To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Swiftcloud gives warrior names to characters from Wings of Fire.
Heya, everyone! I discovered this page! That means you need to see Dori, Biscuit, Miko, Cora, Oreo and Dora
Aww they’re so cuteee
Zero doubt about it cutest cats in the universe were they kittens?
They still are, but unfortunately, just Oreo is still with me
So my mom just got this fish care starter kit thing online which means………
We’re going to be getting goldfish!!!! My mom is super excited and so am I! Do any of you guys own goldfish and if so, is there anything I should know? <33
I don’t own and have never owned goldfish/fresh water fish, but I have owned fish, and they are very delicate creatures, so the possibility of one passing on isn’t small, sadly, but if proper care is provided they could live a long and happy life! They oldest goldfish was 43 years old!
Ty Emmie! Wow that’s olllld! I’ll let you know how old our goldfish get to be <3
Also, if one of them, does pass on, don’t blame yourself, like I said they are delicate creatures <3
REMEMEBR: feed them every day because its really important!! <3
Have fun with ur fishy!! what u gonna name him?
Uh hi moddos! On this page, the dialogue between Kate and Flam is duplicated. Is that supposed to be that way?
Not normal, but I have no idea why it’s happening. In our editor, it looks normal 😛
Huh! that’s weird!
Its not duplicated anymore 😛
It’s fixed now! 😛
Hi!!! I’ma big dog fan, so give me a dog breed, and I’ll give u a fact on it!
Australian Cobberdog (aka my dog’s breed!)
I have a labrador who eats everything on the floor
dId yOu kNoW that the Labrador dog breed’s name comes from the lake Labrador that they would chase ducks in? That’s also why they have the second part of their name, retriever. Labrador Retriever. A dog breed to retrieve in Labrador!
Schnauzer, ’cause it’s the type of dog I have >:D
(not Frogpaw buuuutt) Schnauzers can come in three different sizes! Large, medium, and miniature. They are known for their loyalty but they have a habit of being territorial
My fav~ German Shepards
dId yOu kNoW that German shepherds normally attach themselves to one specific person in the family, rather than other dogs that are open around every dog in the family. This is why they make such good police dogs.
Australian shepherd! (my dog’s breed, although she’s kinda mixed)
Mini Scnauze (My Luna’s breed :>>>> )
My ginger cat took more than his fair share of brain cells, how dare he.
ginger cat has no brain c e l l s
Dogs are better than cats
No questions😤
I have no opion but I have grown up with cats my whole life
Cats are infinitely better!!! :PP
I actually don’t know really 😛
I like cats but dogs like me so yeah pretty hard to choose one or another
Both are great in their own ways, and I do respect dogs, but I grew up with cats, even raised some from newborn to adult, so cats are the one closest to my heart.
disagreed (dogs are good too but-)
Gosh, I have some of the weirdest news:
So, I lost two more cats on the final of October (Dora and Snowflake). And today Snowflake came back. I AM SO HAPPY
I’m new to the page!!! I have two male dogs Onyx, a Bullmastiff, and Copper, a copper colored mutt. I also have a cat! His name is Chevy (because we found him in our Chevy Silverado) and he is a SUPER HANDSOME gray kitten with light gold colored eyes
Hi! I have two cats; a chocolate tabby British shorthair mix (who has terrible asthma) and a blue tabby Norwegian forest cat (who is my favorite. Don’t tell the other one;) I have a golden labradoodle that has white paws and chest. I also have 20+ aquatic Japanese trapdoor snails and a nerite snail. They’re beautiful. Look them up. They share a tank with 8 fish. You never realize how many pets you have until you write it out.
My dog is smelly
this is my cat lilly.
she farts sometimes.
sorry that its poor quality, I always take pictures of my cats when it’s dark so you can never see them :p
I would put a picture of my other cat rocket but her pictures are even worse quality.
awww she’s so cute!
i love the desc omg
me ttoooo
I gotta GIANT bernadoodle named Rudy, A Orange tabby tom cat named rocket, and a Black and white she-cat named Pepper