’t know he had such a talent! Anyone else got randomly talented pets? Am I the only one?
I have a puppy!