Who are Graystripe and Crowfeather going to choose in StarClan? by Wildspirit

Wildspirit theorizes on who Graystripe and Crowfeather would choose in StarClan!

Hello, my name is Wildspirit and this is my first ever article!!!😄😁😀 I want to share my opinion on who Crowfeather and Graystripe are going to choose in StarClan.

Let’s start with Crowfeather. Feathertail, Nightcloud, or Leafpool. I just want to rule out Nightcloud, because Crowfeather only mated with her to prove his loyalty. Also, I absolutely HATE CrowxNight. Between Feathertail and Leafpool, I think he will choose Leafpool. Feathertail and Crowfeather (Crowpaw back then) seemed more like a fleeting crush. When they reached the clans again, having Feathertail lived, they would’ve gone their separate ways. Now I’m an ultimate LeafxCrow shipper. Also, Crowfeather actually tells Leafpool he never regretted anything he did with Leafpool. That’s got to be true love! Also, Feathertail and Crowfeather hardly knew each other, while Leafpool and Crowfeather ran away together and began to know each other, and still loving each other. So, in the end, I think Crowfeather will choose Leafpool.

Moving on to Graystripe, Silverstream or Millie. Now I’m a GrayxSilver shipper. But I don’t want this article to be biased, so I’m going to choose based on facts. Starting with Silberstream, it seemed like Graystripe loved Silverstream. He even joined RiverClan just to look after her kits. Even when Firestar (Fireheart) tells Graystripe to stop, Graystripe insists he loves her, and continues meeting her. Into Millie. Has anyone else noticed she looks almost exactly like Silverstream? Also, Graystripe never seemed.to care for his kits with her. When Briarlight lost mobility in her legs, Graystripe never seemed as worried as he should be. When Blossomfall was getting yelled at by Millie, Graystripe just say there and watched. Based on all of the facts, it just seems like Graystripe will choose Silverstream. Plus, Millie might not even go to StarClan. So if Millie doesn’t go to StarClan, Graystripe won’t have to worry about anything, but Millie will wander around aimlessly as a ghost looking for him forever. Sorry Millie.

Those are my opinions and factual assumptions about who Crowfeather and Graystripe will choose in StarClan. Please post you opinion on the comments. Don’t kill me because I like SilverxGray instead of MilliexGray.

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  • I completely agree with you. I think Graystripe chose Millie because she reminded him of Silverstream.
    And Crowfeather definitely loved Leafpool the most. Feathertail and him were just crushes and he never loved Nightcloud.

  • Plus, Graystripe seemed to care for Silverstream’s kits a lot, whereas he didn’t care about Millie’s kits at all.

  • I personally think Graystripe would choose Millie. I mean it’s just rude to take her away from her entire life as a kittypet and everything she knows just to dump her as soon as they get to StarClan! 😛

  • I think you are right about Crowfeather, but think about Graystripe some more. I’m not exactly on either side of Graystripe shipping, but I do believe he loved both she-cats, and he will be with Millie in StarClan for ONE reason. Millie’s got time on her side. Graystripe lived with her for the better part of his life, and I think Millie has a lot going for her if you think about it. Yeah, Graystripe doesn’t pay attention to his other kits, but I think in StarClan that would be amended. I sure hope it will.
    Great article! You did a good job covering a very controversial topic 🙂

  • I actually really agree with all the points you make in this article. 🙂 I think that Crowfeather will choose Leafpool as well. LeafXCrow forever!

    I also agree that Graystripe will choose Silverstream.
    Everybody claims “Oh, he will choose Millie! He was with her longer!”

    But Graystripe and Silverstream had a closer bond, and Graystripe was closer to her kits than he was to Millie’s kits.
    The thing is, when Millie rejected Blossomfall and Bumblestripe, she was rejecting Graystripe too.

    Why on Earth would Graystripe choose Millie when she spent an entire arc ignoring him and two of her kits?
    Awesome article! 😀
    Play To Win

  • Crowpaw and Feathertail technically ran away and were with each other for longer than Leafpool was with him.

  • Well hows Graystripe gonna get to starClan? and i thought millie is in starclan

  • I agree that Graystripe would pick Silverstream but honestly I’m not sure about Crowfeather. I know he wouldn’t pick Nightcloud, but I think he would have a hard time deciding between Feathertail and Leafpool.

  • I personally like millie and her kits more than silverstreams..
    And I like crowfeather x nightcloud even though nobody does and it will never happen and they don’t even like each other much but leafpool x crowfeather is nice and hollyleaf is the best (I just like reunited families) I’m a bit biased about millie and her kits tho bc i just finished river of fire and I wanna see the family together in starclan 🙂

  • I feel like Crowfeather should get another book called Crowfeather’s Choice. Where he struggles to pick a mate in Starclan

    Crowfeather would most likely to be mates with Leafpool in Starclan

    Graystripe…. uhhh…. he’d probably be with Millie and Silverstream. I both like the Gray x silver and Gray x Millie ship, but I don’t like Silverstream for some reason and Millie was just plain rude to Blossomfall (oh and Bumblestripe), Blossomfall was like the only one offended, Bumblestripe didn’t really care.

    I love Briarlight! She’s my fav character!

    • Well, there’s already a book ending in choice: Pinestar’s Choice, so maybe if there was a novella or something (probably not a super edition since there was already a super edition on him: Crowfeather’s Trial), it would be titled Crowfeather’s Decision.

  • I hope Graystripe chooses Millie. It would be annoying if a cat that you walked miles away with, loved you with all your heart, and still spent half his life with him, choose another cat who stayed with him for a short time. In fact, I don’t really know if Silverstream and Graystripe were together for a long time but it was a much shorter time than Graystripe and Millie together. I hope Crowfeather chooses leafpool