The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
Ahhh! Can’t wait!!!
There will be an 8th arc?? 😀 I can’t wait!
I really have to start catching up with the earlier books- I haven’t even gotten to the broken code! 😛
me neither! im only on POT :0
Oh it’s so good. Have you read Long Shadows yet? So amazing.
im actually like halfway through eclipse! i’ve heard about the fire scene tho- im still excited!
Same here mate!
I’m still on OOTS. We better catch up!
2nd! (?)
Farmer Refuted
why can’t this series end already we’ve been stuck in this fandom since the beginning of time set us free please im begging you
you can always just stop reading like I did 😛 (though it had less to do with the quality of the books and more to do with my laziness)
If it were that easy to leave, you probably still wouldn’t be involved in the fandom-
no matter what we do we’re bound to the books. adults who read the books when they were kids are still stuck in the fandom. these cats are going to outlive us at this rate
even if the books ended, the fandom would still exist! the fact that we’re still here really has nothing to do with the books themselves and more to do with our attachment to each other and the blog and stuff 😀 plus there’s always a choice, I know plenty of people who have moved on from the books and the fandom, so it’s definitely not impossible 😛
I stopped reading Warriors a year after The Last Hope came out and it wasn’t that hard stopping. I think part of it was I just was so busy with middle and high school. I’ve only started reading them again because I have been feeling a bit nostalgic. Even though some aspects of the books do hit me the wrong way now, I do think taking time away from them and the fandom has definitely helped me appreciate the stories more in some ways. I do agree with Cheetahspark that fandoms can definitely be more than the products they celebrate. They really are about the community. Part of the reason I loved Warriors so much as an elementary schooler was being able to roleplay in the playground with my friends.
I totally respect you if you decide to step away from the Warriors books and/or the fandom. <3
Where did you stop reading?
the last one I read was either crowfeather’s trial or river of fire I think 😛
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! an 8th arc I can’t wait but I have to yay!
The broken code is arc seven right?
Yep!! 🙂
Here is what I think is going to happen:
the main characters are going to be Starclan, Dark forest, and Windclan. the Starclan and Dark forest one’s will start off as living, and die in the same battle. the windclan one will start their arc with being a kit or apprentice. the Starclan cat could be a medicine cat or something and they hopefully show up in dreams. the Dark forest cat would be a warrior and would try to go into the Windclan cats dreams and train them. and the Starclan cat would try to stop the Dark forest cat. and the Windclan cat would not be the more of the hero or heroin, but a character that acts more backrounded like gray wing. there is so much you can do with Starclan and the dark forest after Ashfur and everything. but thats just a theory.😀
Ooooh I really like your theory! That would be pretty interesting 😄
THEORY! Shadowsight becomes evil (like we are all suspecting…) and he is the df PoV
Hey Wolflight! Cool theory, but Google says the new protagonists are Frostpaw of RiverClan, Flamepaw of ThunderClan, and Sunbeam of ShadowClan…
Yayayayayayyayayay arc 8 !!!!!!!
Omg there is another one coming. Well, time to get my theory cap on! Wait no, I can’t find it. Ok I will go look for it while you guys start on the ideas!
I’m gonna guess Bristle and Root will have had a kit/kits and are going to have to keep them secret from clans arguing about the code!
Keep in mind I haven’t read the books in a while so some new events may have happened that I don’t know about
So early? ALitM (A Light in the Mist, TBC Book 6) hasn’t even been published!
Well, every time a Main-arc book releases, we get infomation for the second main-arc book that releases after the next main-arc book.
(In that case, TPONS just released this month, so we have some info on ALITM. So, soon, we will get Arc 8’s title and a cover for the first book)
oh this is cool :0
i haven’t even read tbc yet so i’ll have to do that first :’)
yea me too!im still on eclipse- i need to stop watching anime so much and read lol